Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread

im still curious whether this will be a ntr, netori, or you just playing from the girl POV making it some kind of slut in the making, similar to teisoukannen zero.
Synopsis says she is the protagonist on a quest to learn about the pleasure of having sex with different men.
Synopsis says she is the protagonist on a quest to learn about the pleasure of having sex with different men.

thats an interesting premise.., i mean it will be pretty fun if its executed properly i mean, NTR where we see things over from heroine POV is pretty nice as well right?

it will be like half NTR, with only the debauchery corruption part.
There is no ntr tags on any website though.

Maybe it's a game about a open mind girl.
And it's a good change, always the female is presented as a trophy, this time she is the heroine exploring her chances.
The NTR there is that Kaiki was Hitagi's first man and not Koyomi.

Senjougahara was a virgin when she started dating Araragi. So no Kaiki was not her first man. Even if he did, it was before she met Araragi so it is NOT NTR.

What I am talking about is Araragi and Hanekawa had mutual attractions to each other, but they have not confessed to each other yet. But before they had a chance, Senjougahara just took Araragi. therefore Hanekawa got NTR'ed!!!

At any rate, I love that show and hope it has good conclusion. I really like Hanekawa so I want Araragi to choose her in the end.
First, please go back and fix your replies revealing all my spoilers. Kinda makes it pointless otherwise if your just showing it to everybody in your replies.

Actually statistically the whole 50% of marriages end in divorce is myth. Divorce has actually fallen by a further 10% since the early 90's and continues to decline. I think your kinda looking at the world very negatively, and most divorces that do end with a child usually involve the husband knocking up another (younger) women. Its actually more common for a wife to have an affair and NOT divorce her husband or tell him that the child isn't his (if thats the case) then for her to leave him.

If a women leaves her husband usually its for a LOT more then just sex, affairs for most women are a lot more about emotion then they are for men. Plus people who are "in love" don't tend to sleep with other people, its when they fall out of love they do. Often many marriages end because the couple have become to familiar with one another like brother and sister if not for other reasons like money issues, ect.

This is what I've commented on before as broken canon (meaning it breaks the main plot/doesn't fit). Marina ONLY says this once and very randomly. Going back to it, I think she said it to Yamashita to make him want more then just sex with a women (which he states later he does) rather then imply she actually wanted to. Marina has proven to be very manipulative in making men want other things.

The only really question is if the writer was smart enough to be thinking this when he wrote that scene or if it was just bad writing. If it is bad writing then it was also said in the "heat" of the moment, clearly Marina is only thinking about the physical, she isn't thinking about her family or what that would mean for Saki. Still I'd like to think she was just manipulating him as again she never showed any emotion towards him otherwise.

Plus NO relationship EVER lasts based on lust, it burns out very fast. Real relationships require a lot more then just sex, especially when they involve children.

Honestly I just prefer to pretend that scene never happened or again was used to manipulate him into wanting more with another women - or simply added for fan service for people that wanted to hear her say that.

Let me put it this way, if that one VERY short scene wasn't in part 2 - would have you enjoyed it more?

As far as divorce rate wise, you are referring to an article written by Claire Cain Miller. I briefly read the article and it is flawed because she only talks about divorce rate in one year and compare that with the following year. American Psychological Association estimates it is 40-50 percent. And that is pretty high.

In general, when men cheats, they do it for the lust. Usually they do not want to break up the marriage and do it for the fun. For women, it is a different story, they will not cheat unless they are ready to leave their husband. Of course there are exceptions, there are pure whores and sluts but I am not talking about specific one or two cases.

I believe Yamashita said a couple of times that Marina was falling for him for real. And Marina herself said that she would have fallen for real if it continued. Also it was mentioned again in Marina 3 that she would have fallen for sure!
Irony was, that she wants to stop netorase play because she was sure that she would have fall, but she never ever fall in more extreme situation in Marina 3!!!

Hmmm....I guess I am just writing this for the sake or argument and I don't really want to do that. I do think you have good points/ideas and I don't want to be rude. My apologies if I was rude at any point. I do love good discussions though...:D
Now all arguments aside of broken canon, was anybody actually DISAPPOINTED by the Marina/Ojisan sex scenes? To me they felt too well...sterile, too basic. For such a slimy dude I wanted him to do more kinky things with her as not only does he seem the type but I kinda expected it since thats what was hinted at.

I know this was more shown via the Marina/Kenji "scenes" (and boy does she go to the extreme) and I think they did a REALLY good job with the kenji/marina scenes - but I really felt the actually scenes involving Ojisan/Marina seemed...boring to be honest. If not recycled from previous games but even more generic.

Then it kinda occurred to me that nearly ALL of this companies NTR games are pretty basic when it actually comes to the sex itself. In this sense it never really gets creative or crazy, just lots of missionary and doggy style mixed with blowjobs. No?

Hmmm... I was very happy with sex scenes in Marina 3. I was little unhappy with background story behind just like I mentioned before but overall I am ok with everything. For me, sex scenes were better than other Marina games. The things that she says during the love making was very erotic and sensual. The really fucked like lovers compare to the other two games.
yup, ojisan sex is way too uh.. casual not exciting type of sex.

The first sex when marina was bounded have soo much potential to be the kind of kinky crazy sex worthy for ojisan, but eh...

the last sex scenes was rough full of snots, tears, saliva's, but it doesnt seem "hardcore" enough, i mean sure marina was panting, moaning, hell begging for the D, but thats it.

But yea, hell marina's scene with kenji was pretty damn hot, that black lingerie, the phone sex with ojisan.. fuck i was hoping marina will bring that lingerie and fuck with ojisan on that.. meh.

I want something hardcore like what happened in anim's tsuma o biniku o ijiru at least, i mean Anim.teammm sex scenes are all pretty hardcore imo, the kind of sex that can break a woman's mind.

Hmmm, I liked snot, lol. It kind of gave impression of her being corrupted. I don't like scat stuff but I am ok to see snot and drool. I have played anim game enough to see how awesome it look looks, thanks for comparing two, it motivates me to to try the game little more indepth. Phone sex was defintely hot and don;t forget the one that she was taken from behind while still wearing thigh high with suspender belt. HOT!
Hmmm, I liked snot, lol. It kind of gave impression of her being corrupted. I don't like scat stuff but I am ok to see snot and drool. I have played anim game enough to see how awesome it look looks, thanks for comparing two, it motivates me to to try the game little more indepth. Phone sex was defintely hot and don;t forget the one that she was taken from behind while still wearing thigh high with suspender belt. HOT!

haha yep! sorry i am actually intending to say that i liked the way marina have snot and drolls etc, it puts more "oomph girl you get drilled really hard ehh!" feeling to the scene :)
As far as divorce rate wise, you are referring to an article written by Claire Cain Miller. I briefly read the article and it is flawed because she only talks about divorce rate in one year and compare that with the following year. American Psychological Association estimates it is 40-50 percent. And that is pretty high.

In general, when men cheats, they do it for the lust. Usually they do not want to break up the marriage and do it for the fun. For women, it is a different story, they will not cheat unless they are ready to leave their husband. Of course there are exceptions, there are pure whores and sluts but I am not talking about specific one or two cases.

I believe Yamashita said a couple of times that Marina was falling for him for real. And Marina herself said that she would have fallen for real if it continued. Also it was mentioned again in Marina 3 that she would have fallen for sure!
Irony was, that she wants to stop netorase play because she was sure that she would have fall, but she never ever fall in more extreme situation in Marina 3!!!

Hmmm....I guess I am just writing this for the sake or argument and I don't really want to do that. I do think you have good points/ideas and I don't want to be rude. My apologies if I was rude at any point. I do love good discussions though...:D

First off I'm not offend or feeling like we are arguing, I feel ike this is a debate and I enjoy debates. Its not about being right or wrong.

As to divorce rates I was simple going by google which presents many results that show its falling, sure divorce is high but its still less then 50%. More so often people who get divorce weren't right for one another to begin with or shouldn't have married in the first place. Although I have read its much more common in Britain then anywhere else and that women in Britain are far more likely to cheat on their partner. This in part apparently has a LOT to do with the drinking culture of young women there too.

What I personally find interesting is couples who live common-in law tend to stay together much longer then if they got married, some believe because once people get married they become lazy in the relationship in various forms. Regardless my point was that I think it was kinda sad that you couldn't just imagine they got married because they loved each other and that they were right for one another as to the reason.

Honestly I feel the Kenji/Marina relationship is what makes the NTR of this game so powerful, if Marina really did resent Kenji or think of leaving him it would be a lot less interesting because we'd be less invested in the characters/realtionship and they would both come off in a negative way with generic ntr overtones.

I've mentioned this before but I do feel the "japanese" version of wife sharing is very negative for the characters involved (or involve negative characters/home wreckers) but they don't have the swinging/wife watching history of western cultures and I believe they are kinda going through growing pains in this sense. I think we will eventually see more games like Marina that have less "cuckold" or "punishing" themes and more wife sharing themes in the future, although there is something unique in japanese culture that make this more complicated based on their culture.

As for Yamashita I always felt like he was saying Marina was falling for his cock (like she couldn't get enough of it) never for him - and I never felt like they shared any romantic moments except that one in the tub. Regardless I felt this was really bad writing and it shows the issue when men try to write for female characters (men really have no idea). Some men are really good at it yes, but most don't really understand how women think and thats very apparent in the Marina series. With that said though, I believe from a female perspective that Marina was having a "comfortable" moment with him during that scene but it was just a moment in time - not a representation of more. She clearly wasn't thinking about what it would actually be like to have a relationship with him, or what would happen to her daughter or kenji for that. she was simple enjoying a moment.

That a said I felt the author was all over the place in this sense, at times I felt like he was doing a good job with Marina - especially how she would tease but also get angry at Kenji for having this fantasy by lashing out indirectly. Then he would write other stuff in that seemed to contradict other moments or relationships.

I do find women are a lot better at separating their emotions when they just want sex, they might come to rely on a sexual partner FOR sex - but in these cases I find its men who often want more from it eventually especially if the women is more focused on building her career, ect. This is based on my own personal experiences with friends, people I know, ect, ect (aka not something I read lol)

Yes women tend to want more with men, but in this day and age, its hard to have relationships while trying to build a career - yet women like sex and feeling wanted too. While I certainly agree there are women who become very possessive fast, often in early "lust" relationships its men who become possessive and want more faster then women. Women are more likely to breakup a relationship thats also built on lust if they don't see it going anywhere. That said couples that are head over heels in love, truly compatible and have been that way since you knew them are like a freight train that cant be stop, I have 3 close couples/friends like this and sure they have their fights but their fights compared to other couples is like comparing light afternoon drizzle to a typhoon lol.

Another example is a friend who moved to texas, she married a man there who had this fantasy and she started hooking up with a black guy for her husband. She eventually had to break it off because the black guy was falling for her and wanted her to leave her husband. But it was just sex for her, she had no "real" feelings for the black guy. What a lot of men DON'T expect however is that when many women get a taste for this "lifestyle" (be it swinging or wife sharing) they tend to get addicted to the "new experiences" and power they get from it.

However what is interesting is that many couples involved in these lifestyles see a much lower divorce rates, apparently its more likely that a wife will have an "accident' (aka baby) then run off with another man and accidents are super rare at that (usually involving dangerous play agreed upon by the couple or broken condoms, ect). Women also tend to make a lot more "romantic" gestures during sex with other men based on the excitement they feel but it doesn't actually mean they are in love - they are in lust enjoying their partner or "new cock".

Japan is very different or unique too in this equation, marriage is very much changing as are the social norms for both men and wonem with the changing culture of japan and I feel that we will continue to see this uniqueness in hentai for some time in the way they tell "wife sharing" stories as NTR rather then stories like Marina or western swinging/wife sharing.

I do feel though that most people want to be loved and want their love ones to stand by them regardless of culture and I think thats why Marina was so popular - because it involved a solid relationship with wife sharing for fun. Not as a punishment or "bad end" story so common to japanese ntr, while "hardcore" netorare might turn many on greatly, I think people in general are more comfortable with a more positive relationship because it makes them feel good inside. So when these two elements are combined we get results like Marina.

Looking back at Marina I actually think the writer must have struggled telling this story, I feel like he was having difficulty defining what netorase is because its so "new" to the genre/japanese culture (again growing pains) and I feel this might also be once reason there are so many mixed messages in the series.
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yup, ojisan sex is way too uh.. casual not exciting type of sex.

The first sex when marina was bounded have soo much potential to be the kind of kinky crazy sex worthy for ojisan, but eh...

the last sex scenes was rough full of snots, tears, saliva's, but it doesnt seem "hardcore" enough, i mean sure marina was panting, moaning, hell begging for the D, but thats it.

But yea, hell marina's scene with kenji was pretty damn hot, that black lingerie, the phone sex with ojisan.. fuck i was hoping marina will bring that lingerie and fuck with ojisan on that.. meh.

I want something hardcore like what happened in anim's tsuma o biniku o ijiru at least, i mean Anim.teammm sex scenes are all pretty hardcore imo, the kind of sex that can break a woman's mind.

Hmmm, I liked snot, lol. It kind of gave impression of her being corrupted. I don't like scat stuff but I am ok to see snot and drool. I have played anim game enough to see how awesome it look looks, thanks for comparing two, it motivates me to to try the game little more indepth. Phone sex was defintely hot and don;t forget the one that she was taken from behind while still wearing thigh high with suspender belt. HOT!

Personally I felt like the only reason there was tears, snot and drool in the last scene was partially because of the drugs and the fact she was basically being raped in front of Kenji mixed with the common themes of eroge we see in "extreme situations". Aka we never saw her like that in any other scenes or influenced with drugs like that. The sex scene leading up to that one for example showed her "normal" too.

Honestly I felt like those types of reactions as being "normal" would have made more sense in part 2 as the sex was more "extreme" between Marina/Yami and more "romantic" in part 3 between her/oji.

I dont need scat in my games thank you, I have never understood how poo - human waste turns people on. What I meant was more bondage play, maybe sex in public or more revealing clothes. Sex toys, ect

I DID love the lingerie/suspenders Marina wore in part 3 but it was never played on. I think it would have been sexier if she STARTED wearing them for Oji for example.
Looking back Marina is VERY much a contradiction of plots, I never understood why she agreed so quickly to this fantasy but with the gaiden series its more then apparent that she loves different cock - but not the cheating type for it. So when Kenji had this fantasy I could see her being like - "ooh this could be fun!" once she gets into it.

In this sense I feel like they made a mistake with Marina's overall storyline - however its clear they never expected this game to be such a success and were basically making up parts as they went (ie they never had a larger vision). The success of part 2 obviously led to part 3 and the gaiden games - but from what I've read everything is becoming even more complicated with them - and not in a good way.

So how would I have written it?

Going back I feel Marina as shown would be more then happy to explore this fantasy with Kenji, but after part 2 she should have been more like okay lets keep doing this - I like new cock and the power she feels over men (esp demonstrated by the bonus scenes from 2) with kenji all the more happy for it. (with the gaiden series representing this further before she met kenji)

I could also see her playing different roles with different lovers - like with the college student she becomes more like a dominatrix completely cuckolding him, yet completely submitting to another man who likes tying her up in contrast. However maybe she begins wanting too much, too often and kenji realizes he unleashed a beast or a "genie he couldn't put back in the bottle" and part 3 could have been his struggle both trying to contain it while enjoying it.

I could imagine Kenji telling her this fear (that he doesn't want this to be uncontrollable) early on, she readily agrees to stop because she loves Kenji and they stop cold turkey. It surprises him she agrees without question but hes happy for it (and it shows Marinas commitment) but after a month this ntr itch needs to be scratched so he goes back to enjoy the recordings from part 2 only to find them corrupted but with just enough to tease him. Conflicted he eventually asks Marina to do it one more time so he can record it, but she says if she agrees she wants it more then once because it shouldn't all be about Kenji. So he has to decide and is conflicted. Obviously he wants it so they start up again, but soon shes having lovers he doesn't even know, he just hears about.

Maybe one day he sees Marina going to a love hotel while he's out for lunch for example. He asks and of course she is more then willing to tell him about it, but she also hints thats not the first time shes done that this week, ect. So basically shes NOT keeping secrets but shes kinda spending all her free time fucking kinda deal and Kenji can't keep track of it all.

This would drive him mad and he'd eventually going crazy and realizing one day at work (where he hasnt been able to focus for weeks) he decides he needs to put a stop to this for both of them. So then the game would be about him/the player trying to stop it but at the same time enjoying it too much, kinda choice of struggles for the player to decide with the ending based on your decisions. (I see 4 endings myself, 1 true, 1 pregnant, 1 ntr and 1 netorase.)

Now clearly this would have been a much longer game then any the company had made before, but based on Marinas popularity I don't see that being an issue and would have been well received.

Instead we got a "Marina" resents Kenji for this fantasy goes along very quickly with it while trying to stop it using the typical "ex-bf ntr" storyline "danger".

I'm not saying I didn't like part 3, I did but from a writing point of view it contradicts itself too often and as presented it could have been much more, while including many of the elements of 3.


I suppose I could also see the game plot going the total opposite of this direction too for a more hardcore NTR feel, where she stops it for Kenji (like agreed) but in truth she wants more of it but doesnt want to hurt Kenji either. So the game becomes somewhat a detective story with him possible stumbling on online ad of a women shown from the neck down when perhaps he's looking at other couples online who netorase for fun, that LOOKS like Marina but hes not sure and so the player has to discover if she is or isnt. Perhaps your own actions influence her actions to that end too. I suppose I could see this more as an alternative time-line post game fandisc story for players who wanted a more NTR sequel lol.
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@Tentacle Bandit
Try playing this 他の女の子とHをしているオレを見て興奮する彼女
Does anyone have this old game?
[Aqua-baiser] 終わりの日 ~狂乱アクメに溺れる恋人~
I can't find it anywhere
Tomorrow is holiday in my country and finally I have some free time so if someone could help me it would be great.
I lost my sides when I clicked on the preview.

There is no way the game developers make this without laughing while writing the script lol.
I think that netori anim game has very nice art work! I wish the women shaved their pussy though! In some of the scenes the pubic hair looks too pointy, almost looking like they are gonna poke, lol... Other than that i really liked that they included some cosplay, pregnancy and wedding dress!! :D
I think that netori anim game has very nice art work! I wish the women shaved their pussy though! In some of the scenes the pubic hair looks too pointy, almost looking like they are gonna poke, lol... Other than that i really liked that they included some cosplay, pregnancy and wedding dress!! :D

Yep, the netori game from Anim is really really good imo. it satisfy most of my fetishes, it has almost all, sex scenes from dusk till dawn thingie with lots of used up condoms, pregnancy sex, love hotel sex scenes again with many used up condoms, Lingerie play (damn that shino's pink lingerie with slits on the nipples and the vagina.., Mocking the husbands after the heroine has fallen, Begging for the D...

Fuck imagine new ntr game from anim with combination of these scenarios and scenes.. daymn!
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I never said it's netorare

I never said you did. I'm adding info extra for those interested.

BTW here
Was labeled as netorare on getchu at first.
But reading the synopsis and looking the CGS I got that:
Sayo, MC's childhood friend hangs around helping on his house since it's a motherless home, then at night when MC is going to the bathroom finds out his gf and his dad fucking.

Until there it's netorare I think.

But then all the CGs samples indicate that a young man is fucking the heroine and the cover shows an oldman watching TV that is unaware the heroine is doing it with our faceless young man and since there is only one male besides the father then I assume it's the MC.
Reminds me of the other story where MC's childhood friend is stolen from him by his own father who impregnated her twice and then dies leaving her to him lol.

Or did I miss something from the synopsis? Mmm..

Maybe she is into his father and the MC steals her from him as the title indicates, right?


There is a demo. Maybe that will answer my doubt.

Ok, MC's father is a dick, he teased Kouta about being being a couple with Sayo but in truth he was covering his relationship with her. Because that gave MC hopes of his crush not being unrequited, hee believed his father only to realize the truth so MC's love for Sayohis turns into hatred and decides to take revenge on them and fuck the shit out of Sayo.
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