
Currently glasses-less so I'll also miss the unlimited stamina and probably the event cubes!!! Noooooo....well if someone knows what the nasod kings cube contains or if the coins of nakama power are up already, well...tell me and I'll check what other things will I miss. But mostly, the thought of wasting (again) my promotional set from my CE...she would be 58 at this time if I could just...well, it will take a little more time...and the CEl as well, but at least she is ready when Battle Seraph comes out! Just Veteran Commander is in the way...
If I ever get my net stable again. I'm probably going to have League of Legends removed as my to go online game and get back into Elsword. At least I don't have to worry about DC since no one complains too much about it in these types of games.

How often Gate of Darkness open up in the NA servers?
Gate of Darkness opens up twice a day during weekends. One in the afternoon, and one in the evening for an hour each. The exp gain during this time is crazy and you can make a lot of money if you pick up the drops. Remember to accept the optional quest before doing Gate of Darkness as it'll give you an item that lets you craft accessory pieces. :goodtea:
Hmm... GoD is at 3 pm and 7 pm for 1 hour each on the DE server. I guess that the time is same in the NA server so you just have to figure out what their clock is compared to yours.
Alright, guess I'll find out when I do the time conversation for the respective servers that I play on. It's already late here so I'll probably play on another time.

To me, Gate of Darkness is easier to complete if you have a team of people that have strong AOE or even strong single DPS. Then again, I don't play enough of this game so I wouldn't know.
[MENTION=10600]HatoriTakaya[/MENTION]; Hmm... GoD is good for my EM. I usually charge up my MP with Meditate on while the others in my group kill the weak enemies and then I usually almost 1 shot the big eyes with Meteor Shower whenever those appear. So I'm the single target damage dealer in the GoD group.
/me laughs at [MENTION=46616]InorixShu[/MENTION];

My EM can get about 40% of her exp bar from 2 hours of GoD runs. So I kinda got 80% of her exp bar for free this weekend.
My character will always be CEl >.<

btw I try downloading NA server now~~~~
Well my first choice in this game was Tr, however gwee gave me so good advice so i went with my Ga

However i find my TR to be the best.
[MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION]: You're making me feel like I should go play more Elsword in my spare time. But sounds pretty useful that spell. I was a battle mage doing limited damage at level 30 against those horde and my party members died one by one. Just can't hold out against that many hordes coming from two ledges.
[MENTION=10600]HatoriTakaya[/MENTION]; Hmm... I usually use Meteor Shower but sometimes I also use Blaze Step because it's my favorite skill. The eye is so huge that he goes through the platforms at the end on Expert. Throw a Meteor Shower there and start charging your MP in front of his face so he'll stop from moving and will take huge dps damage from the burning that's left from the meteors. Well, charge as long as you don't risk getting hit from something xD

Other people are retarded in GoD. They stand below the fire/ice/curse balls on purpose and ends up dying. The only bad thing with BtM in GoD is that she only got close range skills.
Hooray :runhappy:

EDIT: I need a break from NA...
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[MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION]: Yeah people are really... stupid... for not evading those rain of fireball when it comes. I mean... it doesn't take that much effort to not die if you prepare over 30 potions to recover your HP. Assuming you want to tank all those fireballs.

Personally when I was Battle Mage around level 25 to 30, I kept Teleport and Mana Shield to reduce and mitigate most of my damage while I do melee damage and lightning combos where possible. This is all while dodge all fireballs and keeping them at bay. Usually if things get out of control and people just die or disconnect, I end up dying due to not being able to Mass Wipe all those monsters out in time.
Hi there ~ been some time since I last checked this post. The wind has blown from that moment and I have two capped Eves (CE and CBS) and a close one CN (lvl 56) but I decided to focus on my CE, my favorite so far, then CN and at the end CBS. And if someone has a chara capped item lvl above 85, I'll be doing Henir and secrets to get better equip :3
NA server, of course. Tried the taiwanese one, but....it was too lonely and people were extremely greedy. Market prices were overthe top. So I'll be ready for christmas to get my Ara! I just loved her playstyle so I'll try to focus on her when she comes out.

Edit: well, not many replies since my last comment xD But just to clarify. There are three hours at which you can enter GoD, 12am - 1pm - 6pm. The exp you get from the VH is really good in higher levels, gives you about 4% or a little more for each run.
[MENTION=6533]Kamigoroshi[/MENTION]; I never understood Eves. I can't get the dash part to work so I ditched her. If you can't control her dash good enough and isn't interested in doing so it's better to give up since you would suck ass in PvP that way -.-

I only got my lvl 43 VP on NA so I can't help you there. I would like to go Henir, but my lvl is too low. I figured that out when I got spanked for going a Henir run with a lvl 58 guild member when I was lvl 33 or something. I understand that feeling. It's the same with UK server. Kinda no people at all there at least compared to NA. I found my interest for Little Devil so I'll have to wait longer before I job change my Ara. Unless I get interested in her first job path before Lil' Devil comes out in NA.

I know, GoD VH gives twice the ammount of experience than what normal dungeon runs give on VH with a full group in your own lvl.

You can add Himawariko if you feel like it. I might not be online that extremely often though (basically not every day) since my work therapy have started and I feel myself stressed. You'll obviously see me during the weekends though xD
[MENTION=46616]InorixShu[/MENTION] ; CBSSSSSS...Pre-event tomorrow!

And...Velder Imperial set is coming over to the UK servers tomorrow. Guess I'll start making money somehow. x.x
I know :3 >.<
Ill get ready to play ~
finally getting my CBS after a long time of waiting for it~
havent been playing elsword for a while~ >.<

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