[Other] [150626] [Key] Angel Beats! -エンジェルビーツ- 1st beat Fixed Version [Visual Novel] [Patch]

Yeah, same message. Do you SiglusEngine on your desktop? Should I probably delete the Japanese one Siglus from the trial?

Don't use the exe for the trial version. You downloaded the release edition of Angel Beats right? That Angel Beats should have its own SiglusEngine that you want to use AlphaROM on.

I just recommend at this point deleting the trial version of Angel Beats and using the release edition. The Trial version is basically a demo of the game and is not necessary in anyway to be on your computer if you have the full game already.

Mine isn't showing that.

Can you show me your game directory? I think I just about figured out what the problem is(and it's involving the trial edition of the game).

The game folder should be around 3.84 GB big; at least that what it shows for my directory.
Don't use the exe for the trial version. You downloaded the release edition of Angel Beats right? That Angel Beats should have its own SiglusEngine that you want to use AlphaROM on.

I just recommend at this point deleting the trial version of Angel Beats and using the release edition. The Trial version is basically a demo of the game and is not necessary in anyway to be on your computer if you have the full game already.

Can you show me your game directory? I think I just about figured out what the problem is(and it's involving the trial edition of the game).

The game folder should be around 3.84 GB big; at least that what it shows for my directory.

I remember it was 1.2 G or so. Should I just delete the file and keep the alpha program?

Mine is the same as the one GirlCelly put up. I just gave a link if the other person couldn't download it from the attachment file.

what link?

EDIT: Should I just delete the trial?
My brother downloaded the full version for me. So I mean would deleting the trial help?

Yes, delete the entire trial version.

Did you brother install the game on your computer or did he just give you the disc?

If it's installed on your computer you should have a folder like mine for Angel Beats somewhere. Where did he install the game?
Yes, delete the entire trial version.

Did you brother install the game on your computer or did he just give you the disc?

If it's installed on your computer you should have a folder like mine for Angel Beats somewhere on your computer. Where did he install the game?

On his computer.
On his computer.

So his computer is the one your using right now to play the game right? Then there should be no problem if the game is installed on your laptop.

So then the first thing we need to figure out is where your Angel Beats game is installed.

Right click on your SiglusEngine exe for Angel Beats, go to properties(should show something like this), and show me what it says on the 'Location' tag.
So his computer is the one your using right now to play the game right? Then there should be no problem if the game is installed on your laptop.

So then the first thing we need to figure out is where your Angel Beats game is installed.

Right click on your SiglusEngine exe for Angel Beats, go to properties(should show something like this), and show me what it says on the 'Location' tag.

No, he put it on my computer for me.
So his computer is the one your using right now to play the game right? Then there should be no problem if the game is installed on your laptop.

So then the first thing we need to figure out is where your Angel Beats game is installed.

Right click on your SiglusEngine exe for Angel Beats, go to properties(should show something like this), and show me what it says on the 'Location' tag.

Okay, mine has 2 check marks in the read only and hidden

edit: let me take a picture

Angel Beats picture.png
Okay, mine has 2 check marks in the read only and hidden

edit: let me take a picture

View attachment 8173

It looks like your brother gave you the game but didn't install it...

Do you see a file called autorun in your Angel Beats folder? Click on that and give me an image of what it shows to you.

Here's where it should be on the disk. Click on the application(exe) file and it should show a menu to you from where you install the game.
Now I got to the second part and there are 2 boxs do I check them both?

Can you show me an image?

I already have my game installed so I would have to uninstall and re-install to get the install message you're getting. I'm guessing one of them is to put a shortcut on your desktop. And the other is to ask you whether you want the games savefiles to be installed only on your account for your laptop or all your accounts for your laptop (even if you don't have any other accounts).

I thought the button means uninstall since I'm learning Japanese and have for three years so press it anyway?

Yeah just click that button in autorun, it just opens the setup file for the game; it doesn't uninstall the game.
Can you show me an image?

I already have my game installed so I would have to uninstall and re-install to get the install message you're getting. I'm guessing one of them is to put a shortcut on your desktop and the other is to ask you whether you want the games savefiles to be installed only on your account for your laptop or all your accounts for your laptop (even if you don't have any other accounts).


There :)

Oh it's asking you if you want to remove the game which means its already installed somewhere on your laptop...

Remember the image you gave me when I asked you where your SiglusEngine was? You showed me that it was still on your disk so I thought the game wasn't installed on your laptop.

But since the game is already installed, can you find the SiglusEngine that is on your computer and not the one on the disc? The disc one is in your /setupdata/gamedata while the game should have it in a folder called /Key/AngelBeats!

Try opening your windows menu and just search for a folder called 'Key' on your computer or 'AngelBeats!'

If you can't find the game. Just uninstall it, reinstall the game where you want. Then use AlphaROM on that exe file in that folder and the game should work for you.
Oh it's asking you if you want to remove the game which means its already installed somewhere on your laptop...

Remember the image you gave me when I asked you where your SiglusEngine was? You showed me that it was still on your disk so I thought the game wasn't installed on your laptop.

But since the game is already installed, can you find the SiglusEngine that is on your computer and not the one on the disc? The disc one is in your /setupdata/gamedata while the game should have it in a folder called /Key/AngelBeats!

Try opening your windows menu and just search for a folder called 'Key' on your computer or 'AngelBeats!.'

I think it got uninstalled now.

Yeah just install it where you want then. It won't take long and it should be pretty simple from there(make sure to remember where you installed the game).

Then when you're finished installing, find the folder where you installed the game and use AlphaROM on that SiglusEngine in the game folder. And then run the game from there.

I can't make a new thing for it? It won't let me go over it I think. I can read some Japanese like hiragana and katakana plus some kanji but (I've been studying it for three years) but sometimes it's uh..too hard.
It shows this


Yeah just install it where you want then. It won't take long and it should be pretty simple from there(make sure to remember where you installed the game).

You should get a message like this when the games done installing.

Then when you're finished installing, find the folder where you installed the game and use AlphaROM on that SiglusEngine in the game folder. And then run the game from there.

I haven't installed it yet and it shows that in order to.
I can't make a new thing for it? It won't let me go over it I think. I can read some Japanese like hiragana and katakana plus some kanji but (I've been studying it for three years) but sometimes it's uh..too hard.

I got used to installing VN's just by the process of repetition by doing it hundreds of time and all I know is basic Kanji.

Left button is install and right button is cancel by the way on that screen.

It shows this

View attachment 8178

I haven't installed it yet and it shows that in order to.

Now that I(and you) know where your game is being installed you should just click the left button and let it do it's thing. Afterwards it'll give you an install completed message. Followed after a shortcut tickbox I think and just say yes to that.

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