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Ah yeah, you've right. Sorry but I was with the mind just distracted, and I fighting with my PC again...>_>
No worries. Wished you didn't have to fight your PC, that's something nobody needs on top of everything else. And good night then Nana~ Get over your depression soon, get some omega-3's, some sunlight, and some exercise and unleash some endorphins. Some tryptophan for serotonin and melatonin production and change that brain chemistry around a bit. The last bit only you can do in your own mind.

I'm not a stakeholder, but I'm in a department of two people. I'm familiar with everything including the financial and economics. And when a new product is being introduced my expertise is needed. So, if I disagree with something then there is a reason for it.

Funny...but there are plenty of girls crying with broken hearts. They give their hearts to guys, and some just uses or plays their hearts like toys. As for guys its easy to pretend not to care, and move on to the next girl. This discussion can get very interesting too.

I do what is necessary, and if it's sitting on you then so be it. However, I am very ticklish so that's not fair.

I know it's easy. I wouldn't think you would want to Skype with me (being female).

What do you mean you can't dance? Everyone can dance, just shift your feet...practice makes perfect

This makes you really sound even more professional than before. kudos to you for that. One great pleasure in life is mastery.

Hmm, :s thats sad to hear. It's everything I don't "particularly like". But I've gotten a somewhat better understanding of these things later in my life and recently. I'm not quite sure to begin about it, and I've been sitting a bit long on the forum already so won't think too thoroughly at this time regarding wording and such how well I might express this. I don't quite get why girls keep falling for those "bad" guys that do that. It's so ironic. Cause I've increasingly learned that if you care too much, then girls don't like you as much. And, sadly, I'm one of those "can begin to 'care too much'" types. But caring too much, can hurt, thats why I've pretty recently came to the conclusion it's safer not to let your get to easily involved(emotionally). And yes, this is a very interesting subject I think too. Also the timing, since I've had to just recently deal with my self in regards to this issue. Uh I even posted a short thread about it not long ago where I just spilled out my heart a bit, or a few words anyway, can't even remember what I wrote.

It's like so many girls, they show you that they don't really care about whether you care or not, it's not what they look for. Most seems to get attracted to the guys that don't care as much about them. I guess, because they seem more exciting and fun, and they get selected over the others who cares genuinely. It's all reminded me of that old song that goes something like "ooh girls just wanna have fun". (ofc I wouldn't claim it applies to everyone, naturally) I've gotten it, that the boys/men that are the players, and don't know a clue(or don't care or believe) about something deeper, attract the girls like moth to the light sorta speak. Some even openly show how little they care and threat their girls like they are just as if an object that can be replaced, the strangest thing is that those girls who are with those guys actually put up with it. In the end I guess it just shows that when they fell in love, it was not based on true love, but sensationalism, and excitement, a guys charm and "coolness", instead of a persons heart and character ect. For the record, I don't know why I've thought about this in my own mind but, if a girl ever asked me for advise how to capture a boys heart, there are many things I could say, but the first thing would be this: If you want to capture a boys heart, then you better first make sure he has one. Ofc that goes both ways. Maybe I've been old fashioned or something, but I used to think that what girls really wanted and desired most of all, was to be truly loved. But either that is for the most part simply not true, or times have changed, and this generation of people which I suppose I myself is part of is shaped by the modern society we live in in such a way. Perhaps even (as the thought has crossed my mind) the the guys, who have used, and or not loved their girls as their girls loved them, are in part to blame, this generation of girls simply growing up with this "way" perhaps, and don't know anything else.

To mention something as a pretext for this, we are all by the popular media, standards and morals of society being more or less groomed to act, and think in this way. Couples and marriages implicitly being downgraded to simple alliances. (No wonder they break up)More and more people don't even believe in love anymore. Pure attraction vs. Love, there is absolutely nothing wrong with having both, but you should be aware of the difference.

They say, the persons charm may be what you met on a first date, but a persons character is what you have to live with. (among other things)

All in all, I don't know what to think or say anymore, and I'am kinda worn as it is. It's easier to not care. So I should not care, if thats the right word for this. Ofc I "secretly" care inside but I mean, just, sigh.. Okay to clarify, I care about love, even if I'm alone about it, and despite being a "boy" with the same likes, and pervyness typical of most/ or many boys, I know that what ever it may be, it pales and means nothing compared to a person if you really love them. You would give your life, blood, and rather die with them in a dungeon than all what the world can offer. So its somewhat "true", love really does make blind, but not really. Rather it makes one see. And when the true light shines so bright, everything else fades.

But okay, maybe I've ranted again. And don't know what you think of all this, but, thanks for listening. I'm just gonna go now. Read, do some gaming or whatever.

Oh. Well, you are very ticklish huh... Well, you should afford me to have maybe at least one secret super weapon against you ? I still don't know how many you might have hidden up your sleeve, so I should have at least one of last resort, when your in a pyjamas with strawberries on. (Hey beats me! It's not my super costume ><) There I giggled again. Time for me to leave.

Shift my feet~?....Oh I think I know what you mean. Like this> :nyanmusu_run:
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Getting hungry. Tonight it's chicken fried steak and scalloped potatoes.

don't forget tea
...I bust in and shoot up the lpw with magic and ana responds nonchalantly...:sigh:

Hi sana!
Dinner was nice... and yes, Ana, I did have iced tea to drink. :korokke_yummy:
Hi minna-san! :nekopara_hi:

MS won the LPW eh?
Congrats for you MS!! /me glomps MS and then crush his chest with bloody axe
Hello Shinseph!! /me glomps Shin and tickle him with spiked wire

How are you today? Feeling good, eh? :)
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