Have you ever...

Yup, caused by overloading my brain.

Have you ever found your favorite snack gone?
Hmm nah xD Its much safer to sit back and be a random strategist that basically controls the warlord from the shadows
Have you ever wanted to have a lightsaber?
Nah, I had a collection of the toy ones. Good enough for me.

Have you ever wanted be a character in Carnival Phantasm?
Hmm never heard of it but title sounds quite creepy or magicalish :/ No thx

Have you ever wanted to be a space pilot?
Yeah at one time when I was like 7...

Have you ever thought "There must be more to life than just spamming"? :D
ahahahaa... is that directly to sam.??? well i do.. :XD:

have you ever though want to be superman/or tokusatsu heroes..???
Well..A few times :P. I dont care really. I prefer powers from anime's xP

Have you ever fantasized about having super powers?
Yeahhhh~ Preferably powers that i can develop
Have you ever wanted to challenge someone better?
Hm..Yea. With some sports like tennis. Ive been playing with a friend for a few years. But I kinda outplay him and I want a bit of a challenging match :x

Have you ever bumped your little toe into something? (this sh!t hurts like hell o.o)
In what terms? school/sports? Define surpassed

Have you ever cut yourself by accident? (No emo o.o)
Yes a couple times & got burned by someone else.

Have you ever did something really bad/stupid you wish you didn't have?
xD yeah

Have you ever got cought naked by a parent or another family member?
Hmm considering how they have baby pictures of me and cousins playing in the bathtub =.= I suppose...
Have you ever walked in during an awkward moment?
Baby pictures don't count D: I mean like now you being all grown. & yes i have i walked in on my brothers gf putting on her bra & i saw her boobs =/ lol

Have you ever did something in public and got everyone's attention?
Hmm not really~ Much to quiet actually :/ Yeah i was climbing stuff
Have you ever climbed trees?
Hmm nopes but i dug holes that people fell down before :/
Have you ever made a sand castle?
Ofcourse! Its the first thing I do on the beach. Seriously :3 So much fun!

Have you ever dived into the sea(or the like) from a cliff ? :o

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