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  • Hmm looks like you are well prepared to situations where you need to recommend something to someone else :D
    OH they are looking really promising. Tomorrow when i will have some peace at home i'm going to read them :D
    Well i'm busy playing all those Otome games so i'm not really know any Otome manga. But maybe you could recommend me some Master?
    I'm doing great, watching Lost and playing games all day long~

    How are you?

    WoW O_O you've joined this forum Jan and now have 120+ friends and have already gotten into many groups D:
    Kent, he is shy and cute :P I love his CGs >.<
    Welcome abroad hahaha! I think mine sucks because of the internet service available here :( I played them on my phone's emulator. However, I kinda fixed my psp recently for its bloated battery. I'm using it again to play games~
    yup~the school life in Japan varies a lot with my country, so I'm happy/thrilled to play them XD

    I cleared Saruhiko's and the blue king~on the way of conquering Tatara Totsuka :samuraihero: sexy seiyuu~

    It's okay, I'm happy to get to know you more my friend :) English Otome Game! The first game that attracted me was Remember Me by winterwolves~
    Too bad I haven't tried the zeiva's games, hoping I get my hands on them soon :P
    Yeah, I usually read mangas on mangafox, so looking on the site you sent me, it looks there are more new mangas that I don't remember trying :/
    I started reading the manga, but somehwere along the lines, I have the feeling that it misses some parts? :/ Like, the story is somehwat in the aird, it's just me? :/
    Yeah, I also googled "bara" and I was preety confused by their description :confused: I prefer my guys normally looking, both handsome tho xDD
    Hahha, I liked those mangas -tanu. Are you a fan of shota mangas where the young one is an animal/vegetable-tanu? ^^ I am wondering how those lil kids will look all grown up-tanuu xD
    Btw, I discovered a manga on that site that I thought about reading --> ^^
    Well i don't remember it's name but i liked one it was about an actor maybe who got abducted on an island (island full of hot man) by a tribe and there was a guy from that tribe who always did steamy stuff with him and then one day the actor got rescued went back to japan but missed the guy from the tribe, and then he got attacked by a fan but tthe guy from the tribe saved him you see he learned japanese and everything only to be with the person he loved.
    It is just me or being quite muscular is a trademark for "bara" genre? xDDD
    Yup, shotacon <3 :megane_fufufu: but yaoi, in general :nosebleed:
    I think I downloaded a2~due~ but I think I was either bored or it didn;t attracted me as much as other games :( yeah, i remember Time Labyrinth, but I think I got stuck in that deadly labyrinth and this thing was also "deadly" for my nerves and I was like "meh" xDD about Doppleganger, I think I played, but I can't really recall (I have a 3 second memory of a fish sometimes) xDD I don't usually play demos cause if I really like what I play, I won't stay calm until i forget or until the game is out. Or some developers don't even finish their work, so I will just get a heartbroken heart :(
    To be honest, I didn't really encountered the term "bara" maybe you can explain the genre in your words or so? Shotacon, hmm, if we are still talking about yaoi with shota in it, then I don't mind at all xDDD On contrary xDD :nosebleed: If we are talking about an anime/manga/game where the girl goes for a young boy, then I won't have a nosebleed since I prefer 2D fully developed (if you know what I mean:whistle:) bishies in my games xDD
    About the games you showed me, sorry, I must have been too tired. The Fantasia series by that author was awesome, I remember even now that one game (I think it was the first one) gave me some troubles while I wanted to play, but I succeeded and liked lots xD <3 I honestly didn't try Re:Set series yet, maybe I should give it a try? ^^
    Hiii Vishwa thank you for the friend request^^

    Let's be good friends.
    Oi oi, thought we were going to talk thru PM or this and that are different?
    Too much to list all of my loves :blushing:
    But i can name some:
    Ruka from Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side 3rd
    Laito Sakamaki From Diabolik lovers
    Kent From Amnesia
    Mishiro Takumi From Storm Lovers.
    And a lot more as i love all of them :)
    oh so then you really want to experience the wonders of the "Cage of Love"? Well it sounds bad but hmm Toma is hot so maybe it's not that bad.
    For me it would be probably Kanata from starry sky he plays the tough guy but he is so fluffy in the inside :megane_blush:
    Oh by the way if you could chose one guy from an otome game who magically get's transported into our world (yes you could date with him) who would be that one?
    It's 8 in the morning here. (I got up around 5 in the morning today)
    So what's up? doing some fun things? (you can tell me all the steamy details too :fullblush: )
    Yup, big fan xDD I literally have a hard time finding new yaoi mangas cause I read most of them xD So I don't mind at all if you talk about yaoi, hentai, otome etc xD feel free to ask me whatever ^^
    Well if you feel like i'm worthy to tell me your story then i'm listening to it gladly :)

    Well i try my best to not get my mood destroyed by them but sometime it kinda hard but i have a few place to escape
    1. All those idol guy songs from various games
    2. All those fluffy feel good Otome games with some hot guys
    3, This site where i can talk with my friends (you and Alistar for now but i'm sure in the future there will be more)
    Yeah, now I see my country's system in another light xD I still think it sucks, in general, but still in another light xDD
    Well, let me give you some hints of what uni will have in store: study, study, did I forget study? xDDD That's my curriculum in uni, pretty nice, right? ^^ Sometimes I am so tired after all that....I once even slept while watching a video on my laptop, in the sitting position xDD

    And about that conversation, do you mean my opinion of you since you don't like only otome, but also hentai? xD Honestly, it's all cool, don't forget you are talking with a person that is a fan of yaoi xDDD I honestly didn't play hentai games, but knowing me, when I will have more free times and no more english translated otome games, I will actually find myself browsing through the hentai section. Also, knowing the person I am, following this conversation, you will find me browsing that section faster than you think xD So my opinion of you it's that you are an awesome person who has good taste in games xDDD
    o_O wow....Now that you told me how it really is kinda...stupid :/ I perfectly agree with you that there is a big flaw in it.....but oh well, I always thought the system sucks....Just follow my motto, when you don;t know what to do and the system also sucks --> otome games, otome games with 2D bishies are the answer to everything xDD So cheer up, you said it's your last year, right? ^^ it will be over soon xDD

    P.S So sorry if I made you to do much talk :( Gomene!:korokke_sorry:
    But it's all so..complex, from a foreign point of view :korokke_nowai:
    Man....this is...complex xD let me see if i get this right. So basically, from 1 to 10th grade you do all sorts of subjects and in 11th and 12th grade you choose from those three boards so in uni you can choose an engineer, medical or social study uni based on the board?
    OMG! xDD
    Ah, thanks for asking about me! xD And yeah, I use VNR for translation, but I do have basic knowledge in japanese, I can't read Kanji, only a bit of Hiragana and some Katakana... However, when hearing the characters talk, I can understand slightly above 40% of what they're saying. It's a pain with VNR sometimes, because translations aren't really accurate (espacially on story-based/oriental Visual Novels like Ken Ga Kimi and Chou no daku Hana, so hard!) but I can figure them out somehow... Or just do a quick google search about it, heh.
    Part 2 here xD

    Also, at some point, all the choosing is useless, since it doesn't really matter in the end, as I saw in my final year of school. Why? Because even if you go to a language based profile/board, you can always hire a teacher to help you study biology/chemistry so you can get into medicine and with a little ambition you can even make it into that university (those subjects that are musts if you want to get into medicine). So basically, I think after all that's just throwing dust in somebody's eyes xDD Good for people that know what they want, just meh for others xD
    Hopefully, I didn't get you confused and responded (in big lines, at least) at your question ^^
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