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    yeah we will. I can sense good vibes about this relationship.
    Hmmm... good question... I don't remember to be honest xD
    Oh, nice to hear then!

    And lol, you don't bother me... Well, I did since years the school life successfully finished...:goodtea:
    Oh, I see... Well, you're in the final exam-season arrived - This feeling having also other, who still the school-desk pushing... But be cool, it'll anything okay...:goodtea:
    Ahh I don't play any online games atm, but I would like to play one with friends 'cause I was more like a solo player, atm I play Dissidia 012 on PPSSPP just to waste my free time when I don't feel motivated or inspired
    Hmmm.... Adventure, Supernatural, Psychological, Drama/Tragedy, ah it's okay c:
    Hahaha you're welcome, I'm looking forward to it :puniko_aha:
    oh haha no it's nothing like that. I guess I got confused and didn't really check where I was replying. I don't often check messages when I log in. I usually just take a peek if there's anything new. I'm still waiting for someone to share angelique retour at the moment. I've also got a long list of games I should get started but I'm pretty hooked up on a novel series right now. It's totally up my alley. It's like the perfect story for an otome game but not focused on romance and the heroine is a total badass. Anyways the series is called Throne of Glass by Sarah Maas. And I'm telling you its a really good read!
    oooh i see! :korokke_ic:

    played it by the way. I'm not able to finish it though.. gomenasaii~ TT w TT
    Because lately, I'm busy playing those new games i've downloaded here. ////

    hmmn.. Well the game was very interesting, indeed.
    Of course I love the art and other elements of the game.
    It's just that I'm more into horror rpg's so... i didn't get hooked that much... TT 3 TT
    But overall it was awesome!! I'm not sure if i'll try to finish it...hmm probably... i would.. ahaha... XD


    I think I have played those before... ,,O w O,, )~
    but like I said, it didn't give me that much impact I'm looking for...
    Uwaaaa.. My taste is just soooo weird.. gomenasai~~ TT 3 TT

    Oh! and btw Thank you for the links.. I appreciate your efforts!! >///v///<
    I wish i could've share you some of the rpg's i luv.. but i think you've already played those... TT w TT ) </3
    yep, i luv mogeko! XD
    also luv wadanohara, ib, mad father, misao... >w< :korokke_nekobeam:

    whoa... :korokke_shock:
    the art looks great!!

    haven't played it yet, i might play it now though... X3
    oki sure thing!! :3 :korokke_go:

    why haven't you tried playing it? owo :korokke_hole:
    Hey, thanks for becoming my friend
    maybe me english is a bit weird. Please bear with it :D:D
    arigatou~!! > w < )~ :korokke_thanks:

    Goodluck on your exam!! XD :korokke_go: :korokke_ganbatte:

    Yep i love rpg's, otome games, vn's, etc.
    anything that can be played!! LOL ///// :korokke_doki:

    of course, i love anime, vocaloids and utaite's as well~ :korokke_nice:
    Yeah, well at least it shows they are trying to do a good work.

    About learning Japanese, I wish I had started it sooner, you know? But there's no point in dwelling about stuff I can't change hehe It's been 2 years and a half since I started learning. I go to a Japanese class on saturday mornings. It's only one and a half hours per week, but unfortunately anything more would be too expensive. (it's a private class and you have to pay per hour). It's not easy by any means, and theres moments where I think I can't learn anything and just want to give up, but everytime I feel like this I enters Otomate's website and think "If you want to ever be able to fully enjoy these games, you have to keep going" xp. I have actually completed some pc otoges fully in japanese (with the help of dictionaries and online translators) and every time I read something in japanese and actually understand it I feel super proud of myself haha

    Sorry if I'm rambling too much, it's just that I get really passionate about this subject :nyanmusu_uwawawa:
    You're welcome ^^

    Haha you are also the first person I spoke for so long is this forum too =D (and also the first person from another country that I spoke for so long).

    I think you missed the first time I asked you but I'll ask again :): did you see that kickstarter by Gloczus saying they are going to localize the Otome Game Beastmaster and Prince? And they plan to port it to pc? I really hope they reach their goal. I was thinking of contributing, but $1 is currently worth R$4 around here and I don't know if I'll be able to (if you are curious this is the kickstarter). The goal is so high. Why is it so expensive to localize otoges? XP (this is one the reasons I started learning Japanese hehe)
    Oh don't worry. It's just that I'm not really knowledgeable about these subjects, so I end up not saying much >.< But new knowledge is aways good =) So don't think you are boring me or something heheh
    Hello =D

    After reading both links you sent me, my first thought was: wow, education in India is serious business haha (which is of course, a good thing I think). Coming from a country where school is seen like a place where you just dump your children for the teacher to take care of for you, it's really interesting to learn about a place where you really have to think hard about the education of your son/daughter, and that depending on what you choose (if you have the means to do that), will totally affect the academic/professional life of your child. I wish it was like this here =(

    The thing that stood out for me was the lack of qualified teachers (according to the first link, it's because people in India nowadays are favoring a career in IT jobs). Something similar is happening here in Brazil, but the reason is a little diferent. Education in my country is pretty much forgotten by the politicians, who never really do some long term investing in this area. Consequently, being a teacher (specially if you are going to work on a public school) is not a very rewarding job, so most people don't even consider this as a career, which resulted in a big lack of teachers in this country, specially those who teach mathematics or biology. (I think this: gives a good job explaining how education works around here, so you can compare =) )
    Ah that's really interesting ^^ I didn't know it was like that where you live. The way you said it sounds really complicated. It must be tough work haha Coming from a country that has only one official language (and most people don't even bother learning other languages, even english), it really boggles my mind that you have to do exams on 2 languages :nyanmusu_wtf:

    Here in Brazil sometimes you will find families where the children are dependent on their parents in a similar way, but they are usually wealthier (and most of the time catholic) families that are more traditional than usual.

    Good night to you, and I also really liked to talk to you =D. It's actually the first time I talked to someone from another country, and it's really fun to learn about other cultures :nyanmusu_happy:

    But anyway, did you see that kickstarter by Gloczus saying they are going to localize the Otome Game Beastmaster and Prince? And they plan to port it to pc? I really hope they reach their goal. I was thinking of contributing, but $1 is currently worth R$4 around here and I don't know if I'll be able to :nyanmusu_cry: (if you are curious this is the kickstarter). The goal is so high. Why is it so expensive to localize otoges? XP (this is one the reasons I started learning Japanese hehe)
    Hi hi! You're welcome, dear Vish-chan!

    Hehe, as they say "Curiosity killed the cat but at least it died knowing something·"

    Well, my profile avatar is Kōgyoku Ren from Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic, the image's avatar is Hīragi Shinoa from Owari no Seraph.
    About "Queen Bee of CSI" Hmm... I really like Honey Bee's games so I thought that would be a really good idea put in my down name something about them, and Queen, obviously, because I'm the biggest fan in the world (Sarcasm &_&).

    Also, I'm a biggest fan as well of CSI series (Las Vegas, Miami, New York, Cyber) so I decided to also show others about this hobby.

    Yeah, to be honest, "Queen Bee of CSI" brings together my two great passions: Honey Bee's games and CSI's series.

    Oh that's really cool, it looks like you have a pretty good idea of what you want for your life ^^ I wish you luck on achieving your dreams hehe

    Now, to answer your question. Here in my country (Brazil), you usually finish high school at age 17/18 and then you can attend college/university. Around here these two are actually pretty much the same thing , and depending on the major you choose, the amount of time you will be spending there is differente (it's usually 4 years, but some have a 2-year duration, and other can actually go up to 8 years). Not everyone goes to university right after they finish school. Some prefer to wait one or two years working/doing some "technical courses" (I don't know how to call these in english xp). My boyfriend actually is going to university for the first time this year (he's already 26), so university isn't actually a priority for a lot of people, specially those from poorer areas (this is the case for me and my boyfriend).

    If it's not too much to ask, what major do you plan on doing?
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