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  • Hmm the first otome (Well it's not really an otome ) was Persona 3 Female main character version at that time i wasn't really interested in any kind of emotions (It was the dark time of my life )
    After that for some reason i decided to break with my emotionless personality so i downloaded Starry Sky In Spring and it made me feel fluffy and happy from the start (When Yoh hugs you and Kanata get's angry) since then i'm totally in love with the genre. (Oh yes this sounded kinda like a lame reason haha )

    And yes i'm going to play them and uhm i already downloaded Love And Romance a Story of Intimacy too :D
    Oh that game sounds familiar i think i heard about it somewhere.
    On and no no no when i said custom made character i was talking about your avi
    The games you sent me (Lads In Distress and Locked Heart) are got into my list of games i want to play .
    Oh and the games i want to play list increased again haha :D (I'm starting to worry that i die before i finish all of them XD)
    Oh i'm not sure but it seems lit's a custom made character.

    *Hmm i think first i will finish 7th Dragon 2020 (RPG on PSP) as i'm closing to the end of it.*
    So let me ask what was the last game you finished?
    Hmm as long as the guys are cute it doesn't matter if it's english or japan or even korean :D (yeah i'm not picky about my bishies :D )

    Oh can i ask who is that on your avi? Looks kinda cute :redface:
    I can recommend it full heartedly. The guys are all Hot and they are funny and it's good to see them being so good friends and stuff :D If i would have to chose which anime i want to live Free! would be one of the one i want to chose :D
    WoW. You really know how to make my heart beat faster they look really Yummy :nosebleed:

    Yes Supernatural can come too :D

    Oh i mentioned Free! Iwatobi Swim Club and i wanted to ask did you watched it or plan to watch it one day?
    Well first i still need to finish some of the games i have on my pc at the moment because if i get more and more games i will never finish any of them haha :(
    after i finish some of it i'm certainly going to play them :D
    And then there is still Galtia i want to play and a lot other stuff and the manga challenge you gave me too so i won't be bored for a while XD
    Hmm-Hmm at first look the D. Gray-men and the Dramatical murders one caught my eyes :D
    Hmm as long as it's not about the guys from Free! Iwatobi Swim Club i'm fine with them (I don't want to see those guys in stuff like this because in my mind they are very close friends like ones i always wanted to have and nothing more :D )
    Hadaka Shitsuji i still have nightmares because of it. It was my first experience with the genre *shudder* If it not for No thank you i would still be afraid to play Yaoi games. The protag is one of the few characters i want to see burn. Hmm Lamento looks really nice (Ears and Tails are my weakness :nosebleed:)
    Hmm Laughter Land i1m not that into shotas but i will keep this one in mind too :D
    Well i like steamy stuff every now and then but i'm fine without it too :D

    Oh talking about yaoi. To tell the truth i'm more a visual novel reader than a manga reader but sadly the Yaoi genre is not that strong in VN-s
    I mean there are gems like No Thank You and Dramatical Murders but there are disgusting filth like Enzai and Hadaka Shitsuji (at least for me they were disgusting )
    hmm i really liked asagi and ion
    and gil and haru
    ( i'm not sure i remember their name correctly :)
    Well i will try my best to greet you everyday :D
    Oh i'm looking forward to chat with you as much as possible during your holiday :D
    Oh come on you don't need to repay me anything we are friends after all. :D
    Yes i got this one luckily :runhappy:
    No nothing like that.
    When you asked if i'm online i sent a reply that yes i am but maybe you did not get that :(
    I wished to be final exams xD those will be after my holiday xD I have tests or projects every week until holiday, more since my teachers saw only now that we don't have marks xDD So...pretty hectic for now :( Only the thought of bishies and the stories of the fearsome duo make me happy now xDDD
    I want holiday :'( I want to dream only about bishies, not exams coming :( Btw, Gama-chan and Invisible Hero don't make an amazing hero story? xDDD
    Hello Vishy-chan! ^^ Sorry I couldn't reply, busy and long week ahead :( I checked that manga you showed me, but I am into the fluffy and cute yaoi stories mood right now xDD I promise I will read the manga you sent me, when I will have time *saves the link* ^^ I recently discovered a yaoi anime, still on air, I think, it's called Super Lovers and it's also a manga ^^ manga is too long so I don;t think I will begin it, but the anime has 2 episodes and it's really funny and fluffy for my heart <3 If you have time, please check it ^^
    sorry i did not get a notification about this message :(
    Yes it's now even better good job :D
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