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  • So adorable~:nyanmusu_happy: Thank you for always supporting me sweetie, you're amazing and awesome~!:nekopara_hug:
    Yes it seems like we have many same kind of interests:fulfilled: which is good for our friendship x3 And if you'd like to share pictures or make threads in group please go on and feel free to do so~ ♥
    I mostly read shotacon from googling it ~ and there are many bara included, though lately all I read is ogeretsu tanaka-sensei's amazing stories! Oh also I wanted to ask something~ do you also read yaoi/bl manga everyday? like I wonder if I'm the only lol, I can't end my day without reading at least 2manga x3
    awww that sounds like really handful task to do... I do wish you find a good university tho :fulfilled: I'm not a mornng person either to be honest :dead: My anime/manga taste is pretty wide. But I'm more into "slice-of-life"/school/comedy/romance/mecha anime myself and I don't really have favorite on game wise, but I've been playing Final Fantasy XIV Online: A Realm Reborn -game recently and that's good. :3
    Most of my favorite characters are from girlish anime/manga/games.

    Yes, I'm kinda obsessed with older characters (well, not creepy old like the principal from TokiMemo).

    Thank you for sharing games with me! I'll definitely play them!
    If I find good game, I'll tell you.

    By the way, do you know Japanese?
    My Japanese is at very beginner level >___<
    Alright I'm back now, sorry I made you really wait but I was discussing some stuff with staff. Now onto subject we were talking about...:goodtea:
    Oh sweetie~ you're so soooo soooooooooo cute x3! now I want to compliment you more haha xD I do like watching all kinds of genres as well, time to time ecchi and such :P Watching shoujo is really cunning, though I like it:goodtea: the last anime I watched was boku dake ga inai machi, it was so awesome! I really reccomend you to watch it if you havent yet ! And as for yaoi lol, yea people find it rather disgusting I gues...but well tastes are different for each person so not gonna judge people :goodtea: but yeaaa we can talk about it forever as fujoshis! :desire: hmm shotacon and bara, sometimes even furry xD shotacon is really cute and bara on the other side is super manly lol, both doesnt bother me at all~:fulfilled: do you like shotacon and bara?:goodtea:
    Oh, Tokimeki Memorial? I've actually wanted to play the PsP version, heard there was an english patch for it, so it's definitely on my list! Though sadly, I couldn't really afford the time to download it, I've been busy with lots of otomes lately, mainly the Dynamic Chord Series. If you want a decent jousei-styled otome game, I recommend chou no doku hana no kusari, it has a decent atmosphere and the heroine is pretty decent, though it's R-18, you can easily skip those scenes through the game (I did that). Dynamic Chord Feat.Kyohso is also kinda' like a josei game, if you're interested.
    Putting that aside, have you played Hakuoki? I ate the game, since it was so amazingly good.
    Yush you can ♥ You're welcome:3
    I see o; -- how are you today?:3
    I'll reply to your message asap, right now im a bit busy:chuuni_slump:
    Why yes, I actually do! Only recently, I started playing Ijiwaru MyMaster and Akazukin To Mayoi Mori, both being R-18 otome games, I played many more as well, some being STEP and Butlers ~ Meshiwase Ojousama. As for Josei manga, its one of my favorite genres! I enjoyed Natsuyuki Rendez vous and Nana the most, I suppose.
    What about you?
    Hi, Vishwa! It's no biggie, in fact; I'm happy to get a new friend! ^^ I'll be more than glad to talk with you about anything! From anime to manga, Games to Visual Novels (mostly Otome on my part) I'm here to discuss with you.
    and oh forgot to say ! thanks so much for joining the group! lets share lots of yaoi xD<3
    Awww~ Thanks for worrying, I was/am alright :) <3
    Oh, I thought I made you wait a lot because the time I said 'I'll be uplouding your stickers' was a long time ago, and I thought I made you wait...but I'm glad you understand :nekopara_hug: thanks again for being such a sweet person and a dear friend! :)
    Of course we can talk about anything! I especially want to talk BL with you xD although I have friends who likes bishounen, many of them dont like Bl/yaoi, :sigh: i dont understand how it's not charming of a two handsome 2dmen in love lol:nekopara_sigh:

    But of course we can talk normal thing too haha xD
    Do you mean from anime or games, or manga?
    Well, anyway,

    Anime - Male: Takaki from 5 centimeters per second and Female: Yukari from Paradise Kiss

    Manga - Male: Ren from Nana and Female: Setsuko from Darling wa Namamono ni Tsuki

    Visual novels / otome - Male Himuro-sensei from Tokimeki Memorial Girl’s Side 1st Love and Female Heejung Kim from Dandelion - Wishes Brought To You

    Japanese games (not visual novels) - All characters from Persona series are my favorite.

    Western games - Male: Anders from Dragon Age: Origins / Dragon Age 2 and Female: Commander Shepard from Mass Effect trilogy

    I have a lot of favorite characters >___<
    What about you?
    Hey Vishwa, you're welcome :) And I'm fine (the same like nearly every day in my life, haha), thx for asking. And how are you?
    I'm in 12th grade:3 one more year till I get to Uni! *^*
    ah D: you're so kiiind ;w; -hugs- thank you ♥ I hope you pull through it too ♥
    ah I see, sure I'm looking forward to it:3
    Hello sweetie ~! I'm doing alright, things have at least calmed down for a little bit =) Thank you for asking dear~ Oh by the way, the reason I can't uploud stickers is because I don't have my PC for days since I'm staying with my friend so I'm using my phone to access forum etc. I hope I'll uploud them soon asap after I get my PC back =)
    Honestly I really don't know how I start liking anime or manga. I have only a vague idea that was a few years ago, but I cannot remember how.
    I used to watch on TV Sakura Card Captor, Inuyasha and Mermaid Melody with my brother, with spanish subtitles and voices. I also didn't know it was anime until my father gave me my first computer, and I started researching.
    Well, I found VN's between my ninth and tenth grade. Since I didn't know anyone who likes anime or VN's, I never knew of their existence. In addition to that since my native language it's Spanish nobody cares too much about things in Japanese and even those one which come in English.
    Yeah, I really like downloading them and I even have a program which allows me, even, play them in English. Well, not in excellent English, but the translation is quite understandable.
    I don't mind. I'm in eleventh grade. What about you?
    I think the first friend I made was Creng (commonly know right now as Chocola) and indeed he's my senpai as well. But I don't know. For me, all my friends are important, no matter what was the first.
    Hehe, it's true that we have a lot of messages. You're a cutie pie. And yeah, I talk a lot with you and you're a very interesting person that always want to know something about me. It feels nice that someone wants to know something about oneself, even if it's a little thing.
    Well, I knew that I was your friend but since I don't see you talking to other person by visitor messages I thought maybe you do it by private messages. From there comes my question. You're a very important person to me as well. And that's why I want to know when it's your birthday, if you don't mind me asking.
    If you want anything, just ask. I will always be here for you ~
    You're welcome! :fulfilled:

    So do you want to me hug you already? *hugs you tightly* :nekopara_hug:

    I like anime since 2 years ago since my gift for 15 years was a computer and was the first time I had one just for me, but I started watching anime since fifth grade as well. With subtitles in spanish, but well, I was not used at that time to the voices in Japanese :wasclose:

    If it's really bothers me give to you links on mediafire I would have said no to you before. But no, there's no problem for me. We're friends, and that's what friends do.

    I will whenever you need something! And yes, I'm a member here for about a year but I only dedicated myself to downloading games. I started comment some time ago. (Senior? Really? I'm sure I'm younger than you so I think I must call you my senior, even though I have more time here)

    Thanks for your friendship as well! :lovestruck:

    Awww, you're so cute when you talk that makes me want to hug you again and again and again. But that's true. I always see you saying thank for downloads of other people but I never see you talking to another person, unless it's to help her/him. I guess you'll have other friends, right? :fulfilled:

    I usually talk to many people, but you're a treasured person for me :fullblush:
    And you're welcome ~ If someone reads this conversation will know where I live without having to ask and that's a big help, indeed. :mafiaboss:

    Okay! I will keep that in mind! And anytime you need to talk with someone, or you need anything, you can always talk to me here or even in private messages. I will always be here for your whenever you need me :samuraihero:
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