Have you ever...

Scared, not yet, but I got somebody give me 'that' looks thou. LOL

Have you ever wandered what would it been if you choose other profession/school instead of the one you're in now?
Humm.. Actually yeah..

Have you ever tried anything that is not your culture (such as food, clothes and other stuff) (Cosplay doesn't count)
On a few occasions I have (food wise mainly).

Have you ever wondered why the sky is blue and the grass is green?
Nope. It's always science. :3

Have you ever live in another country before? (Not just for vacation)
Nope although I've pondered the notion before years ago.

Have you ever marathon a 24 episode anime series?
Yes i have, Clannad afterstory.

Have you ever touched someone unknown girls butt accidentally? :D
*has happened to me once. Luckily she didn't notice it while i walked past her in crowd..*
i actually recon it as an achievement!
Does barrack count? I meant housing apartment for married soldier.

Have you ever marathon watching Band of Brothers series before?
*Have I asked this question before?*
No, i've watched the pacific though.

Have you ever said No to your friends who invite you to a party/concert, Just becouse you wan't to be home watching anime / playing dating sims?

*today i'm doing that, i don't know why but yesterday when i was hanging out with my friends i was allways spacing out, and thinking the game i'm playing, and what should i do next..*
I would if the party/concert didn't interest me.

Have you ever told that you're born in wrong time, coz you like to listen to Oldies songs?
Happened to me - I found todays songs lack meaning compared to old songs. Now it's mostly about money, drug and sex. That's why I don't really fancy R&B, Hip Hop or Rap.
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well no, i haven't been told that i would've born wrong time. BUT i think so myself.
i like some new songs though. But when i was a kid, Daft Punk was a BIG thing to me, and i still love to play their songs and they're awesome!

Have you messed up your "sleeprythm" (i don't know the right word) that you are not tired a bit though it's gettin' late??
*i think this question has been asked for 693 times but..fuck the shit..*
LOL, plenty of time, the reason why I'm posting right now at this time(5:05AM GMT+8) coz I have messed up my biological clock by sleeping the whole day yesterday, so I can't sleep.

Have you ever felt that there's something you need to do but dunno what it is, and end up spending time spamming in here?
*That's what I feel right now.*
Im doing it right now, my sleeprythm is way off how it should be, clock is 3.36am (gmt+3)
*i played da capo 2, and i got a bad ending, though i've played it once through with a good ending before. Now for some reason i'm so damn sad, i just quitted the whole game and don't know what to do.. shit what an angst :D*

Have you ever had this kinda sad feeling i described? etc. sad anime ending and so on.. feels so weird
after watching meduka and geass. i felt so sad i can't sleep and can accept the fate bestowed upon them

have you ever ran out of questions/ideas to asked on this thread.?
heh, many times. Actually quite hard even now to make something up.

Have you ever made a prank call to someone you know, and he/she recognizes you.
*hasn't happened to me*
Yup, especially if I make the call to their mobile using my mobile.

Have you ever drive several miles to work, only to found out that you left your office key at home?
*Deja vu. Have I post this before?*
Yes, to many times. Did that Friday when I was late for the office for Payday LOL!

Have you ever, watched an Anime, or Movie and had a dream that you were in the same Anime/Movie that same night?
No i haven't seen a dream where i was in it, though dreams about the series i'm watching i've seen plenty of times.

Have you ever woke up and went way too early to work? not realizing it until your in the place.
NO I havent, but I have gone early to classes xD same bs I went to sleep again =P in a bench
Have you ever done something Illegal?
No, i've never been in a fight, except with my bigbrother very long time ago.
i'm so skinny and stuff, i would fly like an stick in the air. I've always avoided conflicts.

Have you ever had a girlfriend? (not your 2D one)
haha not your 2D one ROFL! that is good hehe, but yes to answer your question, lol.....

Have you ever dated someone to get closer to someone else they know to try to get them to date you?
Nope, that would just be unfair to the one you dated with.

Have you ever bought a shoe based on your foot size, but found out it's smaller than your feet?
Ordered mine straight from the States, size 8 1/2(US), but it so darn small, I had to shipped it back for replacement. Cost me the same amount I payed for the thing.
Yes, here they use cm in scale. But for some strange reason, even they are smaller than other ones with the same size.
for example i have #45 foot, and when i bought size 45 skate shoes they were like 2 cm shorter than my old shoes..
it's messed up crap, i tell u that (that rimmed great..)

Have you ever made bad food, but eventually you ate it becouse you were so hungry??
*i'm eating way too salty food.. but when i drink milk i can eat it*
(i know i'm a terrible person :D)
Yup, experienced that one before. Like they said, "Beggar can't be chooser."

Have you ever play hide and seek, and when you finally found a place to hide, you felt the urge to pee?
*It's really annoying*

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