^ pro level convo

/me steps out till next time
IMHO, Guilty Crown is ... not as good as I expected at the beginning of the season.

Sure the music was incredible (didn't expect less from supercell) and the animation/art as well as character designs were top-notch, but the plot and characters were just ... meh.

First 2 eps were too cliched. I could see a lot of Code Geass and other series references, also the main character is just ... not my type. (Sorry but I'm not into emo normal boys that suddenly meet beautiful girls and bot a special power then is dragged into a strange war/conflict).

Still have a lot of expectation for this show though, but now it's not in my top 5 of this season ... yet.

Oh and Euterpe (the insert song) in Ep 1 was awesome, but at the end of Ep 2 it sounded ... not as good
p/s: sorry for any bad english ...
Not much happening until the end this week, although several more facts about Void are revealed. Since Voids can't be extracted from people over 17 and they are based off on the holder's complexes and traumas, I assume they are going to try to induce some kind of childhood trauma element into the story, much like Evangelion. I don't mind this but I hope it turns into something worth discussing over. Also, I wonder what happens when they age past 17; do Voids just disappear?

So what I said last week about EGOIST not being all that famous--that was quickly addressed this episode as they showed extended version of last episode's ending where students quickly realized who Inori is. I guess it's also inevitable that Inori moved into his room?

On the actual episode, Shuu continues to impress me. This week he showed how easily he can adapt to situations he is in, as well as being a logical thinker despite his rather obnoxious character. Yahiro being a drug junkie was pretty obvious from audience point of view but I was still excited to see Shuu arrive to the conclusion quickly on his own. It was also pretty amusing to see him being hot headed while extracting Voids from the students. But of course, he still has his naive side--he stops Inori from executing Yahiro to end this clean, but instead makes a "promise" with Yahiro for him to not talk about Undertakers, which easily gets broken at the end when he gets pushed out of train, surrounded by the GHQ. This is going to leave a scar for Shuu to get over (the price for being too trusty...), but for now he needs to deal with Segai, the new GHQ director (whose design I must say, is absolute eye sore and cliched).

Hmm, Inori. She finally shows emotion in this episode when Shuu rejects her idea to "take care" of Yahiro. But I wonder what she was so shocked about. Either way, I guess this gives her the desire to learn more about Shuu and people in general. For now though, her problem seems to be that she only knows what Gai tells her. This seems to indirectly set some kind of bad end flag for Gai so Inori can get over her little Gai complex.

Also, why was she pointing the gun at Shuu instead of Yahiro? I wonder if that was just a mistake or some kind of foreshadowing lol.

Again, not much happening story-wise this week. But I'm liking the good amount of character developments which I'm hoping will pay out later in the series. Also Shuu is now officially my favorite male lead this season side by side with Kodaka from Haganai. I'm excited to see how he will turn out after halfway.
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Geass? Are you being reborn?!?!

Guilty Crown continues to impress till no ends, what I thought was probably a school episode to set up some events later, while centering around Inori and Shu and the awkwardness into gags, apparently it wasnt. As expected, the fact that Inori is EGOIST took some time to sink down to the classmates, and especially Shu, because the reason she transferred was most probably him. Gai's actions remain top-notch badass terrorist, releasing 'threat' messages while appearing in public dressed like a butler. Think back, fighting skills = Sebastain? :3 Other than that, what majority would have missed out last week, Gai reveals he can see voids and know their shapes. How is this possible, right now, we can only wait and see what the writers have in plan.

Inori continues to (brain)kill me every week, she had a lot more time this week, which showed some of her personality. In the first place, an awesomely-beautiful bishoujo hijacks into your house and starts changing clothes in the middle of the living room and requests food from you thereafter, you die a happy man. You die a very very happy man if the girl was Inori, damn you lucky bastard Shu. Her dresses still remain on criminal levels, be it the school uniforms, exercise uniforms, the dress she wore outside, and most, THAT home attire. The way I.G. and redjuice present this ultimate fan-service is way off the charts. Inori also shows she man-handle Shu's pathetic-ness, in fact, she practically rid him of it, after his failed extraction attempt turned grope. THAT DRESS IS CRIMINAL AGAIN, I REPEAT. "Can I stay by your side from now on?' *me dies yet another time*

More things were also revealed on this pilot 3rd episode. Shu's mum is a very high ranking scientist who works for the military, in fact, part of the team that created that void genom now in Shu. The undertakers know that fact too, and apparently fed Inori with flood loads of information, including the new void rules. Similar to the geass restrictions, void has its own set of rules. Target must be less than 17 years, eye contact, memory loss of that accident. Familiar? Definitely~

Seeing that, watching Shu running around and extracting all kinds of weird stuff from the students was a lighthearted affair. Evidently, he's beginning to change a little by little with Inori by his side, if he doesnt realise it. I like this change, especially after I anticipate a major character development for him. Determining his 'goody-2-shoes' friend as the drug junkie also went to show he aint that dumb, although every viewer would have already suspected Yahiro. While Inori wanted to kill Yahiro, Shu's reaction put her off, while she silently observed these 2 'new' friends, just to see Yahiro backstab Shu the very next day, sending him off the train into the psychotic clown general who places Shu under arrest. Cant live without the last minute cliffhangers eh, Hiroyuki Yoshino-san?

Loved the episode this week literally, adoring Inori to no ends of time. Next week appears to be the undertakers hijacking the military prison to save Shu from that mess. I wonder how the mother-son relationship turns out later from Shu and his mum, when both are caught at opposite sides of the law later in the story, and more Inori revelations later about herself is more welcomed, hoping she aint some too tragic past to capture the audiences.
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Gai's "ability" surely explains the events of episode 2 and give weight to his overbearing confidence, except of course the fact that Shuu could potentially screw up, but assuming Gai -really- knew him when they were kids, I guess it would match that trust, sort of.

I was afraid of very crappy school events, but at least they used the setup to at least exploit the Void characteristics.
Meanwhile, while that guy (forgot his name) was obviously an incoming backstabber even before the initial confrontation, it was a good wake-up call for Shuu regarding how things aren't as nice and dandy as he might think.

I wonder if they will make Shuu facing his mother (and "presumbly" his father, should that research is indeed his old man), and his past at the same time.
Past the cryptic and obvious "bad guy speech", something looks a bit odd in that "classic cliche villain scene".

Finally, Inori with a very little quirks, but I hope she grows more personality.
Just watched episode 3...

I was quite annoyed with that guy who adores Iori and went emotional when Shu was only commenting that Iori was like some kinda CG or doll...

I drew some satisfaction when Shu made that guy as some kinda of experiment of drawing void...:D

The fact that Shu's mom is a high-rank scientist is quite surprising; too bad she was not at home when Iori were there; it will be quite interesting to see how she reacts...

The BGMs during the school events are really annoying, hopefully they keep it so that we are not forced to watched some crappy school events which are unrelated to the main story...:@

Hope Shu learn the lesson from dealing with Yashiro; and not do the same mistake again should he come across similar situation(s) in the future...

On the other hand, I'm happy to see how Iori become more talkative and starts opening herself; compares to how quiet she was in the beginning...
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I cant really make out of the episode, because i wasnt paying 100% attention when watching episode 4. But nonetheless, I still love this episode and show a lot, of course Inori too.
So it turns out Yahiro isn't actually a junkie, but just a seller who needs money for his little brother whose body has been infected by Apocalypse virus...I kind of wish they didn't do this "he's not really a bad guy" thing since it feels cheap. But I supposed it does add some weight to his line mentioning "the world isn't fair".

As for the actual episode, Undertakers assault GHQ base (where Shuu just happens to be incarcerated) in an attempt to free one of their members, prisoner #0999 aka Kido Kenji (and also Shuu since Gai was obviously prepared dressed as his lawyer). I wonder if he will play a large role in the story, as there's probably more to him than being a mass murderer as Segai claims.

Speaking of Segai, he tries to manipulate Shuu into spying on Undertakers, or rather just Gai. Interesting foreshadowing to note is how he advices Shuu to not trust anyone who says to trust them, and Gai asks Shuu to do exactly that at the end when Shuu decides to join the Undertakers. Question now is if Shuu will ever use the tracking device given by Segai...although I have a feeling he will sooner or later since he's still very naive (for being easily swayed by Segai's words). Segai so far seems like a typical villain, being interested in the power of the king, as well as killing his own soldier to stop him from sniping Shuu. I hope there's more to him than being a obnoxious psycho...

But the real highlight in this episode, imo is the growing chemistry between Shuu and Inori, who for the first time acts on her own to rescue Shuu instead of just following Gai's orders. This is interesting because Gai probably told Inori the same thing he told Shuu at the end of the episode--to not think and just do what he says. If there will be a consequence for Inori having a change of heart remains to be seen, but for now the chemistry between Shuu and Inori is giving out a distinctive aura within the organization. Shuu also seems to suddenly have become lot more adept with Inori's Void, despite only being his third time using it...plot device?

Anyways, loving this series. The amount of foreshadowing it creates is astonishing as it always keeps me wondering. Definitely my favorite this season.

P.S. Why is Inori conscious in OP (where she's being held by Shuu flying) when a person who has his/her Void drawn falls unconscious? I wonder if that's just for the OP or directs some kind of development in the story...hmm.
Serious mode:

A good, non-one dimensional villain in the form of Major Segai. A rather interesting character. I'm sure his words to Shu were a facade and is a mere outside mask but it's better than being outright obviously evil like the blondy pyschopath in episode 2. I like these kind of villains that like to hide their true self and are multi-dimensional. The fact that he killed one of his own soldiers who was trying to snipe Shu shows that he isn't blindly loyal to his superiors. He has his own personal wants which is likely to witness the true potential of Void Geromes, and Shu's is probably one of the most fascinating to him.

Non serious joke mode

There wasn't enough of Tsugumi and her ass, so I am disappoint. I laughed at the cat ears part.

Oh, the episode itself wasn't bad. The villain was very funny; I mean he just shot people on his own side cuz well, he can! As for Shu, every time he tries to express any kind of emotion, I kind of just laugh at him. I love the music though, goes great with the bad guy. But I like. This is a ridiclous antagonist in the entertaining way.

Gai's hillarious. Obviously the best character in the show with thier lol plan. Man these guys and their security. See, this is why you don't watch porn on your work computers.

Inori holding down B and jumping? She's clearly not human, or at least something very superhuman. Best part about this episode was upon seeing Inori in SFSD (Super flying sex doll) mode, he proceeded to get a raging boner which destroyed all the mecha. He decides to finally join Gai and go for sexy time with Inori (hopefully) It was hillarious and awesome in some bits, and eye rolling in others.

Tell me if I should do more post like this.
Just watched episode 4...

Whatever Yahiro's reason is, it's pretty much sounds like a bullshit excuse to me; as if he's not causing harms to other people by spreading drugs and he's not the only one who is unfortunate anyway - I definitely don't want him to get away free just like that after framing Shuu; some kinda hard lesson is definitely needed for this kind of a****le :@

Segai is a vilain but what he said about not trusting other people and such have some truth in it; and of course it's interesting that he has his own thinking and not blindly follow his superiors...

I personally becoming more and more sure that the probability of Shuu and Gai going each other separate way in the future getting higher...

Gai demands full obedience; he does not even bother to explain his reasons for doing this and don't forget how the other members fanatically believe in him...

Definitely a recipe for disaster like what happens in real life to any fanatical believers...

I believe Shuu ''joined" Guy not because he totally believes in Gai like other members (except for Iori) but only for the sake of her...

I also like how Iori are not under the influence of Gai anymore and she sticks together with Suu no matter what; this will be also very helpful should a conflict between Shuu and Gai happens in the future - I love the way Shuu cut through the enemies while saving Iori - That was cool ! :D
More interesting character developments this week.

So just last week I felt like the chemistry between Shuu and Inori is at its all time high--evidently it was too early to be definitive as Inori shot down Shuu by revealing that she approached him because Gai told him to. Ouch. And to make matters worse Shuu catches Inori entering Gai's room, who is half naked. But of course, this being Guilty Crown, there is a lot more behind this little triangle than meets the eye. Inori is now more observant of Shuu as a male, considering when she moved in his apartment and got caught in midst of changing clothes, she didn't even flinch. There's also behind the scene in Gai's room where him and Inori are not having what they lead to you to believe but are talking--particularly about Inori becoming more and more about a certain woman of Gai's past who apparently has something to do with Gai's cross. I'm guessing this "woman" is part of the reason Gai is leading the resistance.

Now for Shuu. Waking up naked in an unfamiliar room is never a pleasant protagonist moment, but at least he got to develop further through interaction with Ayase, who held Shuu's pen device "hostage". Again, the staff manages to seamlessly integrate metaphor, with the pen's importance being compared to what Inori is to Shuu. Personally I thought it was a very nice touch that Ayase told Shuu to not lose it if it's that important when she gave him back the pen. Shuu still hasn't figured out why exactly he's in the resistance, but I'm guessing it won't be long before he does, one way or another.
On another note, whose dream was that before Shuu woke up? Seemed a little out of place to be Shuu's dream, perhaps Ayase or Gai's.

Lastly Gai apparently has some kind of bodily disadvantage, although not exactly sure what. It almost seems like a death flag, which isn't exactly funny considering he just got bombarded by some kind of satellite cannon. Of course, I doubt he's really dead, unless they are going to do Ao no Exorcist style story telling where Rin is to Shuu and Shirou is to Gai. But considering Gai's superhuman mastermind abilities, I still doubt he's dead.

So far I wasn't too off when I said Shuu and Gai will serve as each other's development catalyst, although there's not much room for development for Gai. But this episode showed a hint of it, and I'm excited to see where they will take this.
love this episode!

seeing Shuu are being trained for combat is really a great event, most anime have all their protagonist already being all great highty mighty. looking at protagonist that starts from zero is really rare. and his encounters with Ayase also interesting, either Shuu being seen naked by her, or Ayase wearing lingerie! makes me feel a love flag.

next we see embarassed Inori, well her scene of refusing Shuu was predicted, but saying she's done all her act was merely order from Gai, is really beyond my imagine. at first seeing Inori enter Gai's room makes me think NTR detected, but it seems i was wrong afterall.

and lastly, the episode is ending in a very tempting situation. i can't wait to see next!
just watching the NO.5 episode...it seems that the man lead like a spare tire...tragedy
and today is Bachelor's day...an other tragedy...
I support of this NTR since Shu is rubbing me all the wrong ways.
^You mad? :(

Inori x Ayase X Tsugumi is the way to go. Gai X Shoe. /me runs. (see pic below)


Shu: such sexy albs....

Shu going through all the training incompetantly was kinda expected I guess . The writers obviously did it to showcase just how hardcore Funeral Parlor is... And this my friends, is our hero. Place on your faith in him. Now I think i know why the end quote of abandoning all hope kinda means.

Also, Shu proves his foolishness and gets owned by Ayase, most deserving of it too. Good thing the slap due to ecchiness was used only once.

Well, at least Ayase is hot. She became the best character because she has voiced by HanaKana and has some kind of complex about being disabled, not wanting to be dependent upon others. That little bit of insight puts her above everyone else for sure.

It's revealed Inori has a rather interesting relationship with Gai but we all knew it was never anything even remotely sexual and it turns out it ain't. Shame. They could've gone somewhere with that but now it just seems like "pointless misunderstanding" drama just tacked on for the sake of it.

I was kinda hoping that Shu would have the plan of using Arga's void from the beginning but it just looks like he winged it and was insanely lucky to get the perfect void for the job. In any case, just how was he meant to pass the test without using the void, anyway?

Then the murderer waltzes in and it looks like no one actually likes him. I wonder why they put up with him then. I'm guessing he must have some very important use, so it'll be interesting to see if the writers will make use of this and have the guy do some seriously bad things that has genuine plot affecting consequences. Kinda reminds me off the rather questionable things some of the Libyan rebels have done recently in their revolution.

And what's this? A cliffhanger? Not unlike a certain other mecha anime. Preview kun totally spoiled it but Gai's death flag is high, just may be not in this event.
I gotta say this is one of the few animes that make me so impatient...It's so interesting.Anyways 5th episode was pretty good.The character development is going smooth which is very interesting to watch.My first thought when i saw Inori entering Gai's room was "Aww they be doing it... O.o "
Just watched eps 5, i want the insert song they played when Shuu extract darkness-flashbang from Argo's body!!
The soundtrack / album collection is a must have!!

This anime is awesomely awesome :3, It kinda just throws you in the deep end but that isnt a problem at all in my opinion is just keeps everything going at a good pace xD
After watching episode 5, Shu's comment about Iori being like a doll in previous episodes turns out to be true.

For those who are simply anti-Shu for any reason - Shu's naivity of trusting Iori so fast is certainly irritating (I also want to smack him on the face) but hey - he's also quick to recover.

If you guys were Shu and you were treated that way - can you say that you won't feel angry !????

I personally feel disappointed with Iori but it has more to do with her being unable to act on her own will as compared to the misunderstanding.

Blindly following Gai's saying this and that - no matter how cute she is, she is not that different from any dolls.

A doll is only a doll - that's all.

The same goes for the majority of Undertaker's member who fanatically support Gai; Shu should keep the choice to report Undertaker handy at any times. They are not bad people but they're simply too attached to Gai.

The fact that Gai seems to be critically ill also makes it even more important for Shu for preparing should it is more beneficial for him tol leave undertaker.

A person who is critically ill are bound to take risks that can cause unrepairable consequences.

As of now I will still watching Guilty Crown until the end but it's not on the top list of anime that I'm watching anymore - in fact I'm more enjoying Gundam age as of now...

It might changes again according to the new episodes though...
I have to wonder how Gai even survived that blast considering it practically lighted everything within several miles on fire...Super Coordinator much?

Anywho, Gai finally showed some weakness, and inevitably because of words by the only one in the resistance who stood up in his king-like face--Shuu. Now I'm not exactly sure if Inori is downright dense, but I thought she was rather cruel in this episode (and I don't mean because of that gangster style dual handgun side swinging that she did against men with big guns whom she told to stay the hell back if they don't wanna die). She tells Shuu to stop talking to her like a stranger because she doesn't like it, and then proceeds to tell him to go and listen to Gai's weakness in her place so he could understand him better and why everyone admires him, which is so easy considering he just caught the girl of his dreams entering a room of whom he envies enough already. Hohoho...Ah well, lesser of two evils. All is well since Shuu and Gai finally took hands, and this time with Shuu being the one to offer the hand. Boy, ancestors weren't kidding when they said the best way for boys to understand eachother is through the fists. Also, I feel fujoshi all over the world are going to try and raise GaixShuu flag after this episode...*shivers*

Also, the pen Segai gave to Shuu was apparently a target designator for one of the Lucocytes...that is pretty cold, but what I want to ask is how Gai knows all this stuff. It wasn't enough that he survived a horrifying blast, and took down an Endrave single handedly, but he also happens to be as wise as a sage (although this could be because of Gai's past, probably being a former member of GHQ or something)? For Shuu's sake I hope there's some kind of scientific explanation behind his hyper human abilities (other than being a descendant of Jesus Yamato).

On a more formal note, it seems as if Inori has another persona within her--the woman from Gai's past. Evidently, Shuu pulled out a different Void from Inori which Gai seems to know about. Obviously there is more room for Shuu and Gai to develop, and so far the staff is doing well on keeping the 3 main characters evenly important.

Protagonist behavior that usually upsets me doesn't effect me with Shuu, probably because he always acts with a straight face and looks people in the eyes. I think he's pretty bloody awesome.
Just watched episode 6...

After watching this episode; I'm becoming even more disappointed with Iori and YES I feel that she's really cruel towards Shuu and heartless :@

Not only does she not bother to the clear up the misunderstanding from the previous episode but I feel as if she's playing around with Shuu's feeling (whether it's intended or not) which is really really low :@

At this point of time I don't think she's any different from other notoriously disliked women from other anime series...

On the other hand, it's quite refreshing to see how Gai shows his weakness in this episode and that was a big plus point...:)

Hmmm, am I the only one that feel the script writer might intentionally portrays Iori as some kinda of heartless b***h and pushing Gai towards Shuu to satisfy Fujoshi crowd ??

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