Have you ever...

No, well yes...kind of...Whacked my bro. really hard for being annoying. I can't remember for what though. (been a long time, that's siblings for ya').

Have you ever been caught staring at someone?
Nope, I cant remember if I got caught once. But sometimes they do get some suspicion that I was staring o.o

Have you ever been caught cheating at a test?
No. I've only tried cheating once on test, it was on middle school. Swedish language test and I wrote some words to my eraser, which had a paper cover on it ( slide the cover away and read the words you don't remember ). But It didn't help on that test.
And I got through of it without the cheat actually.
Btw: I don't remember anything about swedish anymore.. so that was a waste of my lifetime.. :D

Have you ever saw a naked girl? (no internet or TV.)
Do I even wanna know what it it o.o? But no, havent eat that..

Have you ever spent more money on a day than you actually planned on spending?
No. I've only tried cheating once on test, it was on middle school. Swedish language test and I wrote some words to my eraser, which had a paper cover on it ( slide the cover away and read the words you don't remember ). But It didn't help on that test.
And I got through of it without the cheat actually.
Btw: I don't remember anything about swedish anymore.. so that was a waste of my lifetime.. :D

Have you ever saw a naked girl? (no internet or TV.)
OMG that was... hard T_T sure but i don't understand finlands way of language either ...
@HGSS Only in Japan....only in Japan, I'm a ridiculous cheapskate otherwise, spending large amounts of money has physical repercussions on my body :S (Like when I bought Kud for 1100$)

Have you ever hung up on someone on the phone on purpose?
Well..Yea.. =/ On my parents/friends... Sometimes..arguiing doesnt work over the phone, so I just hang up.

Have you ever had female friends sleep over?

[MENTION=8006]Mahoro[/MENTION] Whats Kud..? ._.
[MENTION=10646]unownHGSS[/MENTION] [MENTION=12156]Hideki[/MENTION]

Married to my Dollfies, Feena and Kud~

Yeah im pretty sure i had a female friend sleep over at one point in time or another :/
Have you ever been utterly lost without money?
Just gonna say you need to keep that for a while if you want to get OD
Have you ever had to eat ramen for a whole week?
Oh already o.o It took them a while to gimme od :/
and you ignored mah question D:<
Have you ever had to eat ramen for a whole week?
Nope.. o.o

Have you ever checked whats inside the fridge 6 times, even when theres nothing in it? xD
You didnt start with "Have you ever" :o

Have you ever broken something you borrowed from someone else?
Well..Yea.. =/. One day we went to spain by bus. We were supposed to make a stop somewhere where you could freshen up. But we got stuck in one hell of a traffic jam..so we had to skip the stop..

Have you ever talked over the phone for 3+ hours? (I did...total speech time: 4hours and 37min. o.o')
Nopes my phone talks go hi *insert random short talk* bye
Have you ever taken a really long bath?
Bath..Yea. In bath tub: an hour. Under the shower: 45min. xD

Have you ever forgotten to brush your teeth? :o
Yeah.. often :P

Have you ever forgotten to brush your teeth too?
Only a few times. Its THE first thing I do when I get out off bed. Straight to bathroom :3

Have you ever bitten your tongue while eating?

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