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/me wanders in LPW. Good morning!
Hey Jezzy-chan! :nekopara_hug:

Off to work.
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welcome nanashi. Finally decided what I will make as AMV for ASF contest
Skype Skype Skype Skype Skype Skype :chuuni_kraken:

but you haven't made it? you just decided what you'll makes as AMV >.>
Ey, Raly is there.. - Welcome and are you finally back to home...?:runhappy:
Well now that I have decided, it won't take me more than a week to make something as I wont sleep during the nights.
I see...I'm doing fine. It's Friday, and I'll get more than six hours of sleep tonight.

Naruhodo... Demo, are wa yokattajanai no ka... Dato tsui-ni chotto dake saki yori ni netteru dekiru ne...:goodtea:
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