
I know :3 >.<
Ill get ready to play ~
finally getting my CBS after a long time of waiting for it~
havent been playing elsword for a while~ >.<

Do you want company? I could lvl up my EM with you then :3 It will be interesting to see how you play CBS!
[MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION] Well it's pretty useful once you can make good use of it, but also what you would call a double-edge sword, since you can go around the map catching enemy (enemies) from behind (in pvp) but that also means a lose skill may get in the way and..poof you get combo-ed and lose half of your HP...or maybe that's just me. But you mean the entire concept of gliding or the spring step and some other way for pvp? Because aside from the first one, I don't know any other xD

And that CBS pre-event.....sucked so much due to those luck-related accessories, that or you should grind quite a lot if you wanted one perma one. Well the release event was quite better since it was sorta of bugged and you could do El Tree with a CBS of any lvl and still get the quest done. Do that 25times and youre ready for a +7 amulet :shinies: Also, never choose the costume, you will most likely get the jami and afro or something like that.....same costume that they gave you in the IS event :forsaken:

Little Devil....if we got lucky it will get to NA like...the christmas from the next year. We haven't get the first class and neither the class revamp system, and you're waiting for the second already?

Oks, I'll add you, I'm usually on morning and nights almost everyday but on weekends I usually just go to GoD if I get in time, Henir (but there are less people doing it on weekends) and mostly secrets. I get way too lazy to farm on weekends.
I heard from a friend that this game is pay-to-win so I deleted it the same day I installed it lol
I heard from a friend that this game is pay-to-win so I deleted it the same day I installed it lol

Well it comes down to how much you're willing to go without in this game. Most MMORPG are set up in a way that people who pays, will always get a advantage. How big the advantage? That depends on the marketable items for people to buy. Maple Story for example is a good one where money does somewhat equal to how much easier the game can be. With 10 USD, you can effectively get a pet that will pick up all your loots and money off the ground. As long you move them in a way to do so. Pay 20 USD and your pet will have an AI to help you pick up money while you just stand there and spam skills to kill enemies. It can also pot, auto buff, feed itself and all cure you. Not like it will break the game or anything.

Now for Elsword, what money can buy you that free players don't get are the following:
  • Extra Skill Slot Bar
  • Extra Quick Slot Bar
  • A fully grown pet (You may have spent at least 10 USD)
  • A bigger inventory
  • A Bigger Back System to Trade your items between your character
  • More Character Slot per 3 USD (Approx)
  • Instant Job Upgrade (If you're too lazy to even do the quest manually)
  • Costumes (Do you really need that?)
  • Epic Equips per patch (Alright, this can be a problem but it's the same as Maple Story)
  • Buy Skills (If you too lazy to do the quest which is super hard to do at times. Maple Story is 1000% more random and they have Hackers to farm those Skills. 2.4 Billion per Skill Book in Maple Story? Screw it...)
  • Improved Skill Notes you don't even have to hunt
  • Your own Personal Shop
  • And other perks which is no different from any other MMORPG

So if your mission is to find a Online Game that doesn't have those pay to win features. I think it's safe to say most of them have a kind of pay to win feature. It just depends on the scale and how necessary it is for the game to have money invested in these cash items. I found this game less cash intensive than Maple Story for example and funnily enough little to few hackers if you're super unlucky. Maple Story from what I can recall, it's a norm in certain maps where skill books are dropped from certain monsters will lower rate.


Now I'm still on my Battle Mage, finding it a long process to hunt these Glitter Magicians. But it's still easier than other MMORPG. *Shrugs* Can't solo certain bosses so that kind of sucks. I lack the knowledge to beat them with Ashia.

EDIT: ... I got killed at some kind of Garden around level 40 stages. So much poisons...
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[MENTION=10600]HatoriTakaya[/MENTION]; Are you online right now? Also, everyone can have a personal shop. The difference is that the ones who doesn't pay only have 3 slots to put items in when they sell them instead of 9 slots. So you're limited to how many items you can have on sale at the same time.
[MENTION=10600]HatoriTakaya[/MENTION]; Are you online right now? Also, everyone can have a personal shop. The difference is that the ones who doesn't pay only have 3 slots to put items in when they sell them instead of 9 slots. So you're limited to how many items you can have on sale at the same time.

Yeah I'm online now. Just waiting for a party for the Poison Garden or something in NA server. I'm pretty sure I'm under prepared in this game. I usually know what to bring in Maple Story since I craft potions and stuff.

Oh I forgot to mention my IGN I'm online. MignonPoupee is my Battle Mage at the moment. I'm thinking of whether I should stop and just do a normal run alone to get a gist of the stage.
Alright, just gonna log in. Do as you want, the boss is hard though :/

Honestly speaking... I never got to the boss since I keep dying before getting there a ton of poison and burn attacks inflicting my character. There's like no way to make stronger potions unless I get lucky to gain those materials in a Dungeon run. Which is why my run takes like 30 minutes now since I just don't know what to expect in the next corner without stupidly running into my own death.
Honestly speaking... I never got to the boss since I keep dying before getting there a ton of poison and burn attacks inflicting my character. There's like no way to make stronger potions unless I get lucky to gain those materials in a Dungeon run. Which is why my run takes like 30 minutes now since I just don't know what to expect in the next corner without stupidly running into my own death.

Hmmmm and why you don't use the autoparty? Getting three people is enough to get double drop. And also, in the Garden, the boss are three plants, never kill one first and continue with the other, you need to left one with little life enough to kill it with one skill and the go for the other two or else you're gonna have a Bad Time.
Also, what I found more useful from cash is the slot B, well that if you're usually on dungeons, in pvp 4 skills is enough for me.
[MENTION=6533]Kamigoroshi[/MENTION]; The mutation doesn't make it hell for everyone. It's actually pretty easy to dodge if you stand on his right side. The poison is easier to dodge and his bite is just too easy since he start biting on the left side first then middle and finally right. The only trouble is actually the tentacles (vines) he summons. At least for an Aisha xD
Hmmmm and why you don't use the autoparty? Getting three people is enough to get double drop. And also, in the Garden, the boss are three plants, never kill one first and continue with the other, you need to left one with little life enough to kill it with one skill and the go for the other two or else you're gonna have a Bad Time.
Also, what I found more useful from cash is the slot B, well that if you're usually on dungeons, in pvp 4 skills is enough for me.

Well I do and sometimes I end up solo the entire dungeon. It's suicide at best for me since I haven't gotten this far in the game before. Just partied with Hinode before and just saw the massive difference in game knowledge. Thanks Hinode for partying with me today.

Then again, I don't use it often enough to remember it. So I end up being solo anyway. The dragon fight is just as bad for me since my damage is pitiful at best, letting Hinode do the major DPS. XP

Yeah I can see the purchase of Slot B pretty useful for some characters. More often than not, people mention EM will need it since she has so many skills to use in different situations. Personally I'm Dimension Witch so I might just get away with it.

[MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION]: Agreed with Hinode comment. Well in a sense since I haven't analyzed the bosses pattern enough though. This is where youtube and NicoNico Donga comes in handy.
[MENTION=10600]HatoriTakaya[/MENTION]; Yeah, same to you! It was fun to have someone to go dungeons with instead of just random people :/ You also know a bit more about stuff xD I've played this alot though so I guess that I could say that you learn over time. It's kinda obvious that you can't know it the first time you try it. But it's better to tell you instead of hiding stuff :3

EDIT: Well, my weapon got much more Magic than yours so that could explain my damage output :/ The Feita armor set also increases your attack/magic on it's pieces and I just like it in general. The main DPS I had was the Awakening, 100 MP Magic Adrenaline, Mana Potion and 300 MP Plasma Cutter combo that I did at the beginning of every boss xD
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[MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION]: Yeah that's true. Partying with people you know is always satisfying. Game knowledge always come with time. It's been always like that anyway and it's interesting to look back to it when you reach to a milestone in a sense. It was like that for me in Maple Story and League of Legends. Thanks for the advices you been giving throughout the runs though, helps when you have someone that knows what they're doing. *laughs*

Pretty sure I would definitely not survive the dragon run. And that Eve Anti-Air Skills. Just... wow, guess each character has their own weaknesses in dealing with certain bosses.

EDIT: Made sense. I only took up the speed buff... now I'm wondering if I should give up one skill to take that magic buff as well or not.
[MENTION=10600]HatoriTakaya[/MENTION]; Yeah, random ones are good for exp and drops but it isn't that fun when no one says anything either. Sometimes you don't even get a "Hi" xD Yeah, you're right there. It might take a while though. You're welcome :3 I've learned most of it from AhGwee or by myself lol.

Oh btw... the main reason to why I told you to shoot him down first is because of the "Cutty Sark takes 30% damage when it is in flight or recovering." thing. The Eves was too hyperactive to take it easy and actually let him place himself above a crossbow so they decided to do Thousand Star instead to take down the last half HP bar...

EDIT: Depends on if you have a strong damaging skill that you use. You kinda do ton of damage with MMU and the xx spam :/ I don't know if you actually need it though. You could ask AhGwee about it :3

Also, I'm off to the TV now!
[MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION]: Enjoy your TV time. That's true. Most 'Pick Up Groups' tend to be pretty silent and you just go through a run without a word being said. The Experience gain is nice I guess. Not too friendly though overall unless you know them.

Ah okay, well guess that's something. Have to agree that the Eves were just wanting to down that thing regardless of tactics used in the fight. That beam of doom though, melted his HP to almost past 50%. I don't know, it just felt like you just wiped out most of the HP with one shot. No idea how to aim those crossbows though.

Yeah in MMU form, if you can spam xx<>xx (repeat) really fast, you can gain MP and do massive damage in short order. That's why I kept trying to keep it up at all times. It helps a lot with DPS when you have random equips that is not in a set on you. Funnily enough I have almost or all of the Void Princess and Elemental Master Level 40 Set Equips. Just not the Dimension Witch level 40 plus equips. So... that's interesting in its own way.

And yeah, I don't know where I'm going in skills. I was planning to use this skill path that I just chose out of lack of knowledge. Don't know if there any skills I should give up for another one though.

Final Level 60 Skill Pathing

This is where I'm at though. Level 42 Dimension Witch.
[MENTION=10600]HatoriTakaya[/MENTION]; Yeah, I wish that people at least could say "Hi" especially when I do so to almost every group I meet :/

Yeah, they was flying through the sky like never before :/ Like if they thought that it would matter who got the last hit on it...
Plasma Cutter is only good against large bosses since you wanna hit with as many beams as possible. So using it on (for example) Raven would be the worst thing you could do xD Even a Hell Stone would do more damage to him and that's a 120 MP cost skill while Plasma Cutter is a 300 MP one. We took down the Chapel boss to about 50% HP with my Plasma Cutter in combination with your DPS :3 With Magic Adrenaline we managed to take him down to about 25-30% HP xD

Yeah, that's why MMU is sick :/ Especially when you have good weapons. You did that ammount of damage with a weapon that had 2700 magic and I got a weapon with 4400 magic. So if you had my weapon you would've done way more DPS than my Plasma Cutter. Mainly because Plasma Cutter is a burst damage skill because of the 30 sec long cooldown. You should wait until next weekend and then run through Chapel many times and hope for the weapon drop from the miniboss if you feel like it/got time for it since you have endless stamina during weekends. The main reason to why I know that boss so well is because I've done that dungeon solo on Very Hard with my EM about 40+ times in hopes to get the weapon. In the end I could beat the dungeon without even taking a single hit since the boss became too easy for me because of his simple patterns when you finally learn them.
Some good items that you can get is set items from dungeons. Like the "Feita Royal Guard" items that can drop and if you craft them with material that you can find in dungeons you can make the set stronger.
You can also upgrade weapons/armor. Go to the blacksmith guy and press on "Enhance" or what it's called and then press on which item in your inventory that you wanna buff up. You need upgrade stones though which can be found in your inventory in the "Special" tab and not all lvls of upgrade stones work on all kind of armor except for some that you can find in GoD I think. The best bet would be to go for +4 first and then +5 if you want to risk the chance of getting +3 again. I personally prefer to go all the way to +5 and you can upgrade more but you need specific stones that you can get in different ways so don't try to go for +6 since you'll most probably fail alot if not all the time since I don't even know if it works.

So... basically you have almost every single passive skill but not that many special active/active skills? I guess that I actually should go for that as well but I prefer damage skills more than passives for some reason even though I can't carry them all with me :/ I also just noticed that you don't even have the Magic Adrenaline skill which increases magic damage by 50% for 10 sec. You got the Speed Aura instead. AhGwee told me before that the Speed Aura is better than the Magic Aura so I guess that you only should go with the Speed Aura as well :3

This is my current builds for my VP :3

Current lvl 44 build.

Future lvl 60 build.
Well I sometimes found it really hard to type while on dungeon, specially since I like to lvl up faster, finishing the dungeon on less time and getting mvp help a little bit, things that I can't do if I stop to type. Of course, it's mostly due to my mood and the dungeon, anything below magmanta or ancient waterway I'll stop to type, but in things like Altera's secret dungeon where it's a speed run or you'll get perma poison and see your life draining like a waterfall, well unless there is someone really OP who can make the run faster, I would surely not stop to type xD
And yeah, most groups are usually silent, but if you start with the "Hi" there should be at least one person to reply. If nothing happens, just run the dungeon the fast as your party can and don't remember it. The ones that tend to use chat party are mostly people that were already on party and chatting since before the dungeon started, sometimes you can just pop a comment and try to keep on with the chat or just silently keep punching enemies xD
Also, with the new update of field bosses, people on fields are becoming a little mo talkative, since they want party to get quest event done or farm bosses, so far it seems selfish but hey, a +8 amulet can be obtainable through the field boss cubes so it's no wonder people want to farm it with party. Just starting random conversation works, like "holy shit this dam bosses are pretty hard to solo" or something like that.

Wait people....don't tell me you were looking for Dutor's Staff??? Because I just sold three of them to an NPC since I needed space and had no seals and they hardly sell -.- I could have given them to you if you offered the seal, but again...I think I have another Dutor around there. But better than that, I got Dragon Calico Staff and the bottom piece too, in anyone is interested in getting that set.
[MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION]: I agree, though I should really do that myself. Usually I end up saying something like "let me buff you with speed."

Never thought I'll see Eves fly like that. Guess they watched too much Sword Art Online. Last hit bonus, gain extra item like Midnight Cloak. *shrugs* Point taken on the Plama Cutter usage. I'll keep that in mind next time I level up my next Ashia character. Didn't know about the different spell usuages for different bosses. Pretty sure your Plasma Cutter chunked the HP so fast that I couldn't keep up. I think it's pretty useful when you want to finish off the boss last pattern before it even activates. Which is pretty useful on its own. Pretty funny to watch a boss hp drop so fast though. But yeah, while MMU on, the DPS can outtrade bosses as long you can keep it up and avoid being interrupted inbetween your combos.

That's what I thought the moment I got MMU. I was able to basically have no down time for damage when I manage the awakening and MMU correctly. It allows me to complete dungeons faster than doing it in bursts. But if I start off it with Speed, Magical Make Up and Awakening and every so often burst with lighting. Most bosses will fall out under 1 minute of pure damage before it wears off. This is with my old staff though. Thanks for giving me a new staff, it basically helped a lot in terms of damage.

Personally I don't know if I can outdamage you in terms of Plasma Cutter but I think it has its own use. Especially that's one large burst you put out in each start of the battle. I could wait till next weekend to aim for the staff but I think I'll just continue on trying to complete the quest. Since it gives me something to do than endless grind something that I might not even consider in the future. It's a good weapon, I have to admit but I just take it easy and enjoy the game as I go. But it made sense on how you were able to keep up with those pattern changes for the bosses.

Yeah I've noticed those sets but I don't know the conditions to obtain them. I'll consider buffing my weapons if I don't intend to level as fast due to the fact leveling does get slower as you get closer to the maximum level. Honestly speaking, I don't know how the system works and personally I never have upgrade weapons. Guess it explains why some of my dungeon runs are extremely long. Especially the endurance battle with certain bosses where I have to basically spam pots and dodge while doing as much damage without dying in the process. Unfortunately I'm still far from acheiving that ideal.

Well each Ashia class has their own special set of skills. So it kinda explains it why you have that skill and can do some serious bursts of magical damage. I took all the passives since I don't plan to get a Slot B skill set for this online game. It comes down to preferences and I guess it is more useful for Dimension Witch to have more attack speed and move speed due to the nature of the combos and constant DPS you can put out in 60 seconds of Magical Make Up.

The build you want to finalize at level 60 Void Princess is pretty close to what I planned to do with mine. With that said, I need to find a way to transfer all my items but the main problem is that they haven't reached their 2nd Job so they can't even do a trade which sucks in a sense.

[MENTION=6533]Kamigoroshi[/MENTION]: That's true in most cases where you just want to just get a dungeon run completed as fast as you can. I haven't been to any secret dungeons so I can't say much about it honestly.

Yeah, I see that a lot in group being silent. It's always on the one extreme or another. Whether the party talk or not and so forth.

Yeah I just noticed that today when a boss monster appeared on the field I just happen to get out there on. But with so many people just trying to kill the boss and only one person gets the boss cubes. I don't know. Sometimes I feel that it's so heavy on chance that it's anyone game on who gets that cube with that pendant.

I... wasn't exactly looking for it. It just so happens that I was in that dungeon and I still had no clue where you can get it anyway. I leave it to your judgement whether you want to keep them for someone here or sell it. Cause don't actually know the prices for these equipments and stuff. What is a Dragon Calico Staff and its set anyway?

EDIT: To be honest, I was trying to get to Dimension Witch Job Advancement. Hinode ended up helping me since we were online at the same time. I accepted that offer and I enjoyed partying and the dungeon runs that took place. Learned quite a bit I have to admit since I don't seem to notice the boss patterns at these levels except the first two dungeons in Feita.
@<b><u><a href="http://www.anime-sharing.com/forum/member.php?u=10600" target="_blank">HatoriTakaya</a></u></b> Hmmm yeah I can agree with you on that part. Also something I have been wondering too, are you guys on a Guild? @<b><u><a href="http://www.anime-sharing.com/forum/member.php?u=38786" target="_blank">Hinode</a></u></b> how about you? Ah well thins sounds as if I'm recruiting but since most of the time I'm usually the only one on, I can't say "Come here join us, we are really active players" still, I'm in two guilds withing my three Eves, but so far I've been lucky and met nice people. The ones I usually encounter are really talkative, sometimes a little too much xD

Ah no, you got that one wrong. Field bosses drops to more than one player, you just need to do a significative damage to receive the drop, and not leaving in the middle of his life. Also, take in account your level and the field where you are, you wont get drop from elder to altera since you're over 40 already. But if you want event quest you need to do it once at least each boss from all areas. Leaving aside the Field Boss Cube which can give you pretty good drops (I'll need a list of the items that you can get), the Soul Orbs or something are what matters too, quite a lot since when you got 30 of them, you can exchange them to get a white or purple (at random) seal from Ariel. I would have thought you know what are they for, but just in case, you use them to seal accesories or equipmentes (one for each seal) and they must be of the same color as the seal, that way, boss drops which are not tradeable, can be trade and you can sell them on the market. Accesories are good priced starting from 10million ED and going up to 120m, equipements have more range of price due to lvls and rarity of the equip. In case of the Dragonic Staff I talked about, sealed you can sell it for 40m - 50m, while the Dutor's Staff sealed goes at 10 - 15m more or less.

Now, about the Dragon Calico set, check this one: http://elwiki.net/w/Secret_Dungeons_Set_Effects

Edit: Just found on face, but I need to share it with someone, since this explains all that felt during that dammed pre-event:
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Yeah, I wish that people at least could say "Hi" especially when I do so to almost every group I meet :/
This sounds like me. D:
I'm in the group that responds when people say hi, but that's just it since I like to get through the dungeon as fast as possible. c:

The upgraded 3-x Secret Dungeon set is the best set for all runs, except for the 4-x secret dungeon where the 2-x set is the best as long as it's a 5 piece set to help against the boss because of the Super Armour it can give.

With the release of field bosses, you can now farm the bosses for 'Souls of bad thoughts' which you can trade 30 pieces for a random seal (white or purple). You could trade 3 of them for other items, but the only useful one I found was the pet food.

[MENTION=10600]HatoriTakaya[/MENTION] ; This is the build I went with for my Dimension Witch: http://brokendisc.web.fc2.com/elsword/skillsimulator/English/btm.html?

My only problem that I had with this build was that until you were able to get MMup and/or a decent weapon, it was very hard to survive without a party since I was stuck with base job skills and wouldn't be able to learn any of the first job skills until I at least learnt Energy Drain.
-With MMup active, either use XX or ^X. If you do ^x as low to the ground as possible, you can do it multiple times in succession really fast. With XX, it's best to hold forward, then after the second X tap the opposite direction to maintain your distance. Otherwise you can skip holding back to get closer or not hold at to distance yourself.
-If you're having trouble with the bosses in Peita, you could always use Binding circle to temporarily disable them for a short amount of time. I used it a lot in this area since the enemies tend to have a lot of mobility. I detested the poison in this area also. It will prevent Jubigee's poison sack from expanding, Proxy from rolling and whatever annoying things he does, gargoyles and Cutty Sark from moving about and such. If you time it before Cutty swoops down on you, it will allow you to hit him with the harpoon. Binding Circle will help you out with so many of the enemies in the game that I'm surprised not many BtM or DW use it.

If you do decide on buying any K-ching, I recommend just buying a B-slot as that is one of the few things in this game that can not be gifted to others while things such as pets and skill notes can be. If you're willing to spend just a bit more, go for the bank expansion as well for at least one of your characters. It will add 40 extra slots to the (character of your choice's) bank which you could facilitate between your characters.

If you'd like to Hatori, you can add my Battle Seraph - SeraphGundam - or my Veteran Commander - QuayQuay -
I'll assist if you ask for it whenever I'm on.
[MENTION=27362]AhGwee[/MENTION] I wanted to ask for an advice here on the best course of action, the situation is as follows: I currently own three Eves, capped CBS, capped CE and a lvl 56 CN, being CE and CN my favorites in gameplay so far, and CBS will probably get delayed to a third plade to some random runs for money or as storage character until I get a late-game weapon with Plagued III, or she will suck my MP pots dry. I'm currently focusing on my CE and she has dragonic calico set 4pieces with the shoes grendized and the gloves one coin from wally to gren them too (and 20scales but some runs and money will cover that) and the Lost Hamel Drones +7 (from the CBS release) while my CBS has the full mechanized set (no accesory though) in the bank and currenlty using the blessed equip from last quests and the magmanta's drones +7 and lastly my CN which still keeps Iron Head +6 and the first blessed equip from Hamel's quests but I found her to be the best one to run Henir. So my question is....should I gren the Dragon set and pass it over to my CN along with the Magmantas and finish the Lost Hamel for my CE or gren the mechanized for my CN and get the ABS drones for my CE? Or any other way you could think of to save time and get the best result? I'll probably just focus on those two, and hardly touch my CBS for now.
[MENTION=6533]Kamigoroshi[/MENTION] ; Hard to say. The best choice of action might be that as you're going for the Absolute Drones with Empress, you might want to get 2 pieces of Absolute space and time, and 3 pieces of Space Ruler Hamel on her. Drones and gloves are the best for ABS in my opinion. This will give Empress much more Crit than what she would've got from the 3-x set, as well as added resistance to all elements. The only problem about doing this is that you lose the '2.5x damage to downed enemies' portion that you would've otherwise obtained from this set, though it's not really needed for Empress. CEm naturally has stronger skills than Code Nemesis does which would mean that you'll clear enemies faster in Henir, and even faster if they're knocked down. Adrenaline+Heaven's Fist almost guarantees a one shot kill. You can follow it up if it doesn't. She's a better boss killing machine than CN is in my opinion and happens to be my favourite Eve as well. The ability to refresh her skills after a special active is key to her speed.

With Nemesis, I think it's actually possible for her to get through almost the whole dungeon with Queen's Throne due to it lowering your KD ratio significantly. Combined with Metal Dust Aura, you build mana/awakening really fast as well. I find that the best way to damage a downed enemy would be Iron Scraps, Hornet Sting or Junk Break(optional) since the main focus is to deal as muuch damage to a downed enemy as quick as possible, you may find yourself just using Iron Scraps and Hornet Sting. Other than that, QT makes up more than enough of the damage that she deals to enemies that are not knocked down. I find myself Power Assaulting almost every knocked down awakening and nuking them with Raven's core active.

The mechanised set is great. It's slowly becoming one of my favourites. I prefer having the weapon over the accessory because of the 20% to attack speed chance that it gives, though this might be favourable for other character such as Raven which can utilise attack speed much better than Eve can. This set is good for any character because of the super armour it gives. The set might be considered wasted on a Battle Seraph since she isn't meant to get hit at all with the skills and mobility that she has so you could consider giving it as a secondary set to another Eve. It'll definitely be useful for all your Eves when facing the 4-x boss but as I've mentioned, Battle Seraph really shouldn't be getting hit at all.

All in all, I'd say go for it. Give the upgraded 3-x set to Nemesis and go for the ABS/Space ruler combination with Empress.
[MENTION=6533]Kamigoroshi[/MENTION]: I not in any guild to be honest. I'm pretty sure I'll be without one until level 60 due to my absence to all MMORPG games every so often.

Thanks for explaining the conditions for recieving the field boss cube drops.Probably won't be able to get any of those field boss drops any time soon in my first run of this game. But Soul Orbs is something new to me. Never heard of them and even with your explanation, I still wouldn't know how are they are obtained for this case. Sounds like a pretty useful usable consumble I guess. At least now I know the basic prices of the market. Looking at how much I each a run, I'm pretty sure I don't really earn that much to buy anything in particular except more consumables.

[MENTION=27362]AhGwee[/MENTION]: I was like that in my build too. I didn't get much basic active skills since I don't see myself using them often enough overall in the game. But I didn't know you can go without Mana Shield for this game so I ended up skilling it. Now I don't even use it enough to make it worth my investment in that skill. Makes me sad at times.

That's a good advice for the usage of MMU usuages and casting combo for the spell. I'll keep that in mind when I spam it in tougher battles.

Well I have the Binding Circle Skill with the Skill Note on top of it. It's just I didn't think about when I can use it and how often it can be used in dire situations like that. Guess I'll pick it up again once I find a place to fit in Slot A skill bar.

I'll consider any purchases online when I can find more disposal income to spare. I'll probably buy a Slot B for Elemental Master when I actually plan to play her to the fullest.

I'll add your characters in a bit after this post. You should see MignonPoupee trying to add you. That's me so hopefully I will see you around when I'm online.

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誰ソ彼ホテル hewwooo can you please reupload fikper or mexashare links? :(
sincyy wrote on Shine's profile.
Wakabayashi wrote on Lebedev's profile.
Hello. Could you please add Mexashare links for this post ?? Both Fikper and Katfile throw me IP errors =(

LalaKom wrote on Shine's profile.
Hello, could you please add the bonus illust (10日間限定イラスト) for https://www.anime-sharing.com/threads/1342336/
Thank you!