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  • Oh well i should be the one who thank you for sending a friend request :)
    Well the weather is nice and i already meet someone nice here so everything is okay. What about you? How are you doing?
    Hi Vishwa! :hi: Sorry for the late reply, been a bit busy
    Ah, the only stat-raising otome I've played is Dandelion, but it was fairly easy in my opinion... Aside from that, I don't know if I'm really good at it, in general...
    You can get the good endings without much effort in that game, though I wouldn't say the same for Nameless (another game made by the same developpers) which I heard was... Quite dark, actually xD Putting that aside, I'm out of games to play =x Just finished Butlers and Sweet Fuse a while ago, any recommendations?
    Hello, Vishwa-san! I'm fine, thank you. Nope, it should be me thanking you for your friend request and all your kind help! O(∩_∩)O~~
    Hello Vishwa-san! I'm fine and how are you? :D

    yes indeed you are one of the friends I made just when I joined ASF! I don't mind it! I'm sorry too for not talking to you! since we're both shy

    Thank you for sending the friend request :nekopara_greet:
    Heya, what's up? I'm good, thanks. Currently in the process of writing up a post for the WOW contest. How about you? Still in an eternal search for fresh bishies?
    honestly flow was kind of boring ...
    i like any otome type my fave are hakouki and tokimemo gs
    Ahhh! I hate colds. Are you taking care of yourself? Sleeping, liquids and hot soups?
    Heyo Vishwa! long time no see! hahaha maybe; you can talk to me about anything:3
    I have been sick, I pushed away few people ( soon or later I will only remember their names, nothing more than that ), and now I feel better:3 how about you?
    How so you want to talk to me?>;3
    Hello Vishwa-san! Sorry for the late replying >.<
    Well, I'm good :)
    This is rare. You're the first person to write on my VM board. Thanks
    Hope to be good friend with you <3
    Talk as much as you want. Don't worry about holding back. Eh! For realz? I thought you would have recommended VNs to people since I see you all around the forum! Eh...about recommendations? I wouldn't be able to recommend any since I haven't played many VN games. I will gladly tell ya my opinion on it when I finish it (which hopefully should be around the beginning of may, since I am having exams both this and next week) Tests/Exams suuuuuuuck I tell ya!
    Hello there! Thank you very much for the friend request~

    Loving the layout of your profile. Simple in color, but just the right graphic/bg for your intended atmosphere.

    I hope we can chat a bit and get to know one another whether it's in the VMs or the LPW. PMs are also fine if it's too personal.

    Let's enjoy ourselves and this community.

    Please have something sweet for your sweet self~

    Hi Vishwa! :) I'm doing fine, I guess. Kinda drowning in otome games ever since my motivation's back. lol How are you holding up? :)
    Hello! I’m fine, just a little tired from work… How are you? Actually, I wanted to send you a message to thank you for the request, but I got busy and I forgot. Thank you! :)
    Oh Hey Vishwa. Sorry for not talking to you in a while, been busy and all that. I haven't had time to play Brass Restoration after meeting the redhead (which is WAAAAY at the beginning, I think.) I really liked the music and the art though (at least what I have heard and seen so far). So how are you?
    Heya, currently soo swamped on weekdays with the new job not much time on gaming except Dai gyakuten saiban on the 3ds (Its a spinoff of the ace attorney series, not sure if you're familiar, but its a unique genre of visual novel)
    Hello dearie! At the moment I'm downloading your requested stickers, and in the morning I will upload them =) And yes, I'm really busy nowadays....I have to make this month's wow contest entry, re-up an iso file, search more threads to lock and reply back to messages waiting for me :dead: I will vm you when im free, cause I also want to continue or conversation a lot!:nekopara_hug: and I hope you're doing well <3
    Hi, Sorry a little busy here.
    Gahkthun reuploaded on Nico (not by me) so you can get there.
    Someone uploaded Forget me not at IGG games recently.
    For others, I will notice you again.
    See you.
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