
Hmm UK Server........I do have the urge to play it too but I want to finish what I started in the DE server~~

And yea after using all stamina I only gained about 70% exp......
That means need at least 2 days to lvl up :/
Lvling up after lvl 40 is even more of a pain >.<

I would prefer UK over NA because of less lag. And it's a noticeable difference in lag. I expect NA to have more players though. We'll have to see if you can download NA or UK.

Lvling up is a pain, yes. Run Gate of Darkness as many times as you can during weekends. They give loads of exp compared to normal dungeons and you always go with a party there so you get the exp bonus from that. Go alone and you're kinda screwed. Also, running dungeons in parties increase the exp you gain when the dungeon is finished.
If u play on very hard it gives enough :fulfilled:
I play either solo or with hino or gwee~~
I can't even solo with my Elemental Master. She only rely on Special Actives for damage output and she needs loads of MP for those.
Parties are useful :gotidea:
U can run dungeons and lvl up even with 0% stamina :XD:
Yea ur strong attacks also cost a lot MP
Well i beggining prefer using my bm

I can go gungho into people xd instead or sniping from the back XD
Parties are useful :gotidea:
U can run dungeons and lvl up even with 0% stamina :XD:
Yea ur strong attacks also cost a lot MP

Didn't work when I tried for about 5 days ago. So you probably got it to bug or something.
Literally? Imagine small bosses. Blizzard can't hit, Meteor can't hit, Cyclone is weak as hell and useless since bosses go stoic, Blaze Step is melee and it doesn't stunlock which means I put myself in extreme danger, I don't have Infernal Wave which could be good against small targets, Magic Missile is only lvl 2 atm, Chain Burst is weak and probably doesn't get all hits. The only skill I can use is base Aisha's Lightning Bolt.
Em definity is support type character better for parties then soloing....

EM is a support character who is strong as hell against large bosses because of her spread out attacks like Blizzard and Meteor. She's useless against small bosses though unless you stand on the edge of the room and spam Magic Missile which is the cheapest thing you could do.
I prefer charging in head first

With my GA

It works but not too well XD

GA is the character with lowest DPS in the entire game. Even EM surpass a GA in DPS. GA do have more combos than EM which doesn't cost too much MP but does a bit lower damage. That's what I miss with my EM... being able to do combos that actually gives back a bit of MP. SR can't do zzz >>^z and loop it since >>^z will knockdown. But after you got GA you will be able to do that without knocking down and you can stunlock normal enemies with that combo and gather MP quickly. EM can only do zz and loop that until she get MP and it's hard to loop that atm since the recovery time of the 2nd z is slow. I think they will buff that later when the EM revamp comes.
Hmm i dont care that much about combos since im not good at it```

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