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Mimicking can be pretty fun... only if you're the one doing it... but those parrots... :/

Dorms... dirty... :/ I'm sort of a neat freak...

Hmm... have you ever tried ordering out or asking someone to share meals?

Yep~ My father tends to not associate with people that would hurt others, themselves, society, or the world~ He does try to find the good in people though. :3

You sound quite nervous... that only means you really do like this person. With a sincere heart... she'll be sure to listen to what you have to you~ :3

Hmm... I mostly meant that cooking gives rise to more experimentation in which can be used as a method for drawing as well.

In leaves no step had trodden black~ (Except horror... of course. xD But I like the fact you actually enjoy reading things from time to time) :3

Yes! They must be nice looking, accurate, detailed... I'm still a perfectionist in the end... >.<

More like a pound of feathers is the same as a pound of gold... they are both a pound. Not much difference.

I'm glad you like the prize~ Here's a bonus~ See you next time~

Lol yeah only if youre the one doing it xD Otherwise people get annoying~

Im somewhat neat but my roommate is somewhat of a stereotypical messy guy =.=

Theres places around to eat but since i have unlimited meals i try to just eat here as much as possible :x

Hmm your father seems like quite a good person xD

Well i sort of have random little chats with her every day~ Im pretty sure she would listen but as for how she would react :x Not sure...

Lol but understanding cooking would help me draw better too~ if only about that subject~ as for experimentation... wouldnt practicing drawing work better? xD

Oh, i marked the first for another day~ (Reading is enjoyable :3 I was quite a bookworm till i found manga~)

Hmm lol yeah you are xD But thats not necessarily bad :3

Hmm but a pound of gold can get a lot more than a pound of feather lol xD

Making me hungry.... xD See you~
Annoying... :x

Stereotypical? :x

Unlimited Meals Works~ :x

Maybe too good~ xD My father has a hard time saying 'no'.

Hmm... I'm not a love expert... but it appears you do have consideration and respect for her~ If you don't say anything, you might regret it~ :x

I try to use other methods and mediums to expand my drawing style... like using ketchup/butter/macaroni/etc.

Yet knowing how way leads on to way~ (Until you found manga... Hmm... sounds like a long journey) :3

Hmm... thank you... a little perfection once in awhile is okay~ :3

Hmm... I'm just saying in the end... they will still weigh the same... Gold is getting high in the market value though.

:desire: Eat~ All right~ See you too~ ^^
Well i guess depends who is doing it and if they just want to troll or something :/

Clothing everywhere (doesnt make for a very nice sight at times =.=) on his half of the room and my half :/ Sleeps on the floor sometimes though i would really avoid touching the floor barefoot if possible cuz my foot picks up random bits of stuff when i do... need to vacuum... I sort of doubt his hygiene at times... mehs random stuff :x

Limited stomach works

Hmm i dont like saying no either :x Well depends if the person is negative in my mind or not...

Ehh well :x I dont really want to have too many distractions while in school... :x And she definitely doesnt need distractions... someone to drag her to classes on time and get her to start working before it gets late would be helpful xD

Well i like setting up the food prettily if i do cook... put hungry people come along and talk a chunk and suddenly its not symmetrical anymore =.=

I doubted if i should ever come back~ (Well originally i had some reluctance to start manga because books were fun and my imagination wasnt controlled to some extent as it is with manga)

Perfectionists can get stuff to look better than it would otherwise :3

Hmm yes i suppose in the end the thoughts an image brings can be translated onto a page as words~

A chibi parfait~ I think ill remove the chibis from the cup first...
Hmm... we've been using troll quite often... I wonder how it all started.

Eh..... that room... is a travesty.... :/ Needs to be cleaned up at least once a week.

Your poor stomach... :/ Unlimited meals works = Limited stomach works

Some people find it hard to say no... It's better to hear them out first before deciding what to do.

Drag her before it gets late... yeah... that would be nice. It seems you've been paying much attention to her.

My mother says, "No matter how pretty you make it, it'll still end up the same... in your stomach. So don't bother with making it pretty." She mostly says that when someone is preparing a fancy meal.

I shall be telling this with a sigh~ (Imagination... control... Did you really need some control?)

Look better... I only remember some people yelling at me, 'why is it taking so long?!' because I kept tweaking things. xD

Images... have you tried those ink blots before?

Those chibis want to be with you~ :3
Lol i wondered that myself xD But people like to mess with words so thats probably why it has its current meaning~

Hmm i dont really want to touch his stuff... but yes it needs cleaning :x

Well im not going to have unlimited meals after so hopefully that controls my eating xD

Yeah... quite hard to say no to close friends either way :x And thats sort of how friendship works when youre a teen/young adult or so...

Well we do have random chats so stuff pop up~ She needs people around to help her focus or she would probably go mess around xD Helped her think through a couple assignments before cuz she was being brain dead from how late it was :x

Lol but if it looks better it might make it seem better then it is (unless its already awesome then doesnt matter xD)

Somewhere ages and ages hence~ (A book doesnt give any images so all the characters are just how i imagine them to be~ Though manga also provides images of stuff i wouldnt think of :3)

Lol well in terms of my art people think i draw really slow but the results are quite nice so they cant complain~

Ehh nope :x Dont really know what it is...

Hmm Noda might be a dangerous chibi to have around... he likes his axe too much xD
I still think about gremlins when I see the word troll.

Should be a mini black hole sucking up that room~

Controls your eating... the insides must look purple...

Friendship... sigh..... My Little Pony... yay!

Brain dead... The more you describe her... especially her faults... The more it appears that... you really do consider her as someone who is pretty special to you...

My mother doesn't like waiting... especially for food. xD

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— (I do love the art in manga... much different from a comic book)

Hmm... I tend to draw quickly... So I'm usually done with most assignments... but taking it slow and steady is also a good method. :3

All the more for those cute little guys to be with you~ :3

Ink blot~ (See you~)

Hmm i think a large green scowling thing with a large club xD

That might be dangerous... :x Black holes...

Purple? Why? :x

Hmm MLP... that show xD Too much craze about it lol~

Well xD Should i say some positives? Her faults just make her cuter imo~

Hmm well no one really likes waiting for food~

I took the one less traveled by~ (Yes~ And about a lot more stuff than comics too :3 Comics usually only has superheroes and whatnot... :x)

Well if its freely drawing from my imagination and i have nothing with which to study to see if the drawing is correct then i can just draw quickly :3 But otherwise its slow xD

But axes hurt... :x

Oh those xD Yeah but not with ink~ Paints and stuff when i was young~ Ehh? how? :x
Look like those embroidery flowery pattern on the front part of panty to me.
Look like those embroidery flowery pattern on the front part of panty to me.

I was thinking corset... or some butterfly mask... xD After you said that... I can picture it too.

Large club~ xD Scowling... probably because of the club...

Your clones might find a solution to those black holes~ :3

All that purple rice dessert thingy you've been eating...~

Hmm... I'm not a fan of MLP... I only liked the crossover with Phoenix Wright...

When a person mentions someone's faults and considers them cute... that person must really like him/her... :3

My mother likes to barge in the restaurant's kitchen if the food is taking long... or leaves without paying :x

And that has made all the difference
~ (I do like newspaper comics... there are some good ones.) :3

Drawing... I still love the pencil, but after some time... the pen has become another one of my favorites.

Ink blots... psychology... I like to look at them, but I don't consider them as something I would use on a daily basis to determine one's psyche.

You mean this axe?~

Hmm idk maybe xD And they also live in odd places like under a bridge~

But they just keep sucking stuff up and growing... :x

I dont eat that much purple stuff... D: Its just every so often...

Im not much of a fan either but i know some people who love it~

Ehh? Well... idk :x Shes cute enough as she is~ We have quite similar insecurities and everything lol~

Oh... well :x Thats a little... extreme... :x But i guess the food might come faster... :x

Yeah newspaper comics are fun to read xD Calvin and hobbes is quite fun and the other random ones~

Hmm any other random poems you like? :3

Pencils... i find that i can get a larger variety of lines with the pencil than the pen... but the pen helps with darker lines cuz i draw really light~

Hmm its fun to know about psych and stuff and certain ink blots can be useful in guessing at what the person is thinking about~

:surprised: Shes so cute but shes covered in red stuff D:.... I think ill pass on hugging this one... unless it turns out that she was cutting tomatoes or something... :x
For someone who covered in blood and holding a big axe, I must say she's pretty cute.
Must be the twin tail hair-style she have.
I'm just crazy over girls that tied their hair like that.
For someone who covered in blood and holding a big axe, I must say she's pretty cute.
Must be the twin tail hair-style she have.
I'm just crazy over girls that tied their hair like that.

Your prize~


Those fairy tales of gremlins and trolls... is that where you're basing your bridges from?

Those black-holes are under your command now... I'm not in control of them.

You still look purple to me... :3

Love MLP... I only remembered them as toys and some fluffy kids cartoon... Wonder how it became so big...

That's good enough. If you mention her too much... it might make you lose more hope... just do what you usually do and enjoy your time with her.

Hmm... depends on the mood my mother is in... xD We just try to eat at decent places whenever possible.

Calvin and hobbes... I saw you posted some of their comics... Do really like it?

Hmm... you have nice technique though... based from the picture in the tournament... I like your style of drawing.

I tried to do a few ink blot tests online... they don't list the options I'm thinking about. I keep clicking other.

You can have this picture then. It may look familiar.

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Yeah! A giant strawberry!! Now I can make lots of strawberry jam with it.
Thanks, Reno-sama.

BTW, who is she?
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Yes lol xD The three goats one to be exact :3

Gahh... well i hope i can get my stuff out of the room first or something happens to the back hole to make it die down... :x

Mehs you and your love of lavender xD

Yeah... i wonder too xD I guess people who didnt find anime and didnt like the current shows went to MLP~

I try to when i can~ Dont get to see her much though... :x

Hmm decent... yeah... faster places would probably be good :x

Calvin and Hobbes is funny enough :3 I dont particularly favor it but its not bad~

Oh... thank you... it was sort of rushed though so idk if i would say all my work looked like that...

Hmm.. well... then i dont think its that great of a test xD

So its not blood is it? :x Well Franela's avatar xD Hmm i guess its huggable~ Where does it come from? :3

Final Fantasy Tactics... white mage. Quite lovely... to share your jam...~

Hahaha... fairy tales... it's been awhile since anyone has referenced fairy tales...

Are you fast enough to retrieve your belongings? :3

Hmm... yes, I do love my lavender... :3

Went to MLP? O.o I still don't know what the craze is... there are a few that are pretty cute... but... I'm not quite sure... :x

See her much... perhaps a little initiative may help~ or just let things take its course~

Hmm... I don't eat too much at fast food places, but once in awhile as a self-indulgence is fine. :3

Calvin and Hobbes... I'm more of a Garfield person... I've only read a few of Calvin and Hobbes.

Your work just gave us a brief glimpse at what you can potentially do... just a window that isn't fully open yet to let in that fresh spring breeze... :3

Yeah... that test gave me some results that really didn't describe me that well... xD

Franela's picture... Final Fantasy Tactics... white mage. You want to hug her? Go right ahead~

All right then... see you again... take care~
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Fairy tales are fun to read too~

Well... depending where the black hole is and how strong it is i might be able to grab stuff... if i cant get out the door the window might work... :x

Lavender and forest green is much more specific than my like of red xD

I have no idea either lol xD But its fun to see people go crazy about it~

I think i will just continue the random conversations for now~

Fast food places... i try not to... :x Though i would say i do about once a month...

Hmm i read everything as long as it entertains me :3 Garfield is nice too~

I wouldnt consider my level of work that great yet xD Havent actually drawn a serious sketch in a while... :x

Lol going with the neutral answer doesnt really help xD

Hmm well im going to hope that red stuff on her axe was from the strawberry... :x Otherwise hugs might not be too smart xD

See you :3
I never knew White Mages held unwieldy axes with ease.

*hugs blood covered white mage*

I can certainly see Franela speaking with the axe.

"Um... I cutting a strawberry?"

And for some reason, I can't follow where your conversation with Samy is going.
Too many topics! :XD:
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Franela... axe... hmm... :goodtea:

Topics... You can join in if you want... the more the merrier~ :3


Hi hi~

Fairy Tales... One of my favorites is Aschenputtel... where one of the stepsisters cuts off a bit of her heel... :goodtea:

The window... how high is it from the ground? Hope it's high~

Hmm... yes, I do like those colors especially when you find a specific shade... Red... How about Royal Red?

People go crazy... over magic ponies... hmm... How the world has changed... for the better or worse? xD

Random conversations... you seem to do it quite often based from these conversations we have~

Once a month... Have you seen Super Size Me? The McDonald's experiment~

Entertains... hmm... you also like amusement~

Eyes of the perceiver... Your work is good compared to some who worked longer...

Neutral answer~ xD On some online tests I just click 'other' or 'none'... That ink blot test deemed my 'positive' answers as being too 'negative'... like I was too 'perfect' or that 'society has control over me'... xD

It could be jam~ No hug? :3
Hmm ill go dig that one up~ I just read them randomly when i was younger xD

Well im on the third floor so its quite high :x Out of the range at which i can safely leap down without getting very hurt... but i can climb well~ (Ojou sama wants me to hurt myself D:...)

Hmm royal red feels a little dark to me xD

Well at least it means people are more accepting of childish stuff~ lol or everyone is just more crazy~

Yeps~ Just go off on whatever were talking about and somehow get into a couple hour long conversation where shes a god that was responsible for destroying krypton and other random stuff xD

Yes... that... :x And theres also other random stuff where people did other unhealthy stuff for a while... I would prefer not to do that...

Im pretty sure most people like entertainment xD

Well i had about 8-9 years of art classes and stuff previously so it has to have some quality... :x

Then its just the tests fault for interpreting it differently from you ;p

Ehh i guess ill hug... as long as she isnt dragging the ace around when i do xD
Reading randomly... I have a book of fairy tales~

Hmm... jump... hurt... climbs well. (You'll live. I have faith in you~)

Royal red... too dark... How about scarlet, crimson, or amaranth?

Acceptance of childish stuff... crazy... seems pretty balance~

Destroying krypton.... can she bake? If she can bake and cook... then she can destroy anything else~

I'd rather not do those things well. :x Fast food... used to be described as just 'fast, convenient' food on the go... Now, it's been deemed as fatty and unhealthy~

Entertainment... Hmm... it would be surprising to find someone who doesn't like it.

Hmm... 8-9 years... good quality and experience indeed~ A third of my life was self-taught...~

Test's fault~ xD Still pretty accurate at depicting my personality somewhat... I do like ink... Indian Ink...~

Yay! Hug~

Hmm a book... i just grabbed whatever was at the library fairy tale or not xD Didnt buy too much~

Well i would probably live no matter what i do... just depends if i break a foot or something... :x

Well... its not that i dont like dark colors its just that royal red doesnt really... i dont really like that shade i guess? just doesnt feel right... Hmm i guess alizarin crimson? Scarlet is ok too...

Hmm well children tend to be more crazy xD

Lol i dont think she can bake and cook xD Well maybe bake~ But how will that destroy stuff? Hmm nopes she confirmed that she can only bake cupcakes and cook eggs xD

Everything fast and convenient is kind of unhealthy...

Lol yeah xD I would wonder how gloomy life would be~

Well im one of the worse students in my high school art class... :x

Hmm ink... fun enough to play with at times~ Tests usually... they just take whatever info you give and give it back to you as results :/

Hmm thats the younger misaka right? xD
Hmm... I frequented the library as well. I kept checking out 12 books or more... My childhood~

Break a foot... am I suppose to feel sympathy?~

Alizarin crimson... scarlet... How about rose madder? Hmm, in the end red suits you better... for your bluntness.

Children... their are some obedient children... maybe...

Bake cupcakes and cook eggs... must be some lethal eggs for her to destroy masses of people and planets~

Unhealthy... Shall we drink your blood then?~

Gloomy life! I don't like the thought of no entertainment.... :x

Worse students? How so?

Ink... it is enjoyable~ Tests... random... The world has become so random~ xD

Younger Misaka... if you mean Last Order, then yes~ Hug?
Lol i hit the max of 50 books before xD And there was a time when i carried a stack of books to the checkout and the lady nearby was like he will never finish that (and i though of course i will~ thats why im borrowing it~)

Hmm well you dont need to :/ Just saying what would probably happen if i fell from three stories... of course it could be worse depending how i fall... :x

Ehh (why must there be so many variations of every color) idk... maybe... i dont dislike it anyway...

Lol some children that are more mature than others :3 Or just know to act better in front of people~

Hmm and the intergalactic police was after her from destroying kypton (out of boredom) so shes hiding on earth~ yeah we went a little crazy with our chat xD Our first chat too~

What does drinking my blood have to do with it? :x

Yeah... that wouldnt be very... fun...

Grade wise im one of the worse ones and i was in the lower of the two classes during high school (more fun and stuff but that doesnt bode well for work xD)

I like those random asian ink paintings~ Naruto uses a similar style at times~

Hmm well it isnt actually random but in our eyes yeah xD Very random~

Lol yeah last order~ Hmm hug... i suppose~
Wow~ You really owned that library~ xD I hope you returned each one~

Depending on how you fall... hmm... interesting...~

You should stick with red... become a Pokemon Master~

Mature... or all an act... if they can act doesn't that pertain some level of maturity but in a somewhat demeaning level until they utilize it in a way with gained experience to right the wrong?~

Intergalactic police! Hmm... is the space police car carrot shaped? Our first chat... was it really that crazy?~ It is... enlightening~

Hmm... your blood appears to be quite clean~

Fun... you are my entertainment~ :3

Oh... that kind of class... It's hard for me to imagine that you were in the lower of the two classes... :x

Asian ink paintings~ I really do like those~ Such beauty~

Hmm... only in our eyes? :x Is that a good thing?

Last Order demands a hug!~

Bye-bye~ Good night to you~ Sweet dreams as always~

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