Ask a question and next person have to answer.

Hmm that would be someone i dislike and/or dies in a funny way :/ Cant quite think of one atm.... I have a feeling Hayate (HnG) would die in funny ways~
If you could shove characters into the hunger games?
Hard to chose...

I'll just pick all the male and female osananajimis that love the main protagonist. Just the ones that don't realize they just don't feel the same way or that they don't even voice out how they really feel. I don't want anyone to survive, but uh... Isana from Yumekui Merry can survive... only because she can draw.

What anime would you like to see become real in life, but really regret that you did afterwards?
Wow xD Killing off all the childhood friends lol
Hmm i would like Angel Beats to be real (One Piece is too dangerous to allow it to become real xD) cuz i want a copy of Angel Player xD But it would be kind of bad to have a group running around trying to hunt down God isnt it? lol
If some mysterious old guy gave you a potion would you drink it?
Mysterious old guy~ If only he was young... XD

Yeah sure! I'd drink it. I'm a risk-taker; I even deal a card after having 16 in Blackjack. That potion better taste sour. I like sour things. :3

If someone from the future told you that you're the only one to save the world, would you save it or not?
Picky person lol~
Depends what i have to do to save the world :evillaugh: I probably would but who knows~
If you could enhance one of your senses?
I've been told I'm pretty picky. XD

It would be my sight. I'm nearsighted. So, it would be nice to see far away for once. It could even save traveling expenses. If I can see far enough, why go there? :p

Would you rather live happily for a short amount of time (like a couple of years) or live miserably for a very long time? (at least 70-80 years)
Hmm but more time means i get to finish more anime D: But then again~ you didnt say i would die after that time :p you only said thats how long ill live happily or miserably so that means even if i pick happily for a short while it might mean that its just neutral for the rest of however long i might live :D Mwahahaha completely twisted your question~
What if an odd bunny thing offered you the chance to become a mahou shoujo? xD
live fast, die young~
...damnit...well, whatever...nah, its too embarrassing to be a mahou shoujo or a masou shoujo xD
even if i have to pass on the magical powers~

situation: a lot of people's lives are at stake. your friends and family belong to those people. now you have two options.
1. you kill a huge amount of strangers and save your family and friends.
2. or you kill your family and your friends instead and save the others.
let's say your friends and family make up 7.5% - 10% of the total amount of people involved.
--> there was a similar situation in zetman manga...something about sense of justice~
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Hmm why are they in danger in the first place :p Seems like a situation with some demon demanding an offering or something in which case ill go kill that stranger that is the demon~ :traitor: This sounds like a situation in Scrapped Princess where the whatever "gods" were massacring people and saying that if they didnt hand over the princess more people would die :/
If you had haruhi's powers? xD
i would turn some anime (-characters) into reality, make myself an awesome harem, simply be awesome and help people friends and family here and there...would abuse that power~...probably wont harm anyone, but will troll people :lmao:
oh, and of course id mess with all the politicians, since i hate them~ (would that make me some dictator-like guy????)

ok...i want more opinions:
situation: a lot of people's lives are at stake. your friends and family belong to those people. they are all trapped in a huge building/maze...and some psychopathic guy kills those people without revealing himself. but he leaves you two options.
1. you kill your family and your friends and save the other people.
2. or you kill all the others instead and save your family and friends
let's say your friends and family make up 7.5% - 10% of the total amount of people involved.

....if sam is going to answer next, i ask you your own question
Q especially for sam: what would you do with haruhi's powers, sam?
Lol who did you think would be next~
Hmm if i couldnt kill the psycho i would say family and friends :x
If i had haruhi's powers than i would make anime characters i like real xD I would screw over people i deem as ******** and fix the world (more food for everyone, kick those corrupt politicians, etc) Watch all the anime i want~ Increase my abilities to some extent :3 Maybe abuse the power a little but in the end no one will even find out or remember that they found out about my powers~
If you were trapped in a large glass & mirror labyrinth what would you do?
You guys sure have a high imagination. -_-

'Large glass & mirror labyrinth'... sounds like your fantasy dancehall. Did you get stuck in your own creation?

If I could, I'd be a Cardcaptor and just use my mahou shoujo powers to seal them and turn them into their respective card forms.
If it's real life, I'd just break them with my baseball bat. I like breaking things with my bat or a machine gun. Unless those bullets somehow reflected back due to some supernatural force.

King Midas had the power to turn things he touched into gold but soon regretted it.
When you touch things (sounds perverted), what would it turn into? Basically, what ability would you have that you will not regret?
Hmm make it more beautiful~ I feel this could come back and bite me depending on how the wish granter interprets the wish but if it changes what i touch as i want then it could be quite a useful ability~
I suppose i got stuck in there after you were trying to shoot mehs with a paintball gun :x
You caught an pesky little imp and he offers you a wish in exchange for setting him free. Would you and what would you wish for?
Sharing is caring~ The paintball was originally your idea. You willingly shared your toys to the rest of the community. :3

Beautiful. Depending on your perspective of aesthetics, even beautiful could be ugly and vice versa.

Is he a good-looking pesky imp? What clothes is he wearing? XD

Yes, I will take the wish. I wish to be queen of that imp's land and rule all the imps to take over the dwarfs, trolls, giants, and other miscellaneous things I can't think of right now.

Maybe a limitless supply of paintball guns would be better? :P

Speaking of dwarfs, which two of the seven dwarfs would you like to see fighting to win Snow White's hand if there are no other men beside the dwarfs?
Shouldve just put laser tag and left out paintball :scared: Wouldve worked much better in the glass and mirror maze anyway~
Hmm i consider myself an artist and i took a random aesthetics class last sem xD Besides im sure most anime lovers would be thrilled lol~ My thoughts on beautiful probably doesnt suit everyone but oh wells :3
So you just want to take over a fantasy world~
Hmm i guess ill go with happy and and bashful? idk xD All about the same to me lol
What would you do if someone was after your half priced bento? XD
Eeh.... umm... if that person really wants it, I suppose I would give it to them...? Or... share it with them? Well... as long as they have a good reason....

Umm.... I saw an interesting question... umm.... Haruhi's power... what would you use it for? Umm, if you have it....
To mess with others xD Use it sparingly and dont let people find out~ Help the world whenever :3
Lol same question~ What if you had Haruhi's powers?
Umm.... I would like to... umm... make a medicine that can cure anything?

Then... umm.... is there any unique ability that you umm, want to have?
Yes, I would love to have an unique ability. My ability would be to see the lies and truths within people's hearts. Pretty handy for almost anything.

Would you be willing to get a robotic dog or any other animal as a pet instead of the real one if the real animals were declared to have a 75% chance of having diseases that harmed humans?
Hmm robot.... depends if its as lovable as the real one...
What if you being chased by a yandere?
Of course it's lovable. Does everything like any animal would except for eating and toilet training, but there is a feature for that if you want one.

Chased by a yandere? I know exactly what I would do. I'm evil myself so I don't mind chopping a few heads.

If they haven't turned psycho on me yet, I'd just ship that yandere to Antarctica. XD

What would you do when there is a cute lost nekomimi at your doorstep that wants to return home, but soon falls in love with you? :3
Hmm depends if the nekomimi still wants to go home xD Try to get her home if i can and let it decide after~
So you would play with knives or send them off on a trip down south xD Seems cruel~
What if you saw some nekomimi running by?
Umm.... I would be surprised I think....

Umm... why do you want to have nekomimi?
Hmm mostly cuz theyre cute and i like cute stuff :3
If someone was selling odd potions that gave people random powers (good and bad) would you get one?

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