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  • I dont talk much :miku_panic:

    Well... it doesnt really have any general roots to break down into... hard to say those words :rr_hug:

    Ahh no it isnt quite~ We call that hot pot x3
    The soup not for dipping the food into~ It is just something to drink though the ingredients can be eaten~ :puniko_full:
    lol XD you will find out one day I guess:3 *pats* you really don't?
    Not really... Just hong kong to visit relatives..~ :nyanmusu_sigh:

    Its fine~ People get things wrong all the time~ Like when theyve only read the word in a book and never heard it spoken /me pats imouto's head~ :nekopara_patpat:

    Steamboat? Whats that? :akazukin_wut:
    but who ?owo do you know who is it?:3 ( don't say the name if you do )
    it's not me silly ^.-
    *glomps to the ground*
    Two days left in korea~ Then off to another place~ :alice_gtg:

    "Learning...." not doing very well no :alice_sorry:

    Its a wrap thingy with the pork in the lettuce~ Theres also a soup added on to the side..~
    ou are mai baby +w+ *kisses nose*
    *lifts dawn up and hugs her* there there little baby owo hahaha
    Me! *glomps dawn to the ground*
    Wah didnt see the message >< But yesh the rice part was added later..~

    Internet is kind of bad atm >< Not sures if I will be able to load that x:
    Well... the rice was another 4000 won so adds a bit..~

    I had abs before... when I did martial arts~
    Hmm... 18000 won.. around 16 usd... for the two person portion... which we shared with a third..~

    I dun actually eat too much back at home..~ Vacations are just a chance to try new stuff~ :akazukin_full:
    It wasnt very expensive either x3 At least not by american standards..~

    Maybe have a midnight snack or two? :megane_loli: Im taking them as I go x3 Though a lot are... not very nice quality....
    i thought you wanted to become bishie but glad im fine whatever you use imouto *^* it looks nice on you x3
    found it online, and made an ava real quick :3


    I'm alright my dear :nekopara_hug:

    I'm so glad that you're online these days, it makes me so happy even if we chat little :bigeyes:

    You make me so emotional so I can't stop these imouto love tears T^T

    Really happpyyyyy >.<
    immmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmoooooooouuuuuuutooooooooo you're onlineeeeee TT^TT

    You're my precious family too my sweetheart! You're my one and only imouto in the whole world, no one can be compared to you T^T

    Boring?Never! You're the most most most fun person everr~!<3

    Hahaha he rarely gets online xD though he told me he'll be back soon :goodtea:

    Nee chan loves you the mosssssstttttttttt! imotuooo<3333333[IMG]
    Imouto....:swearveng: I thank to god everytime that I met you :gokiko_cry: You're my one and only sister in the whole word:bigeyes::lapi_love: I tend to compliment too much to the people I really love from the heart so please bear with your nee-chan xD I appreciate everything about you <3 :lapi_happy:Don't worry about anything you're the most fun person to me that I feel like I can talk forever xD :lapi_blush:I'm sure you did the right thing imouto, dont have any regrets!x3

    Yes sweetheart<3 I'm gonna be finally free xD I wish you were here 24/7 too :bigeyes: *screams your name running to you xD* :runhappy::rr_hold::rr_gotcha:

    /me happily goes to imouto heaven:lapi_angel:
    Aww...I really feel like we're sisters imouto:bigeyes: this warm and sweet feeling around my heart is the proof that I love you so much much much :bigeyes:

    We can talk about literally anything!<3 I never get bored with you lol, isnt that amazing?xD you're always making me smile <3 thats great imouto! another life lesson learned xD

    I'm so happy for you imouto :bigeyes: feel free to visit here anytime I'm always here waiting for you<3

    Love you moreeeee hehehe x3:lapi_love:
    I'm in!:kurochan_ok:
    I also have many stuff to tell you about, though mostly curious about what you're going to tell first xD an ex?! imouto lvl'd up >w<

    We just need to find the right time :3 :kurochan_go:

    Love you sweetheart, looking forward to talk with you again <3
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