
I'll leave it in spoiler form since blocks of texts might put people off. :P

Hmm~ I see. I'd say Aisha is pretty hard to use since she doesn't have much to use (when compared to characters like Elsword, Rena or Raven). Which class are you working towards? Elemental Master is currently the worst out of the second job changes with Void Princess at top and Dimension Witch behind. Dimension Witch has yet to be released though so this class is limited only to it's first job change.

The planning of the build is indeed deemed important. I looked up guides and videos before playing this game since I dislike the idea of going really far into the game and finding out later on that I've messed up my build (which then in turn makes me want to either play a different game or make a new character). Usually before I make a character I check them up on the elsword forums then use a skill build simulator to see what skills I can get on certain levels and then come back to get the remaining on higher levels.

Character forum:
Skill build:

Latency is a huge issue that causes many players overseas to just play the game on solo and forget about the PvP aspect of the game. PvP I wouldn't recommend doing until you get around level 50 with adequate gear. Even then it still might be difficult since the pairing in Elsword is quite horrible and you could find yourself being paired with a player who's 10-20 levels above you, or just a level 60 which would be the worst type of opponent to face against as they could defeat you with one combo/skill. Unfortunately, there isn't a single character that is unaffected by lag/latency issues which mean lag will affect both players, but the weaker of the two will most definitely be the one who's more affected by the lag since they have to worry about not getting hit at all. I'd recommend learning the different types of movement in Elsword as it's fundamental towards your gameplay (faster dungeon clearing and avoiding of players much easier while being able to counter back). This will eat into a lot of your time so only do this when you have time of course, or spend a good few minutes after logging in to practise. The most common type of movement to learn first is the 'Spring Step'. It differs between characters. Look up videos for this since it's easier than having me explain it.
Normally I spend about 1-30 minutes in the training room after I log in so that my play doesn't become groggy.

I generally dislike the 'first come first serve' option of loots in Elsword but I hate randomisation even more when I don't get an item I've been farming for a few days and someone in the party just reluctantly gets in when they join me. Usually I leave the loot on default. The only times I ever change it to manual pick-up is when I'm helping friends or when I have the consent of the party.

Either Rena>Grand Archer, or Chung>Iron Paladin/Deadly Chaser.
-With Rena, you'll find that you might have to use mana potions a lot if you want to stay with a ranged game as each arrow she fires costs 5mp (and only upon hitting a target will you get your mp back).
-Chung is the only character in the game that uses an ammo system where he can fire shells depending on how he's stocked up. Some of his skills use either just mana or a mix of mana and ammo. Once you've built enough awakening (sometimes referred to as Orbs) you can go into a special awakening mode. For Chung, he has an infinite supply of ammo for the duration that it lasts. He's the physical based ranged character whereas Rena is magic based. Depending on the characters, you might want to max either 3 or 4 of the basic trainings. Characters like Elsword as a Lord Knight or Raven as a Blade Master have 1 or 2 M.Atk skill so Basic Magic Training isn't needed at max. Here's a skill build I'd recommend for Rena:


About Elsword: That is indeed the skill I was referring to. Running is the right choice since he covers too much range. The move lasts for a good 25/30 seconds or at level 5. As an Aisha, your best bet would be to just either use X or >>^X(not sure if this is the one that lets her shoot fireballs horizontally in the air) or teleport. I would use the latter but without teleport's skill note, you aren't given the chance to use it consecutively. You could also use Drain to make up for lost HP/MP as the range on this is as long as your fireball range but instead covers a whole radius.

Only just realised you're in JST then Takaya. Playing the JP servers might be even better. I wouldn't mind playing there if given the chance since they have the all powerful Code Battle Seraph which is the only class that rivals Lord Knight and being the class that won the 11th Korean Elsword tournament. Eve>Code Architecture>Code Battle Seraph if you plan to do so. >:3
I finally learned how to use mention. *Level Up SFX plays in the background*

[MENTION=27362]AhGwee[/MENTION]: Before going into the spoilers, which has plenty of advice and resources. Would of done that except in terms of network in worldwide area, I don't come from the JP Internet Nodes that goes between Korea or Japan. So I would imagine a lot of people would too, if given a chance. Personally for me, to get to Phantasy Online 2 would mean to VPN, which is something I rather not now days.

Putting that aside, all online games that is popular tend to have some sort of contests.

In regards to the spoiler, I agree in general.

I already made a Battle Mage in the NA server, moving to Void Princess for the DE servers. Leaving the NA server to my sibling in the near future but only going to make one more that meet up in NA if someone ever wants me to join up with them. Possibly going to make two more characters (thinking that 3 character per account is the max unless you buy more slots) which probably include a melee and another range. Otherwise it'll be three ranged characters.

PvP for me, I can deal with losses since it's a part of PvP that I got used to. Used to play lots of different type of PvP and team games when I was younger. But yes, lag and ping tend to count a lot unless you're used to it and the wide gap of levels too. Seen situations where 100% to 0% happens, which is why I only play in it when I ran out of stamina and want to see how far I can go in general as a player trying to learn how to use the character in chaotic situations.

"The planning of the build is indeed deemed important. I looked up guides and videos before playing this game since I dislike the idea of going really far into the game and finding out later on that I've messed up my build (which then in turn makes me want to either play a different game or make a new character). Usually before I make a character I check them up on the elsword forums then use a skill build simulator to see what skills I can get on certain levels and then come back to get the remaining on higher levels."

That is my main problems at times since I have no way to stimulate potential builds until you shown a skill stimulator. I have a tendency to hold SP on purpose to figure out a correct and effective build path for playing and leveling purposes. Which is why I tend to learn to deal with disadvantages with traps against opponents in arena of 3vs3. For Ashia, Dash Fireballs and AOE Knockdown Fireballs are aimed at extremely difficult opponents until I can grasp a rhythm and lock them an combo unless my attacks lags slightly which lets them escape it.

Looting System
Yeah I have to agree. I was in a party where they to farm a skill in one of the dungeons. I didn't know what they wanted to farm but I had my own objectives. In the end, it looked like a frustrating since everyone who joined the party got their skill they were farming for except that guy. So sometimes the manual looting system is better for this case. Especially if you party with friends and you want a certain equipment of accessory at a certain dungeon and your friends agree to help you get it. The only thing that is bad for me personally is that I will never get loot, unless I solo, with that option. My ping for DE is beyond bad in terms of looting and same goes for NA servers. Probably the main reason why I left some MMORPG that I get into every so often, e.g. Maple Story, Mabinogi, etc.

Yeah, I got beaten up by that skills enough times to know that I should run and plant traps against their hasty nature. Personally, drain doesn't cut it when it comes to interrupting their movements in awakening mode. Sometimes when I have Binding Circle in my skill set, I would use it to give my team enough time to either:
  • Break out of their combo and reposition
  • Counter and force them down
Otherwise, I would use lightning to knock them back to buy time for them. With that said, they need to be in tunnel vision mode for me to pull it off with no interrupts. Takes 1 to 1.5 seconds to start the skill or it'll end short. Since some of Battle Mages skills have a magic attack delay with Magical Make Up, still trying to get that skill in the NA server, I can get lucky to have them blindly run into it and sometimes make it out without using x or ^x skill. >>^x skill is a knockdown skill which is good if you can manage it while on the run. I prefer >>x since you can maintain distance if they're chasing you.

In the end, ranged is easier for people who lags or have high pings to deal with. As you don't have to always outright connect all your combos. Chung on the other hand is a nuisance in PvP, that multiple missile attack can almost wipe out, or clean, your HP in that single move. Which is why I tend to run with Mana Shield in PvP to tank that damage in Battle Mage. Not sure there's any skills can nullify it complete or most of it in a 3vs3 situation.

Going to take a break from gaming and stuff. Not feeling healthy enough to completely marathon training in unlimited stamina weekend.
Moral of the story use rena, but don't be like hinode and drop her after her stamina drops.

I have no idea where you got that conclusion about Hinode. But if you're addicted to the game, you may end up playing the game within all your free-time. That's a scary thought when I think about it.

[MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION]: My current IGN over in the DE server is: MignonPoupee. I got lazy and just went with that for the time being. Probably online every so often when I actually can spare the time and looks like I'll be playing solo mainly unless I'm partying with people from this forum. The lag makes it hard to deal with manual loot parties.
Not really lol, just play like 2 hours per day

Even if you play the whole day you can always stop :p

Also hinode did state he is letting rena rest a bit, but i was joking :p

In total i played 3-4 hours in two days

I am in no way addicted XD

I haven't been addicted to a mmorpgs since i started playing them
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Not really lol, just play like 2 hours per day

Even if you play the whole day you can always stop :p

Also hinode did state he is letting rena rest a bit, but i was joking :p

In total i played 3-4 hours in two days

I am in no way addicted XD

I haven't been addicted to a mmorpgs since i started playing them

*clears throat and talks as if an ancient person*

When I was young, addiction can be a scary thing. I've seen people play for days without rest before collapsing due to lack of rest.

Anyway, I rarely can stay on one game unless I'm serious about finishing it or achieving something that I have set my eyes on. The thing I like about Elsword is that you can play the game on your own pace and still achieve something within reasonable effort unlike online RPG like Maple Story back in the 2006-2009 period. Where you spend more time trying to level up and sometimes encounter unbelievable amounts of KS wars in popular training spots. Oh, Silkroad and other MMORPG also falls in this category except a few others that had nice friendly communities like DOMO and Lucient Heart.
Well if your playing a game and neglecting your body and daily needs there is something wrong there :p
Also if your talking about addiction think runescape back in the early 2000's

Yes i am old XD

I only got into this to play co-op with my friends lol
Judging from this game, i doubt i will play after i finish all the quest out right now.
I too play games to beat them XD
I didn't have internet back then. I was all good about having my trusty SNES and a few games like Zelda, Harvest Moon and a few others that I can't remember.

Yeah, I know how you feel when you get to the very top. It's the same for many MMORPG as well once you finished up almost or all the things you can do in quests. I'm pretty old myself and I hope I'm not irritating anyone with my talks in regard to age. With that said, I'm probably more in for just adventure which will end if I play every so often.
No worries Xd

I feel if you want to play it, play it and enjoy but don't neglect all the important aspects of your life

Also zelda OoT ftw best game hands down.

Also i never really liked pvp kinda boring if you ask me

I usually play mmorpgs for two weeks then get bored XD
[MENTION=27362]AhGwee[/MENTION]; Can u tell me some strategy to beat Nasod King solo?
I'm Code Electra lvl. 38 and I run dungeons in Peita, I can solo the dungeons in Peita but can't solo Altera Core(I can, but only with these revive stones)
I have a level 32 sniper ranger
Also a level 20 sword knight

Thinking of trying ether aisha, chung or eve....
hmm I got Code Electra lvl 38
Sheath Knight lvl 21
Dark Mage lvl 18 (Void Princess FTW!)

[MENTION=27362]AhGwee[/MENTION]; forgot to say
my skills are:

Skill Slot A:
Particle Ray lvl 5
El Crystal Spectrum lvl 5 (with Spectrum Dynamics lvl 5)
Mega Electronball lvl 1
Magic Adrenaline lvl 4

Skill Slot B:
Sweep Rolling lvl 1
Thousand Stars lvl 2
Giga Stream lvl 1
Photon Flash lvl 1 (useful for PvP)
Oh great. You have a B-slot! ^^

Max out your Thousand Star first as that will be the move that will help Electra throughout the game. Make use of HP/MP healing items, mainly MP since they can be bought while HP can not. You can buy 100mp pots from Helen or other NPCs that sell consumables (as well as craft food items).

Try to avoid the lasers in Altera Core as it will spawn enemies which will just make enemies take longer to kill. You'll run into enemies that use a shield so use >YYY to get behind them. With Thousand Star active, they will stay stuck in position and not be able to turn around while you're hitting them.
Use her X attacks if you need to stay back. They deal more damage than your Y attacks but they can't be spammed as much as Y strings.
Switch to the final part of Spectrum Mode before using Thousand Star and/or Giga Stream as the attacks will deal more damage that way. You'll need to position yourself correctly after using El Psy Spectrum so your X, or laser skills do more damage.

Try to learn how to do >>^V^V^V^V^V^V^ with Eve as it'll help in the long run with movement (not sure if I've said this before >.<). After the second >, you hold it, then slide the keys up down up down, making sure to quickly slide down after you press up. It might be better to look at this tutorial. =]

Hope this is enough help for now. ^w^
Thanks :D
There are some useful information and in the video too ^^
but I still don't know how to solo Nasod King since the main core always disappear and I have to destroy the 4 other generators first, and I'm often too lazy to to find a group (I already finished Altera all dungeons in very hard but there are Items I want >.<)
its fun >_<

too much fun O_O

I been tempted to play as a the void princess because of her outfit, but i resisted <_<

edited if anybody wants to add me

here are my characters

Lv 33 Job: Sniper Ranger IGN: SilentElf
LV 20 Job: Sword Knight IGN: ShinZengetsu
LV 9 Eve Job: None IGN: DarthNasod

well I post my jobs once I update them <_<

but those are my favorite characters :)
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its fun >_<

too much fun O_O

I been tempted to play as a the void princess because of her outfit, but i resisted <_<

edited if anybody wants to add me

here are my characters

Lv 33 Job: Sniper Ranger IGN: SilentElf
LV 20 Job: Sword Knight IGN: ShinZengetsu
LV 9 Eve Job: None IGN: DarthNasod

well I post my jobs once I update them <_<

but those are my favorite characters :)

Oh are u playing on DE server or NA server?
[MENTION=46616]InorixShu[/MENTION] ; Selvaria is most likely playing on the DE server. >.<

To solo Nasod king, there's really no other way except to just destroy the 4 cores, then attack the main core/generator. The only hints I can give are:

Phase 1:
- The colour of the generator is correspondent to the type of spell he will use. So long as they remain, he will randomly use one of fire, lightning, ice or nature spells. Destroying fire will prevent him from using fire spells. The same with the others likewise.
- Sometimes you will see the boss lift up both his arms twice and slam them to the ground twice. The first time he will slam his palms(?)* which will be near the ground platform next to the generator. If you stand on the ground when he does this you will not be sent flying, but if you are under his fists when he slams them, you will be shrunken. The second time he will slam his fists(?)* to the ground which will send you airborne if you are standing on the ground regardless of the platform. To avoid this part, you can just jump.
- Sometimes the boss will slam one of his fists to the ground, open his fist, then drag it from one end of the screen to the other. To avoid this, stay at the bottom near the other end of the screen, in other words next to the bottom most generator on the other side).
Once you have destroyed all the generators you can move onto the boss' second phase.
*Not sure of the order.

Phase 2:
On his second phase, the boss will be temporarily immobilised for however long it takes for the main generator to come out. When he reawakens, he will immediately spawn missiles from his left right shoulders. You will have a few seconds to continue attacking before them come directly at you. To avoid this, just run from the core to either end of the stage when you can almost see them near you.
The boss will also be charging his main laser as you attack his Nasod core. He will charge for 5 seconds(?) then shoot from the left side of the screen to the right. To avoid this, you can just stand on either end or just use a Special active to avoid the attack since Special actives have quite a lot of invincibility frames. Thousand star would be best for this moment but I'd prefer using it to deal damage.

Hope this is enough help for now. Sorry I can't make it that detailed at the moment since I'm in a hurry at the moment. Will be back later! Good luck! ^^
Thank u :D
that information really helps, I guess special skills can be useful for many of his attacks :)
hmmm maybe i should really give this game a shot.....

If you would play on the DE server like me, Shiri-chan, AhGwee and (maybe?) HatoriTakaya then it would probably lag like shit since you apparently live in Australia :/ It only lags if you go with other people into dungeons though. It didn't lag for me when I ran through dungeons solo on the NA server. On the other hand it lagged so badly that I used special attacks on jack shit when I played in a group on the NA server... >_>

If you decide to take the NA server you'll go with Nullany and Selvaria and I believe that it would lag there as well :/

If you take another server you'll be forever alone D:
If you would play on the DE server like me, Shiri-chan, AhGwee and (maybe?) HatoriTakaya then it would probably lag like shit since you apparently live in Australia :/ It only lags if you go with other people into dungeons though. It didn't lag for me when I ran through dungeons solo on the NA server. On the other hand it lagged so badly that I used special attacks on jack shit when I played in a group on the NA server... >_>

If you decide to take the NA server you'll go with Nullany and Selvaria and I believe that it would lag there as well :/

If you take another server you'll be forever alone D:

so whats the difference between servers?
so whats the difference between servers?

Update progress I believe? And some languages. I for example play on the DE server which is in German so I don't understand much and ask Shiri-chan to translate it for me :/ The KR server will always have the newest updates since they created the game.

Here you got some stuff: http://elwiki.net/w/Updates

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