Have you ever...

No. But for me when I go to work I can't go. I think its a biological dysfunction. but I can go the whole work day and then just before I go to bed, let it out.

Have you ever made animals out of the office supplies?
No. I haven't gotten the time yet. But I don't like to fish. Too many people bothering me.

Have you ever wore your shoes on the wrong feet?
yes just about every time I put my slippers on I get them on the wrong feet

Have you ever walked into a situation and you realize immediately THIS IS BAD!?
No I have to look over whatever the problem is first.

If you have watched the Family Guy Star Wars Trilogy. Then the one where Peter and Lois fly into the giant asteroid cave thing and Peter gets out of the Millennium Falcon and says "Hang on a minute." Pulls out his gone and shoots the floor of the cave. And between shots, says "Wait, This is not right. Hold on. Wait a Minute. Hang on." Then he says "Yep were in trouble. Run!"

That is how I am.

Have you ever wished that Bill Murray would come back and do another Ghost Busters?
That is so cool! I hope they can get Bill to do this one!

But ah no. I don't even go out of my room enough for my siblings to blow me off.

Have you ever twisted a recipe to an extreme?
No, I do try to ad-lib on them some to add a personal touch, but since I am not to good at cooking I normally try to follow everything to the T so I do not mess up so much :(

Have you ever made a complete fool of yourself not realizing it?
Yes. Mostly for petty of silly things. Shoes tied together, Bug on the Shoulder, backpack with rocks. On and on.

Have you ever run away from a dog?
Yep! lol many times
No never ran from a dog, even if they were mad, if you show fear, they own you.

Throws a hug at Coolio! rawr!

Have you ever wanted to step into another persons shoes for a day to see what their life is like?
Yes. Specifically, Lt. Colonel Moore. In 1965, US Air Cav. 7th division. Addressed his men in a football field, saying a promise of how he would act on the battlefield. "I cannot promise you this." He said. "Some will die, be wounded, or go missing. I cannot promise you safety. But I will promise you this. I will be the first man off of the chopper and the last one getting on. I also promise above all else, I will leave no man behind" Upon saying this he and 700 odd men loaded up and went to la Drang.

I would have been in those shoes, trying to keep from shaking as I said those cold bitter words. To see the faces of those men, who more than a third knew they would not come back.

Have you ever carved pumpkins?

Have you ever gotten tired of people and wanted them to go away? (Janet's Brother, the Demon Spawn, and his Wench! every time they get here, it is like "HI! you all" in reality that means, oh great please leave LOL!)
I'll say yes. There some people that wish when they come over, just leave. When they don't (Naturally) I go to my room and lock the door and play guitar until they are gone.

It's mean, but I have to do what I know best. My Mom would kill me if I used a direct method of expressing "I want you to leave".

Have you ever gotten set on how a certain vowel sounds and you pronounce it as so?
Yea I have a few words that I consistently pronounce totally wrong, Jan gets on me for them but dammit I am almost 40 here can not teach a old gal new tricks LOL!

Have you ever eaten something that was just SO good you had to get the recipe for it?
Yes. But at this time my brain is to foggy. I have actually taken a recipe for BBQ sauce that my Mom had and in less that 20 minutes had taken it apart and swapped all the ingredients with ones that balanced, added and sweetened the sauce. After all that I added a mesquite smoke flavor to it and I believe Sonny's would have sued me for infringing their recipe. So funny.

Just got a recipe for Ziti that I'm going to start experimenting with.

Have you ever gone swimming right after eating?

I feel immensely tired. Can I call it draw for now and get some sleep?
A draw for what? This is just a spam forum area to get to know each other, not a contest. lol! silly silly boy. :P Go get some sleep!

No never swim after eating.

Have you ever wanted to stay up, but your body said HELL NO!?
No. it doesn't work that way for me. It is built in to me to where I can't sleep when I'm up no matter how tired I am. It's worse if I get sick, cause it's an even bigger drain. My system can ward off sleeping pills, antis, aspirins and general over the counter sleep or pain medication.

I must sleep now. G'night.

Have you ever wished to tour Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory?
LOL! No Way! I would shoot the Umpalumps! ROFL!

Have you ever wanted things to speed up?
Yes, like waiting for animes to get subbed because im not fluent.
Have you ever woken up and got up than just got back in bed and went to sleep?
hahahaha........ just now i did it......

have u ever thingking to have your own slave.....???
yea I all ways wanted my own servant but I refuse to pay what they want for a maid these days lol

Have you ever wanted to sleep so bad but were not able to?
Yes. That's when I get on a sugar high. Or I'm too tired in the first place from working. Really sucks.

Have you ever nearly fell asleep while driving?
I have fallen asleep when driving lol! Did not get in a accident thank god, but close.

Have you ever felt alone even tho your not?
Oh all the time. I have very few in the number of friends and I don't hardly ever get out. But I enjoy it actually. I like being the lone wolf type.

Have you ever found the land called "Spam-alot"?

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SeiremBlade wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Hi Ryzen. Can you please re-upload Part 6 and 7 on Mexashare for RJ01144235?
ybz378938171 wrote on Otokonoko's profile.
would you please re-upload RJ01159920 RJ01148813 RJ01150525 RJ01153106 RJ01133471 RJ01146160 in mexa ? thx
I'll share the hentai content I have.
TasogareHentai wrote on Shine's profile.
Sorry for interrupt, but can you please, if you still have it, reupload this game? Thanks in advance.