FUN Quizzes!!! :D

I'm doing them but I have no idea how to post results... ^^; /me shoots herself.
Just copy paste the words and copy image location then put [ img ] [ /img ] without the space around it~
Hmm no red? :enraged: These choices dont cover much =.=
Love Heart

You're a 'Love Heart' because you are a very kind and special person. If you want to express this, I suggest helping friends wi and working for a charity of your choice.
Funny how a bunch of these say favorite color and give multiple options =.= these people really need to use genres... now how the freak did i get sports for clicking stuff like sitting at home and books?

You are a really nice girl that tends to be competitive sometimes when it comes to sports. Try this perfume that will really characterize your playful spirit :)
Someone needs to learn what genders are =.=

You are the boy, always trying to save your bride-to-be princess. Either by Slaying a dragon or kissing the princess from unconiousness. You want to marry the princess, well you better get permission from King first!
Sighs why fashion again =.=

You are a diverse person with and caramel and peanut center and very direct with a chocolate outer lair but sometimes you are very busy and don't stop to look around you try to take it easy once in a while.
Blah /me ignores fashion stuff...
10-15 years old!

You still act like a child sometimes, and you often do things without thinking..
I forgot to finish the other quizzes xD

I barely use my cell~
Half and Half.

You love your cell, but aren't completely obsessed.

Too... simple?

You are sweet! You are a person who is liked my many and people enjoy being around you! Being a positive person and a nice person, you have many friends who think of you as a sweet person. Keep it up!

I didnt click dangerous? :/

Michael is dangerous and will give you the wrong ideas. Hes not nice. But he does compliment you at times. He may be a bad boy, but hes soft and sweet inside. he just dosn't like to admitt it.
Powers: He dosnt have any powers, but he wsill hurt you emotionally and physically. When he really make you mad, he starts to feel guilty. Hes sorta emo, and cool at times. Hes free spirited in a bad way. You'll learn to love him :D

Does this... hmm idk :/
The Quite Snowflake

You will do as your told and try to find a place to stay by yourself. Its not a bad thing because you like it that way. Your best friend is the bubbly snowflake because they are more outgoing and your more quiet which actually works. Opposites attract. You love all seasons and months and you agree with everyone just so there isn't a problem. Your soft and airy but that makes you, you!

Hmm changing one answer gives a different result....
Nate (Near) Rivers

Hooray! You got Near. You don't really care what people think of you. You only think about what you're heading towards to. You can be pretty serious. You tend to only think about your goals. You are very lovable, some-how. :3 And you probably still have a childish side in you.
Lawliet L. [L]

Hooray! You got L!
You can be pretty willing to do things. You're sure of your decisions even if they are too dangerous. You aren't very sociable, but you do have some friends, and they can be very close to you. You're not the type who is always laughing or smiling, but you do have your laughs here and there. And you probably have a sweet tooth if I am not wrong. ;)
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Okay, quiz-athon!


Novice- LEARN!!! How can you be so....stupe? YOu are not going to have a future, and if you're future has occured it's never too late. next thing oyu know---(splat)....where are you now?

T' ain't my fault the options of this quiz were so... so...


Orange like a sunrise...

Now that's freaky, eh? I might get mistaken for being a Twilight vampire. xD


You would be the gymnast of some group. Light and springy. you would probably be the one that the big guy in the group would throw when they were doing a combo move. Should you ever find yourself alone fighting several monsters, my advice; Run. Run like hell. You are not strong enough to fight them. But don't worry, someday when you grow up, you might be strong, like Arnold!

That's bull. Not to brag but I have a black belt in Taekwondo and I am not skinny.


You have an intense kiss! You and your partner connect when you kiss and you forget about the rest of the world. Hey, call me!!! ^_~

Hm, I wonder...


Your hidden quality is gracefulness.
Beauty, Passion, Love, In Fashion! That's you, the city chick who uses her body to show love for the world..

Getting further and further off the mark... xD


u r entranced!:
u get distracted by things eaisily!diffrent types of things amuse you.(4 me,vry tiny cute things!!) and 4 u it might b somin diffrent!? but u tend to get disstracted alot. in school(if u go 2 school...), in a museme(spelled wrong...oh well...)and more!u might not b able to control it, and u might b able to, but whitchever it is, it would b best to try to pay attention as hard as u can!!

Good Lord, what kind of quiz was that?!


Mimiru - You are Mimiru, the Heavy Blade who befriends Tsukasa. You're curious about his mannerisms and even more curious about why he can't log out. You begin to develop an attitude as a defense mechanism to compensate for lack of intelligence and wisdom.

I don't watch .hack but well, this looks okay.


..... Seriously?


You are a Slow Dancer. You are the romantic girl between your friends, you have beautiful sweet little dreams about the future, you love your friends and ready to do any thing for them. Your ideal man is the charming prince who is ready to give up everything just for you, and always show you how much he loves you.

I'm sorry, but I give up. Too lazy. xD
3rd index~~ since I feel like being lazy XD
btw I dare you guys to take these :P

41 are-you-a-girly-girl-or-a-tom-boy-4-gurlzz
42 what-is-your-fashion-iq
43 what-would-you-look-like-as-anime
44 /what-kind-of-girl-are-you
45 randomness-quiz-of-boredness
46 what-kind-of-magic-person-would-you-be
47 do-you-treat-your-friends-well
48 are-you-impulsive
49 what-aquarium-animal-are-you
50 what-kind-of-fox-are-you
51 how-beautiful-is-your-true-self
52 how-do-you-handle-love
53 are-you-a-fairy-or-a-witch
54 which-confession-should-you-use-to-confess-your-feelings-to-your-crushlove
55 introvert-extrovert-optimist-pessimist-realist
56 your-inner-self

57 how-old-do-you-act
58 could-you-be-one-of-santas-elves
59 how-beautiful-is-your-inside
60 what-kind-of-monster-are-you
61 what-kind-of-friend-are-you

in between! youa re caught inbetween a girly-girl and a tom-boy. you know when to get messy and when to become a girly-girl! good for you! you know how to balance yourself!
ok... I know half of that isn't right :P

Saavy Fasionista. know what's going on! You keep up with the trends, you read magazines, and you definitely know how to accesorize. You were born with an innate sense of style, and you know how to use it in the right way. Do the world a favor, and teach others what you know!
I actually just guessed most of them.. lol


You love your friends but usually they're the ones that came to you. you're not really into socializing with people you dont know. you're not mean, just shy
I love this quiz just for one of the m/c options XD

GO with the flow type

You're very casual and make decisions easily when with other people. You don't care much with look rather going for something comfy. You do average in most things, school, sport, art and social life. you're like me :D
suureee XD

45 (sadly it was not worth even putting here XD)

You're a sorceress!


You don't think much of yourself, but you're a lot more then you think you are! You believe in the goodness of people's hearts, and you use your magic to embrace it. Like witches and wizards, you bring people to your command, but you use them for good, not evil, and most people like you for that. No part of you is truly bad, but sometimes you can be a little wild!

You treat your friend very well.
You in future will have a lot of friends. The way you treat people is the way people will treat you. You will gain a lot of respect from your friends

Somewhat Impulsive
You are only somewhat impulsive and while you have a tendency to act without thinking, you know when to plan things out.


Congratulations! You're the Cleaner Shrimp! This shrimp cleans parasites from inside the mouths other fish and some species of eels. This shrimp has a symbiotic relationship with the species it cleans, meaning it won't get eaten. The cleaner shrimp is also called the Pacific cleaner shrimp, the white-banded cleaner shrimp, and the skunk cleaner shrimp. In many coral reefs, cleaner shrimp congregate at cleaning stations where fish come to be cleaned of bacteria and dead skin. The cleaner shrimp is a popular member of home aquariums since it's easy to keep. FACTS: Class - Malacostraca. Order - Decapoda. Family - Hippolytidae. Genus/Species - Lysmata ambionensis. Size - about 2.4 in. (6 cm.). Diet - Dead and diseased skin, bacteria, and parasites from other fish. Habitat - Red Sea and tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific region

Grey fox
you're a small fox with a red underbelly, gray on top, a black tip tail and some silver on your body. you're one of the only foxes that climbs. good for you! you love to live in canadian type environments.

Secretly beautiful. BECAUSE YOU BELIEVE.
You understand how life works, and your willing to accept the challenges ahead. Strong and confident is how you feel, although insecurity from inside comes out sometimes. It's good to rely on someone and be honest with your feelings instead of being alone, isn't it?
YES ;; sometimes it's hard for me tho :/


I guess that's true :/
Always in Love


You're the type of person who's always in love. Whether it's just a petty crush, or if it's your boyfriend of 6 years, you always have somebody special on your mind. This is good in many ways, because it means that you're in tune with your emotions, and have no problems expressing them. However, be careful not to wear your heart on your sleeve too often; love doesn't always end with a ride off into the sunset![/img]

Elegant Fairy
You are more calm and more graceful than the others and usually take control of your power very well. You represent Flora, possesses Nature powers

Best guy friend.


If you like your best guy friend, most people think that its sweet. But if you have a hard way of expressing your feelings to him, then its easier to just tell him that you like or even love him. : D It worked for me... and our relationship isn't awkward at all... as far as I know of... o.o *looks away*

Are you happy? great! You have a personality that shows confidence and happiness. You try to solve every situation in an optimistic manner.

You express yourself!
Everyone likes you! Your not afraid to show your true self to others. Sometimes you're honset. You're a true friend until the end

Younger than your age

You act a little more childish


You'd make a perfect elf helper! You're ready to help and make people happy. You have great Christmas spirit! Merry Christmas!

Your Beautiful!

You have a amazing personality and cheer everybody up by being around them!

You're Medusa!

You're are the snake monster that petrifies people just by looking at them and boy are you dangerous!

You are a GREAT friend!!

Your a really caring friend with a heart of gold. Your there for your friends whenever you need them and they are lucky to have a friend like you. :)

sleepy~ I want help finding or making good ones :P I heard that you can't save quizzes as a draft soo you'd have to have it all together before making it :f
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Hmm dare? :goodtea: Not that i really mind anyhow :runhappy:

almost a tom-boy. you enjoy playing sports but also have a bit of the girly-girl side JUST A BIT!

I have no idea what most of those words were :goodtea: and sry i dont actually care~ :goodtea:
Completely Clueless! People are laughing at you as we speak. You need your head and your wardrobe examined. You know nothing about clothes, and you've probably been living in a sensory deprevation tank since 1986. It's amazing that you've made it this far in life. Read magazines. Watch E!. Find books on basic wardrobe building. You need all the help you can get.

Is red really too much to ask for? I am not clicking pink...

you are unique and enjoy coming up with ideas for crafts. you have super close friends and then maybe a coupla not so close ones that only sorta know you

Hmm somewhat~
GO with the flow type

You're very casual and make decisions easily when with other people. You don't care much with look rather going for something comfy. You do average in most things, school, sport, art and social life. you're like me :D

Ehh wha?
"I can't help you. I'm a banana I have no arms"

If you know where that quote is from you sir/ma'am are awesome.
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You're a sorcerer!
Just like a sorceress, you underestimate yourself, choosing the worst things when it comes to talking about yourself! You embrace the good side of people! You have the power to animate things, such as gargoyles. You can do the same to people, but you don't choose to do that as often, because you believe if someone's mind is taken over enough, that they will go insane. You are well looked up to and the king of all the magic users!

Kind of... lame...
You treat your friend very well.
You in future will have a lot of friends. The way you treat people is the way people will treat you. You will gain a lot of respect from your friends
Decided to join.

(Dominatrix) Evil- Well well well...we meet again! My advice to you is to have fun for once...laugh...but not at another's demise...thats just evil? Hehehe. Anyways, you should get on with your life, but scheme occasionally (but don't actually take them into action). Calm down, and have some non-sugar related foods or else...(poof!)'re going to explode.
P.S. Evilllllllll...:evillaugh:

Blue like the sky...
P.S. I wonder why...:reallyconfused:

Behold! Da Vinci would have blown himself up for a look at you! You have perfect structure all the way around, giving the anime you a very attractive body. One of your few faults is the tendency to become overdependent on your physcal structure. You can also(like most other beautiful people) be slightly conceited. but don't fret, just keep your head out of the clouds and you should be fine!

Kiss?! You'll kill the one who even thinks of kissing you! The only physical contact you have is when you're beating someone up!

Your hidden quality is sensitivity...
The hidden quality of emotion, too much emotion which has led too you having no desire to live... this isn't a pleasant quality and it should be changed.
P.S. Wtf is this?

u r mad!:
u r just sooooooooooooo mad right now!!b-cuz of ur sibblings, a person, something! what u need to do is calm down! if it was something someone said, then u need to forget about it!! b-cuz they r just trying to get u mad!! they know it will tick u off, and it does!!! so just ignor them or think about somin else. reading a book ALWAYS helps!! and not just 4 me! so try doing that!

Maha - You are Maha, a mysterious cat that befriends Tsukasa. You develop an obsession with a blade of grass given to you as a gift. You just picked all the answers about grass and cats, didn't you?

The Cynic
P.S. ...

You are a Ballerina. You are the classic princess between all, you have an opinion about almost everything, your friends respect you and see you as a role model cuz you are always in your way up. Your ideal man is someone who respects the successful and intelligent woman you are.
P.S. Wtf 2?

You carry a sife. You hate the world, and wish everyone would just leave you alone. You don't have any friends, and like it that way. The sife appeals to you because the Grim Reaper carries it. Who doesn't like death, right? Even though you hate everyone, you deeply loathe the bow holder. They have anger in them, but they don't show it!
P.S. Sife? Scythe maybe?

You are green!
P.S. I'm... green?

You are a Neko!!!! Hehe umm sorry I just had to do this lol just go back and don't pick the last answer ok.
P.S. What a heck is this? I will try again without that neko ears answer...

You are Raine Sage!!!! You are very interested in studying but are always willing to heal your friends and your knowledge of everything is great especailly when you can unlock secret passages and puzzles! Though sometimes you may be slightly annoying you are well loved and are a valuable friend to everyone!
P.S.S. Still not even close...

You are Kratos Aurion. You are often serious and untalkative, so you don't tend to make many friends. You are very independent and don't allow anyone to get in your way. The skill you have in battle has been gained from many years of study and training, but you can't help but be a little arrogant at times. Mabye it's because some other people remind you of yourself when you were younger, and you don't like to think about it. The friends you do make are good people, and you are extremely loyal to them. If they turn evil, you stick by them anyway. Your friends like you because you are supportive and loyal, and wise beyond your years.
P.S.Didn't expect this... Pic was broken so I found another one.

Your inner element is Darkness! You feel alone and insecure. People see you as just plain angry, but inside you feel a great amount of pain and despair. You like to be alone, or in he dark. You may feel that the dark keeps you secure from the prying eyes of the ones that have hurt you. Your hidden powers are the ability to stay hidden and the power to wield darkness. Rate please!
P.S. Darkness, huh...

You are no angel at all. Your not even human...WTF are you?!?!
P.S. I like this one ;p
Next 15 later in next post.
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Not very Impulsive
You are not very Impulsive and have a tendency to plan things out more but you know that sometimes you just gotta go with youre gut.
Red-Bellied Piranha

Congratulations! You're the Red-Bellied Piranha! This fish hunts in packs of 20-30. They will either hide in vegetation and ambush their prey or they'll chase after their prey. The coloring of the red-bellied piranha changes as it grows. This fish actually places its eggs in a nest. The danger of this species of piranha to humans is exaggerated since it hardly ever attacks humans. FACTS: Class - Osteichthyes. Order - Characiformes. Family - Characidae. Genus/Species - Pygocentrus nattereri. Size - up to 18 in. (145 cm.). Diet - Insects, worms, fish, and plants. Habitat - Whitewater rivers of South America
Grey fox
you're a small fox with a red underbelly, gray on top, a black tip tail and some silver on your body. you're one of the only foxes that climbs. good for you! you love to live in canadian type environments.
Next 15: (16-30)

You are Pluto...
Abuse of Power, Darker side, Spiritual Outlook.
P.S.Dark side of the force...

You understand the opinions of others and you are very respectful of theyre personal space. You are very intelligent and you do your best for others.
P.S.O rly?

You have a malicious soul! Malice, when defined means, The urge to see the sufferings of others But you dont really mean any harm to anyone, you just like to watch it. Mischievous, cruel, and seducing, you can hurt others with cruel words or just be plain mean. Prank calls, tripping people, and breaking the laws are your favorite past times. You can lie just as easily as laugh, even to a close one. People are intimidated by you because you never let people get close to you. Youre cold, ruthless, and pessimistic behavior drives people away, which show the pain you feel inside.
P.S. True a bit I guess...

You right stories by what you dream about1 even you don't know what will happen next in your stories! It can be the most exciting then but it can be bad when you stop dreaming about it! Trust me! It can be the most reckless even more then writing as you go along. But its probably one of the most fun ways. Your probably a great dreamer!
P.S. Neko-mimi kawai.
You're Not Polite At ALL!

You are not polite at all. You hurt other people, you're merciless, and if you have friends, most likely they're impolite too. If someone hurts you, then they're dead meat. You should probably try being more nice -- but of course, that's your decision. Good luck.
P.S. Of course I'm not polite...

Classy Winter
Your outfits are always stylish and classy; your vintage look is totally unique. Don't be afraid to wear those really bold accessories and clothes, because you make anything look good! You're a winter fashionista and your style is totally timeless.
P.S. Actually I wear simple black clothes at all times...
You're a bit um...misunderstood?
You talk to some people, but others usually get on your nerves. Sometimes you can be a bit rude, but everyone has a nice inside, right? :)
P.S. Bleh :P Not even half right...
The rebel Bl
You don't normally like following the rules and like to stay on the edgy side. Guys love that you're always on the edge and not afraid of what people think of you. Your "bad boy" is definitely out there for you. B)
P.S. :ohnoes:
You take things one step at a time - you do not fall in love easily
You keep a wall between you and boys - try to loosen up a bit, and you'll find the perfect guy. It's great that your'e careful, which means your'e super smart. :)
P.S. Not as bad a result as I thought...
A little TOO well
You can handle stress but in the wrong way. You are hot-tempered and rude when you are stressed. Try and stay calm and polite, even (especially) when people are getting on your nerves.
Your mind is like a meteor shower!
Adventurous! Outgoing! Your mind is always thinking about ideas to share. You are a ground-shaker, someone who isn't afraid to speak their mind! Just don't let your personality offend those who are shy.
P.S. Mad?

You Will Probably Drift Apart.
Watch out, some drama is coming up! You and your friend have some issues between you that may lead to a friend breakup. Soon you'll find a true best friend meant for you. You and this friend may stay friends, but may not be as close as you once were. Probable friendship time frame: A few months.
P.S. Not that I have friends for that to happen ;p
link doesn't work...
You are a freedom person.
You are unique, you like to have your own choices. You like to be alone with just yourself. You don't like school too much, especially when there is group work. You just like to work on your own. (I'm also a freedom person)
P.S. Free like a bird.
The Mechanic
Your result is the Mechanic! You don’t have to be good at technology; it’s just a way of speech. You have a large capacity for interest, but your goals are simple. That, I congratulate you for!
P.S. Mecha...nic?
Next 15 in next post...
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Secretly beautiful. BECAUSE YOU BELIEVE.
You understand how life works, and your willing to accept the challenges ahead. Strong and confident is how you feel, although insecurity from inside comes out sometimes. It's good to rely on someone and be honest with your feelings instead of being alone, isn't it?
Que Sera, Sera

You're the kind of person who goes with the flow and never stresses out too much, and this translates to your love life. Although you do desire romance and passion, you don't go to great lengths to actively seek it out: you have a philosophy that love will find you eventually. This is a good way to look at things, and will find you in a lot of good positions romantically! However, always remember that finding the right person takes work; you can't let the universe do ALL the heavy lifting!
Aggresive Fairy

You are more fierce with your power and possess a 'I'm not afraid to use this' attitude. You represent Musa, with her Music power
What is this? O.o
Best guy friend.

If you like your best guy friend, most people think that its sweet. But if you have a hard way of expressing your feelings to him, then its easier to just tell him that you like or even love him. : D It worked for me... and our relationship isn't awkward at all... as far as I know of... o.o *looks away*

Nice to meet another realist!! you are somebody who understands the quality of reality, in a way that is not happy or sad. (like me!)
Hmm i wonder about this... but since it said sometimes... why not~
You express yourself!
Everyone likes you! Your not afraid to show your true self to others. Sometimes your honset. Your a true friend until the end
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31-45! Here I go:
You... certainly don't like people much, do you? What.. do you care about?
P.S. Well... what else did you expect?
Smiley Face
You're a 'Smiley Face' because you're silly and like to make people laugh. Why not put on a show for your friends or family?
P.S. Wtf 3?
HARDCORE AND CRAZY- Rock Princess by Vera Wang
You are usually categorized as rocker girl, a punk. Show everyone what you're really made of with this bold perfume :)
P.S. True?
You are the girl, one who is always pretty and beautiful. You are the one who is being saved by the prince. You should say you are lucky. A prince is sacrificing his life for you. You have a lovely voice. You like to sing to nature...
P.S. Even though I chose a boy?!

Jolly Rancher
You have a sour yet sweet personality you can be a bit hard sometimes but you mean well.
P.S. Oh, I like these...
60-80 years old!
You're often quite grumpy but you have a good heart. Sometimes you get things muddled up!
P.S. O_o
Not at all!
You could live without a cellphone for sure! You don't care what everyone else has just as long as you're content.
P.S. Hmm... true I guess...

You are sour. But don't worry, you'll grow out of it. I am mostly sour but I don 't mind. I know I have friends and so do you! People still like you but not as much as being sweet. Good luck!
P.S. What's so bad in being sour..?
Pablo Rivera
Hes Puerto Rican and very cute. He has very nice personality, but has a temper. Dont maken him angry...Other than that, hes an amazing imaginary friend.
Powers: He has the power off strength, his weakness is you. :D
P.S. Who?

The Quite Snowflake
You will do as your told and try to find a place to stay by yourself. Its not a bad thing because you like it that way. Your best friend is the bubbly snowflake because they are more outgoing and your more quiet which actually works. Opposites attract. You love all seasons and months and you agree with everyone just so there isn't a problem. Your soft and airy but that makes you, you!
P.S. What?
Light Yagami
Cool! You got Light! You can be pretty mysterious, but that doesn't mean that you are lonely. Like Light, you have many friends, you intend to sometimes have things your way, and you like to look good everywhere. You probably have a side of you that just thinks that the world is rotting, (and yes, I do think it is :P) and you would like to make the world, or, your world a better place. Don't be shy to make a change! Just don't turn out to be like Kira! Please.... don't. ._.
P.S. More of the Kira than Light if you ask me... And no pic for some reason...Well, anyway, I am justice!:rant:
TOM-BOY! you are a tom-boy! you are aggressive and love to play sports! make sure though that you don't get too aggressive!
P.S. Whatever...
Completely Clueless! People are laughing at you as we speak. You need your head and your wardrobe examined. You know nothing about clothes, and you've probably been living in a sensory deprevation tank since 1986. It's amazing that you've made it this far in life. Read magazines. Watch E!. Find books on basic wardrobe building. You need all the help you can get.
P.S. Well... I just don't care about fashion...

You like people to remember you and always make sure you are looking fabulous enough when you leave the house
P.S. Wtf 4?

GO with the flow type
You're very casual and make decisions easily when with other people. You don't care much with look rather going for something comfy. You do average in most things, school, sport, art and social life. you're like me :D
P.S. Wrong yet again...
"I can't help you. I'm a banana I have no arms"
If you know where that quote is from you sir/ma'am are awesome.
P.S. I don't know where this quote is from...
To be continued...
Okay lets begin than:

1-what anime stereotype are you?:
3- what-anime-are-you-part-2:?
<-I can be a ninja =O
4-srry kissing is no really my thing so idc aboot this one =3 NEXT~!

"Your hidden quality is sensitivity...
The hidden quality of emotion, too much emotion which has led too you having no desire to live... this isn't a pleasant quality and it should be changed."

I screwed this one up clicked save and not preview... so yeah ill countine in the next one
Only cared to do one :/ Not much for quizzes...

"Your inner element is Earth! Many people may see you stubborn and opinionated, but your stubborness helps you in things. You are firm in what you believe and seldom give way to the manipulations of others. You do not have a large stash of friends, but the ones you do have will stick with you forever. You like company and are very friendly to the people you know. Although, you may find making new friends difficult. You love things with a lot of ancient history or mystery to them. You are very good at listening. Your hidden power is the ability to speak to animals, camoflauge, and power."
So what? I screwed up, but I hit.. Countine xD:

6 what-is-your-heart-feeling-right-nowcool-anime-pics

"u r mad!:
u r just sooooooooooooo mad right now!!b-cuz of ur sibblings, a person, something! what u need to do is calm down! if it was something someone said, then u need to forget about it!! b-cuz they r just trying to get u mad!! they know it will tick u off, and it does!!! so just ignor them or think about somin else. reading a book ALWAYS helps!! and not just 4 me! so try doing that!"

7 Which Dot Hack SIGN character are you

"Sora - You are Sora, a young player with a bit of an obsession with in-game beautiful girls. You kill those who refuse to let you stalk them. You're not a team player and choose sides at whim based on what you think is best for your current situation. However, be assured, you'll get what's coming to you..."

8 what-human-aspect-fits-your-personality-images

"The Cynic"

9 what-kind-of-dancers-are-you
you crazy its girls only T.T"""" IMA GUYYY~! ;-;
I give up...
14 what-is-your-true-inner-element-and-power

"Your inner element is Water! You are very intelligent and shy. You are always calm and people have rarely ever seen you angry. Most people like you, although you are not swarming with friends. Your shyness may be a contributor to that. You like to be near things that are warm, but not too warm, as too much heat makes your mind fog. You are very kind and loving. Your hidden ability is to breathe underwater and to wield the power of the waves, and wisdom. Rate please! "
17 what-magical-power-do-you-posses

"You have a spiritual power within you. The 6th sense, they call it. You can summon souls of the dead with this power. You tend to live no the lonely side, but you still have a kind heart and you're rather intelligent too."
18 what-kind-of-soul-do-you-posses

"You have a Lost Soul. No one is really sure what that can always mean, because it can be defined in many ways. As Legend goes, lost souls were the spirits of passed away people who are neither in heaven nor hell. They walk the earth, brooding mysteriously, always appearing when you expect it least. So hence, if you have a Lost Soul, then you are probably very insecure and shy. Stuck in your own little box, you watch the world fly by as a loner. You dont know your place. You seemingly dont have a place in society or an interest. You are a very capricious person, and are confused and frustrated about where you belong. You crave for the sense and feeling of home-but have not obtained it yet."

I get the feeling I did girl quizes, I shouldnt be thinking this late at night lol ^^"
Man... I jest changed gender for the last 2 posts than O.O"""""

You're a wizard!
Being related to the witch, you both have a lot in common! Both of you (but mostly you) enchant people to do what you want them to do, to respond to your command. Your power over rules every one who isn't magical, and sometimes even the weaker links in the chain. But don't get me wrong, you can definately be good when you want to be!
P.S. Not bad result...
You could treat your friends a little better !
The way you treat your friends is not that good. Could improve. You will come to realize that more people will start to like you and give you more respect. For those who are your friend, those are true friends they accept you for who you are.
P.S. Back at the same point, I don't have friends.
No/Little Impulsivity
You are much more likely to plan things out then to act without thinking.
P.S. Hmm...yes I guess...

Whitetip Reef Shark
Congratulations! You're the Whitetip Reef Shark! This shark is nocturnal. Because of this, its eyes are large and oval which help the shark see well in dim light. This shark uses strong chemosensory and electroreceptor systems to help it locate prey in the dark. The whitetip reef shark can remain motionless on the seafloor due to its ability to pump water over its gills without moving. A whitetip reef shark often returns to its favorite resting site at the same time each day and often does so for several years. FACTS: Class - Chondrichthyes. Order - Carcharhiniformes. Family - Carcharhinidae. Genus/Species - Triaenodon obesus. Size - Average 5.5 ft. (1.7 m.). Weight - Average 44 lbs. (20 kg.). Depth - most common between 26-130 ft. (8-40 m.). Diet - Fish, crustaceans, octopuses. Habitat - Shallow, tropical waters around the coral reefs in the Indian and Pacific Oceans
P.S. Unexpectedly true...
Red fox
you're THE most common fox. you're medium sized with a black underbelly, red on top, white on your face, and black boots and tail tip. everyone thinks you're pretty. and you love to live in canadian environments.
P.S. I wanted a cute pic...:sowwy:
Most likely you were kind before, but not everyone appreciated that. You have been through trauma and trauma, and the only way to stop getting hurt is to hurt others. You are secretly tired and your mask is cracking. Giving off an independant, easy going character, you are actually cold and calculating in the inside, while subconsciously always plotting and extremely aware of everyone's behavior/words.
P.S. What is beauty?

Que Sera, Sera
You're the kind of person who goes with the flow and never stresses out too much, and this translates to your love life. Although you do desire romance and passion, you don't go to great lengths to actively seek it out: you have a philosophy that love will find you eventually. This is a good way to look at things, and will find you in a lot of good positions romantically! However, always remember that finding the right person takes work; you can't let the universe do ALL the heavy lifting!
P.S, Wtf 5? Completely wrong...

Typical Witch
You are the one which is all black, goth, nasty and bad. You represent Stormy, the young witch which possesses Storm power
P.S. Witch? I guess that's okay...

A simple "I Like You".
How about you tell him/her that you have something to show them and creatively write them a note or something sweet for them to have and confess it that way...? .-. im confusing myself, but the picture looks cute, rught? : D
P.S. Okay, what the hell is this? or Wtf 6?

I don't know what you are!!!!!
Hello, person, what are you?
P.S. Why, an owl of course ;p
You adapt.
You can change your act at any moment. One second, your being knid, the next, bam! your mean! But your a good friend in dire moments.
P.S. Protanogist? Atonogist? Wtf 7?
All for now...

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