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  • What University do you intend to go? ^^ Also, you have classes Saturday too? :-O My program is Monday until Friday xD
    Already joined, you don't need to be so nervous, we are friends united by our passion for games right? ^^
    Haha, sorry, sorry xD Like I said, I like to socialise but I am in university and every week I have some kind of tests and it's crazy xD There were days when I didn't even enter on my laptop xDD
    Well...I have an entire history of playing games. From shooting, strategy, RPG online games but now I stopped at Otome games and not so otome games, if you know what I mean, like not so straight games, hahaha xD
    Yes my avi and profile pc is the same guy ( I think he is cute) but well i usually have trouble deciding what pic i should use so i'm sure it will going to change in the future.

    Oh so you like Yandere? Well for me they are a bit too crazy so in real life i would not want one but when it comes to fiction they are pretty interesting

    And don't worry about talking too much as i enjoy talking with you :gakuran_blush:
    Well i'm sure one day i will change the profile style too but for now i don't have any idea what kind of style would be the best for it :)
    Wow i didn't notice that i made a tipo sorry (Well this is what i get for waking up at 3 in the morning i guess) it's Hungary. Thanks for pointing it out :thumbup:
    Well to be honest nowadays i feel that the Anime of One Piece is kinda dragging so maybe i should switch to reading the manga instead
    And sport is my natural enemy but i plan to change this i want to become a bit fitter and healthier ( well i never cared about this but after watching Free! i wanted to lose some weight :pushups:
    And i like Detective books since i was a kid as at home most of the books are Detective ones and i read them as a kid and grew to love them.
    Well i Don't started Love Live yet i'm busy enough with those idol guy phone games :ohnoes: But well maybe one day i will start it too
    Oh and i don't mind these stickers they looks cute :)
    Oh sorry did not know this. I'm pretty new to these kind of forums so i'm sure i will make mistakes :(
    Well as for genres go. I really like those action anime's like One Piece and nowadays I'm kinda into the Sport genre thanks to Free!
    When it comes to games: I really like Strategy, RPG and Rhythmic games
    And as one of my hobbies i reading i need to mention that my favorite book genre is Detective Books
    Well there is nothing strange with topics like this between two person who likes the same thing :)
    Indeed. Hope she's back soon. Thanks~
    I see. I mainly see you post in the otome sections so I just drew that conclusion. What made you interested in otome games, then? Which ones have you played and liked?
    Sleeping. Lots and lots of sleeping. oh wait you said genre? RPG, I guess.
    No, not really. Not my cup of tea. Dramatical Murder (Although I haven't said anything about this one before in here) and COOT are exceptions because they were requests by someone not in A-S.
    Hi hi~

    No need to apologize. I understand. People are always 'on the go' or have something that he/she wants/needs to do. Therefore, reply whenever you feel like it.

    Besides, I still have pages of VMs/PMs to keep me busy. Haha~

    You'll probably see me do that a lot. ('Understanding/feeling' a person's character or intent in general, not that elaborate) I'm an artist and enjoy observing people, so it's what I picked up on.

    I can totally see the 'yandere' vibe after taking a few more looks. Right on with the aesthetics! :3

    I noticed you're in the Otome Section sometimes. I haven't read an otoge in a while. Too much backlog. Do you know any new ones coming out later this year? I saved some on my wishlist in VNDB, but it's nice to hear another opinion.

    Lol. Yeah, I do the 'sweets' thing all the time especially for newcomers or new friends. You'll see it often when I say 'bye' or something. So make room for more dessert! xD

    Don't forget to bake some yourself and share with us if you can.

    Let's chat some more later. Take care and do have a lovely day~
    Feel free to talk about it.That's what buddies are for right?
    As i'm not that experienced in the topic i want to hear all the steamy details too :fullblush:
    Well for me it's not like that. I simply don't have the money to buy too many games and i refuse to pirate these Blackmonkey Pro products as they really deserve the support :)
    So far i did not had a chance to try them out but they are on my radar too. I mean these kind of games are rarely available in the west so i'm always happy to get my hands on one of them. That's why i am really looking forward to that game called Seiyuu Danshi too.
    So far i only played Bacchikoi and that Rock Paper Scissors game. Both of them was awesome looking and really nice. Blackmonkey Pro is really good when it comes to art.
    Well my journey started pretty badly into Yaoi territory but since then i grew attached to them too. I mean be it Otome or Yaoi if it have some cute guys then i want it :)
    I wouldn't be able to survive having tests every sat. That's my time to sleep off the stress/alcohol poisoning/stress from the week. Well you can always introduce them to some good VNs, who knows they might like them and get into the genre. I have no idea about "entry-level" VNs that might attract their attention at all.
    Well it's not an Otome game but i really enjoyed the 18+ content in No Thank you! Hmm thinking about it now. I haven't played too much Otome with adult stuff in it. Maybe you could recommend me some?
    No, of course I don't mind.
    You like what you like. Nobody should judge you for your preferences, while it's not something immoral

    And it makes sense to practice with simpler guys. For me it was hard not to be at :D state with Hibiya.
    At the worst, you can use cheats if you use an emulator.

    By the way, I want to ask you.
    How did you change style of your profile page?
    I swear, I've searched this option in settings a million times, but still can't find it.
    Well i can't really handle Horror games. One i tried playing Corpse Party but well i quickly realized that it's not for me
    Well my favorite genre beside Otome is RPG be it JRPG or Western RPG i don't mind. I like them because usually they are pretty long and tells good stories. My favorite is Persona 4 i think. And what about you? Do you like RPG games?
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