Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread

Alright, I'm back to report that RJ176529 has decent h-scenes but my god the grind is painful. orz
If anyone has a save for ver.1.18 please save me from this madness.

Forward Ho! Is one of BEST NTR games I ever played.
Nice graphics. Sex, NTR is so "light" here. There also was DLC, unfinished sadly, with some NTR-dedicated content.

I highly recommend this game!

"Life On The Floating Island" is very good NTR too. But wasted potential in many parts.

Latest production "The Tale of a Cat and a Girl" is piece of shit.
Forward Ho! Is one of BEST NTR games I ever played.
Nice graphics. Sex, NTR is so "light" here. There also was DLC, unfinished sadly, with some NTR-dedicated content.

I highly recommend this game!

"Life On The Floating Island" is very good NTR too. But wasted potential in many parts.

Latest production "The Tale of a Cat and a Girl" is piece of shit.

I like the cute artstyle and I like certain aspects of the game but there's a lot of tedium. The NTR hentai scenes are pretty hot but damn. I had to sleep in my bed a million times just to unlock the next NTR flag for 1 girl out of 5.
It's driving me nuts. Maybe I should try cheat engine or something to speed things up a bit.
Forward Ho! Is one of BEST NTR games I ever played.
Nice graphics. Sex, NTR is so "light" here. There also was DLC, unfinished sadly, with some NTR-dedicated content.

I highly recommend this game!

"Life On The Floating Island" is very good NTR too. But wasted potential in many parts.

Latest production "The Tale of a Cat and a Girl" is piece of shit.

I have a thing for NTRs where multiple heroines are stolen, so FH was one of my favs.

The only, single thing about it that I'd change is to make the two guys who steal the girls be a single guy instead. I mean, it's not like there is a narrative reason for them to be two people; the two have the same prsonality and are always togheter.

(Well I'd also find a different artist, but that is just because I don't find the chibi-lite artstyle very erotic)
The lines in this game can be pretty funny but also hot. In one of the scenes, the blue elf girl thinks to herself along the lines of "Sorry protagonist-kun, my pussy accidentally ate this random guy's dick teehee~"

I'm interesting in walkthrough of this game preferable in english and search a bit and I can't find anything about this game. If anyone have ideea how this mechanics work feel free to share to us.

I completed two dungeons so far so I'll comment on what I know. The game offers quite a bit of freedom so it's understandable to be a little bit lost. You need relationship points to get any of the juicy content with the girls and you first obtain that by talking to them and answering the correct choice to their questions. You can only do it twice a day per girl so it takes a bit of a grind. Once you have 40 points you can enter a relationship with them and then unlock the NTR flag by going into the girl's assigned dungeon with the two other guys. Relationship points can afford you dates with the girls as well where you can bring around the island for certain events (both pure-love and NTR). Off the bat, you can go on dates with the sister automatically but you can't enter a relationship with her. Ecchi points factor in as well. Once you have ~60 points of those, the girl's disposition changes and she becomes pretty slutty.

Outside of that, you can do various part time jobs around town for some money or sell certain requested items to specific townspeople for money as well. When your character becomes lewder he also becomes more daring so you can break into houses and steal money or bang prostitutes. If you find the lewd shop which is south of the prostitution house you can unlock stealing underwear and sell that for cash (at the cost of a good chunk of relationship points with a girl).

I believe the games ends after you complete all of the dungeons. The ending you get is dependent on the actions (or lack thereof) you did in the game.
Does anybody know what happened to :にぃみぃ団?

They did some good games even if they had lazy use of CG and CG poses between games, also their games are grindy and it's hard to know what to do sometimes to trigger events. Anyway they used to have a blog on DLsite but they deleted the blogs on DLsite and they aren't on ci-en.

Also NT:Ripper did that one game 2 years old now and went dark afterwards even though it sold well and they don't seem to be making another game, which is a shame.
Hey guys I just finish and and I can tell you this is a good corruption mother/ntr game I played so far
also I play Mischief War-Story of a small remote island only down site is first 2 games have not so many gc but the story execution is fck great and mischief war-story it's woman view point and I don't really like it until you can view male view point to... I play atm this one and is pretty good is also mother love story (incest) but it's also ntr so it's unique game I can tell aleardy I love it and I'm not yet finish that game.

Now I asking you if you know more mother/ntr/corruption theme story games?
Preferable to be male protagonist view point but I can accept both view point if they have it. I don't like only female view point or female protagonist.

I like last game Boy Hero Ken is good corruption/humor/ntr game I like it also it make me laugh loud when I played it hahahaha that dump protagnist, I hear someone call this "mystery ntr" lol

I don't recommand any of "ntrman" games all of he games is not worth it bad execution and was copy/paste from other games.

i hope there is a guide to "Heartful Maman"

i don't know if you already know this but i know one called ママネトリ by Inohead Studio

Yes, a second ping in two days, but this is to announce that the new public release of Pervert Action: Timelapse is out! It contains the (fully optional) NTR/sharing content now that Hirai's introduced, along with a bunch of other new content!
Features (since the last public release):
1. The ability to send the ladies out on dates with Hirai and then receive phone messages (and pictures) of what happened.
2. Memory flashbacks for each woman that unlock if you send them on these dates.
3. New conversation options.
4. An interactive sex scene involving Shuji, Nobuko and Hirai!
5. An interactive commissioned bonus scene involving Emi and three guys she just met - unlocked in the Victory Suite gallery if you've achieved her ending!
The lines in this game can be pretty funny but also hot. In one of the scenes, the blue elf girl thinks to herself along the lines of "Sorry protagonist-kun, my pussy accidentally ate this random guy's dick teehee~"

I completed two dungeons so far so I'll comment on what I know. The game offers quite a bit of freedom so it's understandable to be a little bit lost. You need relationship points to get any of the juicy content with the girls and you first obtain that by talking to them and answering the correct choice to their questions. You can only do it twice a day per girl so it takes a bit of a grind. Once you have 40 points you can enter a relationship with them and then unlock the NTR flag by going into the girl's assigned dungeon with the two other guys. Relationship points can afford you dates with the girls as well where you can bring around the island for certain events (both pure-love and NTR). Off the bat, you can go on dates with the sister automatically but you can't enter a relationship with her. Ecchi points factor in as well. Once you have ~60 points of those, the girl's disposition changes and she becomes pretty slutty.

Outside of that, you can do various part time jobs around town for some money or sell certain requested items to specific townspeople for money as well. When your character becomes lewder he also becomes more daring so you can break into houses and steal money or bang prostitutes. If you find the lewd shop which is south of the prostitution house you can unlock stealing underwear and sell that for cash (at the cost of a good chunk of relationship points with a girl).

I believe the games ends after you complete all of the dungeons. The ending you get is dependent on the actions (or lack thereof) you did in the game.

Thanks for mini-guide it help me to understand better how this game work.
lmao to "Sorry protagonist-kun, my pussy accidentally ate this random guy's dick teehee~" lol it make me laugh a bit hahahaha.

i hope there is a guide to "Heartful Maman"

i don't know if you already know this but i know one called ママネトリ by Inohead Studio

I follow this Guide for heartful mama game

you can translate the page in english with google, it work for me maybe it will help you.
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Not sure if this is the place for this but I know some of you have at least played it:

Anyone else have trouble getting 黒の約束 to work? Game hangs trying to load resources. The pathnames for the cgs are apparently not what it expects? Tried multiple different uploaders of different versions.

I'm on windows 10 using locale emulator but I tried manually switching locale too and it didn't seem to change anything.
Not sure if this is the place for this but I know some of you have at least played it:

Anyone else have trouble getting 黒の約束 to work? Game hangs trying to load resources. The pathnames for the cgs are apparently not what it expects? Tried multiple different uploaders of different versions.

I'm on windows 10 using locale emulator but I tried manually switching locale too and it didn't seem to change anything.

Could be a problem with the extraction? Are the filenames actual Japanese characters, or are they all gibberish?
Not sure if this is the place for this but I know some of you have at least played it:

Anyone else have trouble getting 黒の約束 to work? Game hangs trying to load resources. The pathnames for the cgs are apparently not what it expects? Tried multiple different uploaders of different versions.

I'm on windows 10 using locale emulator but I tried manually switching locale too and it didn't seem to change anything.

Ya, same problem here.
Ya, same problem here.
Could be a problem with the extraction? Are the filenames actual Japanese characters, or are they all gibberish?

This game: 黒の約束 had game breaking bugs on release where you would get up to specific points in the game and it would attempt to load CGs but get an error. I remember one being on a bridge and I tried the other girls but they had errors at specific points too. Download the latest version or if that isn't available double-check on their DLsite page which version fixed this bug, I think it was the first update after release.

ALSO because these same images contain Japanese characters in their filenames you will need to be in Japanese locale when you extract the game, please check this too.
This game: 黒の約束 had game breaking bugs on release where you would get up to specific points in the game and it would attempt to load CGs but get an error. I remember one being on a bridge and I tried the other girls but they had errors at specific points too. Download the latest version or if that isn't available double-check on their DLsite page which version fixed this bug, I think it was the first update after release.

ALSO because these same images contain Japanese characters in their filenames you will need to be in Japanese locale when you extract the game, please check this too.

Extremely useful information about extracting with Japanese locale. That's actually so stupid that windows encodes the paths in SHIFT-JIS. Would have saved me some hassle had I known this a little earlier, but I managed to fix the issue my own way.

Problem was that v1.0.0 was indeed missing assets (www/img/pictures/{選択肢.rpgmvp, 選択肢 外枠.rpgmvp}) that blocked progression because they frame the choice dialogue, as well as some missing audio (you could still play the game without them).
I tried v1.03 but all Japanese text in the pathnames was garbled (now I know why, curse you Microsoft). I ended up writing something to rename all the garbled paths to their correct names by comparing their hashes to the files in the 1.00 version.

If you have python installed and have lost the archive and don't want to redownload:
  1. Make sure you have python installed (>3.6, cause f-strings)
  2. Paste into empty file in the game folder with extension .py (default is .txt)
  3. Double click!

Anyway, sorry for polluting the thread with tech support.
Hi folks. Long time since I've been here. Real life works in mysterious ways and I just got sidetracked from games for a while.

Back now though but I already ran into issues so I was hoping if someone with knowledge or tech know how might be able to shed some light on the issue. The game, or I should say games in question are from ANIM and I downloaded them a while back from here

The games in the pack were the following four: VNDB Link

Now the problem came with the fact that the pack itself was uploaded without dedicated cracks and they simply threw along AlphaROM utility that they claimed "would make the games work" on Windows 10. Unfortunately, they don't.

No matter what I do from disabling anti-virus to finding dedicated cracks from other sources, the four games refuse to work. They just start up, lock in the task manager without any error or message whatsoever. I thought Windows 10 might be a culprit here but before I went pulling any complicated stunts I decided to do version test by download Kabe No Mukou from the original source back when it was first released in 2013. Interestingly enough, it worked on Win10 without a hitch.

So all in all, the 2013 version of the game works flawlessly but the updated 2016 version that came in a combo pack refuses to work. Honestly, my suspicions fall on the crack itself but softwarez aren't my forte, so my question is two fold:

A) Has anyone played this game pack on Windows 10? If so, were you able to run all four games without a hitch?
B) If someone also faced issues getting these games to run, were you able to troubleshoot the issue? If so, how?

I'd appreciate any and all input any of you folks would have regarding the issue. Thanks!

Kind Regards,
Hi folks. Long time since I've been here. Real life works in mysterious ways and I just got sidetracked from games for a while.

Back now though but I already ran into issues so I was hoping if someone with knowledge or tech know how might be able to shed some light on the issue. The game, or I should say games in question are from ANIM and I downloaded them a while back from here

The games in the pack were the following four: VNDB Link

Now the problem came with the fact that the pack itself was uploaded without dedicated cracks and they simply threw along AlphaROM utility that they claimed "would make the games work" on Windows 10. Unfortunately, they don't.

No matter what I do from disabling anti-virus to finding dedicated cracks from other sources, the four games refuse to work. They just start up, lock in the task manager without any error or message whatsoever. I thought Windows 10 might be a culprit here but before I went pulling any complicated stunts I decided to do version test by download Kabe No Mukou from the original source back when it was first released in 2013. Interestingly enough, it worked on Win10 without a hitch.

So all in all, the 2013 version of the game works flawlessly but the updated 2016 version that came in a combo pack refuses to work. Honestly, my suspicions fall on the crack itself but softwarez aren't my forte, so my question is two fold:

A) Has anyone played this game pack on Windows 10? If so, were you able to run all four games without a hitch?
B) If someone also faced issues getting these games to run, were you able to troubleshoot the issue? If so, how?

I'd appreciate any and all input any of you folks would have regarding the issue. Thanks!

Kind Regards,

Download editions tend to have different DRM, usually SoftDenchi. I believe there's a generic cracker for SoftDenchi but I don't have the link for it anymore.
Does anyone know how to fix the error with no character voice ( Triangle Blue - Windows10 Edition ) ?
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Does this mean we won't get anything else this month? I don't mean just a new chapter about the black transfer student but anything else, i have nothing against lolicon + ntr (1 of my favorites is Nanomashi's ntr manga) but i don't feel that series is much ntr. I hope he does more To Love-ru instead or maybe something else.

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magg wrote on Shine's profile.
Hello, can you please reupload in Mexashare for this one?同人ソフト-130718-パンプキン-フェラムービーdx~パンプキン過去作セレクション~.166994/
NaquanH wrote on Shine's profile.
Hello Shine, can you update this game's thread to the latest version?
It has been updated to version 0.3.2
ShowMeYourMoves wrote on Nihonjaki90's profile.
Hi, could you please re-upload this game? Thanks.α-model-.1357509/
tintin0821 wrote on Shine's profile.
mizuno ai wrote on Otokonoko's profile.
can you reupload RJ01088358?thanks