FUN Quizzes!!! :D

This is what I got....
You carry a sife. You hate the world, and wish everyone would just leave you alone. You don't have any friends, and like it that way. The sife appeals to you because the Grim Reaper carries it. Who doesn't like death, right? Even though you hate everyone, you deeply loathe the bow holder. They have anger in them, but they don't show it!

Soul Color:
You are blue!

Personality one...
The Apathetic
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if you were apethetic you whouldent be really cheerful in real life...
hmm well I am actually pretty not cheerful in real life....
I pretty much have several faces/personalities~ it's almost like I was supposed to have a twin x_x
I wish I chould have a twin... O_O whould be more fun and I whouldent be so lonely
Well... everyone has a few personalities depending who theyre interacting with... I suppose im pretty much alone too...
i dont got any personalities~? i just got a business smile and a secluded scorn for humanity in the back of my mind~

oh and i also wish i wasnt an only child~
I would kinda hate being a twin though~ since ppl would get us mixed up all the time. I'd feel like I don't have my own identity.
I plan on having twins one day~ :goodtea: though that's not going to happen anytime soon :P
i think it would be awesome if u could switch identities~ u could pull all sorts of tricks on ppl
Lol those twins screwing with people xD Switching classes and going nuts ;p
i think i saw a tv show or anime or manga or SOMETHING like that once?
Hmm theres lots of movies and whatnot with twins messing with everyone else~
I added a few more!! yaaayyyy~~ these things can make me happy XD
Please help me find more quizzes!
What type would you like? xD

Too many questions that were too specific in what they asked about... =.=

You are a human. You're not dead yet. And be grateful for it.

Hmm this was somewhat fun since there was actually enough choices for me to choose from... besides the fact that more choices are also harder to pick from x.x

You are Pluto...
Abuse of Power, Darker side, Spiritual Outlook.

Hmm more randomness~

The gift of life resides in you. You are a loving person and everybody loves you, or at least, most people ^^ I know I do^__^

Im lost? xD I suppose its that there wasnt any sit in a computer all day for the first two...

You have a Lost Soul. No one is really sure what that can always mean, because it can be defined in many ways. As Legend goes, lost souls were the spirits of passed away people who are neither in heaven nor hell. They walk the earth, brooding mysteriously, always appearing when you expect it least. So hence, if you have a Lost Soul, then you are probably very insecure and shy. Stuck in your own little box, you watch the world fly by as a loner. You dont know your place. You seemingly dont have a place in society or an interest. You are a very capricious person, and are confused and frustrated about where you belong. You crave for the sense and feeling of home-but have not obtained it yet.

Hmm odd little quiz...

Your writing style is looking at pics then thinking of a story to go with the pics. You just write as it comes to you. You can be a little less prepared on what youre going to do next but thats the fun of it!
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Child-like- you are ALL fun and games arn't you? STUDY!!! In life you can only rely on yourself and when you don't have anything to rely on because you were frittering around...hehheee...don't come crying to me! Otherwise you are probably the most sanist of your peers.
I really am :3

A staff is for you! You are carefree, and love the world. Everything is great to you. The staff represents your lifestyle - happy! Your friends love you, and they know you as the one who has no problems. You an't really help them with theirs because your too absorbed daydreaming. Your best friend is the peacemaker. You least favorite person is the sife carrier.

Intellect- YOu are REALLY the center of the universe are you not? Remember that the world does NOT revolve around you....YOU revolve around the world. My advice to you is have fun pwease? But maintain a nice average while you're at it!


Green like a calm forest...


Welcome to the world of the multi-purpose tool, which is what you are! you can step up to any position that is needed in your anime story. Whether it be comic relief, guardian, turncoat, or country singer, you have your Mother's and my full support. Go do something! I don't really care what, just do it!


You have an intense kiss! You and your partner connect when you kiss and you forget about the rest of the world. Hey, call me!!! ^_~

5th: (I think this one is aimed at females, but meh. :P

Your hidden quality is Agility.
Your fast, with not much concern for love. You have a great body and
your fairly nice to people. This makes you a great person

6th:Another aimed at girls~

u r happy!:
u wouldn't mind going outside in the sun 4 a few min.!!(pretend it's summer) u would love to lay in the grass with a friend and enjoy the scenery!! nothing else really matters now! infact, ur so happy, u wouldn't mind doing some chores, 4 just a little while,(at least thats how i am, unless i am happy cuz i just finished chores)what u really want is to share ur happyness w/ someone else! so y don't u go do that?!


Ginkan - You are Ginkan, the "Silver Knight" who tries to protect Subaru and advance the cause of Justice within The World. You seem a bit power hungry, though, despite perhaps having pure reasons.


The Hopeful


You are a Slow Dancer. You are the romantic girl between your friends, you have beautiful sweet little dreams about the future, you love your friends and ready to do any thing for them. Your ideal man is the charming prince who is ready to give up everything just for you, and always show you how much he loves you.


Your a streetfighter! You'd rather punch someone than bother yourself with weapons that just hold you down. Your strong, and you are very protective of your things. You work out alot to keep your hands in fighting shape. Your friend hide behind you when problmes present themselves, as they know you'll help them. You know what you want, when you want it, and how to get it. You dislike peaceful people. They are too calm for you, and can't hold their own in a fight. Your best friend would probably be the magical person. They could use someone who doesn't need to power up to watch their back.


You are blue!


You are a Neko!!!! Hehe umm sorry I just had to do this lol just go back and don't pick the last answer ok.

13. For some reason, I am so tempted to pick the options most suited for Zelos, but I won't :P
Hurray! You're Lloyd Irving! You are a kindhearted, courageous, and understanding person. You believe in what's right and fair, and you do whatever you can to stop those who wish your friends harm. You aren't exactly smart and dislike school, but you pull through...somehow. You tend to fall asleep in classes but your friends probably wake you up before the teacher has time to throw chalk at you. You're good at picking the right friends, the ones that like you for who you are. Your friends are very valuable to you and you'd die protecting them if you had to. Don't ever change, because you're a very good person!


Your inner element is Wind! You like the sense of freedom and openess. You don't let your mind to clog with the worries of the world. You are carefree and selfless. You would sacrifice yourself any day to see another person go free. You like to be alone, but you do not reject those who decide to be around you. Prejudice is your biggest pet-peeve. Your hidden power is to soar in the clouds, understand the "language" of the wind, and selflessness. Rate please!

15th: o_O

You are a human. You're not dead yet. And be grateful for it.


You are Venus...
Art, Passion, Love

Your writing style is looking at pics then thinking of a story to go with the pics. You just write as it comes to you. You can be a little less prepared on what youre going to do next but thats the fun of it!

Another quiz that I've found you can call it a bonus one for whoever would like to attempt at it:

You're Too Polite!

It looks like you're extremely polite. You are never rude to others because you're too nice. In a relationship, you'd be the one who'd be more submissive. Even though it's good to be polite, I suggest you be less polite and stand up for yourself if you are being bullied. But still! You're very nice and you can handle things. Good job.

Goodness that was long~ X_X
RAWR they need more neutral answers ;p Hmm beating people up... i dun think so...

You're somewhat polite.

You're polite about 50% of the time. You try being nice, but people just get on your nerves at times and it's hard to be nice. If someone hurts your friend, you'll beat the crap out of 'em! Good job for standing up for yourself and for others. :)
I think I'll use this as the 2nd index for more quizzes~

20. how-polite-are-you
21. what-season-do-you-look-best-in
22. how-much-of-a-people-person-are-you
23. what-kind-of-guys-do-you-attract (I DARE YOU XD)
24. do-you-fall-in-love-too-easily
25. do-you-handle-stress-well
26. whats-the-weather-like-in-your-mind
27. will-your-friendship-last-another-year
28. what-is-your-dark-side
29. are-you-a-love-power-freedom-or-fun-person
30. what-kind-of-personality-do-you-have
31. what-color-is-your-heart

32. what-symbol-represents-you
33. what-kind-of-perfume-defines-your-personality
34 what-royal-person-are-you
35. what-kind-of-candy-are-you
36. how-old-are-you-in-your-heart
37 are-you-tech-obsessed
38 are-you-sweet-or-sour
39 what-is-your-imaginary-friend-like
40 which-kind-of-snow-flake-are-you
41 what-death-note-character-are-you

You're Polite!

You're a polite person. You are rarely, if ever mean. You are a very good person and a friend. I assume you can handle things maturely like a normal human being would. If you ever are mean, it's for a good reason. Good job for being a polite person. We need more polite people in this world. Like you! :)


Your outfits are always stylish and classy; your vintage look is totally unique. Don't be afraid to wear those really bold accessories and clothes, because you make anything look good! You're a winter fashionista and your style is totally timeless.

You like to blend in with other people and don't really like to stand out in a crowd. You're still nice to everybody and talk to them when you have to, but not too outspoken about everything. :)

The casual guy :)

You don't need to try and impress this guy to get his attention. You're just yourself and normal, which he likes about you. He doesn't like people that have this huge image of themselves, so your casualty alone impresses him :)

24. LOL idk x_x
It depends on the guy.

You have killer instincts, and you know which guys to keep an eye on, and which ones to ignore. You are the gal who all of your friends go to for love advice! :)

Yes, perfect
You handle stress perfectly, by being polite and sarcastic.

26. EEHHHH??? x_x
Your mind is sunny, but with some clouds!

You seem generally happy, but it seems like something's been on your mind lately. If I were you, I would try to confront this so that your mind will be totally clear and happy!


You probably already know your future looks great for you and your friend. You two have a ton in common and are always honest with each other. You two are a team and always support each other! Probable friendship time frame: Years

28 a little generic? x_x

Your dark side causes infliction. Something might be creeping up to you and tearing you apart. Your dark side might be passing your pain onto others around you. Be careful, you can make it spread like a disease. Learn to control this and be happy. I hope you have a great life. You are not alone.

(in a way, I kinda am alone? x_x)

29 perhaps it would be this way? x_x
You are a love person.

You are a kind, loving and a nice person. You are usually always patient and you love to hang out with your friends and meet new people. You hardly ever get mad and a lot of people like to be friends with you.

30 ???x_x
The Idealist

Your result is the Idealist! You’re softspoken but forceful, and interested in serving humanity. You’re smart, and often you can see possibilites. No, you’re not predicting the future, though. ;)

31 nooo not really XD
Pure, sweet, and motherly. All of your friends look up to you and you just want to be loved. Don't worry, you are!

seriously, these are picked by mods and they aren't that good x_x

32 kinda plain :f
Love Heart

You're a 'Love Heart' because you are a very kind and special person. If you want to express this, I suggest helping friends wi and working for a charity of your choice.

33 does not apply x_x
HARDCORE AND CRAZY- Rock Princess by Vera Wang

You are usually categorized as rocker girl, a punk. Show everyone what you're really made of with this bold perfume :)

34 lol really? x_x

You are the man, you are in charge of the whole kindgom. You set the wars. You could be a good king, or a bad king. People either are in your favor or dislike you

35 Taffy???
You're a sweet kind person like soft sweet taffy, you enjoy being around people and have a happy carefree attitude. Don't let people take advantage of your kindness though.

36 sure?? x_x
10-15 years old!

You still act like a child sometimes, and you often do things without thinking..

37 naaa x_x

You love your cell, ipod, and computer so much they're lke family! Try to take a break every once in a while.


You are sweet! You are a person who is liked my many and people enjoy being around you! Being a positive person and a nice person, you have many friends who think of you as a sweet person. Keep it up!

39 whaatt?? ;_;

Michael is dangerous and will give you the wrong ideas. Hes not nice. But he does compliment you at times. He may be a bad boy, but hes soft and sweet inside. he just dosn't like to admitt it.
Powers: He dosnt have any powers, but he wsill hurt you emotionally and physically. When he really make you mad, he starts to feel guilty. Hes sorta emo, and cool at times. Hes free spirited in a bad way. You'll learn to love him :D

40 this quiz only has one result... x_x I should make some of my own D:
You like nice cold winters where you can fall gracefully. You very rarely like summer and keep most of the other snowflakes in line. You are one of the leaders of the pack.You guide the youngsters to perfection but have to deal with the intense snowflakes when they don't listen.You are a true leader to all of the flakes.

41 I never even watched the show, whatevs :o
Nate (Near) Rivers

Hooray! You got Near. You don't really care what people think of you. You only think about what you're heading towards to. You can be pretty serious. You tend to only think about your goals. You are very lovable, some-how. :3 And you probably still have a childish side in you.

welll I'm tired, these aren't better than the last few, but they're something to look at x_X
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I have no fashion :goodtea: Just sweats and a t shirt with maybe a jacket ;p But since this person had whatever fancy stuff and not sweats whatsoever... oh wells ;p

Classy Winter

Your outfits are always stylish and classy; your vintage look is totally unique. Don't be afraid to wear those really bold accessories and clothes, because you make anything look good! You're a winter fashionista and your style is totally timeless.

Hmm am i? :goodtea:

You're pretty average.

You like to blend in with other people and don't really like to stand out in a crowd. You're still nice to everybody and talk to them when you have to, but not too outspoken about everything. :)

Hmm a dare? sure? xD
Normal again... :/ Well i suppose~

The casual guy :)

You don't need to try and impress this guy to get his attention. You're just yourself and normal, which he likes about you. He doesn't like people that have this huge image of themselves, so your casualty alone impresses him :)

Another one of these?

You take things one step at a time - you do not fall in love easily

You keep a wall between you and boys - try to loosen up a bit, and you'll find the perfect guy. It's great that your'e careful, which means your'e super smart. :)

This was kind of obvious...

Yes, perfect

You handle stress perfectly, by being polite and sarcastic.

Hmm fog :goodtea: Plenty around here~

Your mind is foggy!

When my mind feels foggy, it's usually because I'm lost. Maybe you are too. Or just confused about something XD. Anyways, I hope you can find a light to guide you in all that fog!

Hmm seems dangerous but i suppose... i doubt itll only be a year ;p

You Will Hit a Few Bumps.

No friendship is perfect, but you have a true connection with your friend! When disagreements pop up, avoid lashing out and just calmly talk about the problem. You have the bond with them to pull through anything! Remember, you care about them, don't push them away! Probable friendship time frame: At least a year.

Hmm am i? :goodtea: Doesnt seem like i really care?

Paranoid/No Trust

Your dark side is making life a dangerous place for you. It could be turning you into something nasty and heartless. You might feel at times someone is out there to get you.

Do i dont i? Hmm maybe~

You are a fun person.

You find things funny a lot, you're active, energetic. But when it comes to cleaning, you become lazy. You like to make your friends laugh by telling joke or doing goofy things that most people won't do.

That statue? ;p

The Thinker

Your result is the Thinker! You’re very logical, and you’re able to turn something complicated into a clear understanding. But sometimes, you just need to take a stand and try to control others; they will respect you.

Purple... maybe...


Fun, creative, and imaginative! You are very charming and positive and you love helping others! Everybody loves you!
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Whoa.... 31 quizzes... That like 310 question bout life.... Hmm... Well, be a pain to get through all of them but I'll will persevere...:enraged:
added mooaarrr~ :3 I seriously need to make some.. all of these are just horribly short or wtv x_x

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