
Ah, I see. I play on DE just as much as I do on the UK version, in that I only play when my cousin asks me to. And I just do Henir/SDs whenever I'm on DE so that really hasn't changed. I still lag on UK. The German text hasn't bothered me one bit. The UK version is full of bugs right now. It's quite annoying when I don't know what I need for my quest since it says what dungeon you need to do, but give you a requirement from another quest in another region. Base jobs are really annoying. No avatar set to pump speed duals into so my Raven is forever slow mode right now.

*heheh* I was online after 10PM. :goodtea:
Okay, the only problem I got with DE server myself is the fact that most english speaking people will go to the UK server and also because there's less avatars and stuff to customize your characters with... How can you lag on the UK one? :/ Doesn't you live in UK? Yeah, I remember that. I killed a boss and it told me that I completed the task "Speak with Aranka." :goodtea:

Base jobs are only annoying on the ones who can't take down bosses quickly and on those character that can't combo too well. Chung would probably be the funniest character as a base character. He got some boss wrecking skills and he got many combos especially if you involve Siege Shelling in combos since that gives you a huge damage output. On bosses I usually pop Awakening and do >>^z xxz zzvz Reload zz Siege Shelling (xxxxxxz) and then Lunatic Blow. The damage output is kinda sick for a base character.

Yeah, I could kinda guess that :<

I'm off to watch TV now so brb for an hour or something.
There'll still be lag if I do PvP against players outside of the UK. I still get hitstun lag, but not that often since I play with my cousin. Right now I'm just looking at the PvP side of the game since that's the main reason I joined the UK server...and Archangel avatar/+10 weapon scroll but haven't got either. Bosses aren't a problem for me and even if characters didn't have OP skills, you just need to learn basic attack string loops, and watch the attack patterns of bosses. My desire to play is dependant on what updates the UK server will get. Unlimited Blade (Works) and Triple Geyser are still the strongest bast skills I believe. Chung has his super armour on his attacks so he'll get around.

See you later. OwO)/
[MENTION=27362]AhGwee[/MENTION]; I'm back.

Of course, but wouldn't the players lag more than you? When I PvP on the DE server I have a hard time to hitstun the opponent while they have an easy time to hitstun me. You only joined UK for PvP? I have a hard time to change between servers myself since I will end up wanting to play a character that I got on the UK server when I play on the DE server. Yeah, but Aisha doesn't have that many melee loops. She kinda only got the zz one and that sucks to spam. I'll rather go with combos instead of simple loops like that. Even zzz >>^z is better than only zzz. BtM got the >>zx that doesn't knock down so that one will be available to me when the job changes will come. Almost all melee attacks that Aisha got knocks up into the air or knocks down. It isn't better that she only got zzz instead of zzzz like all other characters. I expect the UK server to get the same updates as NA? Never tried Unlimited Blade Works (still prefered the loli and the berserker in the game I played) but I got Triple Geyser on my Magic Knight on DE and I used it in the beginning but not anymore. I use Wind Blade or Rising Slash to end combos or if there's enemies during the boss fight that end up trying to ambush me while I combo the boss. I kinda never rely on the super armor... It just pops up now and then and makes me counterattack if the enemy tries to counterattack me after they got knocked down.
Lag works both ways. Elsword is P2P based after all. But some characters work better even when there's lag.
No. I said the main reason was because of PvP and cousin playing on UK version.
Loops are a subgroup of combos. ZZZ is better than ZZZ>>^Z because the second one has a higher KD rate.
Triple Geyser is good is because it gives so much destruction meter to Elsword, and deals a whooping 9000% damage (if all hits connect).
Triple Geyser isn't meant to be used as a combo ender or in a combo at all.
You shouldn't need to use Rising Slash in a combo. It's there for fast dungeon clearing.
You aren't meant to reply on Chung's super armour outside of PvP. But it helps since you want to be knocked down as little as possible. It's needed to close the gap between you and your opponents in PvP and to prevent them from just recklessly charging in on you.
I know, but it never feels like that when I play PvP. People always got an advantage against me with hitstuns. That's why I dislike PvP. I hit a Chung in his face with a >>^z on my CE when he was jumping and he just continued his jump like nothing just happened and that pisses me off.
Yeah, I know. Have fun.
Yeah, they are good. But how fun are they and what reputation will you get? Spam zzz in PvP with a BtM and people will hate on you and call you a bad BtM. Spam zzz in dungeons and you'll get bored immediatly. I don't really care in dungeons which loops/combos that got lower KD. Bosses will go Stoic in dungeons by the time I finish my combo and they haven't been knocked down by that time either. If I find a buffed enemy with more armor I'll gladly do >>zz zzz >>zz zzz >>zz Fire Fist (KD reset) and then loop it until they're dead. At least with my Magic Knight and that's the character I combo with the most right now on the DE server. I can't combo with my EM so I'll just loop xx with her on buffed mobs.
I never used Triple Geyser in combos and I never said that I did. Triple Geyser gives vitality meter since it's a destruction skill. I also said that I only use Rising slash if an enemy try to ambush me when I combo the boss. It hits in front of me and behind me as well. That means that enemies behind me or behind the boss that might try to attack me will die while I also deal damage to the boss itself. I do use Wind blade sometimes as a combo finisher because of it's good damage and low MP. Especially since it gives vitality meter and if I can fill the vitality bar I get 15 MP per z attack instead of only 5 so I get my MP back almost instantly.
Yeah, but I usually end up pressing x at some points and then I knock the enemy down again. I have to get more used to that so I don't keep on knocking them down. I don't know if the z attack knocks down since I haven't tried using it yet. Well, I don't play PvP that often and when I do i'll probably go with my Magic Knight anyways. But it's good to know in case I might try. Thanks for the information, I didn't know that it was that good.
Thanks for the socket advices guys. I think I'll wait till level 60 before I considering socket equips after all.

In regards to the purchase of Slot B, I'll only consider it if I have disposal cash to spend it on. I don't really know what is the rate for the USD to K-Chang per dollar at the moment. Just don't feel like spending too much on a game that I play occasionally. I only think Elemental Master will need it the most but that's for PvP. Pretty sure the current update for NA server allows you to change your skills in PvE dungeons on the go.

Currently all my characters are the following:

NA Only:
  • BelleEpine (Ashia, Level 5 probably)
  • BijouBleu (Soon to be Elemental Master: Lvl 15 - 25)
  • MignonPoupee (Battle Mage: Lvl 35 - 40)
  • SombreScan (New, Rena to be Trap Ranger)
  • MafuyuShina (New)

Made only one character in DE and frankly speaking, updating the client is hell. 50kbps isn't the easiest to bear while waiting for it to complete the patching. Hoping it doesn't freeze. Putting that aside, I didn't get far in the game. Pretty sure I just did as many quests based on the 'Q' signs on the map. Seems simple enough back then.

I finally realized that I like Shooting Guardian the most for some reason. I like his 80 MP skill that makes him jump to the other side of the enemies and fire 2 shots for 500% dmg each or something like that. Chung needs mobility because of his extremely slow attacks and recovery time after attacking.

I promise you, Elemental Master needs B slot in PvE as well. Elemental Master is a character that needs alot of stuff in partys and soloing. Some examples are Teleport, Mana Shield, Blizzard Shower, Lightning Bolt, Meditate, Magic Accelerator, Power Accelerator (if you're buffing party members) and that's 7 spots. On the 8th spot I would go with Meteor Shower, Shield Accelerator or even Blaze Step even though it isn't that good in PvE since bosses goes stoic as often as they do so they can easily knock you away if you arent careful and that makes you lose alot of damage from your skill before you actually reach the boss again.

I made a Chung in NA. I can't remember his name though. He's only around lvl 14 or something I think. I'm not sure...

DE actually isn't that hard to figure out after you've played a while. I know what I need to get/do to complete every single quest. The only quests I was rather confused with was the Henir quest since I didn't know which one it was at first xD It doesn't go that slow for me, not even on the NA server. Is it your internet or do you just live far away? It sucks that it happens though :/ I can understand why you prefer to play on NA as well. Shiri-chan wanted to try and download NA again and see if it works. Hopefully it does.
[MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION]: I see. Guess I'll consider getting that Slot B if I get far enough in the game with Elemental Master. I might go solo mostly on Elemental Master and other characters since I tend to pick my own items up unless I just want the experience. Most times when I party, I just can't pick anything up and what I get from the completion of the dungeon is the other thing I'll get for that period. Chung lacks in mobility, that's true, and his abilities makes up for it for his enormous damage output he can blasts in mere second. He's more like a burst character than anything once he shoots up all his ammo against bosses or characters in PvP. And he has a nasty knockdown and more tank than other characters at times to top it off.

Yeah I live on the other side of the internet nodes. If you know the make up of the internet lines throughout the world and how they are routed between the countries and continents around the world, you can estimate how difficult it is to stabilize and download things. Like for example, if I picked a country that everyone knows maybe A country like Australia or Japan, the internet would have to route through the pacific ocean directly to United States of America in North America. Then it will route through United Kingdom, Europe and then it goes to a node and connects up with Germany. Strictly speaking that's a long way to get your internet connection between the two countries for a game.

It's not like I don't like playing on the DE server, it's more of a waiting on a patching that could break in stability and starting to download it again. On top of that, I haven't figured out the conversation for the currency between the game and the currency you have to buy it in. I could spend the amount to open the Slot B but I don't need it at the moment since I'm spending most of my income on something else. Just can't justify it, even if I want to for the time being. Thanks for the advice on how Element Masters are set up in terms of skills.

I managed to get my GA to level 40 O_O

also my BM is now level 35 XD

my TR is still 20
my CE is still 19
Get your BM to level 60 and Either Bloody Accel+Giga Drive+One Flash/Burning Rush everything. Though this can be done if you've invested your points properly. :goodtea:
lol I tried to buff my character as much as possible, I think its my favorite class so far XD

can't wait to get my DW
[MENTION=27362]AhGwee[/MENTION]; He means BtM with BM just so you know xD
^I remember watching someone show the basic combos on a Youtube video about Dimension Witch and kept ending it with "I'm so pretty." With that said, I still liked the designs for most, if not all, the characters in the game for Elsword. Haven't played much recently, considering whether I should sell the class specific equips to make room for items or not.
Yeah designs all look nice to me

I played all classes so far except raven and chung( don't really find them all that amazing)

So far my fave is btm, followed by ga and tr
The moment Dimension Witch is released in the game. I'm probably going to be busy with work again. orz

Anyway, I liked Rena and Ashia Classes so far. Kind of ignoring the storyline since it kinda repetitive and gets remixed again and again in the patches.
Oh i see

Well dm is out where i am, i just 40 drops from the necromancer to get the promotion XD
Sounds like it has been released in NA server at this rate. I'll probably have a play around once I find someone to help me transfer me items to my other account. I haven't found a way to exchange items within the same account in the bank system. So I gave up and just went ahead transfer it in the good old fashion way.
Haven't played in a week and I'm missing the DW event...although with the wings I'm satisfied. The only thing I regret is that I opened the costume for my recently made CEl (a complete waste...orz), wich completes my Eve account.
Anyone making bets on wich class will be released next? (Battle Seraph,Battle Seraph,Battle Seraph,Battle Seraph) No favoritism of course.
[MENTION=6533]Kamigoroshi[/MENTION]; Wanna bet on Night Watcher? Night Watcher is released before Dimension Witch on DE.
[MENTION=6533]Kamigoroshi[/MENTION]; Wanna bet on Night Watcher? Night Watcher is released before Dimension Witch on DE.

If we go by luck, Battle Seraph may come in last, but the accessory for NW doesn't look good on anyone beside Rena:forsaken: I want the tiara from BS! And the class for my recently made CEl of course...how were they released on the KR server? ...and those sons of bi-...Elrios will have Elesis released in a little more time. And the best bet we have is to have Ara for christmas. Well I'll be back to play tomorrow and for the time being I'll keep dying on DmC with difficulty Son of Sparda, a little warm up before going back to the laggy arena.

I correct, they already have Elesis first two classes and are on the process of releasing second Ara's job. BS, please come fast to NA!
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The KR releases in order: Infinity Sword, Dimension Witch, Night Watcher, Veteran Commander, Code Battle Seraph, Tactical Trooper.

I've heard rumors about the NA releases being this:
June 26th - Infinity Sword
July 17th - Dimension Witch
August 7th - Night Watcher
August 28th - Veteran Commander
September 18th - Code Battle Seraph
October 9th - Tactical Trooper
October 23rd - Start of Class Rebalance: Nemesis and Elemental Master/Halloween Event
November 6th - Rebalance: Grand Archer and Blade Master
November 20th - Rebalance: Rune Slayer and Deadly Chaser/Thanksgiving Event
December 4th - Ara Pre-Event
December 18th - Ara Release/Sanders/Level Cap 62.

The DE server doesn't seem to give a damn about the KR release order though so this list only applies to DE if you change around the characters. The release date seems to be about right though.

Here's the source btw. It seems trustable since the IS and DW got released on those dates.

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