Ask a question and next person have to answer.

I would love to be in Negima. The first thing i would do is try and find a way to learn magic. Get connections to all those legendary people and learn from them.
The world is ending tmr. what will u do?
Oh, i like the hypotetical questions, gives you more than "Yes" or a "No" for an answer.
It's kind of difficult this one....mmmm..... i think i would get a list of things i reeeeeeeeeeeeally want to do, and do them. Doesn't matter if its illegal or not xD. And if there is a way to survive i would also try to do that if not, well....... enjoy of the environment of destruction (?).

If you are in Naruto's world, what kind of ninja would you like to be. (Genjutsu, Taijutsu..etc) - Can only select 2 abilities maximum.
For example Genjutsu (visual) and medical.

In the case you do not like Naruto, "what anime caracter would you like to be?"
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would be nice if i had a kekkei genkai but that isnt really something that i can get by choice. I would try to get senjutsu (sage), bunshinjutsu (clone), genjutsu (illusion), or my old favorite power would be space time manipulation. My jutsu would probably be art related or physical considering me as a person. The two abilities i choose are the ability to manipulate space/time and senjutsu as support because im assuming space/time is going to require a lot of chakra.
You wake up in a room with two windows, two doors, three bed, a pack in the corner with a month's worth of food, and two people (first two people that pop into mind). A dark hole in the middle of the floor leads to a cavern, outside one window u see a vast desert, outside next u see a snowy mountain, one door leads to a seemingly endless closet full of miscellaneous items, and the other to a dark, musty library. What would u do (remember u have a month)?
Shit, that question is really good, let me think XD.
Taking into account one month (30 days) - 3 people - 10 days each person. Food for 1 month wood mean that it also includes water or that there is water in the cavern if not all this would be useless.
First of all i would kill one of the two people, i assume you let me choose, so it would be one i don't care about and the other one is my cousin, so we have more time. It would be like 5 days more of food. Then i would use the meat from the body to have one day of food becuase then it will rot (more or less 36 days of food). Then i will try to get water from the cavern if there is some.
I would choose the desert becuase its less agressive than the snowy montain, or at least in general it is. Moreover, there are only 5 vast deserts in the world. So its much easier to identify, and by peeing in a cloth and put it on your head you can feel cold and resist the heat (so i do not get easily dehydrated). I would try to get books that are not musty so i can use the paper for the nights in the desert, in order to insulate my body from the cold and some for fire. Luckily my cousin is right handed and i am left handed so we can walk beside each other and therefore walk in a straight line.
I would also try to make use of the items in the first door, if not bad luck xD.
Well now, depending on what desert it is i would have to take X direction, if i confused of desert i would be screwed.Then be pacient and walk try to survive, defend myself from animals (can be also used as food =P), luckily i'm not alone, so its half the work.

Sorry for the long answer but i liked that question xD. I could continue but it will be too long.

What would you do if you are in the middle of a fire, inside a hotel for example (or a huge building), you cannot jump because you are in the 7th floor. Take into account that each door and window you open stokes the fire. And the vents are not the best solutions for this xD.
Im quite strong and climb stuff all the time so i probably wouldnt find the physical aspects of escaping really tough. As for the fire im not too sure how to to deal with that but if im going to have to run through fire anytime soon i would find something to cover my whole body if possible. It doesnt sound like there are sprinklers but im going to hope theres at least a fire extinguisher around. I would probably open a door despite the fact that it would stroke the fire because the fire would burn away all the precious air and i dont feel like suffocating anytime soon. I would stay low during the escape and hope the stairs arent wooden. Depending how far the fire has spread and the architecture of the hotel i might consider climbing down from the outside instead. If i cant do much i would at least try to catch the attention of someone outside. Hopefully the fire fighters get there before i do anything too stupid or the building starts to collapse. XD

One day while walking along a seemingly empty street u bump into a random cloaked individual and get warped into the world of the last anime you watched. While you are stunned the cloaked individual tells u that u have to discover an ending to the anime in order to leave that world. When u have recovered the individual has vanished and left u to fend for yourself.
Hmm... last anime....Gintama! First I would find Gintama and co... then beat the heck out of all the bad guys who would dare get in my way of discovering that ending to my anime....While eating chocolate parfaits and sweet cakes...(avoiding Sadaharu at all costs...).

The setting: Major research and development lab during the late 70's. A missile armed with a 5 kilo ton payload has been launched from the lab by a crazed scientist. The missile is heading for the north coast. Breaking through the labs defenses and security you walk into the main control room, in the center of the room sits a desk with 3 monitors on it and one keyboard. The keyboard has only 2 keys: 1 and 0. Which key kills the missile
i would assume 0 would kill the missile or could i press 1 if that doesnt work? (assumption based on the fact that some machines have a O and a l and O usually turns off the machine) if it doesnt work i would try to find a back up somewhere.

you can jump in time once and reappear anywhere. if u do u cant come back. would u and why?
I would. But i would wait a long time until i do it, beacuase if i can jump back in time and still preserve my memories it would be the same as living longer, and i would be a 15 year old adolescent knowing lots of things and with the medical career already done (at least the knowledge).------> This is the "why".

You are a King, but you get to know that tomorrow someone is going to kill you. You do not know how, neither who's going to do it. You have thousands of people working for you in the castle so you can't just kill one. Moreover you have an important meeting with another King from another country you can't miss. What will you do to escape from the situation and how. (Remeber you are in front of another King, you can't just kill someone who approaches you because you may give a wrong impression).

@samyeung46 I found the girl you were taking about before:

Sorry don't know why i can't upload images.
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@firecroll lol i was actually thinking of yuno from future diary (currently reading cuz of a friend) XD but that works too :3
I would keep a sword on my person the whole time (i feel this is a slightly medieval theme) trusted guards at most doors with orders to check everyone. Maybe explain that im having slight problems to the other king if i can in a way that doesnt hurt my credibility (like im trying to ensure his safety). Of course theres the fact that the other king or his servants might be the murderer considering how he coincidentally has a meeting with me on the day that im supposed to be attacked. I would leak that i secretly set up a second room for the conference and secretly set a third or a fourth even. Have guards outside the fake rooms with the same orders to not let anyone in and body doubles of me and the other king sitting in those other rooms. I would have trusted people cook and deliver any refreshments that i may have to ensure that there is no poison. A group of honor guards (enough to hav at least three at the door of every fake room with extras to switch shifts one at a time and some in the conference room with me) would be around close enough to react to any danger to me including if one of the honor guards was the assassin. Secretly have armor on that could deflect any darts or stealthy weapons but not enough to make it obvious that i kno there is danger to me. Hav a spy network of my own to find the enemy and hopefully finish him/her off before tmr comes. In the conference have my and the other king's guards (3-5 best/most trustworthy) stand far enough away to be able to react to danger and a somewhat long table of refreshments where it would be difficult for the other king to kill me before the guards arrive. The rooms that i set up will all have a secret passage to another room with an ambush inside for the fool that is trying to kill me and the actual room i have the conversation in will be from a second secret passage in a secret passage room. I would try to stay out of public/crowded places till the assassin is caught and a interrogation/full background check to make sure that it was the only one and the reasons behind his/her actions is revealed. I think this is enough? XD

You get trapped by a bored demon in a multi-layered labyrinth. The labyrinth will lead you through the 7 sins at least once and has a multitude of creature with varying abilities swarming around. The demon grants you a weapon and an ability and tells u to find your way out. What would you do and where might you fall?
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I hope the ability is to control time, and the weapon a Katana, kind of cool to cut a monster or creature in less than one second xD. But if not well at least i'm happy i don't have to fight with my nude hands, cause im awful doing that. To start with i already have some sins like a lot of pride and as i'm a man, lust. I would try to escape from the labyrinth(that would be easy if the demon gives me the ability of Phi Brain to solve puzzles xD), with my weapon i would kill the creatures and use their bodies or parts of it to mark the path im using so i do not use it twice. Then i hope i don't get into lust or pride and end my days inside that labyrinth.

@samyeung46 That was more than enough xD

You are given a limited ability that can change the whole world, nothing such as magic and world peace easily done. For example Death Note or Code Geass( you cannot choose this ones). What ability would you choose and how would you change the world?.... In a positive or negative way (change doesn't mean "save")
Would high intelligence count as a limited ability? With intelligence i could achieve quite a bit (although im sure my low self esteem would probably ruin something). I would aim for a high position where i have influence and try to improve the world (since world peace is somewhat unrealistic due to human nature). I wouldnt need to do anything shady and i could probably befriend anyone with the right words so i wouldnt have to worry about my safety too much. It would also allow me to fulfill those dreams i have faster than i could otherwise.

You find an anime character (of choice) lost outside your house. Somehow he/she were transported and stranded in this world. What would you do?
It would be funny to see how a anime character is in real life XD. With huge eyes. Hahahahahaha.

I think i would like to meet Haruhi Suzumiya becuase it would be really interesting to spend some days with that crazy stuff she does. Then i would try to help to go back to her world, and if i can also go with her. This world is fucking boring xD.
Sorry i didn't develope it more but i'm tired and with fever ¬¬.
Maybe also one of the Elrik's brothers becuase of the same reason, try to go to their world, i think that alchemy is fantastic XD

Now i ask you the same question from above.
I would like to meet Negi from Negima. There is a pretty good chance that his magic can get us back to his world and there basically a type of magic for anything there (immortality and time travel for example) and even the "normal" human world there is quite entertaining. It would also be quite odd to exist there being a human and all unless i turn anime when i arrive (maybe magic could help with this). As for while Negi is in this world, it would be entertaining enough to see him panic until he figures out how to warp back.

Naruto, Bleach, and One Piece wage war against each other. What would happen? Would there be a winner?
Ahh, no. There would not. All three due to being just amazing amounts of awesomeness would just cancel each other out.

Why do some people ask such hard questions??? :)
Because its entertaining to read answers and kills a little boredom to answer them especially when i need to stay awake long enough to finish the essay.

While walking along you get run over by Luffy and co. and suddenly find yourself in the middle of a war. What would you do?
hmm, Kill em all! No, Kidding there, prolly try and ensue some Yuri Action with a few of em, who knows :)

How would you respond to someone taking your computer and smashing it all over the floor?
hmmmm that's a hard one.

i guess i would yell at him/her (who knows even try to kick his/her ass) and force him/her to pay me a new one.

what would you do if for some reason you appear all over the news?
Considering how i tend to be unnoticed even if i stand next to someone i would say that isnt likely, but if i did my oddity would probably be the first thing they poke at so i would try and disappear for a while unless i can use the situation for something.

For the next month the sun turned black. What would happen adn how would you react?
i think many people would be very depressed with no sun, and probably origin many kills, so i think i would take vacations and try to have fun.

now the opposite: what if there was no night for one month?
If there was no night i would cover the windows to sleep, set alarm clocks, and continue living as i am. As for the state of the world, no night means the earth is probably spinning slower so the magnetic field would be ruined and i dont kno how that would effect the environment but it might mean that meteors would start hitting earth.

If a shot at world peace was achievable at the cost of the most precious thing to you. would you try?
I'm not sure even that what is the most precious thing in my life.. well I could think of it for a while and figure out that.
But I still wouldn't, becouse peace can be made by the other people, it depends how they act. :)

whew.. today is Sunday. Did you have a nice weekend so far?
Been sitting around all weekend doing hw =.= took 13 hrs yesterday to finish an essay (2 hrs to get the title down) XD

You are trapped in the Abyss. Surrounding you is a maze is broken architecture and you notice chains all over. A giant black rabbit with a scythe is chasing you screaming for meat. What would you do? (If you read Pandora Hearts this question will be that much harder) XD
I Haven't read that series yet. I read the Alice in wonderland books and such.

I'd get out my deck of cards and death dice and just destroy the thing...

Do you like dark and gloomy settings?
I think dark and gloomy setting are interesting and Pandora Hearts is quite dark and gloomy though i like the art XD

What would be the ideal house for you?
Ideal house would be on the countryside of the city where I live, and it would be best when it would have a separate sauna :)
That'd be ideal in winter. Go to hot sauna, after that dive into 1 meter thick snow. And then back. :D
Hah I think that I've mentioned sauna for like 234 times in this forum now.. the hell's wrong with me?

What are your morning routines?
(I go to pee first thing in the morning, then go put clothes on, then go downstairs and make coffee, then have a breakfast, then go for a smoke(not necessarily), then off to work.

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