Have you ever...

several times.. hurts ;_;
have you ever considered to contribute to the staff on anime-sharing? :p
Well..No. Im not that good with that sofr of stuff anyway =/ andd I dont have the time either..

Have you ever been to a shooting range..?
Yeah, pissed metal like crazy over there. Great way to blow a hundred in a day

Have you ever jammed your thing in a girl's hole before?
Uhm..No..atleast..I cant remember doing that o.o.. I hope I didnt..

Have you ever walked into a pole or the like while walking? (you werent paying attention)
Oh! That meaning of a long book. Yes, I read books that size for fun all the time. (I thinking longer books though, like my computer how to guides which are more than 1.5k pages long. Or the complete LoTR Trilogy with the Hobbit which is more than 1.8k pages long.)

No, I haven't seen Fooly Cooly, but it's on my list.

Have you ever fallen asleep watching a movie?
No, I have not. (I should though eh?)

Have you ever stopped playing a game just before you beat the final level?
Lol nopes i dont think but i know a game where the lvl before last is hell
Have you ever done something effortlessly that other said was nigh impossible?
Yeahh :3 Quite fun at times and the bad guys always seem to have inf resources or something
Have you ever eaten a meal made for two by yourself?

Have you ever played 4 way multiplayer by your self, 'cause everyone else left?
Nopes... Dont play online much
Have you ever tried making a fire by rubbing wood together?
Yea =D, During some survival outings with friends :P, it acutally worked..after quite some time ;-;

Have you ever wished something and it came true?
I have wished, but haven't had anything yet come true :P

Do you believer that there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?
nope.. Something I've learned through my life is that if you want to find/get something precious then you have to search or do some hard work by yourself to get it.

Well. Have you ever felt that feeling when you really put some effort or hard work, and finally get what you've wanted? :)

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