
Why not xD
PVP is fun, it's more rewarding than a dungeon and u can buy a lot of upgrade stones to make u stronger ;)

Well frankly speaking, it's not for everyone. But the upgrades is desirable sadly and I still don't understand how the system works. Currently I'm just using basic weapons with 0 upgrades across the board. This includes no enchantments, attributes and so on.

Elsword DE Server: I finally got the client up and running although I'm already too tired to try it out and see how much it'll lag comparing to NA server. Last time, I was on a private network hosted somewhere on Europe and the lag was manageable which was interesting. That's probably more so on the low requirements on packet transfer time between the client and server interaction.

I'll let you guys know my IGN later when I get on the server and make a character. I heard there's a mentoring system which is interesting to me but it looks a bit troublesome finding out the details about the system at the moment.
i signed up and got a couple of close friends to sign up aswell :p

probably won't be playing much but hope to see you on there eventually..
[MENTION=10600]HatoriTakaya[/MENTION]; Yeah, I'm gonna have trouble chosing which character to lvl up... I got all three Aishas :/
[MENTION=10600]HatoriTakaya[/MENTION]; Well, I chose the High Magician ^^

[MENTION=28026]Selvaria Bles[/MENTION]; Which character did you take?
[MENTION=10600]HatoriTakaya[/MENTION]; Well, I chose the High Magician ^^

[MENTION=28026]Selvaria Bles[/MENTION]; Which character did you take?

Well I would advise something like that too. High Magician has a good PvE clear and Void Princess as well. You should wait till Dimension Witch has been released before you also get her. Personally, I only started with Ashia since my sibling wants to use only ranged characters that is easy to use. Ashia and Rena does the job well.

As for the Elsword on DE server, it's going to be hard. Really hard. I'm probably going to just stick with one class set and stick with it since I have no idea what's going on in that server. Probably going to end up using Ashia Void Princess until Dimension Witch is out. Going to need a Elsword Skill Tool to stimulate what skills I can get and unlock while saving SP until certain skills gets unlocked.

The NA Server on the other hand, I was able to get a bit better with Ashia but I still haven't been able to unlock Magical Make Up for Battle Mage. Pretty sure I need to solo the dungeon on a easier level to survive the boss at the end. I'm not confident with my skills without Teleport as part of my skill set. But I'm trying to get used to it so I can fight PvP without relying on it. This is for 3vs3 PvP matches. 1vs1 PvP matches I might be able to do okay if I had Dimension Witch entire skill set to work with.
[MENTION=10600]HatoriTakaya[/MENTION]; There's no difference here except that it's in German... What's so hard with this server? Void Princess is kinda better for PvP and dealing alot of damage to a single target while Elemental Master is more AoE. That's why I ended up grabbing Elemental Master.

EDIT: What's your in-game name btw?

I'm gonna miss my Combat Ranger... She was seriously awesome...
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[MENTION=10600]HatoriTakaya[/MENTION]; There's no difference here except that it's in German... What's so hard with this server? Void Princess is kinda better for PvP and dealing alot of damage to a single target while Elemental Master is more AoE. That's why I ended up grabbing Elemental Master.

EDIT: What's your in-game name btw?

I'm gonna miss my Combat Ranger... She was seriously awesome...

Haven't started yet and it's hard for me since I barely grasping things at the moment. I wouldn't dare to PvP with the current ping in terms of distance from Germany Servers to my current location. Other than that, it comes down to trial and error, experimenting and learning the basic combos for the current character I'm training at the moment. Going down the Void Princess path since it's easier on my dealing with Boss than PvP purposes now.

With that said, I'm going to wait a bit more. Just came back from driving and bringing a trolley full of groceries home. So I'm not in the mood to go on the German Servers till maybe 2 more hours time. I'll post back my IGN for the Elsword DE character that I'll be training mainly. Siblings probably will take over the NA Account on the weekends and every so often after that.

And I'll be honest, I'm only doing PvP just for the events. Other than that, I don't feel it's a necessary to do so in Elsword. The dungeon content itself with a occasional PuG (Pick up Group) is enough for me. Probably going to make a account purely based around Ashia like you have in the end of the day. Since I can't read German, I don't know if it's cheaper to buy things there or not.
Oh, I see :/ So we are the opposite then? That it lags for you on DE but not on NA and it lags for me on NA but not DE? :/ Well, Void Princess got a high damage output so you'll be fine ^^
Oh, I see :/ So we are the opposite then? That it lags for you on DE but not on NA and it lags for me on NA but not DE? :/ Well, Void Princess got a high damage output so you'll be fine ^^

Haven't tested DE yet so I won't know till I get there. In theory it should lag more in DE than NA. NA already lags for me since I'm already pretty far from the servers. This goes the same for the Asian Servers as well, DE ping distance is about the same for the Asian servers so funnily enough DE is more attractive option to me than most of the Asian server except JP and KR servers.
[MENTION=10600]HatoriTakaya[/MENTION]; I see... hopefully it won't lag too much at least :/ Lag sucks since you'll have a hard time doing combos without running right through the enemies :deadsad:
[MENTION=10600]HatoriTakaya[/MENTION]; I see... hopefully it won't lag too much at least :/ Lag sucks since you'll have a hard time doing combos without running right through the enemies :deadsad:

Haha, it happens to me every time in NA. So I'm not surprised if it occurs in the DE servers as well. I'm currently staying in a country where Internet is considered crap in my opinion. Unless you play on the servers that is held nationally, which consists of FPS and possibly DOTA, you're going to find yourself short of games you can play online and interact with people.

Going to make the character now on the DE server. See you guys soon, if we go online at the same time.

EDIT: Okay... I can't go to DE servers unless I want to VPN myself through their servers. That's too much trouble already so I guess I'm out of luck. Here's a screen shot of the service denial.

Haha, it happens to me every time in NA. So I'm not surprised if it occurs in the DE servers as well. I'm currently staying in a country where Internet is considered crap in my opinion. Unless you play on the servers that is held nationally, which consists of FPS and possibly DOTA, you're going to find yourself short of games you can play online and interact with people.

Going to make the character now on the DE server. See you guys soon, if we go online at the same time.

EDIT: Okay... I can't go to DE servers unless I want to VPN myself through their servers. That's too much trouble already so I guess I'm out of luck. Here's a screen shot of the service denial.


On the picture it says, that u aren't allowed to use quotation marks , commas and space -.-
I think u are able to play the DE server, Hino can play it too~
I took Rena

I originally wanted chung but the age threw me off <_<

I eventually narrowed down to raven and rena, my friends took raven

So i chose rena since. Having three ravens would be useless.

So far i really like her...:
On the picture it says, that u aren't allowed to use quotation marks , commas and space -.-
I think u are able to play the DE server, Hino can play it too~

That's strange, since I didn't type any of those on a US Based Keyboard. Meaning I have to make a different password that avoids all that as well. Probably. Well I'll give it another try after I figure out how to change my password.

EDIT: Sorry, I completely fail at German. Just released the first part of the empty space actually asked for my Username, not email address. o_o I'm really am terrible with German. Help. /Jokes

@[MENTION=28026]Selvaria Bles[/MENTION]: Should I follow the suit as well? I mean... I could try and learn Eve or Elsword as worst. Although I'm bit skittish in terms of understanding how the game works still.

/On a Separate Note/
How many characters can we have per account without purchasing additional character slots? I'm wondering how many in both NA and DE servers at the moment.

Current IGN: MignonPoupee (Rena)

I really can't let go of Rena until I learn another character skill build properly at the moment. Too tired to plan it out right now.
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Well its up to you

If you like archer and elfs XD

I thinking of going the trapping ranger or sniping ranger route.
Still undecided XD
To be honest, I'd recommend going for Sniping Ranger>Grand Archer as Rena since it's her most powerful class. She has the all powerful 'Gungnir' which is the second most damaging skill in the game. When combined with her buffs, it becomes the most powerful in terms of damage. Combat Ranger>Wind Sneaker is her easiest class to use when doing PvP since her Sharp Fall is a brain dead skill. Trapping Ranger is weak. Very weak. It's the worst Rena class to choose for PvE. It does however, do okay in PvP. The class does become better once they release Night Watcher, but it's still the weakest out of the Rena classes.

What do you mean by learning Eve or Elsword as worst? Those two classes are some of the most powerful classes in the game.

-Elsword>Sword Knight>Lord Knight is the most powerful class in the game (When it comes to PvP). He has all the skills required to help in any given situation. His Armageddon Blade makes up for the lack of range by multiplying his attack range by 5x, allowing for faster dungeon clearing or not letting your foes escape in PvP. He has a combo that can almost 1 shot any boss (or character) given that he has the damage to back it up.

-Eve. My favourite female character in the game. Any class is fine with Eve but my preferred class to change into with her are either Code Architecture(CE)>Code Empress(CEm) or Code Electra(CEl)>Code Battle Seraph(CBS)(Seraph hasn't been released yet except for in Elsword KR and JP). Both are outright monsters in the PvP and the PvE world. One specialises in powerful single hit skills while another is multi-hitting skills. Architecture is more of a close range class while Electra is more zoning based as she utilises lasers as her weapon. At low levels when it's unlikely that you'll have a good weapon, it might be better to pick Electra over Architecture as Architecture is generally more skill based. I will also say that I prefer CA to CEl because Architecture is a boss destroying class. Electra is also, but she doesn't kill bosses as fast as Architecture does.

It's a shame that you didn't want to go with Raven, Selvaria. He's the character with the 'cool' factor in the game. Blade Master, Reckless First, and Veteran Commander. Take your pick. Neither will disappoint but if you want a challenge, pick the Blade Master class. It's the most hardest class to master in the game as well as being the classiest in the game. The BM class was the first class I played, though the only reason I picked it originally was because Raven's Japanese voice happened to be Miyano Mamoru.

I forgot to mention, if you guys don't like the Elsword voices, I recommend a voice patcher to change it towards your tastes. Either Korean or Japanese are the best to choose. Here's a link:

Have fun playing Elsword, Elsworders. :>
i wish my com. was fixed so i could play :/ i only played for an hour or 2, but still, it was a fun hour or 2 lol
Raven at low levels is never fun. Once you get to at least 40-45 will you understand. ;)

But it doesn't seem like I can convince you to play Raven. D:
I will stick with my rena for now

But i will use raven eventually XD

Since it doesn't hurt to have back ups if your main doesn't cut it
Mmm. Maybe one day I'll pick up Rena instead. Good luck with her. ^^
Yeah i am loving her so far XD

Fun gameplay.

I wished she had a more powerful sword the trapping ranger but oh well.
To be honest, I'd recommend going for Sniping Ranger>Grand Archer as Rena since it's her most powerful class. She has the all powerful 'Gungnir' which is the second most damaging skill in the game. When combined with her buffs, it becomes the most powerful in terms of damage. Combat Ranger>Wind Sneaker is her easiest class to use when doing PvP since her Sharp Fall is a brain dead skill. Trapping Ranger is weak. Very weak. It's the worst Rena class to choose for PvE. It does however, do okay in PvP. The class does become better once they release Night Watcher, but it's still the weakest out of the Rena classes.

What do you mean by learning Eve or Elsword as worst? Those two classes are some of the most powerful classes in the game.

-Elsword>Sword Knight>Lord Knight is the most powerful class in the game (When it comes to PvP). He has all the skills required to help in any given situation. His Armageddon Blade makes up for the lack of range by multiplying his attack range by 5x, allowing for faster dungeon clearing or not letting your foes escape in PvP. He has a combo that can almost 1 shot any boss (or character) given that he has the damage to back it up.

-Eve. My favourite female character in the game. Any class is fine with Eve but my preferred class to change into with her are either Code Architecture(CE)>Code Empress(CEm) or Code Electra(CEl)>Code Battle Seraph(CBS)(Seraph hasn't been released yet except for in Elsword KR and JP). Both are outright monsters in the PvP and the PvE world. One specialises in powerful single hit skills while another is multi-hitting skills. Architecture is more of a close range class while Electra is more zoning based as she utilises lasers as her weapon. At low levels when it's unlikely that you'll have a good weapon, it might be better to pick Electra over Architecture as Architecture is generally more skill based. I will also say that I prefer CA to CEl because Architecture is a boss destroying class. Electra is also, but she doesn't kill bosses as fast as Architecture does.

It's a shame that you didn't want to go with Raven, Selvaria. He's the character with the 'cool' factor in the game. Blade Master, Reckless First, and Veteran Commander. Take your pick. Neither will disappoint but if you want a challenge, pick the Blade Master class. It's the most hardest class to master in the game as well as being the classiest in the game. The BM class was the first class I played, though the only reason I picked it originally was because Raven's Japanese voice happened to be Miyano Mamoru.

I forgot to mention, if you guys don't like the Elsword voices, I recommend a voice patcher to change it towards your tastes. Either Korean or Japanese are the best to choose. Here's a link:

Have fun playing Elsword, Elsworders. :>

I guess I didn't explain properly what I meant at worse. When I used the word at worst, it was my intention to express that I don't know all the classes best builds that suits me. So far my usage and basic understanding is limited to Ashia, that's pretty much is the hard truth when it comes down to my current knowledge and skill in the game. And naturally what you informed me is true in a sense of experience and ability to play them in given situation. Though I feel the any given class can be good or bad for the player depending on their own factors that usually screw them over in the end or help them raise the ranks.

My knowledge and potential creativity in the game at this point is the lowest at this time. I haven't done enough research to understand how each character operates, which is severe in terms dealing with a massive handicap in both PvP and PvE. But at least you did mention more of the classes that does well generally across the board for this game.

For PvP in general, I remember I couldn't counter any classes unless they made a mistake since I didn't have the knowledge on the timing of their attacks and possible combos. Makes it rather difficult to deal against in 3vs3 situations. And, I have a tendency to rely on decoys and forcing them into unfavorable situations with time based skills to compensate ping latency and packet delivery since I'm that far from the server. Haven't seen many that was calm enough to not chase me and not get fireball in the face with Ashia at times.

To me, planning out your build is very important since it very easy to screw up and want to just start over again when it costs money to just retrieve one Skill Point per usage of a item. I rather just start over and have all my contacts just delete the old character and add the new character instead. And I'm still looking for a character that doesn't get severely affected by time lags or ping packet priority latency issues. These things tend to decide whether the character is perfect for me or will be the very downfall of my gaming experience.

With that said, yesterday I pretty sure I was conned hard when I partied with a player who obvious baited me to hit ready and purposely changed dice loot condition to first come; first serve pick up of loot. Wouldn't know until too late since it relatively easy to fake someone out to change the settings for parties before entering dungeons. Makes me want to just solo dungeons for a while in the DE server.

/Voice Over Patch/
Thanks for the link to the voice over patch, I was wonder if someone made something like that. I wanted to jump on the JP server for two things. Voice overs and Latest Classes. At least half of my and the sibling who complained they didn't like the voice over for this and that is over.

/Any recommendations on easy to use classes/
Right now, I'm seriously wondering if there's any easy to use ranged classes for young ones to play with. I can provide most of the necessaries on a account except skills and knowledge to my Sibling that I intend to let them play with in the future. Ideas what is a good character or class to go with in term of easy to use and have okay to decent abilities to PvE and occasional PvP. Pretty sure they'll make their own character if they want to PvP but PvE tends to make up 80% of the game play in this one. My thoughts keeps pointing Rena as the easiest Ranged Class.

Was it that ability where they extend their blade length size that obviously outrange most attacks? I swear, if that is the case I had no choice but to run fast and evade until their ability wears off. Had no counters against it unless I was able to TP at the right time behind them and blast them with lightning. That's like less than 10% occurring since I still need cover more distance to actually get behind them.
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