Hmm nah xD Its much safer to sit back and be a random strategist that basically controls the warlord from the shadows
Have you ever wanted to have a lightsaber?
Hm..Yea. With some sports like tennis. Ive been playing with a friend for a few years. But I kinda outplay him and I want a bit of a challenging match :x
Have you ever bumped your little toe into something? (this sh!t hurts like hell o.o)
Hmm considering how they have baby pictures of me and cousins playing in the bathtub =.= I suppose...
Have you ever walked in during an awkward moment?
Baby pictures don't count D: I mean like now you being all grown. & yes i have i walked in on my brothers gf putting on her bra & i saw her boobs =/ lol
Have you ever did something in public and got everyone's attention?