Talking about your exam, how did it go? I hope you did well. Oh, sleeping problems. I have them. I go to bed so late and overdrawn that I cannot sleep. Yeah, I cannot. I stay all the night awake and dring class I only want to sleep

Thank you very much! The same goes for you! Best of luck!
Awww, you're the first person who say that. I never thought the forum would feel empty without me and the fact that you say that makes me feel very happy

Makes me want to hugh you tightly and never let you go. I really missed you, indeed. I was a little worried because you always ask me to do something for you, so I felt a little lonely...
You're also nice and fun to talk. If I'm not wrong, you were the first person I met on the forum so I'm really glad that you're still being my friend. You don't need to thanks me; It's an honor to me being able to help you in whatever the case.
And I really want to thank you for always be a wonderful person that is always willing to help other as well! I really appreciate your efforts for the newbies!
I live in South America (I don't know if you want to know the country or the region but if it's the country, I'm from a country called Uruguay)
Oh, yeah, this is the first time I say where I live. Unbelievable, hehe