Have you ever...

hah yeah, and i would be the "hero" that saves everyone..

Have you ever had a fever over 40°c ?
*i've had 39,7 once, a long time ago.. actually i haven't had a one bad fever after that*
Once, slightly over 40, few years ago, thats all I remember.

Have you ever... bought something expensive, that others would call useless/worthless?

I tend to do that, mostly with electronics, currently thinking about getting Panty & Stocking nendroids. Just cant find any good place to buy it from...
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You should write a QUESTION.. that starts with Have you ever...

So here's mine.. Have you ever been sick for 2 weeks to a month? (Excluding major operations and hospitalised of course).
That was to me? I wrote the question so I don't know where problem is...
as for your question:
Yep, few times, once, when I was about 4 it didn't end well...

Have you ever... been on a school trip to foreign country?
OH SORRY!! I must have missed it. (somehow?)

I'll answer this as well:
MrPilipo said:
Have you ever... bought something expensive, that others would call useless/worthless?

Umm I think so...

MrPilipo said:
Have you ever... been on a school trip to foreign country?

Yup. I've been to Australia for school camp. Lol.

Have you ever tried fishing in your life?
Yeah, even managed to catch a small perch, I've released it immediately =)

Have you ever... felt like you were born in wrong place/time?
Yes when I was little but the fish bitted me and Epic fail I went crying to my mom, never tried it after that xD
Have you ever wanted to kill your exgirlfriend?
Nope, haven't have one to start with. :P

Have you ever woke up at 3-4 am just to check the forum?
No because I'm usually in bed by 2AM XD

Have you ever had a dream inside a dream?

*Happened the other night for me lol it was really weird to wake up inside a dream. I was confused for a few hours afterwards. *
not yet ~ but if i could dictate what my dream will gonna be i would love to try that

have you ever dreamed that you're died in your dream?
Does getting killed in a game I played in my dream count?

Have you ever have a dream that you goes to school, but you knew it's a dream, but you still trying to stay awake in the class even though you're really sleepy in that dream?
Happened to me plenty of time, back in my school days. Really hate that type of dream, coz it usually happened on school night, and b'coz of it, I woke up sleepy and tired in the morning.
OMG it happened to me 3 days ago.. I dreamed i was in kind of a beach hotel and I went to sleep and i dreamed some pirates zombies were eating me xD jajaja it was funny

No I havent had that kind of dream xD
Have you ever dream your having sex and your mother finds you ? LMAO!!!
Oh man, I don't want to remember that dream anymore. *cold shiver*
Talk about mood spoiler.

Have you ever have a family member walked into your room while you masturbating?
*Luckily didn't happen to me... yet.*
hahahahahaha LMAO!!!
No, but they have noked my door while I was busy xD luckly I always close my door ;)
Have you ever had a car crash accident?
Hmm, lemme see... Mercedes, Perdana, Hi-Lux...
Aye! Several times already. Mostly high profile targets. Nothing serious though.

Have you ever run over animal while driving?
Hit a cat once while backing up the car.
Sad thing was, I've fed that cat a day before that. It was a stray cat.
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Have you ever had your other 1/2 tell you: "You watch to much Anime! let's sit and watch a movie!"
Wow... I think so? Well that will be a change of anime isn't it? :P

Have you ever thought that you look childish while you are watching anime?
Yes, I have felt childish.

But have you ever gotten really excited where you did not sleep until you watched all 3 seasons of an Anime back to back with NO sleep.
No, heights scare me to death.

Have you ever, fell in a pool and embarrassed yourself in-front of someone you were attempting to impress?
Yes I have, but it's not really a pool, more like a pond, made of concrete.
Here's the story, I was around 7-8yo, and my parent brought us to play at the old State's Parliament building(at that time it still in-use). Around that building they have pond surround the building, and have Koi(that red-yellow-white Japanese fish) in there.
So I was running along the pond, and suddenly I slipped and went into the pond, in front of everybody - my parents, sister, local visitors, tourists and the building security guards. Luckily they didn't scold me.

Have you ever been to firearm or weapon expo/convention?
Yes, I go to Gun Shows every few months with my dad. Since I am the only child and a girl, I kind of give into some boyish things for the sake of the daddy. hehe

Have you ever: woke up with someone screaming TRUCK while they had 2 flashlights in your eyes?
Nope, but I DID have a truck flashing it's headlight at me.
Apparently I drove into the opposite lane when I was sleep-driving.
I steadily went back into my own lane and avoid it in the nick of time.

Have you ever have a near-accident during your driving test?
I have, but somehow I passed the test. :P

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