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  • "A very curious person." SO I am the curious one, around here right yandere-chan? xDDD :XD:
    well it's kinda a lame lie XD
    Oh and sadly i gonna go to sleep in a few minutes so i won't be able to answer you for a while :( But let's talk again sometime soon. :D
    So good night and dream about hot bishies instead of exams XD
    Well i meant that every time someone started being friends with me he just wanted to use me as a tool. and i'm thankful that it's not the case with you :D and no of course you not offended me :D
    Thanks for being my friend! It's nice to see another friendly partner in crime for otome games //shot
    Oh you did everything for me. You were nice to me from the start (something i never thought would happen to me again) and you become friends with me without any ulterior motive that never happened to me before so it really means a lot to me
    Yupo thank you very much :D
    Without your help i would never been able to thank you what you did for me
    *bows down deeply*
    Oh yeah I saw it, since it has more chapters I will save it in my tabs xD Don't think only that I say this I won't read or something, I have more than 30 tabs in Opera, most of them with mangas and games which I want to play or read but I can't right now xDD So it's like a reminder xDD Hmm, I think i will just show you a print screen xDD
    Magical Travel Boy was the best out of them of course as it was not a one chapter thing and the Tanutan one was sweet too :D
    And yes Boku No Kanshiin, Shounen Ebisen? and Private Lesson, Cobra Mansion of Terror are still left to be read :D

    And on a side note: How to do this user mentioning? I kinda want to do a shout out thingy :D
    The Soybean one :D
    Magical Travel Boy
    Dona Dona
    Tomato Pretty
    These are the ones i read so far
    Well those vegetable gods were pretty cute :D i would like to eat them XD
    Well i can't really read much on weekends so not read all of them yet :(
    Well, what can I say...I am a sucker for art....xD I just can't read/play something if the characters don't look good :( It's like a visual attack to my retina...I may seem crazy, right? xD

    Apparently, we have common tastes and common searchings as well xDD lots of guys with beards, but it seems nice so i will download it ^^
    If I lose interest in something or I don't like the manga's art from the start, I rarely try to finish the manga, respectively start it xDD
    Hahah, the manga was short, but it was funny xD I liked when that guy tryed to boil the soybean :xD: Man, I am such a sadistic one xDD

    I usually check lemma soft forums too ^^ I have a special save for that site in my web browser xDD But didn't check them for some days (as I had what to play) *checking* Ah, I played Get dumped, a long time ago...if I remember correctly, the so called heroine lose her boyfriend or so, right? To be honest, not my cup of tea, I prefer the ones in which I don't actually get dumped and in which I have to choose between morebishies :xD: The new game looks nicely ^^
    As soon as i get in front of the better pc (This one barely can run firefox so reading a manga is kinda impossible XD) i will read it :D
    Oh so Ria is 21 too? Hmm that's some new information :D
    Yes we will se it to the end. I only give up when i die XD
    Oh of course i don't mind any recommedation from my friends :D
    Well i'm 21 years old (will be 22 in september) and i wanted to go to a Law school but we don't have that kind of money sadly
    Ohh, that, to be honest, I stopped reading it, you can say that the beginning wasn't very attractive for me -_- Thought something was missing so my interest for it kinda vanished :( Ah, I can read Mukuchi na Koi no Tsutaekata dj - The Vegetable Gods right now since it's a chapter ^^

    Heartbaked? *googled it* Ah, I also downloaded that one xD I started playing it, pretty funny but I didn't get too far as I had study and then my curiosity swayed to Dandelion, Serendipy and now I am currently playing The Men of Yoshiwara Ohgya. Yeah, you can say I jump from tree to tree xDD Oh, oh, Lads in distress? :shinies: It looks super cute <3 How the heck I missed that? :-O *downloading now* I don't mind any recommendations Vishy-chan, I would actually like that since I may miss something interesting (like now -_-) xDD
    Well i'm never breaking my word i made with a precious friend so i will read/play all of them sooner or later :D
    oh so you were talking about VN? hmm my first VN was probably Ace Attorney XD and well i'm kinda in unemployed at the moment :(
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