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Can't help it. It's had been hardwired into my ecchi mind.

Seriously, what's Double Dutch?

Well, I do like that certain aspect of you.

As for Double Dutch, it's just jump roping with two ropes instead of one while possibly doing a few stunts. There are also some competitions dedicated to it.

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So that what it was.
I saw it before, but I thought it was called skipping rope.
So that what it was.
I saw it before, but I thought it was called skipping rope.

Skipping rope only applies when you're using one jump rope.

Takes some practice and rhythm to Double Dutch... I fell many times...
Umm... well i suppose :x Just some random secrets... Its just that its one of those things where if i viewed it from someone elses eyes it probably wouldnt be much of anything but its somewhat more important when viewed from mine :x

Lol i have what i would probably call ceaselessness as they used in negima xD Its not that im immortal but i just cant die~

Im horrible at juggling D: I think 60 hula hoops would kinda tower over me...

Hmm yeah if your grades dont suffer than do what you wish xD Mines probably would though so i cant :x

Ehh sure i guess :x A cookie...

Full Metal Panic? xD I think i have that on my list too xD

Blushing.... cute stuff makes me want to hug it :x
To each their own... It's great you try to view it through someone else's eyes... Still, no matter how big or small, as long as you consider something as a problem, as valuable, as something you can't shake from your mind... it is important.

In yet, some people fret about things that are quite hard to comprehend like in anime... xD

People need to die someday... a long life is just too boring and lonely if no one is there by your side... :x Which is why I tend to not write too much about clones or immortality...

Hmm... I'm pretty hard to please... can you at least tell jokes while hula hooping?

Grades... your face looked slightly grim. :x

Any other snack/dessert that you find quite delectable besides cookies?

Full Metal Panic... I'm really trying to think of ones you've watched... but it seems I've failed again. xD

Blushing... cute... hug... I didn't know you liked such things. :x I rarely blush in real life except when I'm sick.
Well yeah i guess :x Its not that important i guess... just a random little secret...

Its hard to comprehend that? :x

Ehh yeah :x That would be lonely... the only reason i would want that is to watch all the animeee and learn everything xD

Ehh ill try... can i have a cheat sheet?

My grades are about B average and i keep forgetting hw so that kinda why...

I eat most sweets~ Cookies arent actually my favorite or anything xD

Lol as i said i havent watched too much~

Ehh well i like cute stuff :x Well no one really knows i do xD
I have the song Dirty Little Secret stuck in my head now~ :x

I mostly meant how could someone feel bothered by such a problem when the answer is practically staring at him in the face.

Watch all the animeee and learn everything xD... I didn't really think about that... :x

A cheat sheet?... Hmm... okay... I like jokes that reference other anime or memes... some humorous stories about one's life would work...

Hmm... you really worked hard to achieve those grades and pushing yourself to do better.

Sweets... macaroons? Bon-bons? Eclairs? Trifle?

I didn't know that you saying too much was really too much... if that makes any sense at all.

Is she cute? Want to poke her?

Hmm nah not exactly a dirty secret xD I would say the biggest secret i have atm is not telling my crush i like her :x

Well anime and whatever media tend to exaggerate human stupidity and stuff :x Well for me the answer would be to just ask but im... reluctant to lose a good friend and make our relationship awkward if i do...

Atm im kinda just after knowledge for some reason or another and when i die ill probably never finish whatever anime i was poking at xD

Hmm so basically entertain you xD Thats going to be tough but i guess i an try :x

Well i would like to have more As in classes :x Some classes i just dont understand at all and its impossible to get a decent grade but if i can i would like to try...

Ehh i find it to find a favorite in everything :x I just like them all about the same... some less but others are about the same~

Well i havent watched a lot? enough? many? well idk :x

I feel like this is a trap... but if i poke her she would probably fall... so i guess ill pat her head?
Sam... in the end... you are... I'm not quite sure. xD You puzzle me with all your humor and clones and then become quite sensitive and considerate... whoever the girl is... I'm certain she'll be very happy to have met you.

Sam... once more... you're just too good of a guy. I don't know why no girl has nabbed you yet.

Well... that's one way to view death. xD

Yay! Entertain me! :3

That mindset is what people need nowadays. We shouldn't feel deterred about grades or some setbacks. We'll keep moving forward!

There has to be a sweet/dessert you favor a bit more~ :x

There's plenty of anime... just watch the ones you like. That's good enough. :3

Are you sure you want to pat her head? :fulfilled:
Lol puzzles~ Its fun to see people's reactions :3 They can never quite place me as just one thing xD

Ehh im just too odd xD Not exactly messy and everything but lazy with stuff like shaving and tons of odd little quirks like climbing trees~

Well its kind of a fun view on death xD Compared to how it could be with tons of emotional stuff happening~

Entertain.... Hmm thats pretty much what you were after all along xD Ill try to think up something~

Hmm i guess :x would be nice to have less set backs though :x

It sort of depends on my mood :x I dont really have a specific dessert that i love... i dont think...

I pretty much watch everything xD As long as people say its good ill try it~ Unless its horror... more reluctance towards that :x

Shes probably playing with my mind :x Ehhh i well :x Sure..... she looks somewhat sad...
Well, that makes you genuine. Only one you... only one Sam that I like~ :3

Climbing trees... I haven't climbed before... I want to try. :x

Death... I live near a cemetery... you can view death there if you like. :3

Entertain... :3 I like it when people amuse me. Doesn't need to be harsh... just write something that might make me smile.

Setbacks... It'll happen, but the more it occurs, the more you're prepared for it.

Apple cranberry danish = my favorite pastry/sweet/dessert You don't have one that you favor just a bit more? If you don't, it explains your personality a bit more when you wanted everyone to have a fair amount votes. You are pretty pure and neutral.

Horror... you did mention that... Is it too scary, mind-numbing, bloody, or something else?

Thank you for patting her head~ She congratulates you with another girl to greet you~

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Lol i confuse people quite a bit xD Havent quite met anyone with a similar personality yet~

Well my nicknames monkey/squirrel came from me climbing stuff xD Its kinda fun to run around of the school rooftop~ Sorta scared someone by sitting on a tree once :x She was texting while walking past and got surprised when she saw me xD

Ehh well :x Dun like cemeteries much...

Hmm think think think... I dont really want to just toss something random :x I think that would be disappointing...

Yes i suppose~ Learning from mistakes while they dont hurt as much~

If i have anything i say is my favorite it is usually a random whim of mine~ I chose eragon as my favorite book cuz i had some random stinging feeling while reading it xD Well shiki gave everyone a vote so im happy for that :3 Sometimes its because there are no votes for that person and people dont want to feel alone that no one votes for a certain individual (i this case) Same logic with political parties and the two big groups~ It is also proven that lines in front of stores attract people (kinda like how my dad looks into the window of the restaurant and determines if he wants to try by how much people are there)

Well im quite childish and horror usually makes me think that those monsters and whatnot are hiding in the closet or standing behind the door waiting for me to open :x And these random thoughts usually last about a week from when i finish/stop reading/watching so i tend to avoid it :x And theres also the fact that my dreams are very influenced by events of the past week/day...

Ehh... ohh... umm... hi... (inner voice- kyaaa nekomimiiiii <3 and a fluffy cat pillowwww~ i want to mess with the tail :desire:)
Someone with similar personalities... that's pretty mundane... :x

Oh! You have experience climbing trees... and that story was pretty funny... That entertained me~ :3

If there is a police station, a fire department, and a doctor's clinic... so of course there is cemetery near my house as well~

Hmm... you amused me with your tree climbing, so you don't need to think anymore. ^^

Hmm... I do agree that mistakes wouldn't be mistakes if you didn't learn something from them... less pain is always good.

The talk about favorites, votes, and popularity made me want to read Robert Frost's The Road Not Taken.

You have quite a fear of horror... O.o My mind is pretty logical so horror doesn't deter me.

Tail... fetish?
Well idk there are people who have somewhat similar personalities :x

Hehe i climb everything sorta xD People get surprised when i jump fences and stuff (if they didnt know previously)~

Seems like a loud neighborhood :x

Lol okies~ Ill just put something if i ever think of it xD

Well its kind of hard to not learn something from mistakes~ its just if they act on the gained knowledge or not~

Lol i read that a couple times before xD Two roads diverged in a yellow wood~

Ehh well my mind is logical at times and i know its not actually there but idk :x I dont like it anyway... plays tricks with my mind and keep thinking that its kind of lurking somewhere watching :x

Hmm not really xD It just seems fun to mess with their tails though i know its not all that nice~ Just wants to go paw at the tail a little~ Didnt actually know what fetishes were till a little while ago :x
Even if they have similar personalities... I guess I wouldn't mind too much... as long as they are not exactly alike. :x

I like climbing fences~ :3 Your legs must be pretty strong and it seems you're pretty limber as well.

It wasn't loud before... Over the years, people started to move in more and that caused more trouble instead... There weren't many murders/killings/accidents that occurred until around the year 2000 or so.

I'm sure you can think of something amusing~ You are random~

Perhaps those mistakes weren't deemed mistakes, but as an act of revenge or some source for further conflict... There are some people who would use that gained knowledge only to get back at other people who made them learn from their mistakes... You never know. Human nature is still a mystery.

And sorry I could not travel both~ (I like a guy that's familiar with some poetry) ^^

Monsters... Horror... Ghosts... Lurking... I sometimes think of scarier things to scare away those fears and pretend those scarier things that I imagined are my friends. :3

The tail does look amusing to touch especially when it sways back and forth~ You didn't know about fetishes before? :x
Well no one is exactly alike xD Those twins in anime dont count :p

Hmm apparently i am quite strong... i had no idea why the other people were surprised when they saw my muscles at first... i was just thinking wha? no idea what theyre talking about cuz i didnt really do anything work out related xD And yeah im more flexible then most of my cousins~ Mostly retained my flexibility from when i was 10 :3

Well... my neighborhood is pretty much just peaceful :/ Here at my dorm i hear the police about once or twice a month...

Hmm well even my randomness has some inspiration from whatever thoughts that run through my head xD

Yes humans are such odd creatures~ Well if they dont view it as a mistake then it doesnt really count.... they didnt actually learn anything from it...

And be one traveler, long i stood~ (I like poetry :3 Its fun to read~)

Hmm that might work xD Hopefully... and now to expect them to turn on me :/

Well i dont really have anything i would call a fetish so i wasnt familiar with the word till i came to this forum... *Swats at tail*
Those copycats annoy me... Even if it's not exactly alike... still annoying...

Well, appearances can be pretty deceiving. They probably didn't expect you to be strong or even capable to do certain things. To retain that much flexibility is feat within itself.

Hmm... I wish I lived around there then... I hear the sirens wailing almost everyday... :/

Your randomness never ceases to amaze me. :3

Hmm... if it's not viewed as a mistake... then how would one view it as? There are many possible natures in which points out the fact at how humans can be such troubling mysteries.

And looked down one as far as I could~ (Poetry is very nice. It provides such insight and clarity sometimes to the mind.)

You expect them to turn on you? Why? :/

*Swats at tail as well* It's hard for me to imagine someone not knowing what a fetish is... actually my father doesn't know what a fetish is even after I explained to him more than twice. xD
Hmm copycats :/ They can be fun at times~

I seem pretty weak i would think... being small and everything... :x

That sounds bothersome... But no one would go after a house thats close to the police station would they? :x

Ehh.... but well... :x ok....

Depending on the situation some people can probably say it was a triumph or something instead of a mistake...

To where it bent in the undergrowth~ (Poetry could inspire random stuff too~)

Well they might decide that they like my blood or want to steal my purity or something similar :goodtea:

If someone doesnt have anything to connect the word to then the word is meaningless to them even if the know it :/
The mimes copying you annoy me though or the little kids... :/

You don't sound that weak... As long as you can perform some heavy lifting once in awhile, that's not considered weak.

The people in my neighborhood tend to not care or barely have common sense... even if the police station is right by. xD

You're so cute when you're speechless sometimes~ *kisses Sam's cheek*

Mistakes... It's better to not create the problem in the first place... but sometimes it's unexpected or unavoidable... :/

Then took the other, as just as fair~ (Poetry and art really do complement one another) :3

These tiny marshmallows seem more pure than you... but your blood is pretty tasty~

I gave him many words to connect 'fetish' with... He's just someone who needs pictures and simple words to understand sometimes. My father learns better visually and not by words... He gets confused easily which is why he doesn't like guessing games.
Hmm mimes... they seem like clowns at times :/ Little kids?

I dont consider myself weak~ Though i probably did get weaker... college... mehs...

Well... that just made the neighborhood sound more troublesome... but everyone likes your dad right? so that sort of decreases the chances of anything happening...

Ehh... o///o umm... welll... second virtual kiss... :x

Hmm well experimenting is good in some situations :/ Cant improve much without a bit of mistakes~

And having perhaps the better claim~ (Yeah~ Poetry leaves piles of random images in my mind xD)

My blood again :x :surprised: Ehh well could just sort of poke the marshmallows since its more pure... :x

Hmm im somewhat of a visual person myself xD Though i guess words can work for certain situations~
Hello, to the friendly, wonderful people on this site.

I should have done this introduction days ago when I registered. I apologize for that.

A few facts about me are I enjoy simple foods like rice and fried eggs. My favorite anime is Neon Genesis Evangelion because I love mechs and traumatic, psychotic teens :P... plus the music. Lastly, I'm an university student, studying for her BFA in Illustration.

Thank you very much. I hope to get along with everyone. :)

Hello again, any news?
Little kids like to play copycat... It becomes annoying...

I heard most people tend to eat more or sleep less when they attend a college/university... Maybe your flexibility as well? :x

Hmm... yeah... They like my father... They usually come to my father when they have any problems... :x

Yay! I got a kiss from Sam! Thank you~ :3

Hmm... Experimenting and mistakes... That is true~ Especially for me when I cook~

Because it was grassy and wanted wear~ (Sometimes depending on the poem, it can leave sensual or dark things in your mind)

You may poke the marshmallows~ :fulfilled:

For some reason... diagrams or charts sometimes make my mind a bit more foggy. I still prefer text. :x

Words are still the best though when it comes to communication whether it's by speech or by writing.
Ahh you mean that :x Yes they get annoying =.=

I dont think my sleeping schedule changed though i probably am eating more in an attempt to make the most of the expensive as heck meal plan which is pretty much for as much as i can eat :/ My flexibility has been about the same cuz i stretch when i can... and if i do somewhat more intense workouts for a week then i can sort of gain back a little of what i might have lost~

So i guess youre sorta safe in that aspect~ They respect your father so will be less likely to do anything to him~

Umm... well... mehs :x havent actually had a real kiss yet :x some girl tried to steal a kiss but im not sure if she managed to cuz i was sort of pulling back and it just sorta ended too fast x.x barely remember anything :x but anyhow i dont really want to count that as my first.... it was kind of forced if she actually managed it...

Lol yeah cooking is all about testing the food and everything xD

Though as for that the passing there~ (yeah :x some of them get quite creepy...)

Ehh... mehs... :x *poke*

Hmm well idk... i like diagrams cuz it usually helps support the words and clarify...

Well i guess a word can give a more exact message at times... though an image could too cuz some stuff cant really be explained...
Hmm... However, as a child I did play copycat... :3

Hmm... I only do some morning stretches and stretch before sleeping. If you can gain a little bit each time, then you should be good as new or close to it...

Expensive as heck... xD I try to go home to eat whenever possible.

Hmm... more like my father is the one who defends them in court and bails them out when they are innocent~ xD

If it's forced and you didn't like it, it's not really considered a first kiss. Only when both parties comply... then you may count it as a kiss... Hmm... you confessed about not having a real kiss. I shall confess as well... I have kissed. ^///^

If you cook more you might get more inspiration for drawing/painting~ :3

Had worn them really about the same~ (Do you read short stories, tall tales, or myths as well?)

Diagrams... It's usually because my classmates don't make proper diagrams... or maybe I'm a little picky and want it to be perfect or close to it. :x

Hmm... the image sometimes distorts the overall meaning for me... I guess images help for some cases. :x

Your award for poking!

Lol xD well yeah i have too and i know how annoying it can get~

Hmm i would say you stretch more regularly than me... but i really dont want to stretch here at the dorm cuz the floors are quite very dirty...

Im dorming so i sort of need the meal plan :x I like eating at home too... the food here isnt all that great...

Lol so i guess they dont want to do anything that might make your father think less of them xD

Hmm well i guess i wont count it then xD But i really dont see myself kissing anyone anytime soon lol~ I wonder how long it will take before i confess >///<

Drawing food? xD Well i would probably appreciate the preparation more and might do a better job at drawing it :3

And both that morning equally lay~ (I read pretty much everything :3 But horror lol~)

Hmm depending on the diagram i might rush it :x But i like they nice looking too...

Images dont always give the same message... As the saying goes an image can say 1000 words but 10 words on a page is 10 words no matter how you twist it xD

Lol yay random sweets xD And angel beats too :3
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