Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread

Could you tell me where can I find NTR futanari? It's really rare, so sugestions are welcome.

I think futanari NTR mystery game would be awesome, I don't know for the life of me why they don't make it. since developers experiment with the weirdest and stupidest ideas in order to find something new that fans would like (with variable results). They could pretty well do a futanari NTR mystery, instead of the bullshit they come up with. Imagine you as the MC trying to figure out who is banging your girlfriend, and when the MC discards all the posibles suspects, he finds out that the NTRer is actually her best girl friend, that can actually fuck her like the MC could never even dream of. SOOO HOOOOT.

Sorry, but even I have only ever seen it done in rare doujins and pixiv galleries like the ones listed by Traversal. Which is why I was saying it would be nice if someone did it properly. Though I think it would work best for people who get the NTR feeling a lot from a sense of inferiority to the other "guy". It goes from feeling that the NTR guy has you beat out sexually and for masculinity in every way, to thinking that even the cute girl who you saw as a love interest is actually better endowed and sexually more potent than you. You not even up against a man and you're still losing out. The mystery side of it just makes it even better.

Damn the ideas floating around this thread... we might as well band together and form a "A-S NTR Bro" Circle and make the stupidest ideas come alive. :P

You mean that's not what we're doing in this forum already? Netorare General Discussion Thread = A-S NTR Bro group, right?

Btw new title just surfaced on the sharing scene. Migawari From the title, it sounds like a girl becoming a teacher's fuck toy for the sake of her best friend. But is there NTR elements or is it just pure blackmail eroge. /hmm

I looked as the getchu page. No NTR, she doesn't even have a boyfriend. You play the guy mostly using blackmail. You're an english teacher (teaching eng in japan) who uses dating sites which are usually used for compensated dating (prostitution) and are usually careful not to go after minors, but sometimes get the urge to live dangerously. By chance you stumble across the pic of a girl using the site that you recognise as one of your students and decide to use it to blackmail her into being your sexfriend. But when you go to the meeting place instead of the girl you blackmailed, the high spec honour student girl, who is widely admired, beautiful and unapproachable due to no guys thinking they are in the same league, is there instead. Apparently the other girl went to her for advice and she volunteered to go in her place and sort things out. Other girl probably thought that this girl was so capable she would tell the teacher off and make him back off somehow, but instead she volunteers to take the girl's place if you leave her alone and do whatever you want. Though she's doing it to protect her classmate at first, she gradually gets trained to the teacher's taste.
Pretty standard blackmail game, but I love the art and heroine design. I wonder if I'll have time to try it....

The new alicesoft game does look good. If I wait a bit you think someone will do an interface patch? They often do that for these kind of games.
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The new alicesoft game does look good. If I wait a bit you think someone will do an interface patch? They often do that for these kind of games.

You mean a translation? Oh boi I do hope MangaGamer picks this up for many people to enjoy.
As for a fanslation, it will for sure take a long ass time handling drm and those long dialogues.
Additionally last couple of rance games seemed to be ignored by the community. Guess it's too much a hassle :/

But don't worry I played this game with Visual Novel Reader and it works flawlessly. Nearly understood everything. (with integrated google)
Yeah she's cute, and her husband is so ugly and fat, that it really feels bad to see her get knocked up xP
about the DRM: yeah, it seems like it :/ At first there was this weird loading screen, but later I noticed that the game actually connected to internet. I guess you have to be online once, but not sure. (now offline works)

I'm still trying to figure out the adversaries' mechanic - but there are for sure certain "event" points where the same adversaries come on the map.
But yes, you still have control over which competitor gets to win because if you see a certain guy on the map, you can just ignore the wife by doing sth else like visiting some places without her.
It's actually pretty important to ignore her accordingly, to regain endurance and to buy condoms.
But don't overdo it because of another ingame mechanic: she'll lose one "star" affection - if you loose 5 stars she'll completely ignore you for one day, sometimes you can apalogize to her but sometimes you can't)

you can try amazon japan or dmm (this guys are pretty nice to help out)

God, I'm also looking for one, some routes are a PAIN to get for example the shota one. It seems like you have to do certain parts of the true route, to unlock certain conflicting events with him.

Thank you. Alicesoft is one of my favorite NTR game makers(I like length and choices, but the new trend of shorter games from many game makers is irksome).
You mean that's not what we're doing in this forum already? Netorare General Discussion Thread = A-S NTR Bro group, right?

Yea but I was proposing more on the lines of ideas become reality. Ofcourse working in SubDesu made me realize how much painstaking it is to do stuff like this with a skeleton group but yea just like you mentioned, a translation is one of the rarest things that happen to NTR genre. I would love to do some translation work on some of these titles but sadly my Japanese isn't up to the mark when it comes to reading/writing text. Still if we had enough skill set active on this thread, we might have pulled enough weight to rival Jinsei/Venus circles. Way too many ideas that never were used by any NTR maker or rarely used.
My 50 cent to AliceSoft's は~とふるママン:

Thanks for the mini-review, now really stoked to get mine, still on the way, got it from getchu, glad I pre-order, seems like they ran out of the bonus =D

Edit: AW MAN! I forgot I added 八宝備仁画集 紅蝶 to the order and Getchu ships things like Amazon in that they wait for all items in the order before shipping...the artbook comes out Feb.10th T_T fuuuuuuuuuu
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God, I'm also looking for one, some routes are a PAIN to get for example the shota one. It seems like you have to do certain parts of the true route, to unlock certain conflicting events with him.
Do you know how to protect Shiori from other Netori guys? Every time i tried protect her always get slammed from others, haha
Hi guys newbie here! :) im going to buy は~とふるママン on dmm but i got some doubts, once i pay its available to download from there right? no need to use vpn for japan? ive never bought something there before hope u can helpme, looking forward to be part of this awesome ntr group haha!
Hi guys newbie here! :) im going to buy は~とふるママン on dmm but i got some doubts, once i pay its available to download from there right? no need to use vpn for japan? ive never bought something there before hope u can helpme, looking forward to be part of this awesome ntr group haha!
DMM works with R18 biggest worlwide side for japanese porn media. No VPN, they got an own installer to verify.

Do you know how to protect Shiori from other Netori guys? Every time i tried protect her always get slammed from others, haha

sure :D The beginning is important. You never want anyone in front of you (that's where they slam you down xD). I always make a save before I visit a place with Shiori because:
1)the markeplace is always the place where the blond dude and the little one are lurking, stealing a bit of affection.
2)some places sometimes don't have any influence at the affection at all

You never want the big fat grandpa to have even a CHANCE to date Shiori, because his route is incredible dominant and destroys many chances for other routes.
Try to use the cafe (biggest endurance rest) if your endurance is low
VERY IMPORTANT: make a quicksave before a cafe visit at dawn, because it seems entirely RANDOM when it's open and not. quickload as many times you want until you get in.

Try to evade the swimming pool, it's unnecessary (just for events) because the cost for endurance is too high.
I go either Market place or Park. Also try to evade the bath house (just go when event)
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Is there any special reason why Heartful Maman still hasn't been uploaded or they just didn't got their hands in the game yet?
Fuck, i give up unlock shota route. I don't know how to do add encounter with him.
Fuck, i give up unlock shota route. I don't know how to do add encounter with him.

Yeah, that's the one thing I don't like about this game:
There are too many variables to influence a route.
The shota is a weird one, his route must sometimes get unlocked by starting an event of his bigger blond brother.
I tried so many variations, and still don't get his ending scenes x/.

Did you unlock the route with the colleague of Shiori's husband? THat's a really good one, but again I simply can't figure out the good ending with him.
cant get the blonde character to stay around. There's a few events with him around at the start but he soon disappears and never returns over the entire 55 day period.
You mean a translation? Oh boi I do hope MangaGamer picks this up for many people to enjoy.
As for a fanslation, it will for sure take a long ass time handling drm and those long dialogues.
Additionally last couple of rance games seemed to be ignored by the community. Guess it's too much a hassle :/

But don't worry I played this game with Visual Novel Reader and it works flawlessly. Nearly understood everything. (with integrated google)

I'm not really expecting a full translation of the game any time soon, but with with the games that include actual game elements rather than being pure visual novels, people might just translate then interface. IE, the menus, stats, etc. A game like this might not need it though?

Yea but I was proposing more on the lines of ideas become reality. Ofcourse working in SubDesu made me realize how much painstaking it is to do stuff like this with a skeleton group but yea just like you mentioned, a translation is one of the rarest things that happen to NTR genre. I would love to do some translation work on some of these titles but sadly my Japanese isn't up to the mark when it comes to reading/writing text. Still if we had enough skill set active on this thread, we might have pulled enough weight to rival Jinsei/Venus circles. Way too many ideas that never were used by any NTR maker or rarely used.

Ideas there may be, but skills and motivation are thin on the ground. There are plenty who are happy to pop in and post about NTR stuff, but finding people willing to dedicate themselves to a project would be tricky. Especially since if you want them to work on it, then they all have to like that particular idea since a lot of NTRist have particular tastes. Speaking for myself, Even if I had motivation, it'd only be for an idea I really want to see. And right now the only thing I might be able to do if I really felt like it, is if I wrote short fiction around my ideas and posted them up. Writing is quite time consuming though, so it's hard to find the time.
It'd be nice if it happened, but unless someone is actually driven to take the lead and make it happen, then it usually stays as just people sitting around talking about how nice it would be.
Yeah, that's the one thing I don't like about this game:
There are too many variables to influence a route.
The shota is a weird one, his route must sometimes get unlocked by starting an event of his bigger blond brother.
I tried so many variations, and still don't get his ending scenes x/.
Managed to get a few scenes with the shota but only to run out of days because I didn't unlock his 3rd event until somewhere around day 37 or later despite starting the first two events really early. :(

Hoping someone make a guide soon.
Yeah, this game got some really difficulty issues.
After playing this game like 8 times I finally give up (even with CTRL skipping it's still too long lol).

Here's a 97% completed save if anyone is interested. Really good scenes. (My hand hurts)


Saves are located in Documents/AliceSoft

My positive opinion about the game still stands:
The teasingly slow and steady H progression with the incredible lady is so good.
Please I want more of this.
Reduce the goddamn big number of girls, and produce an eroge with depth, you hear me Eroge makers?!!?!
If i recall correctly the guy who put one of the torrent on nyaa added his name / the name of his site at the beginning of every files, you have to remove this.

The whole wani catalog is owned by fak ku, making it really hard to find but it only concern manga. The torrents run out of sources pretty quickly but I'm not aware of any purge in the last few years.

Thanks bro this worked for me.
Yeah, this game got some really difficulty issues.
After playing this game like 8 times I finally give up (even with CTRL skipping it's still too long lol).

Here's a 97% completed save if anyone is interested. Really good scenes. (My hand hurts)


Saves are located in Documents/AliceSoft

My positive opinion about the game still stands:
The teasingly slow and steady H progression with the incredible lady is so good.
Please I want more of this.
Reduce the goddamn big number of girls, and produce an eroge with depth, you hear me Eroge makers?!!?!

Couldn't agree more about the number of girls.
Yeah, this game got some really difficulty issues.

Here's a 97% completed save if anyone is interested. Really good scenes. (My hand hurts)

TFW you only have a 56% save so you're hyped to download this, only to find out you already had all the good scenes already. Well dang.

This is a very important matter.
But giving the magnitude of the game it shouldn't take long for an H-code to appear.

Try using VNR, working no problem for me.
I tryed using VNR but my VNR it's completely batshit crazy
I went to the text settings and it seems to be able to hook the right text in one of the hooks but... it only translates the text when it feels like it and even then it translates the sentences twice.
Did you did anything to configure the VNR?
Please tell me,How to hook or translation the new alicesoft game
I can't read japanese at all
This is a very important matter.
But giving the magnitude of the game it shouldn't take long for an H-code to appear.
Try using VNR, working no problem for me.

Yeah, also using Visual Novel Reader, no h-code needed. Google plugin works very well, no need for dictionaries. Google really stepped up the translation algorithms.

TFW you only have a 56% save so you're hyped to download this, only to find out you already had all the good scenes already. Well dang.

Yeah, the main route was crafted too well, that others appear definitely weak. But I don't mind at all: Dat relationship development between Shiori and Protag <3

I still enjoyed the Shota (JESUS, I want a pure Shota NTR game from AliceSoft next xD AliceSoft makes so darn good Shota scenes in their games) and the unexpected colleague scenes .
I tryed using VNR but my VNR it's completely batshit crazy
I went to the text settings and it seems to be able to hook the right text in one of the hooks but... it only translates the text when it feels like it and even then it translates the sentences twice.
Did you did anything to configure the VNR?

I hooked it manually. Delete the game from VNR and add it manually. Watch this short video for help: youtube
Then go to preferences -> Translation -> Translators and enable
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