Ask a question and next person have to answer.

my joints would ache thrice as much and i would be pissy at everything i diddnt do

if reality is false what is there left?
if there is no reality there is no consciousness and without that how would you even know if you were dreaming?

sex? (i wonder how people will take it *no pun intended*)
sex is good

Why making hard questions at this time of the day? XD
here too x.x

why it has to be good weather in some places and bad in others? not fair ( and i mean both in Europe x.x)
cuz mother nature likes to laugh at peoples rage xP

Have you ever written a novel before
Every damn morning. I'm not the bright-sunny-morning type of guy.
I like my morning to be dark & gloomy morning. Rain is the bonus.

Shaken or Stir? Your milk, I mean.

Glooming morning make me depressed. i want sunnnnnn

Do you like milkshakes? :P
another milkshake

should i ask another deep philosophical question ( i got tonnes) or something simple like whats your fav food
milkshake is not food lol

What do you think you should ask about? ;)
I don't know :D I just usually ask anything that comes to my mind to ask about.
And get in finland when it's autumn.. every god damn morning, all day long, last-a-week raining. It puts my mood really down..
And when it gets cold enough there's snow everywhere, that's something I like :)

Do you like snow?
game of thrones.. one of the best TV Shows in HBO :PP

what make you dislike to a person?
Arrogance. i hate people that think they are the best x.x

what do you like the most in someone?
Good sense of humor :) The humor is something that I live for. Everyone has this talent though. Everyone laughs at something.
(good looking and humouristic girl would be my girlfriend :3)

Do you happen to get stressed up during week?
I'm so freaking busy becouse of school now that it comes very stressful..
naaa i was on vacations this week :P

so more relaxed can't be.

what's you're favourite body part in girls/boys?
Girls... hmmm, only one?? damn.. Well I guess it's face :) becouse every girl has a nice butt and nice boobs and nice (insert naughty word here)
Boys.. don't like 'em :D

Do you use a lot of swear-words when talking?
I do :) ofcourse only in situations when the other person talks like that too, it's not cool to do so when your talking to etc. your teacher :P

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