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Lol i return them xD Sometimes late but i do~

Well if i fell back then that would leave quite a bump on my head... x.x

Lol sure pokemon master xD My second favorite is black (if that counts as a color) cuz a friend liked it~ yay random reason~

Hmm i suppose the fact that they can act mature means that they are somewhat mature xD

Lol i started the whole chat with "Your picture on fb makes you look dead" then it went off on some random thing where she died but shes a goddess and her soul is too lazy to leave anyway~ Was quite fun~

Ehh :x When did you take that...

Lol sure xD And these random conversations are fun for me too~

Hmm i was lazy in high school xD I was in the higher class during freshman year till they found out i was lazy~

I remember taking classes for ink paintings but i dont remember it now xD

Well everything sort of has a determined path of sorts :/ Though that could be disrupted and made somewhat random~ Not exactly a bad thing~

Lol fine hugs xD

Goodnight :3 Now to fall asleep fast xD
It's good that you returned them late or not... I sometimes lose one or they say that I lost one even though I know I returned it.

Shall I nurse you back to health if you do hurt yourself?~

Random answer~ xD Black... I sometimes choose white, but black can appear so elegant at times~

Mature kids acting... sounds like me!~ xD

Lol~ From FB to some goddess~ That does sound like fun~ xD

Your blood?... or this laptop?

I'm really happy that you enjoy these random conversations~ I rarely have random conversations with people outside because most don't follow my train of thought... they mostly want intelligent, artistic, straight-forward, or just fun everyday conversations~

Lazy~ I was practically dragged into the higher classes namely the Latin Lyceum and National Honors Society, but I declined... too much work~ xD I just wanted to draw at that time and spend my high school years enjoying life more~

Ink... I remember pens leaking and the ink covering my hands, face, and clothes~

You make some things acceptable... to the eyes of others... that random thought would be deemed somewhat abnormal or just plain weird... Hmm... normality... I've been told many times to be 'normal'...

Hug~ Hug~ Hug~ :3
Lol yeahh... need to watch out for the due dates now cuz returning late costs money now xD And they do a bunch of random stuff about losing or returning to the wrong district and blah blah blah...

I dun really want to get hurt in the first place.... :x

Red black and gold go well together~ And red and blue and purple~ so does red and green depending on the shades... hmm i just like red a lot xD

Lol its all about acting anyway~ Im sure most people have very different acts around different people~ Like those things about people with a thousand masks~

Random conversations are always nice xD Especially when it turns toward random fantasy subjects then intellectual conversations on philosophical subjects xD

My blood... and laptop? o.o wha? nuuuu me wants backkkk D:

Hmm well... i dont really find it hard to follow your train of thought xD I guess random conversation would fall under any of those?~

Refusing honors and stuff xD Well it might have helped later?~ Though i guess its fine without that~

Hmm... i usually dissect those pens and play stuff with them if they started to leak xD

Hehehe who cares about being normal~ xD It just makes life more dull~ Odd thoughts are what makes new inventions come around and i doubt they could define normal if you asked them to ;p They just want you to act differently in what they see as ideal but that isnt exactly everyone's ideal image~

Yay hugs :3 Makes me fell all warm and fuzzy~
Libraries... were my sanctuaries... now my enemies!... temporarily~

You might survive... maybe~

You do like red... Your comment shows your favor for red~ :3

Thousand masks... there are many tales with the word 'thousand'... some quite sorrowful~

Hahaha...~ That would be a great random conversation... ever changing and ever so enjoyable... I'd love that. ^^

Lol~ I guess having a few people following my train of thought and randomness is better than none at all... I just grew up in which I was told many times to 'be normal' because of my sadistic, curiosity, and somewhat 'somber philosophical' outlook at life...

Helped... for others who needed them... it would help them better. I'm one of those people who don't really need to work hard to achieve such things... so I would rather let those who actually worked really hard and place tremendous effort to receive those benefits instead. They'll be happier...~

Dissect pens~ xD I did the same~ But I made the place too dirty~

Hmm... you make a good point... It's hard to say 'no' and say 'I am who I am' when my parents almost decided to take me to see 'doctors'... They thought my thoughts were... obscure... :x So, occasionally nowadays only a few random thoughts pop out in public... not as constantly as before...

Warm and fuzzy~ We were discussing about Deca just earlier about his crush... gave me a similar feeling~ :3


Why? O.o Libraries... i guess everything is sort of online... :x

That also means i might not survive... nuuuuuuu :runaway:

But its not a particular shade of red xD Just kind of red overall~

Masks... are used to hide stuff... and yeah... 1000 is used quite a lot too for some reason or another...

Hmm yeah :3 We talk about everything pretty much~ And oh the joy it brings~

Well... lets say people smarter in something tend to be harder to understand? ;p Their thinking is somewhat higher level than the ordinary know nothing~ Hmm im somewhat on the glass is half empty side of life though im trying to be glass is half full... or ill just drink the water and call it empty~

Lol so it just passes on to others :3 Thats pretty nice~ I guess honors are just somewhat of a name anyway~ Actual knowledge is probably better :3

Well... i tossed them soon after dissecting xD So didnt get too dirty~

Oh :x Doctors... parents... mehs... that stuff happens... :x Well i guess controlling yourself in public would be... good... send the thoughts toward other stuff...

Lol random cute stuff makes me feel warm and fuzzy xD Havent gotten around to reading that yet :x

Nuu what are they doingggg :runaway: I wants back D:
[MENTION=159]alexsdu[/MENTION] i dun have hentai and go ahead an search the sites i guess :/

This 'hentai' collection?~



The public library I used to frequent... overrun with people sitting on the steps and chatting inside the premises... Maybe it just feels like my childhood had been taken away. :x

Basically what I meant, you just seem to favor red..... almost no other shade seems to satisfy~ Which is fine by me and everyone else for that matter~ xD

I still think the 1,000 cranes story is one of the better ones out there~'

You look like you're enjoying yourself... these conversations and others as well... I wouldn't mind such things either. Although, due to your interest and fascination with fantasy, I must say you outclass me in randomness~

Water and glass allusions... In the end, you either try to be half full or just make it completely empty... I feel like the one that was fully empty from the start until someone placed some water in me and decided to be a jerk and not put anymore. xD

Lol... pretty much. They'll just pick the next best student to join or none at all. I didn't really deserve those honors anyway because my grades just came naturally, and I know some people who really desired those high placements. So let them get what they want~

Actual knowledge... I wonder what base will that be while it expands~

I still kept poking at those broken pens... :x

Lol...~ I control them well enough... they come out into those little rhymes you sometimes see as an expression of what I'm feeling or thinking~

You feel like reading Deca's backlog? xD

Survive?... from this?

I have no such thing D:

Oh thats kind of... well annoying i guess... The libraries i go to are fine i think... :x

Lol i actually dont remember why i like red xD Probably just had a random thought or something while looking at something red~

Hmm all i know of 1000 cranes is that they give a wish~

Hehehe i like fantasy quite a lot :3 Can explain so much illogical things with it (aka "a wizard did it" for everything that we dont know) And i usually find it more fun then realish stuff... :x

Hmm *pours more water into glass and makes it overflow* I wonder what this means xD I doubt anyone can be completely negative or full~ The water levels are probably changing every moment of the day~ Sometimes more full and sometimes more empty but it all depends how a person is feeling :3 People seem to be more of a glass is half empty type in general but there are the rare few have their glass filled more than others and pass the halfway point usually~ Apparently theres a biological basis for happiness and some are just happier than others~

Hmm the natural geniuses... the ones that make stuff happen~ Though i guess others can have similar results if they worked harder~

Well some people have grades but no little knowledge of a subject while some have lower grades but actually know more about that subject (might have been lazy or something) Geniuses tend to be lacking in something while theyre better in other fields~ Guess it all balances out in the end~

Well i guess thats how it gets dirty then xD Hmm try fixing it before it gets too dirty?~

Lol those little rhymes are fun to read~ My randomness... hmm i would say it comes out more in my art~

I read the one in the bomb thread xD Good enough for me i would say~

Lol that song xD Would make nice background music for stuff~
At least it's not Yaoi!:loseoil:

I can arrange that if you'd like~ :fulfilled:

I know. I know~ If someone repeats something more than three times... It practically becomes a fact based on the details and suggestions from previous conversations and observations. You do not have a hentai collection.

Red... it probably wasn't as random... Maybe there's a moment that had something red~

I find the 1000 cranes story of Sadako very painful... but very hopeful...~

Only the campuses' libraries here are quiet... but they feel lonely or just not right~

Blaming on the 'wizard'... my mind does not compute~ xD I was taught to speak and to write quite straight and logically.

Should try pouring that water in the ocean... Maybe something might happen~

I admire the ones who work harder... because having it naturally... does not amuse me~

Balance... I remember sitting on the see-saw by myself... I would try to put something on the other end to make myself rise... Fun... but lonely...

Fixing... I like fixing... for some reason... they tend to become worse or temporarily works... :x

Art... random... You mean those pieces you just posted? That random?

It seems all the threads become random chats~ xD

I like that song... Besides, seems suitable since you keep getting hurt for no particular reason~
Mehs i feel slight doubt there xD

Hmm yes there was probably something red and i chose it due to some reasoning which i cant remember and made red my favorite color xD

Another thing that i need to find time to read~ I didnt know which story you were talking about before... actually there was really only one main story now that i look again...

The campus library here is also public so theres usually tons of people walking around~ Its also the biggest library west of the Mississippi i think?

Hmm so im guessing you would lean more toward science in a science vs magic debate? I find myself liking the freedom of fantasy stories and they tend to have less plotholes cuz its simpler to explain everything xD

Well... ocean... that wont really do anything anytime soon xD Would take a really large amount to affect the ocean much~

Its kind of like a little shortcut to be a genius... they start a little ahead of the others and can thus get to a higher level faster but some geniuses also slack off because they are better and get passed by hard workers... I would say hard workers have a stronger base because they started from the bottom and would know more~

Yeah... it sounds lonely and make me want to hug you... >.< I did similarly before actually... except i didnt try balancing it... i just kind of kicked off the ground to rise and fall...

Hmm fixing stuff can be quite fun... or at least i just focus on it and forget about the time xD

Hmm those were somewhat planned i suppose... most of them are for school although some were just for fun~ they do have some degree or randomness to it though cuz i just kind of use whatever ideas i have in my mind~ The teacher was actually trying to get me to do something different for the Theme of SSS one but in the end she loved it xD

Yes but that makes it fun doesnt it? :3

Hmm i wouldnt exactly say no particular reason but im somewhat clumsy at times :x So yeah the song fits~
You don't have a hentai collection~ ~nyaa

A red mustang... or a red balloon~

1000 cranes... what story were thinking about?

Biggest library... wah~ So cool~ :3

Hmm... I find myself in-between... magic and science... I don't like anything too technical at times and I don't have fantasy elements~ :x

That ocean probably needs Frank to increase global warming to melt all the glaciers~

Hard workers... :3 I admire and respect them~ Sounds like the tortoise and the hare~

*Hug* Thank you for the hug~ You tried to kick it off... sounds difficult and tiring~ :x

Fixing things do make time pass by quickly~ xD

Lol... prepared and random~ If I was the teacher I'd ask what's your inspiration and for you explain the Theme of SSS~

Yeah... it is fun~ Fun and funny...~ I'm quite surprised that I enjoy these online chats~ :3

Clumsy... tripping over your own two feet, your actions, or words?~
37 pages. what have we been doing here? XD and yes the ice will thaw and the sea level will rise so every corner of the world could swim!

and i guess i haven't welcomed rena yet. welcome!
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mmmh...i probably havent as well :goodtea:

have fun and pay a visit to the game/spam section~
beware of the spammers that filled these 37 pages and should you find yourself in a "most hugable" for franela~
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Talking about sea water rises, by right, human should have started colonizing the ocean bed by now. Just like in that 60's puppet show, Captain Aqua-or-something. I forgot.

Blame it on the politicians, my grandma always said.
he was?? i am not that old yet, so i may not know...but my brothers are and they dont seem like big aqua man fans. they probably prefer the others around~
he was?? i am not that old yet, so i may not know...but my brothers are and they dont seem like big aqua man fans. they probably prefer the others around~
The others? Then it must be Thunderbirds or Fireball.
dunno~ :goodtea:
...anyways, we should stop spamming hime-chans intro xDD
Hmm its all just odd to me anyway nya~

I dont really like cars all that much... and water balloons... i doubt that... idk... red... why do i like it... mehs...

Idk :x I only know that 1000 cranes is a wish or something similar...

Hmm theres a floor where the tables are shaped like continents and everything :3 and they also have random collections and stuff sitting around~

Well... so thats somewhat more towards science than fantasy... im sure you have some fantasy elements at times~ Anime has tons so it has to influence something~

Depends what kind of water but pouring fresh water into the ocean would kill fish that like the salt water and pouring salt water just means less water for us to use... would also take large amounts to actually cause anything to happen...

Lol yes the hare has all the talent he needs but he slept halfway through and got beaten by the tortoise~

*Hugs* Well its somewhat on the boring side to do stuff alone... so i never really got that tired... :x

Well depends how hard to fix it is and if i know that it is possible to fix it~ If its some impossible task (for me anyway) then ill probably give up quick but if i know a method that might work then ill just poke at it longer~

Well Theme of SSS.... she actually did ask me to explain a little...

So you were expecting something else? xD

Hmm sometimes i just trip for what seems like no reason and i was never really that great in terms of words... goes off on a train of thought and forgets what i was talking about before...

Btw i sort of want to turn the congrats into somewhat of a large project so it might take a while to finish... idk if i actually spent this much effort on school stuff xD But always more fun if its motivated by something other than school~
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~Nyaa? I sense no oddity~

Your mind is all boggled... nya~

1000 cranes to make you less doubtful... nya~

Eh...~ That sure sounds unique and very nice... continents and collections... nya~

Hmm... fantasy tends to pop up almost all the time, but my logical mind quickly shuts some of it... :x nya~

All that water rising will cause too much problems anyway realistically speaking. Even if it's used figuratively, an overflow of water is difficult to contain... nya~

I tend to picture myself as a hare... but a wittier one... It's still a great moral though~ nya~

I don't find it boring to do things alone... :x Maybe I'm used to being by myself... If I was there, I would have played with you. nya~

Hmm... you're thinking sensibly... those fixing methods. I fix even if someone deems it impossible and suggests buying a new one. I'm a stubborn person and I don't like it when someone calls it a 'useless' attempt... However, my mind does click and eventually, I 'bury it in the grave'... only to dig it back up again to fix~ xD nya~

Oh... what was your explanation? nya~

Something else...? xD I suppose I'm more used to orderly conduct. I sort of expected chatting online to be useless jibber-jabber or something I wouldn't find myself ever contributing. nya~

Trip... shouldn't you be accusing the 'wizard' about that? I sometimes go off on my train of thought, but I surprise them by connecting those random words into one ideal statement. nya~

Eh...? You're really working hard on the 'congratulations' poster... :x I feel like doing something for you... :x nya~
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