
Hmm well it not strong but also not weak~
U should be able to solo~~
Hows trapping ranger damage wise?

I can't answer on that. My Trapping is only lvl 28 and I have only gotten the first 2 skills. Some people say that she got weak damage while Night Watcher got better damage output.

I haven't been on since I've been watching the EVO championships, and I've been either going out or playing tennis these past few days. And my cousin just started playing the UK version so I'm playing with him and helping him get into the game.

I guess that I will be all alone on the DE server until Shiri comes :/
So dead tired... Got to get through all these Tax Paperwork this year. Hope you guys having fun. Going to finish off training the BTM to DW witch once the patch is released. I mean, just typing this post alone and re-editing it shows how tired I am. Made so many errors.

Would be nice to play together one day, even it its just one run together. Oh, my BTM without any prior knowledge of the game landed me on C rank. Which is funny, since I remember spending most time doing crazy and stupid things to just do one hit and running for a while as a BTM without Magical Make Up. Used Teleport to bait so many people away from my team while they finish the match. Just Teleport in the last moment when they able to almost just finish me off. Oh also used lighting to force an disengage when my team was in the disadvantage if they get locked up by them in combos.
So dead tired... Got to get through all these Tax Paperwork this year. Hope you guys having fun. Going to finsih off training teh BTM to DW witch once the patch is released.

I'm thinking about creating a Tactical Trooper on NA or UK. I love Chung's Siege Shelling skill and Tactical Trooper utilizes it extremely well. The fun thing with Siege Shelling compared to Rena's Siege is that you can press z to do a melee attack and ending the Siege Shelling to continue with combos.
I'm thinking about creating a Tactical Trooper on NA or UK. I love Chung's Siege Shelling skill and Tactical Trooper utilizes it extremely well. The fun thing with Siege Shelling compared to Rena's Siege is that you can press z to do a melee attack and ending the Siege Shelling to continue with combos.

Sounds pretty cool, even though I kind do and don't know what you're talking about when it comes down to Chung. *Laughs wryly* Might consider fixing your signature by uploading on another site for the mean time though.
Sounds pretty cool, even though I kind do and don't know what you're talking about when it comes down to Chung. *Laughs wryly* Might consider fixing your signature by uploading on another site for the mean time though.

Well, Chung is one of the most hated characters because of his long combos and stuff. Fixing my signature? Why? I can see it perfectly fine :/
Well, Chung is one of the most hated characters because of his long combos and stuff. Fixing my signature? Why? I can see it perfectly fine :/

I find him more of a nuisance when he shoots ton of missiles in PvP. Can't block them unless I have DW and even then, I don't know the timing of the spell with the attack locking system completely. Your signature is back up again. Guess the server that hosted it was down for 30 minutes or something. Probably hitting complete page refresh with CSS did the trick if it wasn't a server down.

Plus, can't be stuff paying for a Slot B for 9 USD if I want it open permanently. Not sure if you can upgrade your weapon to have attack speed that also works outside of PvP. Most of the attack speed stones has some kind of PvP limitation or something.
I find him more of a nuisance when he shoots ton of missiles in PvP. Can't block them unless I have DW and even then, I don't know the timing of the spell with the attack locking system completely. Your signature is back up again. Guess the server that hosted it was down for 30 minutes or something. Probably hitting complete page refresh with CSS did the trick if it wasn't a server down.

Plus, can't be stuff paying for a Slot B for 9 USD if I want it open permanently. Not sure if you can upgrade your weapon to have attack speed that also works outside of PvP. Most of the attack speed stones has some kind of PvP limitation or something.

I guess that you refer to Dread Chase that only a Shelling Guardian and Tactical Trooper can use? It's like High Magician's and Elemental Master's Magic Missile which auto targets enemies for about 10 seconds or until it have delivered 8 hits. Dread Chase is extremely cheap in PvP though. It fires 5 missiles in a row which auto targets the enemy and it WILL hit since it doesn't have a duration and is harder to dodge than Magic Missile.
Oh, I didn't notice that in that case :/ My siggy has always been there when I've looked. But I guess it was temporary then ^^

Um, "can't be stuff"? You can open the B slot permanently for more money than only opening it temporarily. I don't play PvP, but you can't upgrade your non-PvP weapons with attack speed. You can socket your normal items until you get attack speed (can require many stones) but that's the only way I know about. Also, what's the name of your character? I'll create a Chung.
You can upgrade gear to work outside of PvP using (advanced) socketing stones and/or dual-socketing stones. (Advanced) socketing stones give random effects when socking but it's cheaper to do and gives one stat while dual-socketing stones are much more expensive but guarantee the stat you want. The ones you get from completing the quest that gives PvP gear and stones will only work for PvP.

When socketing (avatar) weapons, the max stat you can get for that weapon will be 6%. When socketing (avatar) armour, hair included), the max stat you can get for that armour piece is 3%. Avatars will always have a fixed percentage so you will either get 3% or 6% when socketing them. I socket my avatar pieces with speed since it's the most important stat in the game in my opinion.

Speed works the same way in PvP and PvE. Damage is the only thing that changes. Your attack and defence stat are or little use in PvP. The only way to deal damage in PvP is by socketing your equips with add/extra-damage, and reduce damage socketing stones for PvP. Add/reduce damage works in PvE as well but adds very little to what you do. They only work in some PvE maps anyway, and the infamous Luto mode where add/reduce damage is key.

I'd recommend socking avatar sets with advance socking stones as each successful socking will give you 3% attack speed.
For example, if you socket an avatar piece while at level 44 with an advance socking stone, it will give you 222 attack speed, which equates to 3% at level 44. Using the avatar piece all the way to 60 means that your attack speed will drop as you level up because the stat scales to your equipment level. As such, you will need to replace the socketed stats. If you socket at level 60, it will instead give 294 attack speed, which is 3% at that level.

Dual-socketing stones will give more than one stat: Damage duals will give add/reduce damage, speed duals will give attack/running/jump, etc. When socketing duals, it is only possible for one of the stats to be maxed and the other stat(s) will be random (varying from the second highest stat of 2.5% to the lowest of 0.5% for armour and between 5.5% and 1.5% for the weapon).

I should've mentioned this much earlier but depending on how much you've upgraded your weapon will increase the chance of getting high percentages when socking. A +7 weapon will have a higher chance of 6% on a stat compared to anything lower.

Hope this helps a bit. :goodtea:

Hey Inori. OwO)/
Hi gwee and also night :bye:
I will be off soon~~

I have about 22% attack speed if I remember right~
And 28% jumping power~
Since Shiri don't wanna play UK I guess that I create a Chung on NA then.
Alright. G'night to you too. :)

That's fine, Hinode. o3o

*In Americuh!*



I guess that I could play with you, but it would feel like I ditch Shiri-chan then. The UK server is still on the open beta so no job changes is kinda annoying, especially with base Aisha who doesn't have that many combos or useful special actives by herself. The base versions of Chung, Elboi and Raven are easier in that case since they got special actives that can wreck bosses with ease. For example Lunatic Blow, Gigantic Impact, Triple Geyser, Cannon Blade and Power Assault. And they can also be used more often since those characters doesn't have to waste MP on their x attacks so they restore MP like hell with combos.
Who said I was ditching Inori? o3o

I was online yesterday on DE...but I didn't see you since I logged on quite late. :goodtea:

So are you and Inori going to be playing the NA version then? :O
I didn't mean that though. I can understand why you wanna play on the UK server though. It's obviously closer and it won't lag at all I guess. you also get to skip all the German text and stuff. It feels like I would ditch Shiri if I joined the UK server since she would be left all alone on the DE server. She wanted to try to play on the NA server again since it didn't work last time. She could play on the NA server if it works but she would still play more on the DE server.

I wasn't online on DE at all after 10 PM yesterday.

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