FUN Quizzes!!! :D

Uuuh... Sure, why not...

You have an intense kiss! You and your partner connect when you kiss and you forget about the rest of the world.
added a couple more~ This will be index 4

62 what-texting-icon-are-you

63 whats-your-akatsuki-love-story

64 what-mystical-creature-are-you

65 what-day-describes-you

66 how-italian-are-you

67 the-accent-quiz

68 should-you-really-have-a-crush-on-himher

69 what-color-is-your-personality-best-one-yet-must-take

70 does-your-crush-like-you

71 what-is-your-call-sign

72 what-fruit-are-you

73 are-you-beautiful-girls-only

74 how-do-you-handle-a-relationship-and-intimacypics (do NOT post pics from this quiz x-x)

75 what-is-your-lucky-season-and-weather

76 what-is-your-dream-relationship

77 what-wings-do-you-have-girls-only

78 what-is-your-fantasy-character-girls-only


79 what-type-of-unicorn-are-you

80 what-is-your-inner-artist

81 what-force-of-nature-are-you

82 what-flower-are-you


84 would-you-be-a-true-ninja

:p or the tongue

You are the tongue! You are spunky, fiesty and you KNOW how to hve fun! You can be weird at times, but in a good way. You might be a bit hyper but thats ok:)

63 XD what is this?

Your Bio:
- 18 years of age
- You were born in Iwagakure, but sent to live in the Hidden Sand when you turned nine. You had to leave your family, and your older brother behind. The village didn't understand you; they couldn't deal with you. You were mischievous, devilish, and had an extreme disregard for the rules. In Suna, you learned techniques of a ninja, ones you never would have acquired in your home village. You mastered a jutsu to control metal, bend it, wield it, change it, morph it. You found a fuel for power, the amusement of defeat. The Sand wasn't enough for you; there was far too many rules.
How You Joined:
There'd been one encounter with the Akatsuki that you'd witnessed, on a mission. You saw him, your brother. You'd been fascinated with the Akatsuki ever since. The things they did, what they strove for, and specifically, a member who was once from the Sand. You left home in search of them; they were easy to find.
You approached the two figures, only miles outside the village. The one's tail rose, the point dripping in poison. The other stopped.
"Sasori, my man..."
You smirked, looking at him, "Hello Deidara. It's been a long time, hasn't it?"
"Who is she, Deidara?" The voice was deep, scratchy from within the puppet.
Deidara stepped forward; he took off his hat, looking at you, "Sari?"
"Brother," you nodded, smirking. A smile slowly crept onto his face. You jumped on him, hugging him tightly. His arms wrapped around you. You were pulled back, forcefully, the tip of the puppet's tail wound in the back of your top. Sasori held you in the air.
"Don't distract him from the mission," he hissed. You crossed your arms, staring down at the man who manhandled you.
"The mission can wait," Deidara said. "Put her down."
"I don't take orders from you," Sasori hissed. He began walking, simply dragging you hanging above him. He took you to the hideout.
A Love Story:
You rolled over, pulling your pillow closer to your, your arms curling beneath it. You heard a soft click. Your eyes opened slowly.
"Watching me sleep, Sasori? That's creepy."
"Get up," he growled.
You rested up on one elbow, looking at him, "Why?"
He threw your covers from you, and grabbed your ankle, pulling you from the bed. You caught yourself and pushed yourself back onto your feet. "I said, get up," he repeated, those beautiful eyes looking at you, red hair slightly messy.
"I don't take orders from you," you stated, sitting back down on your bed.
He rolled his eyes in frustration, "Sari..."
"I'm up!" You said, looking at him, a small smirk playing on your lips.
Sasori sighed. He grabbed your arm and pulled you. You stumbled but followed him. He pulled you from the room and through the hideout.
He finally stopped and you pulled your arm from his grasp. "I hate it when you do that." You glared at him but the glare faded quickly.
"Close your eyes," Sasori said, ignoring you.
You rolled your eyes and closed them. You felt the hands cover them, the body behind you. His voice became more gentle, "Let me lead you."
You let him. He began walking slowly, moving you forward. Slowly, he moved his hands.
"Open them."
He flipped a light on. You opened your eyes. You stared, jaw dropped, at two beautiful katanas before you. A small cupcake, red velvet, sat on the table too.
"Happy Birthday Sari," Sasori whispered in your ear.

64 YAY!! XD

A little known butterfly born from window frost. Quiet and sensitive. Good at writing. Good judge of character. Close group of friends. Sweet and innocent.


you enjoy daydreaming and being in the middle. you are most likely the middle child

You are Italian!

67 hehe :3

You have the stereotypical "Candian" accent, but with a valley-girl twist with it. Don't worry it's not a bad thing, I have this accent, but I'm from Indiana, so that's probably why. I think it's the best accent ever.

68 wasn't expecting but IKRR?? ;; they like some1 else right now tho :happytears:
You'd be so cute together!!

your alike just enough to get along and have something to talk about, but not to much that you would fight a lot. Learn to compromise on things you don't agree on and your love life will work out just fine!!! Congrates!!

69 not very accurate, but still part of me~ :P
You are the color red!

You are one feisty little troublemaker! Always looking to have fun, you're really mischeivious! You are one of the really entertaining people, and that's pretty rare! Keep doing what you're doing, but just remember not to take it too far and end up in jail or something :D haha have fun!

70 lol really? XD

OMG your crush totally likes you! This ones a keeper

71 x-x

You are kind (hints the name kinndre), a real people person. Everyone in your clan loves you. You do your best to find peace in the most effective way possible. Keep up the good work.


Your a blueberry. You make yummy muffins! Some people think your purple.... I think you're great in muffins. Mmmmmmh muffins I think I'll go eat some now :)

73 ;; I know but still..

You are more then just a pretty face; your beautiful inside and out. Your are likable and people love you for being you. You shouldn't be taking a stupid quiz to find out if people think your pretty too. I know I sound like a hypocrite, seeing as I made this quiz, but trust me on this one.

74 ok... this is so true, i'm undone ;;
You have a Nurturing heart. This person expresses love and intimacy energy in a relationship with a lot of confidence, charm, and personal power. Nurturer types are very giving, nurturing, and tend to satisfy the needs of the mate before their own needs. In the field of psychology they often are classified as co-dependent. The real truth, according to palmistry, is that they are idealists and sentimentalists who see their efforts and caring as their most precious gift to others. They have a lot to give others and do so willingly. A common relationship pattern for a person with this Nurturer Heart Line is this: She or he goes into the relationship giving 150%, and never says that anything is expected in return. However, she or he assumes that something equal will be returned. This is natural because a Nurturer is an idealist! Unfortunately, the type of partner attracted to the Nurturer usually is the opposite type. So at some point in the relationship the Nurturer starts feeling resentful and "used". Also the Nurturer's partner no longer gets what she or he has grown to expect, so is dissatisfied, too. When this happens the relationship is over for both unless they can see what is happening. Nurturer types need to understand their own psychological needs and make contracts to get those needs met in order to avoid this relationship pattern. Very early in the relationship Nurturers need to say clearly that (1) they are givers, and (2) what and how much they want to give to the relationship. Then they (3) must say what it is they expect in return. The last step (4) is to ask the partner if she or he is willing to give back what is desired. This contract can be renegotiated at any time. Maybe it isn't written down or stated in exactly this way; however, some form of a contract, agreement, or understanding is essential. Without this basic understanding the Nurturer may frequently feel ripped off and used. The real psychology to understand is this: The Nurturer should learn to love self enough to feel OK about asking for what is wanted, and be able to receive it without guilt. She or he needs to know that it is not necessary to give 150% in a relationship in order to get acceptance and love.

75 this was so hard for me! XD all true :3

Your lucky season is spring, for your sweet, generous and pure personality. You have a few very close friends as well as your other friends, and you enjoy talking with them and sharing funny stories and secrets. Curious and innocent like a child, many people love you for your untainted and adorable personality. You love having fun, and trying new things is something that you do all the time. You love making people smile, and you have a beautiful smile as well, that makes people around you happy.
You should look out for cloudy days. Although your personality would represent a sunny, warm day, the clouds represent an uncertainty in the future, with many mysteries for you to unveil. Have fun in the future, many things will happen, and you get to be a part of all of them. It’s your life, now go and have fun!

76 omg ikr? x-x

Slightly mysterious, unpredictable, on again off again, your relationship has the tendency to be a bit turbulent, sometimes tipping towards the good side, and sometimes the bad side. But as long as you love each other, it will keep you rooted to the spot, and stop anything form breaking you apart, Your ideal guy will be mysterious, mature, and sometimes slightly unpredictable, but will be someone to talk to, to confide in when you need him. It’s all about the thrill, right?

77 yayyy

From looking at your personality, you would have butterfly wings :)
Your delicate, gentle, and selfless personality resembles that of a quiet, dainty, and innocent butterfly

78 ok sure x-x

You are the sprite that flits around the edges of peoples lives, not quite here nor there, alive to help people gain happiness through their love life. You love to meddle with it, though it is always for the sake of the person you have chosen to help through their love. You enjoy seeing the happy expressions on peoples' faces when they are in love, as it is your sustenance. People are not aware of you, as you exist in your own world, alongside other love sprites, all of whom work towards the successful romance of humans. Love sprites are formed when someone experiences true, untainted, pure loved, approximately once in a blue moon. You are born from their hearts. Although this could mean that there are too many of you, a love sprite disappears if the person that they were trying to help suffer from a broken heart, or is dumped, or faces any kind of heartbreak.
You have pink, shoulder length hair that shimmers when you are happy, or are witnessing the love of others. You wear floaty, pretty pink robes with silver lace, and your eyes are also a beautiful rose colour. If the love sprite falls in love, which is extremely rare, they have the ability to become human, but if they do not manage to achieve their love, they will return to sprite form.
You are extremely chatty ad lively within your love sprite friends, and enjoy talking about the couples that you have formed. You are kind hearted, and have a very protective side.
You have the power to make people fall in love with your aura and the atmosphere that you create when you are present. Although you are not the most powerful of the sprites, you are the closest to people, and therefore think and act like humans.


Narwal! (Water unicorn)

You are water! You are fun and happy, but at times sesitive. You sense of causion sometimes makes you a large target.


You like to do things in a simple, straightforward style. You have a wide circle of friends who appreciate your quick wit. Your homework always gets turned in on time, just like a daily comic strip.

81 :o I like it :3

You are the sun. You are known for your warm and bright personality. People love you for your bright and happy nature. Though you are usually warm and bright, when angered, you can really heat up. People depend on you to shine on the cold and dark situations in life and give them light. You are good at that and should continue to do so. Your nature name should derive form the sun. Example: Sonny, Dawn, etc.... You should do some research and find your nature name. Just search for names meaning "sun." Good luck! :)


You are a water lily. Your inner beauty comes form your calm, serene, and kind perosnality. People love you for your caring and loving nature as well as the calm that you bring. You can be very kind and gentle and can withstand the ripples and currents of life. You are known for your graceful beauty on the inside and out. Your best colors are light blue and light pink.

83 ;;
Peer pressure affects you because your friends are copying what they think is the right thing to do but in reality is not and you are copying them! All I can say is don't be a sheep and embrace the inner you. Give it a go, even just for a day and see the changes it will make.

Yesh you will!

You are a true ninja, maybe even one of the best. Silent, stealthy and skilled, you protect the innocent and your loved ones. You don't kill, yet you knock people out instead. Patience and silence is key, so is focus, and you might have all of those skills. Good job :) thanks for taking the quiz, btw :3 hope you enjoyed it!
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I got Heartbroken. Damn you School Days. q.q Kotonoha.

Inner quality is Agility? Im lazy and sleep and watch anime all day though.
New 5
Older than your age
You act older than your age
P.S.Who cares about age?
No, probably not
You'd probably rather do something else than make toys all day long. But you enjoy Christmas time and you know what's important! Merry Christmas!
P.S. Whatever *sigh*...
Your Beautiful!
You have a amazing personality and cheer everybody up by being around them!
P.S.Oh rly? Although if I don't pick anything in in the last choice I get:
Your inside is not beautiful.....
You aren't nice to people and can hurt peoples feelings.
You're a vampire!
You my friend are a vampire, the monster with a constant blood lust but be careful, there's always going to be someone coming after you!
P.S.This one was just too obvious, but I picked all the choices honestly and got this...
your an ok friend
your some what a good friend and some what a bad friend. You are there for your friends, but other time you totally leave them hanging!
P.S. So there is no horrible friend no matter what you pick?
If you say so :goodtea:
Older than your age

You act older than your age

Hmm sureeee... ill be the odd elf :goodtea:

You'd make a perfect elf helper! You're ready to help and make people happy. You have great Christmas spirit! Merry Christmas!

Do they realllyyy expect people to put bad answers about themselves? :/ There are quite... twisted people... who dont accept anything negative about themselves...
Your Beautiful!

You have a amazing personality and cheer everybody up by being around them!

Could immediately tell what the answers would be upon looking at the first two... =.=
You're the Grim Reaper!

You're the scariest of the scary and you can kill someone just by touching them.

Oh the random craziness :goodtea: Should account for different groups of friends~
You are a GREAT friend!!

Your a really caring friend with a heart of gold. Your there for your friends whenever you need them and they are lucky to have a friend like you. :)
Newest ones: (I decided to write my P.S.s outside now)

P.S. There is some sort of mistake, right?
:) or the smiley face

You are the smiley face! You are happy all the time and ubernice! Keep it up girlfriiiiiend/guyfriiiiiend

P.S. Itachi is cool and all, but wtf is this? Wtf 8?
Your Bio:
Saki Ikara
- 19 years of age
- As a child, you were skilled, talented. You matched the prodigy of your village, Itachi Uchiha. You'd grown up, compared to him as much as his younger brother was. You'd also grown up a 'friend' of his. You teased each other enough, fought each other enough, to consider it a friendship. When the cleansing of the Uchiha clan occurred, you were shocked. You knew him; that wasn't Itachi. You continued your time in the Leaf, but one day overheard a discussion on the mission assigned to your anbu squad. You heard the story of Itachi, of his orders. The mission: Capture Itachi Uchiha.
How You Joined:
Air was still; not even a single breath was taken, not a single step. There he was, standing before you. Your squad charged, attacking him on sight. You ignored their calls to you; you stood back, watching. Itachi would vanish into a flock of crows; his Sharingan would shimmer. His moves were so swift, quick, strong. You knew those moves. You watched as your team was thrown back, and he looked at you. He didn't move. You smirked. You felt the presence behind you; you spotted the shadow of the presence behind him.
"That was my move, wasn't it?"
His facial expression didn't change. You stabbed the clone quickly with a kunai, twirling it in your fingers, watching as your's melted away as Itachi hit its pressure point.
"I'm waiting," you said, simply twirling the kunai.
He charged. You drew shuriken into your other hand, between your fingers. You threw the kunai, but not in his direction, along with the other weapons. Itachi stopped.
Your squad, without a second of shock, released their last breaths, the blades sunk deep into their necks and chests.
Itachi stared at you.
"I want in."
A Love Story:
You ran your fingers through his black silky hair, looking down at the gorgeous man whose head rested in your lap. He looked up at you, rose his hand, and cupped your cheek gently, caressing it with his thumb. He pulled you down. You smiled softly when your lips meant his. He kissed you.
The door opened.
You sat up, still toying with his hair, running your free through yours. Kisame walked into the room, peeking his head around. He smirked, "Am I interrupting?"
Itachi's expression didn't change. He just looked up at you. You looked at Kisame with a little smirk, "Don't you always?"
Kisame chuckled deeply, "I doubt he can hold out that long, Saki."
You giggled, leaning down, kissing Itachi again, looking back up at Kisame, "I'm sure he can hold out longer than you."
Kisame raised an eyebrow, "Would you like to find out?"
"Kisame," Itachi growled.
Kisame laughed, "I'm only having a little fun, Itachi."
"Find someone else to do it with."
You giggled, and ran your fingers through his hair again, "He doesn't stand a chance anyway."
Itachi looked up at you and smirked. Kisame's jaw dropped slightly, but he chuckled, looking you up and down.
"Saki," he chuckled, "If I did, mmmm..."
Itachi sat up quickly, glaring at Kisame. Kisame laughed, grabbed his sword from his bed and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.
You ran your arms around Itachi, kissing his shoulder softly. His composure softened quickly; the sweet, caring, untroubled, calm Itachi you'd known your whole life returned. He ran his hands up your arms and back down, holding your hands.
"Lighten up a little," you giggled, kissing his cheek. You looked at him, admiring him, those gorgeous eyes, that face, no headband, hair loosely hanging.
He smirked softly, a hint of a smile hidden in it. He quickly turned around, pushing you back onto the bed, lying down beside you, resting up on an elbow, brushing his fingertips along your cheek.
"I don't like the thought of you with anyone else," he whispered, leaning down, pressing his lips against yours.
You smiled into the kiss, blushing when you felt his lips move. He smiled into it too, kissing you sweetly. You kissed back, giggling softly. He chuckled and drew back, smiling at you.
You rested your hand on the back of his neck, "I wasn't done.'
"Oh really?" He leaned back in.
His kiss, it said more than any words that could ever leave his lips.

P.S. Ninja they say ;p And actually it fits quite well...

Moody. Few friends. Backstabber. Very good at surviving alone. Pretty ninja. Unpredictable and awesome.

P.S. I know what Samye picked in first choice here ;p Wait, what does this mean?
are you an only child
yes no
if yes, are you the middle child

And somehow I just think that what you picked in your favorite day is what mattered here most...

your the day of relaxation and video gaming. Its what you do best and people love you for it

P.S. Wtf 9?

You are Italian!

P.S. Okay, what kind of accent is that?
You have the stereotypical "Candian" accent, but with a valley-girl twist with it. Don't worry it's not a bad thing, I have this accent, but I'm from Indiana, so that's probably why. I think it's the best accent ever.

P.S. I don't have anyone I like so I just randomly picked the most likely choices
You can do better!

this guy/girl is either a jerk to you, or is just not right for you in the least!!! Don't settle for him/her, you can do better go and find the perfect match for you!!!! Good luck!!

P.S. Yay, me is red ;p
You are the color red!

You are one feisty little troublemaker! Always looking to have fun, you're really mischeivious! You are one of the really entertaining people, and that's pretty rare! Keep doing what you're doing, but just remember not to take it too far and end up in jail or something :D haha have fun!

P.S. Now here I can't even pick most likely ones... Oh well, let's make myself that crush...
How can you have a crush on this guy?

Sorry but most likely your crush doesnt like you. Try looking for someone else who would care about you.

P.S. Ahaha, is this a joke?

You are kind (hints the name kinndre), a real people person. Everyone in your clan loves you. You do your best to find peace in the most effective way possible. Keep up the good work.

P.S. I like this quiz! xD And I like cherries too ;p

Your a cherry. You go great with cocktails! Some people think your delicious.... I think your overrated!

P.S. Hmmm... So I am beautiful???

You are beautiful, but you don't know it. It's okay if you don't love everything about yourself, you ARE gorgeous. You have a great personality to go along with it too! And if anybody tries to tell you differently, then they're a bitch. Don't listen to them. They couldn't tell beauty if it slapped them in the face. Just remember that. Try to find something you like about yourself once a week and write it on a note and stick it next to your mirror. It really does work

P.S. Okay, there simply isn't a single right choice about what the love IRL is, so I'll just pick about what I think it is in fiction... Okay, I now get why Snow said not to post the pics and I agree with her...
You have a Pleasing heart. Pleasers are very adaptable to any situation. They can fit in anywhere in any type crowd. They have developed a deep sense for "reading people" and then know how to act around them. However, it is very difficult and scary for the Pleaser to show their true feelings, especially when they see it would not please someone else. Instead they will focus their actions on what will please the other person to insure a positive response. They will do whatever is necessary to avoid having to deal with the other person's negative responses, even if it requires negating their own real feelings. This behavior pattern to get "peace at any cost" was learned earlier in situations where not doing so brought on painful disapproval, anger, ridicule, guilt, indignation, jeers, humiliation, etc. The price they pay for acceptance from others is loss of their emotional power to feel their own true feelings. People with this Pleaser type of line easily fall for anyone's sob story. They feel that they can somehow fix life's upsets by giving in to other people's needs and wants. This is almost always at the expense of their own true feelings and needs, however. They will never "rub anyone the wrong way". The Pleaser can be a valuable friend because of their keen senses and ability to read people so quickly. A Pleaser needs to feel very safe before fully being real and honest about their true feelings.
Hmm me thinks i want the "xD" face moar :goodtea: Hmm various others work too~
:) or the smiley face

You are the smiley face! You are happy all the time and ubernice! Keep it up girlfriiiiiend/guyfriiiiiend


Your Bio:
Yuzuki Yamanaka
- 18 years of age
- You were born in the Hidden Leaf, a cousin to Ino Yamanaka, to the entire family. You possessed great power; power that none of your family could match. As you grew up, you were expected to marry Neji Hyuga, an arranged marriage by your father. You were expected to be a proper young lady, more beautiful than Ino. You were expected to stop fighting, to be perfect. You disagreed greatly; you left.
You didn't join the Akatsuki in their efforts, but you joined them in their hideout. You lived with them, cared for them, but mainly, for one. One that you'd met when you crying by the lakeside, in the middle of the night. One who intrigued you. Well, basically two. You fell in love with him.
A Love Story:
"No, don't go," You said, your voice still sleepy. You wrapped your arms around Zetsu, snuggling into his back.
A side of him chuckled, as he turned over. His arms wrapped around you; you stared into his eyes.
"You're quite beautiful," the black side of him said, as he leaned in to kiss you.
When he pulled away, the white Zetsu chuckled, "You need a breath mint."
You giggled and leaned your head back down onto your pillow.
Zetsu smiled at you softly, and kissed your cheek. "I have to go my darling."
You slid your arm around his back and held him close.
He chuckled, the black side of him speaking, "It won't end well if I don't."
You sighed and leaned back, "I know."
He slid out of bed and threw on his cloak. You watched him, smiling softly.
"Don't go anywhere," The white said said, brushing his hand along the side of your face, "Well maybe go shower..."
You pushed it away with a giggle, "You're so mean."
"You love us."


A little known butterfly born from window frost. Quiet and sensitive. Good at writing. Good judge of character. Close group of friends. Sweet and innocent.

I said friday was my favorite day but i also said gaming and being random for everything else... =.=

your friday the party god! friday is all about partying and having fun, and that's just what you do


You're a little bit Italian.

Hmm they got the area right? No asian accent though? xD

The best accent of them all, the valley-girl accent. This accent derived from Southern California and has made it's way across the country. I love this accent, I have one.

Your like the same Person!!!

you guys are friends (maybe even Bffs) and the only reason you haven't asked him/her out yet is because you don't want to ruin your friendship. I know it sucks but you just have to be brave enough to tell him/her. The worst that could happen is that he/she says no. and since you guys are good friends then they will probably want to stay friends even if they don't like you that way.
the only thing is because your're so alike you will get into fights about stupid stuff. Remember to think things out logically and try to compromise as much as you can! Good luck!!!!!

You are the color turquoise!

You are super artsy and definitely unique! You have loads of art skills and everybody envies you for that! You're constantly getting compliments on your art and it makes you happy! It's so great that you have all this talent and you're really individual! I can tell that you are definitely a daydreamer, always thinking up your next art project! That's great! You are contributing to the world in a way that most people can't! Keep practicing your talent and you will definitely go far!

Your crush kinda likes you

Your crush kinda likes you but most likely he doesnt know how to express his feelings.

How is this... x.x whatever...

You are always up for a good party. You joined the Air Force because you thought it would be fun. Watch out, this could get you in some trouble , war plays for keeps.

Orange (your really original)

Your an orange. Dani's favorite fruit:) You make great juice. You are helpful when someone has a cold...... Some people think your annoying though :p


Just because someone doesn't tell you everyday that you are, doesn't mean you aren't. They probably think it, but don't bother to tell you. Believe me, I have experience with this. You also have a great personality! If someone has a problem with you because of it, then they should give up, because, honey, you are fine the way you are. PS. Don't take quizzes about if you are beautiful or not because you really are.
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Hmm.... works... not completely but... works... and that result... >///<
You have a Pleasing heart. Pleasers are very adaptable to any situation. They can fit in anywhere in any type crowd. They have developed a deep sense for "reading people" and then know how to act around them. However, it is very difficult and scary for the Pleaser to show their true feelings, especially when they see it would not please someone else. Instead they will focus their actions on what will please the other person to insure a positive response. They will do whatever is necessary to avoid having to deal with the other person's negative responses, even if it requires negating their own real feelings. This behavior pattern to get "peace at any cost" was learned earlier in situations where not doing so brought on painful disapproval, anger, ridicule, guilt, indignation, jeers, humiliation, etc. The price they pay for acceptance from others is loss of their emotional power to feel their own true feelings. People with this Pleaser type of line easily fall for anyone's sob story. They feel that they can somehow fix life's upsets by giving in to other people's needs and wants. This is almost always at the expense of their own true feelings and needs, however. They will never "rub anyone the wrong way". The Pleaser can be a valuable friend because of their keen senses and ability to read people so quickly. A Pleaser needs to feel very safe before fully being real and honest about their true feelings.

Y u no have a pretty picture TT_TT
Your lucky season is spring, for your sweet, generous and pure personality. You have a few very close friends as well as your other friends, and you enjoy talking with them and sharing funny stories and secrets. Curious and innocent like a child, many people love you for your untainted and adorable personality. You love having fun, and trying new things is something that you do all the time. You love making people smile, and you have a beautiful smile as well, that makes people around you happy.
You should look out for cloudy days. Although your personality would represent a sunny, warm day, the clouds represent an uncertainty in the future, with many mysteries for you to unveil. Have fun in the future, many things will happen, and you get to be a part of all of them. It’s your life, now go and have fun!


You will have a really sweet, innocent and pure relationship, involving lots of kisses and cuddles by the fireplace. Your ideal guy will be charming, cute, friendly, and will always be available for limitless hugging! Have fun!


From looking at your personality, you would have raven wings :)
Your mysterious, uncommon, and unique personality resembles that of an extraordinary, dark, and unpredictable raven


You are the forest spirit, born to guard the forest and the life within it. You are a tiny spirit, born from within the first flower ever to grow on the plains of the land. As the forest began to form, you guarded it in its young age, nurturing it, taking care of the plants and animals that flocked to it for means of protection. You have the heart of the flower, meaning that you are pure and honourable, and untainted by the evils of man, You are very protective of your forest, and will do anything to protect it. You can fly through the forest with your membrane thin wings that resemble those of a butterfly, and radiate with the light and life of the forest, casting rainbow colours reflections. Your dress is made from the petals of a lily flower, and your hair is long and soft, a jade green colour to symbolise the natural, uncontaminated state of the forest.
You have the power to heal, both creatures and plants. Your kindness has the ability to calm any creature, and make them feel at ease. You have the power to fly with your wings, patrolling the forest for any trouble that may be occurring. You tend to hide when any humans come into the forest, and do not appear unless they try to harm it, to protect with all that you can. You are shy, and a quiet spirit that will do anything for your beloved forest.
New ones:

P.S. I do like the rain... I never take umbrella when it rains... And I like all the seasons equally... And pic kinda not fits...
Your lucky season is autumn for your mature, sensible and responsible personality. You like reading, writing, and schoolwork in general isn’t really a chore for you. You like getting things done, and are organised and neat. This doesn’t mean you are uptight at all. You are reliable and dedicated to anything that you start and set your mind to. You friends are very reliant upon you, as you are somewhat of a grounding anchor for them. Though you may not realise, you are a very important and valued person to many people. You always have a plan and know what you are doing which only name a few of your qualities.
You lucky weather is rain. It’s not a bad thing to let yourself loose sometimes. Try standing outside in the rain or taking a walk. I know it sounds stupid, but the sound of the rain falling and the puddles at your feet are surprisingly relaxing to walk through. It washes away any worries that you may have, and playing in the rain with friends is more fun than you think. Let all of your troubles get washes away in the pure water, and life will be easier!

P.S. Nope, I'll never have a boyfriend ;p and a girlfriend too...

You may not be willing or ready to have a boyfriend just yet, but that doesn’t mean you won’t in the future. You just have other things that you want to do right now, and that it totally acceptable, if not a great thing! You go girl!

P.S. I like dragonflies... Oh, right, I love all animals...

From looking at your personality, you would have dragonfly wings. Your independent, silent, and perhaps lonely personality resembles that of a solitary, free, self-ruling dragonfly

P.S. Hmmmm... Not bad I guess?

You are a dark angel, banished from the heavens for your evil intentions to rule the skies. Tossed from the clouds, you landed in a heap on the earth. When you awoke from your unconsciousness, your wings were no longer white, but were now a lustrous black, and your eyes had changed from their angelic blue to the colour of shadows, and your once golden hair fell in tresses of ebony.
Pushing yourself upwards, you limped forwards, loose feathers falling from your wings. Now you roam the lands as the angel of darkness, your unpredictable and unstable personality cause many to fear you. You dwell in the deepest darkest parts of the lands, sheltering yourself in caves and mountains where nobody can see you in your despair, as you wait for the light that may or may not come to raise you back up into the skies.
Your lack of food and water causes you to become pale and thin, while your face keeps its perfect complexion. Many would call you beautiful if you showed your face to the world, or if they were not terrified of you.
Your powers as an angel in the sky have disappeared, leaving you with the ability to disappear completely when in the shadows, and the ability to summon darkness as you please, even in the middle of the day.
As a dark angel, the world seems to be forged out of shadows, darkness and misery. Are you destined to ever become what you were before, or are you doomed to roam the lands as an outlawed angel for the rest of eternity.....?
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You are wind. You are known for your wild and free personality. People love you for your sense of freedom and fun. You can be overpowering sometimes, though. You are a fun person that doesn't like restrictions. It's people like you that bring a little fun into this crazy serious world...Keep up the good work! Your nature name should derive form air or wind. Example: Aura, Era, etc... You should do some research to find a nature name. Just look up names that mean "air" or "wind." Good luck! :)
You are the moon. You are known for your quiet and beautiful perosnality. People love you for you calm and seren nature. You do have a dark side, though. When angered or upset, this dark side cna show more often. People rely on you for peace and calm in their life when things get out of hand. You're very understanding and helpful. Keep up the good work! Your nature name should derive form the moon. Example: Luna, Ayla, etc.... Yup should do some research and find your nature name. Just search for names that mean "moon." Good luck! :)
New 8.

P.S. Hmmm... What should I set fire to next...
Fire Unicorn!

You are Fire! You are up beat but have a firey temper! Though you are good at heart at times you rush into things endangering yourself and others.

P.S. Really?
Fine artist

You are a creative, free spirit. Not everyone understands you, but your close friends completely respect your individuality and unique style. You are the best kind or nutty. (I'm also in this group)

P.S. Tsuki ka...

You are the moon. You are known for your quiet and beautiful perosnality. People love you for you calm and seren nature. You do have a dark side, though. When angered or upset, this dark side cna show more often. People rely on you for peace and calm in their life when things get out of hand. You're very understanding and helpful. Keep up the good work! Your nature name should derive form the moon. Example: Luna, Ayla, etc.... Yup should do some research and find your nature name. Just search for names that mean "moon." Good luck! :)

P.S. I have thorns ;p

You are a rose. Your inner beauty comes from your outgoing and friendly personality. People love you for your optimism and your warm presence. You can be very sweet and romantic when you want to be, but you also have a rough and thorny side when defending yourself and others. Also, your best colors are red and/or hot pink.

P.S. So um... What is peer pressure?
Yay! You are one of the few people who are not affected by peer pressure!

You are individual and are happy to be noticed but for the RIGHT reasons. You are your own person and are an amazing example to all those people out there who are affected by peer pressure. Well done, and congratulations!!!

P.S. Evil must die! Beware my ninja power! Wait... No killing?!
Yesh you will!

You are a true ninja, maybe even one of the best. Silent, stealthy and skilled, you protect the innocent and your loved ones. You don't kill, yet you knock people out instead. Patience and silence is key, so is focus, and you might have all of those skills. Good job :) thanks for taking the quiz, btw :3 hope you enjoyed it!
Peers are like people you tend to see often. (classmates, co-workers, especially friends). People often mean friends when saying peers. Giving into Peer pressure is also known as conformity. It's the idea of "because everyone else is doing it, I will too." It's like you don't want to be left out, or too different/strange where people judge you. You may also feel like you have to keep doing something because your friends are. (smoking, drinking, games, makeup, etc.) People more likely do things in the presence of peers rather than if they were by themselves. So it's like a guy would only start smoking because his friends do.
People who give into peers show either good adaptability, or an unsolid identity. (it all depends on the motives for conforming).
It's not exactly a bad thing if you don't let it be :3
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How did i get ice? xD I put fire and red and black xD I suppose i shouldnt have clicked everything on the bottom... xD Redooo.... sighs same result :/ Howwww.....?
Ice Unicorn!

You are Ice! You have a cool personality and are easy to work with, but once your heart is set on somthing you become a whole other person.

Hmm not sure about this ;p But i had a feeling this might be the outcome once i clicked single item~

You like to do things in a simple, straightforward style. You have a wide circle of friends who appreciate your quick wit. Your homework always gets turned in on time, just like a daily comic strip.


You are the moon. You are known for your quiet and beautiful perosnality. People love you for you calm and seren nature. You do have a dark side, though. When angered or upset, this dark side cna show more often. People rely on you for peace and calm in their life when things get out of hand. You're very understanding and helpful. Keep up the good work! Your nature name should derive form the moon. Example: Luna, Ayla, etc.... Yup should do some research and find your nature name. Just search for names that mean "moon." Good luck! :)

They really should drop that color question... this doesnt suit me all that well... not irl anyway... hmm tulip suits me much better...

You are a rose. Your inner beauty comes from your outgoing and friendly personality. People love you for your optimism and your warm presence. You can be very sweet and romantic when you want to be, but you also have a rough and thorny side when defending yourself and others. Also, your best colors are red and/or hot pink.


You are a tulip. Your inner beauty comes from your shy but beautiful perosnality. People love you because, despite your shyness, you're a wonderful person. You are known for your sweet and loving nature. Your best colors are almost all colors.

83 is gone?

Hmm... i thought i chose kill? :traitor:
Yesh you will!

You are a true ninja, maybe even one of the best. Silent, stealthy and skilled, you protect the innocent and your loved ones. You don't kill, yet you knock people out instead. Patience and silence is key, so is focus, and you might have all of those skills. Good job :) thanks for taking the quiz, btw :3 hope you enjoyed it!
Oh, I see... Thanks for explaining. Then that means I'm not affected by it at all ;p Although I know a lot of people around me who are...

Yeah! I chose kill 2 times as well! Why no killing!?
Index 5.

85 how-random-can-your-life-get

86 the-ultimate-crush-quiz-girls-only

87 are-you-a-bully

88 which-magic-the-gathering-mana-are-you

89 what-color-are-you

90 how-much-do-you-care

91 what-element-are-you

92 are-you-a-fairy-princess-girl-warrior-or-witch

93 are-you-musical

94 which-supernatural-being-are-you

95 what-type-of-romantic-are-you-this-isnt-average

96 are-you-high-maintenance

97 what-type-of-learner-are-you

98 have-you-discovered-who-owns-your-heart-yet

99 what-flavor-smoothie-are-you

100 how-truthful-are-you

101 what-style-of-dance-should-you-take

102 are-you-too-hard-on-yourself

103 what-kind-of-movie-is-your-life

104 who-will-your-first-kiss-be-with

105 what-color-car-should-you-have

106 how-lazy-are-you

107 is-your-best-friend-crushing-on-you he better be not lol XD

108 whats-your-obsession

109 your-position-in-a-pirate-ship

Slightly Random

You're not too random but you have enough random in you're life to have a place in my random book. ;) I think you're awesome and you might have more randomness in your life.

This is just a normal little crush,
Go talk to him and hang out with him,
He surely likes you![/spoiler]

87 idk
You're a hero.

You are the one that's not afraid to stand up to anyone, and you want to help them. You owe yourself a pat on the back, because that's the kind of thing that people look for in every person.[/spoiler]

88 maybe..
Forest, or Green

You feel the need to make yourself stronger and have an affinity for the wild side.[/spoiler]

89 nfljahbnslhfbalwhbf YES x-x

You are the color of romance, love, and friendship. You probably have many friends and are in love with the idea of love!!! [/spoiler]

90 aw :/

You have a good balance but at times you do care a bit too much. It's ok, nothing's wrong with that. Just be you. Life is life. No need to fear :P[/spoiler]

91 LOL that's so true XD
kinda like water but you contradict what people think of you (sometimes).also you do the most unexpected things.

92 mmmk

you are mature proper and you listened when told what to do

You are absolutely musical.


Aww, your an Angel. You can be sweet and caring or you could be a dark angel. You have the ability to shield yourself and those you love. You can even reflect most attacks onto your attacker. Your also pretty good with creatures of light.

Candy Romantic

You could care less about the romance if somebody is handing out candy!!! You love candy, and you think it's a great way to show you care, that's great!!! You must be a kind person!

You are low maintenance!

You are probably a very sweet person. You are very eager to give your heart out to people that show you affection. You may try to avoid confrontations and you let others make decisions most of the time. You don’t want any trouble! You may even be a bit shy. People who get to know you can grow very close to you because you are very selfless. You will attract many people because you are very considerate. However, this may not always be a good thing. Sometimes people will try to take advantage of you because of your giving personality. Be careful! Don’t let anyone, especially a significant other, manipulate you. It is ok to ask a little bit of your partner. I can assure you, if they are the right person they will be overjoyed to give something back to you!

Auditory Learner

learn through listening...
Auditory learners talk to themselves (doesnt mean your crazy); like to talk through a problem; read load; often move their lips and pronounce words as they read; and often repeat words to hear them. Auditory learners are often good speakers; speak in a rhythmic pattern; and remember what they hear. They dont visualize well; can spell better out loud; respond to patterns of sound, speech, and music. They usually find writing difficult are very talkative and love discussion. For decision-making you probably talk it over with a friend. For direction taking you prefer verbal instructions. And youll most likely respond better to learning when you listen more than anything or have someone talk you threw the problem.
They learn best through verbal lectures, discussions, talking things through and listening to what others have to say. Auditory learners interpret the underlying meanings of speech through listening to tone of voice, pitch, speed and other nuances. Written information may have little meaning until it is heard. These learners often benefit from reading text aloud and using a tape recorder.


Your heart knows who you're falling for.

You must be very careful! Though your heart knows, every heart can change with the blink of an eye. But, if your heart is following someone along with your mind, you could have found your heart's destination. :) Keep your mind open, and don't get hurt along the ride m'dear ;*

You Are a Banana Smoothie

You are friendly and popular without even trying to be. People just like you.
You are easy to be around and never offend everyone. You're quite mild.
You have a warm demeanor, and many people find you to be inviting.
You are sympathetic and kind. You have a soft spot in your heart for everyone


You tell the truth at all times. That can be good or bad!

101 lol XD interesting :3

Ooh, you got my personal favorite! Modern actually has an interesting history. It was created by a bunch of rebellious ballet dancers. They took off their shoes and skirts and started flexing their feet instead of pointing. This is definitely a style that requires knowledge of the basics along with excellent balance. It's a different style with a lot of strange moves and a different flow. It can even be kind of creepy but it's really fun. It requires acting with your dancing so it's a good way to teach you to be more creative and have fun with what you do. Enjoy!

Striving for more!

This may not fit in with the quiz, but you've got something! You've got a dream and should get out there and chase it. Age is just a number! A pretty important number but it's so near, grab it with both hands!

Your funny and you love to have fun.

Your BF/GF!

You are a romantic. You are dating the boy/girl of your dreams, and you will probably get a kiss from them soon. If you don't... MAKE. A. MOVE!!!!!

You Should Have a Blue Car.

You accept people as they are. You are a calm person who has a lot of friends. You are a person who can keep their cool under pressure. Your car will show your no-stress attitude while still looking cool.

106 (lol these questions are weird x-x)
In the middle (50%)

107 neveerrrr D:< maybe lol
You two are very good friends!

Looks like you two will be just great friends! But who knows, That might change!

108 okaayy? x-x
Musomainia (addiction for music)

This is not really health threatening or bad but It could inspire you to do great things but if you use it to not listen to any one then I don't know what to tell you

109 feed them with whatt? x-x lol
The Chef!

You cook for your crewmates and make sure that they are well and kicking before going to battle. You cook to give them energy and . strength, working in the shadows you feed other people's soul with love.
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The latest ones from index 5.

P.S. Randomness, huh...
Slightly Random

You're not too random but you have enough random in you're life to have a place in my random book. ;) I think you're awesome and you might have more randomness in your life.

P.S. Eeeeeeh..?
TOO Shy!

You really need to go and talk to him!
If you keep being shy and hiding from him you'll never find out if he likes you back!
Maybe if you talk to him you could become more than friends.

P.S. Its true that I'm not afraid of them, but I never helped even a single person being bullied...
You're a hero.

You are the one that's not afraid to stand up to anyone, and you want to help them. You owe yourself a pat on the back, because that's the kind of thing that people look for in every person.

P.S. So short...
Mountains, or Red

You are out in the fay, you will most likely attack somebody right away out of anger. Your color is red.

P.S. Strange...

You aren't any color completely. You don't know what you want or where you are going. And there is the fact that you just clicked on other for most/all of the questions!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. Right I guess...
Not enough

You care about certain things but a lot of things don't matter to you. Sometimes those things are important. However, you don't care about them. This isn't awful but someday you're gonna need to care a little bit more. Start today...? :D

P.S. Hmm... Expected wind but this one is good too ;p

you are warm and compassionate also you like to craft or do things that are art.

P.S. Okay?

you can be mean but you have dark powers so sometimes people give into you!

P.S. Hmmm...

You are absolutely musical.

Snow, you have a [mg] instead of [/img] in 86...
My number 91 is the same as MadSova. Expected fire.
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Hmm another~


Your a ghost! Whether you watch over people or even scare the hell out of them, you can do as you like. Walk through walls or throw stuff around. Your also pretty good with creatures of the "in-between" like other ghosts. Well, it seems you have some unfinished business, so I'll see you later!

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