
Well I'm going to just train that DW of mine soon(tm) before continuing on my Elemental Master. This is all going to be solo since I can take my time beating the dungeon at my own pace. No one was able to answer my NA server exchange rate questions. So I'm thinking it's 100 K-Ching for 1 USD or something.
[MENTION=10600]HatoriTakaya[/MENTION]; Have fun trying to solo with EM when you reach lvl 46. You'll realize that dungeons on Expert will take about 12 minutes because of your low damage output if you're dry on MP (which you will be 90% of the time unless you spend 20 MP pots in each dungeon). Those dungeons on Expert will take 3-4 mins with a party of 4. At least the first 2 dungeons in Belder.

Also, why is WS so retardedly slow in every possible way? Her >>^xxx is slow, her zz>zz is executable in the same time as it takes for an Aisha to do zzz 2 times. This isn't even fun. I can't dodge for shit since everything is so retardedly slow. I do know that I barely have any attack speed since the game bullshits me on that part and gives me no attack speed whatsoever (I'm serious) from using 50 socket stones. Do WS seriously have to rely that damn much on the Airelinna skill to even be able to do anything at all?
[MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION]: Well I don't really mind since if you played Maple Story before and Silk Road. You know how long it takes to level a character without losing too much. I feel Elsword is way faster that Maple Story in a long run and frankly, I have to admit the prices in Elsword is slightly more competitive than Maple Story in terms of overall purchases if you were to spend a good 30USD. Probably, as it depends on how you life to spend your cash. Pets in Maple Story is slightly easier to maintain but for Elsword, I think you just need to raise it to max evolution stage and then just feed it gears. I could be wrong since it's all speculations.

Bosses here is easier to deal with than Malpestory as long you have the reflexes and knowledge of the Boss Patterns. Quite fast pace and more enjoyable in that sense. Finally soloing a Boss for a good 30 minutes is considered pretty short unless it's a epic boss then it's expected to be longer. But yeah, its going to be time consuming assuming you want to rush level to your max character level and find your best gear to play around with.

Does WS mean 'Wind Sneaker?' I was making a Rena for that one and realize that I'm just going to send some of her class specific equips to her. And I don't know what skills she rely on since I haven't gotten to the stage where I have constant access to her. But I can somewhat understand what you mean by the random factor for upgrading sockets being an sadist to players. Played too many MMORPG where randomness can screw your equips in the worst way possible.
[MENTION=10600]HatoriTakaya[/MENTION]; I haven't played Maple Story. I do know that EM is one of the characters who got the worst DPS output. SR got the lowest DPS out of all characters, but when you upgrade her to a GA she will be able to spam zzz >>^z without knocking down and that gives damage and MP regen in exchange to what EM is capable of doing. All characters kinda rely on MP potions, but EM is seriously the worst character from my perspective of view. I had a quest to do Krypta Expert in 6 minutes. I finished it in 5:54 and I think I wasted around 20+ MP potions on that run.

Yeah, WS is Wind Sneaker.
Most bosses doesn't have that much of a pattern. They just randomly use the skills that they got. Just look at the boss in Krypta... The attacks got patterns though, but I can't see a pattern in when most bosses use the attacks. You'll have a hard time if you have a slow character like WS, especially when you get to Peita. I would advise you to spam >>^zzz or use Slide Double Kick everytime you see a boss use an attack if you plan on spamming zz>zz. You can always use Crescent Kick with a skill note, I find it rather useless without a skill note since the damage is low.

I only spend 40 points in the base character skill tree and then use the other 80 points that I'll get and spend it on the 1st and 2nd job skill trees.
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[MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION]: Ah okay, well as long they don't recover. I think I can manage somehow. Just I don't know what you meant by GA in a sense. Lost me a bit there. Haven't got as far as the quest you mentioned but if there's any time limit quests where I need to rely on other members to complete it. I'm more likely than not going to just join a party and have it speed cleared without too much fuss. I'm not at the stage where I will do everything solo. It's merely a preference which I just enjoy my time clearing the dungeons with my own efforts and not get en-strangled with the conflicting thoughts.

Ah okay, well sometimes the bosses attacks are like that so you would have to adapt accordingly. Didn't think Wind Sneaker was that slow but I haven't used her exclusively so I will take your word for it.

I have a tendency to hold on to points until I unlock certain skills. This is more a habit than anything but I have used that skill allocation script for Elsword how I would allocate the points every so often. Helps keep track where I want points to go to and what skill I really want in the space of four only skills slots available per character.
[MENTION=10600]HatoriTakaya[/MENTION]; Sniping Ranger becomes a Grand Archer. Grand Archer got a combo which involves >>^zx and since >>^z is involved it won't knockdown anymore so you can combo with zzz >>^z without knocking down the enemy instantly. The time limit quest is the final part of your last skill quest on every character you have. Skill quests never change no matter which character you have. The only problem with Krypta Expert in 6 mins is that everyone likes to take the long path and I don't know how long time that will take since I never tried that. So I took the short path solo with my EM. I have to admit that I also prefer to take it slow. But it doesn't feel like that when I play EM. It feels like EM is slowing me down and not that I'm taking it easy. It might be different for you though, especially since I'm a stressed person in general so I suck at doing stuff slowly xD

Yeah, I think that WS is slow with her zz>zz. The first zz part is quick since that's Rena's normal kicks but then comes the >zz part which takes double as long time to do. So I only rely on the >>^zzz on bosses because it goes quick. I also use Nature Force to increase the damage of all my kicks by 75% so I get a good deal of damage. zz>zz is strong, but slow so tt's awesome against normal enemies and some midbosses since they don't go stoic 90% of the time you try to combo.

Skill allocation script? Broken Disc or what it's called? I use the same, I'm currently creating a GA build on it. Sometimes I give up on unlocking skills. My WS only got the Spinning Kick and Crescent Kick from her first job (Combat Ranger) since I felt like the other skills was more PvP related (except for Dive Kick Bombing which is PvE).

I'm currently trying out my Sniping Ranger again. I like rangers in general, but still... I hate that her arrows doesn't penetrate enemies until you shoot the 4th arrow. Her xxxx shoots 1 arrow, then 2 arrows, 2 arrows again and ends with a single arrow and entering Siege. So those first 3 shots can only hit 1 enemy so enemies usually gang up on me before I even get to shoot the 4th shot lol...
Well yeah its 41 Xd

Almost there anyways :p


so far these are the characters I have
41 DW
40 GA
22 SK
20 TR
19 DM
19 CE

I after playing around

I have decided to delete the following classes
DM, no point in getting a void princess, I find the DW much more suited for my playstyle
TR, I love the fact how she looks and she has a sword too boot, but I can't see it being better then my GA, so i opted to delete her. GA ftw ( especially since they are rebalancing her)
CE- as much as I love playing as eve and am excited for BS, I decided to delete her since her playstyle doesn't suit me. also I am starting lose interest in playing as her. So its best to remove her.

so only playing DW, GA and my SK

i am saving a spot for Elesis, hopefully btw time she comes out all of my characters should be 60.

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[MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION]: Ah right, well in that case I guess you have to find friends if you're unlucky to meet members that keep taking that long cut. There's some stages where I can't change my route since there's only like one door. I don't know how to trigger the other routes sometimes. But yeah the experiences for each character is different from each player. Personally I'm also take my time but I don't mind spending potions since it's kinda a requirement to do so in games like Maple Story or Silk Road where you have to be prepared or you'll die an embarrassing or extreme death. To top it off, we should be glad it's not a game where your life is on the line. Don't know how many people will keep their sanity if it happens in real life.

That's good to hear that you finding some of the niches of Wind Sneaker. If you're not having fun, then you're not playing the game right. That's how I think about entertainment with interactions with player choices and actions.

Probably that's the site. I don't remember though so yeah. I'm using it more frequently when I have skill points that I want to allocate so I know what I can plan out in term of skills and other matters related to it.

And yeah I know what you mean about the arrow penetration. It's annoying to the point where as you described, by the time you need it, you're probably surrounded and screwed. I have a tendency to just use the Railgun to push enemies back before shooting again. Then again, I tend to use a lot of kicks if I'm already surrounded and just slide behind them to shoot them in the back.
[MENTION=10600]HatoriTakaya[/MENTION]; Most of the time it's about jumping on some platforms to get to another door or to just smash open another door instead of the most obvious one. You can open the map in dungeons by pressing M and there you can see where you can choose a different path. Hmm, I guess that most people would die if this was irl. But there's kinda no game where you don't die in...

Wind Sneaker is good and fun to play as. I just don't like her slow attack speed. I'm thinking about lvling up my Chung to lvl 15 so I can get my Shelling Guardian since I love to combo with Siege Shelling and that's what the Shelling Guardian is dependent on. Chung got slow attack speed, but he also rely on his Heavy stance or what it's called which he can enter if an enemy attacks him during some of his z/x attacks.

Yeah, Broken Disc is awesome to have so you don't have to waste your SP :3 I like to plan before I do stuff as well.

Aisha can automatically hit 2 targets with every fireball she got, why couldn't they give Rena the same thing? Railgun is good, but it knocks down so you'll deal a lower ammount of damage on them. Back Tumbling Shot/Backflip Shot is good to avoid stuff with since you're invincible during the entire duration :3
[MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION]: Yeah guess there doors like that, although there is one dungeon where there was only one door but two routes in the map. Maybe that was just me though. Have to agree that most MMORPG player characters do die, more often than not, in its lifetime.

I remember Chung being hard to keep him combo'ed down when it's PvP but man he's like a tank and high damage dealer in one. And well, at least you still enjoy Wind Sneaker game play, regardless of her glaring deficiencies.

Wished I was told Broken Disc earlier when I first made Ashia. Would of not added the skill where you can freeze enemies for a short 8 seconds. Though people have mentioned it's useful in both PvP and PvE game play. Haven't really used it that often though, even with the skill note added on top of it.

No idea, guess only the creators can answer that. Ashia Fireball can actually piece every target it goes through so it's not limited to two targets. Makes life easier to clear dungeons if you bunch them up enough. Though when I party with people, they tend to clear it faster than I need to deal out damage to the monsters and bosses. So most times, it's a relatively easy completion unless you have every member in your party doing nearly low to no damage per second to monsters and bosses alike.
[MENTION=10600]HatoriTakaya[/MENTION]; Well, sometimes it's hard to find the second path :/ I remember that from the first dungeon in Altera.

I think that Chung weights more than other characters and falls down quicker. Not sure though... That's what I've heard. Chung is basically a tank who also got a huge damage output. But it depends which job change you take. Fury Guardian can block attacks with his Guard active skill and increase damage resistance/elemental resistance with passive skills while Shelling Guardian can reduce damage taken by about 70% with his Wonder Guard special active skill.

Yeah, same here when I made my WS. I took wrong skills so I didn't get lvl 5 Raingun and lvl 5 Phoenix. I got some other bs :/ Binding Circle is better in 2v2 or 3v3 instead of solo but you can still use it in solo if the enemy jumps around too much. The skill I personally think is ridiculous in PvP is Sheath Knight's Final Strike which pulls in the opponents by creating a black hole and then throw out a 3957% damage hit in their face. That literally removes about 70-80% of their HP. At least in the game I played when I and a Sheath Knight met 3 players because the Sheath Knight's friend left the PvP. So it was 2v3 and we still won even though I was completely lost there and kinda couldn't do anything. It was the "Get 6 kills first and win" game. And we got 6 kills when they only had 4... Only because of his Final Strike.

Depends, Aisha's xx can only pierce 2 enemies but I think that the last 2 x in her xxxx can pierce all enemies. Or if it only is the last x that does so. Usually people throw out a million skills on the bosses so they die instantly. Again, Final Strike. It takes at least 50% of a boss HP on Expert difficulty in the Peita region if you have a good weapon.
Hmm...I'm confused as to why I was tagged all of a sudden. :)
I think the choices you've made are fine. I just don't know which character your SK is. :goodtea:
[MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION]: Make me feel that if you face a Chung in PvP, he's a pain to deal with. If he's in your PvE party, it's a blessing to have him around. Guess it comes down to the situation but guess it would make sense he's heavier and stuff. I mean, where does he pack all those missiles and armor he has on him. I find it fun to play with Rena where you can fall of a ledge and keep hovering on it as long you touch the ledge again to do a double jump in mid air while firing arrows. Then again, you need a platform under you to abuse that as well. I remember luring a player to finish me off in mid air without a platform before and I just teleport out to a ledge while the player fell to their death. Kind of funny to see people attempt to take your Battle Mage down to win a match to only lose due to falling off the platform.

Wow, that some huge ass damage that sheath knight did to win the match. Sometimes I feel PvP is unfair when they throw all the mages in one team and the other team has pretty strong melee. Can't out DPS them and most players refuse to do a hit and run attacks to whittle them down, in order to win the match. But yeah, Binding Circle is consider a really good skill to get out of many situation and setting up more combos when you got them on the run.

Ah right, I didn't notice that mechanics with Ashia fireballs. I always assumed that it pieces everything. Thanks for correcting me on that skill. And yeah, as long you have a good weapon and gear, you can do everything easier. It's always been like that for more RPG online games.
for those who want to play this game, this is tip

don't think too much about the character classes and first character choices, you generally end up making more then one character and have hard time deciding which one you want to delete... >_<

story of my life right here...


well undeleted my TR and CE, going to see which characters I like better...

I may end up deleting my GA, if the revamp doesn't do enough of positive change for me....
Back in germany~~~~
Im going to try to download the NA server~~~

Welcome back~


Gate of Darkness today, so lots of exp/drops for money. >:3

I'll be missing it though. :goodtea:
Yeah. I will be attending a convention today by the name of Hyper Japan.


They mostly showcase Japanese culture and sometimes have a singer from Japan have their debut here. It's pretty interesting. =)

Though I'm mostly there for the food. :D

Anyway, I should be more active on Elsword starting about next week or so, so I'll see you around if I do. =]


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