30 seconds of faggyness, though I feel this is a bit like Chaos Head.
Haha, we will just wait and see then~
Definitely did not disappoint me
1st impression on the episode 1.... feels like im watching code geass... the story flow really resemble it
Production wise, this anime is good. I thought both the animation, character designs and music were all top notch, so in terms of treating your eyes and ears, this is the anime to watch for sure. .

However, in terms of story and characters, it could have been a bit better. For starters, the MC was pretty bland, angsty and a bit boring. Inori was bloody gorgeous to look at (tasteful fanservice rawr) but wasn't your typical moeblob either. I'm impressed. However, the character I liked the most was Gai - gogo badass types.

In terms of story, it's a lil on the generic side basing it on a rebellion + a pandemic and all, but it was in no way bad. Although some people are comparing this to Code Geass a lot, for now I'm not totally convinced. This is because Guilty Crown's opening episode lacks a major element which Code Geass had for it - thriller and suspense. I'm not feeling much of a suspenseful atmosphere atm, though it might partially got to with the MC being a bit boring on the character side. Could have used a more charismatic character like Light or Lelouche and it would have made this opening episode a lot better imo. It also felt a tad rushed, but no where as bad as say Persona 4.

Regardless, it is probably the 3rd best anime opening episode after Fate/Zero and Chihayafuru which is slightly below what I expected (I was expecting to be either par or just below Fate/Zero in writing quality). However, it's episode 1 and we still have 21 episodes to go so this is definitely a keeper.
^ didnt watch chihayafuru so i dont know about the OP, will comment more after the actual OP and animations are out this week~

will create a thread for compliations of the better OP/ED for the year after all is up~

Inori's beauty and dress = criminal levels of fanservice
Just watched the 1st episode and Inori somewhat reminds me of Rei when she first met Shinji.

Even if she is more like of "fushigi" type girl; you cannot deny that she looks hot in that costume though :D

Shu is at least better than early Shinji; he was a chicken but he managed to overcame his inferiority complex faster compared to Shinji...

Gai looks quite cool but I don't like the insert song when he first came out; it sounds too heavy-metal for my taste.

Inori's song is definitely my favorite song :)

That weapon that appears on Shu's hand; looks like some kind of nanotech weapon, some kind of mono-molecular blade with force field generator perhaps ?

Looking forward to see the next episodes soon ;)
^ didnt watch chihayafuru so i dont know about the OP, will comment more after the actual OP and animations are out this week~

will create a thread for compliations of the better OP/ED for the year after all is up~

Inori's beauty and dress = criminal levels of fanservice


her attractiveness is goddess level :o

agreed.... Inori FTW

it's kinda rare to have a moe chara that's not implies to loli characters
We gonna get 21 more episodes of Inori~

Hopefully every guy who watches (including me) wont die of excessive nose-bleeds.
have no fear :047:
what do you think red-cross is for :07baa27a:

come to think of it, tonight wasn't it for the episode 2
the guy behind geass is doing this series also.

think back : ou no chikara(power of the king), japan liberation, mecha. too similar? yes~

You forgot the YES COMMANDER crap...

Got bored around minute 10, after that I just wasn't paying attention until she trasnfer to her class.

Contradicting all, episode 2 was bloody awesome to me. I will go crazy about Inori a while later, just let me talk about the episode first.

Aftermath of last week's fight, Shu continues to take out the remaining mecha after some help from the Undertakers. However, their plans are met with some trouble after a crazed pilot Daryl, voiced by Koki Uchiyama (IS - Ichika), enters the fray on his own wishes. Like I expected, the void genom stolen was originally planned for Gai's use, but Shu obtained it after Inori's mistake. I wouldnt blame Inori of course, who would? Yet, there are 3 of it, as stated, we might more in the future? Gai remains an excellent figure to follow, not abandoning the hostages even when they had no more capabilites to fight the Anti-bodies squadron. At this point, yes, I think Gai is a Lelouch-type predictor/strategist + something Lelouch never had; bad-ass fighting abilites. And yes, pilot girl Ayase voiced by Kana-tan is all over heads for him. One more point to add, the scene where Tsumugi was shaking around in her visual command room was cool. Her actions were cute and all, but it was the panels that really made me wanna have them to.

Shu remains quite the ass, still freaking out on things big and small. I really hope to see his character develop more, a lot of hates on him already at episode 2. Kinda amazed he kept his cool watching all the people executed for no reasons, I was expecting him to explode, thankfully he didnt. While he did reasonably good for his maiden mission, getting the kaleidoscope out of Daryl and using it to reflect all the missiles. He opt out of the Undertakers' invitation, but Inori transfers into his class. Its real, its damn real.

Inori in OP sequence.
Inori : 'Because I already belong to you (Watashi wa mo, anata no mono dakara)'
Inori : *tilts her head* 'Its real (Hontou dayo)'

^ /me melted


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I'm liking Shuu more and more. He's the most realistic protagonist in recent history imo. He's not a hero and his mentality is very relatable. He knows he's just a regular guy who happened to have stepped into area unknown, yet he's shown himself to be very capable of grasping what's important as he can calculate actions and consequences. There's also the conflict in his desire to "be able to do something" but rejecting Gai's invitation to his resistance despite being told there IS something he can do, which I think will be the bone of his development. Still too early to tell what he's going to be like in late series, but for now I'm optimistically excited about his character development.

As for Gai, it doesn't look he has much room for an improvement. He's pretty much without shortcomings from what is shown so far. But there's the fact that Shuu practically stole Inori's Void from him and he was pretty pissed about it. Perhaps this will give Shuu something Gai may not have. Despite the rather clear superiority over Shuu, I think these two will serve as catalyst of sort for each other's developments. Also, I wonder if he has a thing for slowly walking into scene of confrontations on some sort of roof from where he can look down on people...lol

Inori, oh Inori...She's probably the most effective jailbait in decades of anime history. She doesn't look like she's trying at all but every actions she takes seem to be made of moe material. And of course, everyone saw it coming from miles away...Inori enrolling in Shuu's school, in the same class. Question being, for what :3

Kinda find the students' reactions weird tho. You'd think there'd be more uprising when an idol enrolls into your school. I wonder if Inori and EGOIST aren't as famous as I originally thought.

Anywho, another great episode. Lot to talk about. Eagerly waiting for the next!
Just finished watching episode 2...

I also personally like Shu more than Gai. I also think it's more make sense that he doesn't straight away accept Gai's invitation...

Gai does has charisma and guts but it is quite possible that he's more likely to become corrupted by power and gone berserk as compared to Shu.

Some people have already speculated that Gai might be the last boss...

Anyway, we all love the abundance of fan service in this episode don't we ? :D

I hope that in the later episodes Inori will become more talkative; it's kinda boring if she's too quiet; no matter how MOE she is...:(

Looking forward for the next episode !
Am I the only one who thinks the OP song is kinda rough? The music is okay, but the vocals have this amateur-ish feeling.

As for the actual episode ... well, what can I say, the visuals are certainly superb - there are times when this show looks better than any TV series has business looking, it certainly has "effort" written all over it. I especially like the "void genome" swirly lines when a weapon is summoned, pretty cool stuff.

Plot and character wise it is decidedly average though. The antagonists are purely evil. I am okay with psycho villains, since I am the type that thinks villains don't need any sob story to make viewers sympathize with. Just a little background to justify his actions and shows his thought process. Whatever screentime the female characters get is there for fanservice reasons (because bumping holo screens around with your ass is totally the right way to coordinate a battle, subordinates must feel like their lives are in good hands) and the supporting cast is already more interesting than the main cast (Inori is kinda bland granted this is 2nd episode only).

What really made me raise an eyebrow, however, (besides the remote controlled robots whose consoles are deadly for their operators for a random reason, and a few other military-related things) was the very ending - namely, Inori transferring to Shu's class. A popular trope and all, but ... how in the world is it supposed to work in this setting

She is a terrorist that the army know the looks of. A member of rebels that the government is looking to stomp out, who also happens to be their most recognizable member because she likes publishing her songs on the internet. Someone who is likely to be instantly recognized, and someone whom the army would love to retrieve. But instead of lying underground ... she transfers to school? A public place with hundreds of people moving around daily, in broad daylight, and introduces herself by her real name?

I won't say anything if it actually turns out to be her plan to get captured, or have the whole school wiped out when the military comes knocking in their typical rabid-dog fashion, but otherwise ... a facepalm-worthy development.

Overall, I think the show would work better if it didn't try so hard to paint a serious-looking and grim background for the setting. It just comes off as jarring when contrasted against the over-the-top and arguably silly actions by the characters. And I can't help but find this mix of setting and characters (and their actions) a somewhat banal affair. The overall writing just doesn't posses the maturity to have this cast operate within the setting with convincing results. It is more of a chuunibyou story.

It looks good, and it sounds good (the soundtrack is certainly something to get when it comes out), but aside from the pretty packaging it doesn't have a whole lot going for it. It's not terrible by any means, and should make for a pretty entertaining weekly watch that's easy on the eyes, but I can't help but feel it could have been much more if the writing was more - or less- mature, one way or another, not stuck somewhere in middle depending on which aspect you look at, leaving the whole show reeling off-balance.
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It is more of a chuunibyou story.

Lol it IS a chuunibyou story, and so was Code GEASS, and just about any anime that has a "special" protagonist. That's what makes them interesting imo.

Also the "deadly consoles" for remote controlled robots idea isn't new, it's been done in Matrix, as well as Baldr series by GIGA...different settings, but same concepts. World of Guilty Crown is very advanced after all.

Military has been keeping Undertaker (name was still unknown to them until this episode) in the dark from the general public to prevent any larger scale uprising...publicly arresting Inori would only cause suspicions from the people, so I doubt they would make any move out in the front. At least that's my take on it.
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Am I the only one who thinks the OP song is kinda rough? The music is okay, but the vocals have this amateur-ish feeling.

As for the actual episode ... well, what can I say, the visuals are certainly superb - there are times when this show looks better than any TV series has business looking, it certainly has "effort" written all over it. I especially like the "void genome" swirly lines when a weapon is summoned, pretty cool stuff.

Plot and character wise it is decidedly average though. The antagonists are purely evil. I am okay with psycho villains, since I am the type that thinks villains don't need any sob story to make viewers sympathize with. Just a little background to justify his actions and shows his thought process. Whatever screentime the female characters get is there for fanservice reasons (because bumping holo screens around with your ass is totally the right way to coordinate a battle, subordinates must feel like their lives are in good hands) and the supporting cast is already more interesting than the main cast (Inori is kinda bland granted this is 2nd episode only).

What really made me raise an eyebrow, however, (besides the remote controlled robots whose consoles are deadly for their operators for a random reason, and a few other military-related things) was the very ending - namely, Inori transferring to Shu's class. A popular trope and all, but ... how in the world is it supposed to work in this setting

She is a terrorist that the army know the looks of. A member of rebels that the government is looking to stomp out, who also happens to be their most recognizable member because she likes publishing her songs on the internet. Someone who is likely to be instantly recognized, and someone whom the army would love to retrieve. But instead of lying underground ... she transfers to school? A public place with hundreds of people moving around daily, in broad daylight, and introduces herself by her real name?

I won't say anything if it actually turns out to be her plan to get captured, or have the whole school wiped out when the military comes knocking in their typical rabid-dog fashion, but otherwise ... a facepalm-worthy development.

Overall, I think the show would work better if it didn't try so hard to paint a serious-looking and grim background for the setting. It just comes off as jarring when contrasted against the over-the-top and arguably silly actions by the characters. And I can't help but find this mix of setting and characters (and their actions) a somewhat banal affair. The overall writing just doesn't posses the maturity to have this cast operate within the setting with convincing results. It is more of a chuunibyou story.

It looks good, and it sounds good (the soundtrack is certainly something to get when it comes out), but aside from the pretty packaging it doesn't have a whole lot going for it. It's not terrible by any means, and should make for a pretty entertaining weekly watch that's easy on the eyes, but I can't help but feel it could have been much more if the writing was more - or less- mature, one way or another, not stuck somewhere in middle depending on which aspect you look at, leaving the whole show reeling off-balance.

Sugoi long post~ Cant reach your level. D:
But I will strongly disagree on the vocals part, for a 15 year-old, its damn awesome already.
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When I heard the news that the game of guilty crown would be released sooner after, I decided to wait the game and gave up this anime. > < I would like to see this anime after having played the game.
Lol it IS a chuunibyou story, and so was Code GEASS, and just about any anime that has a "special" protagonist. That's what makes them interesting imo.

Also the "deadly consoles" for remote controlled robots idea isn't new, it's been done in Matrix, as well as Baldr series by GIGA...different settings, but same concepts. World of Guilty Crown is very advanced after all.

Military has been keeping Undertaker (name was still unknown to them until this episode) in the dark from the general public to prevent any larger scale uprising...publicly arresting Inori would only cause suspicions from the people, so I doubt they would make any move out in the front. At least that's my take on it.

Yea, I knew, code geass is self aware of its chuunibyouness and flamboyance while guilty crown's mood is a little off. Replace Shu with someone from Dies iraes, guilty crown should be perfect. The consoles concept makes more sense in Baldr so that's why I raise an eyebrow at it. Still only episode 2 so it should twist and prove me all wrong xD but I just like to give thoughts and guilty crown is good enough for it.

+1 to another person who played Baldr series *highfives*
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