[ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Translation Discussion

Re: [Mod Discussion] (Illusion) Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト)

Huzzah! Deleted it and all is well, thanks so much!
That said, I wonder how that CustomScene.20 file should be edited? I don't remember who uploaded it, on here, but that's where I got it from.

tho your log shows a bunch of files in conflict, not just one.

you should reinstall the translation.
Re: [Mod Discussion] (Illusion) Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト)

tho your log shows a bunch of files in conflict, not just one.
Oh, jeez... Well, I wouldn't even know where to begin, really.
Re: [Mod Discussion] (Illusion) Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト)

Oh, jeez... Well, I wouldn't even know where to begin, really.

first backup your edited file.
then delete the Text folder.
download Lewton's latest update "Text-Translation-0.7"
and copy his Text folder back.
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Re: [Mod Discussion] (Illusion) Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト)

first backup your edited file.
then delete the Text folder.
download Lewton's latest update "Text-Translation-0.7"
and copy his Text folder back.
Yeah, guess it's best to just go back to basics. I must have slipped some other translations in there and forgot to remove them.
Thanks again, that should probably take care of everything! :)

P.S.: Yup, log file showed up clean! Oh, and I'll change that back to False, too.

P.S.S.: I made a small change to the H-Trait labeled either "Weak/Sensitive to touch". Given what the trait does, I changed it to "Virginal", which made more sense. I considered prude or prudish, but that's not quite accurate.


  • CharMaker.20.rar
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Re: [Mod Discussion] (Illusion) Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト)

Yeah, guess it's best to just go back to basics. I must have slipped some other translations in there and forgot to remove them.
Thanks again, that should probably take care of everything! :)

oh dont forget to change back

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Re: [Mod Discussion] (Illusion) Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト)

I'm digging older post to answer a few things.

P.S.S.: I made a small change to the H-Trait labeled either "Weak/Sensitive to touch". Given what the trait does, I changed it to "Virginal", which made more sense. I considered prude or prudish, but that's not quite accurate.

Take extra care with the translations provided on the wiki, as well as some of the translations from the current mod, since quite a few of them are incorrect... and sometimes really misleading.

The example you provided here is a good one. It uses the Japanese adjective "弱い" (yowai), that translates as "weak", but depending on the particle used, it can have very different meanings. Just like in English, in fact : there's a difference between "being weak AT something" and "being weak TO something".
Here, it is used with the "ni" particle, so it really is going to be translated as "being weak TO", implying a difficulty to gather strength against something. If they wanted to express being bad at something, they would have used the particle "ga".

So, in the end, "されるのに弱い" (sareruno ni yowai) is a bit difficult to grasp, since "されるの" (sareruno) is the nominalisation of the passive form of the verb "する" (suru), which mean "to do", "to make" or "to act" here. If we translate it literally, we would have something like "weak to being done". It would indicate that the girl cannot resist when being on the receiving end.

So, maybe "docile" or "passive" would make a good translation, here.

We have to take care not to use a translation that is too close from the ones that would designate a "slave" girl mentality, in order to properly convey the difference.

By the way, those translations also need corrections. Here are some fine ones :

  • "指示されたい" means "I want to be guided". A good translation would be "cooperative".
  • "命令されたい" means "I want to be ordered". "Obedient" is fine, here.
  • "逆らえない" means "I cannot disobey". I think "Submissive" or "Subservient" would fit.

I will try to update the wiki as soon as I have a bit more time in my hands to make corrections if needed. Also, if necessary, I can proof-read the translation when the mods are done. But I won't be able to do it properly before a couple weeks, since I have a pretty busy upcoming schedule.

Is there an updated IPA sdk for honey select?

Hey, it's good to see you here, Alexae !

I don't believe there's been any update to the IPA. Akyryz did provide a version to be used with the trial of the game, but I think it's just the same files with changed names. You can try to get it here, if you want to check : IPA for HS Trial.

Good luck grabbing the file on Hongfire. It took me 5 minutes just to get this link...
Re: [Mod Discussion] (Illusion) Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト)

@Dr. Yoshi - Thanks for the tips and better translations! Yeah, I actually like your wording much better. I just want to be sure that what the traits exhibit are actually matching to the traits, themselves.
I'll be sure to correct and upload that text file to use your recommendations. :) Btw, while I understood your explanation well enough for "弱い" (yowai) being closer to docile/passive, how do you suppose it impacts the actual gameplay?

For that matter, how about cooperative, obedient and submissive, as well? There are still a few of those traits that I'm obviously not so sure about, concerning gameplay. (反應好き, Loves reaction, for example)

Here's the new translation... Naturally, things are liable to change, sooner rather than later.


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Re: [Mod Discussion] (Illusion) Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト)

@Dr. Yoshi - Thanks for the tips and better translations! Yeah, I actually like your wording much better. I just want to be sure that what the traits exhibit are actually matching to the traits, themselves.
I'll be sure to correct and upload that text file to use your recommendations. :) Btw, while I understood your explanation well enough for "弱い" (yowai) being closer to docile/passive, how do you suppose it impacts the actual gameplay?

For that matter, how about cooperative, obedient and submissive, as well? There are still a few of those traits that I'm obviously not so sure about, concerning gameplay. (反應好き, Loves reaction, for example)

Here's the new translation... Naturally, things are liable to change, sooner rather than later.

Heh, Chrome strait-up deletes your attachment when you dl it, calling it "harmful". What a surprise! IE dl's it no prob, though. Looks like I'll have to rely on IE a lot when I'm here. Chrome drives me nuts every day. I guess my advice is never use Chrome on A-S, because it's retarded and thinks everything is malicious.
Re: [Mod Discussion] (Illusion) Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト)

Heh, Chrome strait-up deletes your attachment when you dl it, calling it "harmful". What a surprise! IE dl's it no prob, though. Looks like I'll have to rely on IE a lot when I'm here. Chrome drives me nuts every day. I guess my advice is never use Chrome on A-S, because it's retarded and thinks everything is malicious.

Well, I think I mentioned that Firefox doing the exact same thing somewhere around here, but is that what you're referring to? I say, because I see nothing about it in that quote. But yeah, Chrome's the same way, and IE is terrible, so it's quite the quandry.
Re: [Mod Discussion] (Illusion) Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト)

Question about translation: One of the traits is translated as "Weak to Kisses", but in another screen it shows as "Bad Kisser", are they the same?
Re: [Mod Discussion] (Illusion) Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト)

Question about translation: One of the traits is translated as "Weak to Kisses", but in another screen it shows as "Bad Kisser", are they the same?

They're the same, but one of those is a mistranslation. I do believe that "week to (as in against) kisses" is the good one, as I explained in this post.

But I may be mistaken. Japanese is a really quirky language, and I will need to decompile the game binaries and analyse its mechanics to make sure.

I'll be sure to correct and upload that text file to use your recommendations. :) Btw, while I understood your explanation well enough for "弱い" (yowai) being closer to docile/passive, how do you suppose it impacts the actual gameplay?

In our case, "weak" is just like "not having the strength to go against something".

So, this kind of trait may counteract / negate all "hate" feelings that a girl can have toward a "blue" position. Or to transform one feeling into another : like, for example, converting all the "love" points that a position gives into "lewd" points.

I think all those things won't be known as long as we didn't dig into the game source code. I'm going to start doing that tonight, and see if I can find any clues on the effects of all those traits.

For that matter, how about cooperative, obedient and submissive, as well? There are still a few of those traits that I'm obviously not so sure about, concerning gameplay. (反應好き, Loves reaction, for example)

Take care : "cooperative, obedient and submissive" are not "Traits", they fall in the "Sentiment" category (translated as "Mentality" in the mod and wiki).

Those options should either change the number of "feeling points" the girl starts with, or multiply the number of points she earns in that department. Something that, for example, makes it so you can reach out the maximum level of a girl's "subordination feeling" (隷属 / purple face) way faster and more easily if she is "submissive" than if she simply is "cooperative" (ie. a submissive girl starts with a good amount of "subordination points" and/or gains twice as much of those points for each "purple" position).

Now, as far as the "反応好き" traits is concerned, I'm a bit perplexed. What would be and do a person that is enthusiastic toward her partner's response / reaction ? A feedback-o-phile ? I can't really picture what this can do in-game.
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Re: [Mod Discussion] (Illusion) Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト)

Lewton on HF made another update to to his text translations, so big thanks and credit to him for this! It should be noted that his update did not include my most recent fixes that were suggested by Dr. Yoshi, but the ones I made prior to his help. Thus, I've included both my slightly tinkered versions of the CharMaker.20 & RandomSearchScene.21 text files.

Oops, almost forgot! Here are Lewton's personal update notes from his HF post:

Update for text translation:
- Merge all the recent text translation updates. I hope I did not miss anything. Thanks to all who helped and provided updates!
- Update clothes and items including todays Illusion patch.
- Small fixes / missing translations in maker.


  • Text-Translation-0.8.rar
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Re: [Mod Discussion] (Illusion) Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト)

Lewton on HF made another update to to his text translations, so big thanks and credit to him for this! It should be noted that his update did not include my most recent fixes that were suggested by Dr. Yoshi, but the ones I made prior to his help. Thus, I've included both my slightly tinkered versions of the CharMaker.20 & RandomSearchScene.21 text files.

Oh, sorry I missed that.
I uploaded a new Text-Translation-0.9 with the merged changes on HF.
(Btw. your modified 0.8 reverted the other changes to CharMaker.20.txt.)

Edit: attached 0.9, since HF is super slow again..


  • Text-Translation-0.9.zip
    52.4 KB · Views: 1,517
Re: [Mod Discussion] (Illusion) Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト)

Oh, sorry I missed that.
I uploaded a new Text-Translation-0.9 with the merged changes on HF.
(Btw. your modified 0.8 reverted the other changes to CharMaker.20.txt.)

Edit: attached 0.9, since HF is super slow again..
Oops, sorry about that! Did you fix that, btw? I probably screwed up not matching with the RandomSearchScene. :/
Thanks again! Appreciate it!
Re: [Mod Discussion] (Illusion) Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト)

man, is being hard to update the first post on HF :stress:
Re: [Mod Discussion] (Illusion) Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト)

Oops, sorry about that! Did you fix that, btw? I probably screwed up not matching with the RandomSearchScene. :/
Thanks again! Appreciate it!
It should be fine now, but please check that the translation is as expected. (The merge tool I used has issues with utf8. I should get a better one..)

man, is being hard to update the first post on HF :stress:
I can't even imagine. Updating my post with a new attachment alone was already painful enough.
Re: [Mod Discussion] (Illusion) Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト)

It should be fine now, but please check that the translation is as expected. (The merge tool I used has issues with utf8. I should get a better one..)

I can't even imagine. Updating my post with a new attachment alone was already painful enough.

oh! yeah... and also i am afraid of the bug where you update the post and it does not reflect the changes :alonescared:
Re: [Mod Discussion] (Illusion) Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト)

Stampar and Belgar17 have updated their SBX Uncensor! Go grab it on HF, though hopefully it's uploaded here, sometime:


Here are the update notes:

0.6 - Test release 2 notes:

- Fixed the reported "missing poly" in the anus.
- Fixed the artifact that was appearing in the anus when spreading legs.
- Overall texture improvements for less seams and less pixelation.
- Included new HI-res normal maps.
- Texture colour was restored to vanilla.
- All vanilla pubic hair patterns were reubicated.

Thanks for the update, guys, appreciate it!

- Btw, new translation update from Lewton over on HF! Thanks again, Lewton!

Updated text translation:
- Merge changes from DillDoe.
- Cleanup of studio items translations and renamed files for studio.
- Moved names and personality translations into Common.txt.
- Renamed Tsundere_ADV.16.txt and Choices_ADV.16.txt.
- Added missing translation for H Positions.
- Other stuff I forgot..

Note: You should delete Plugins\UITranslation\HoneySelect\Text and Plugins\UIT
ranslation\HoneyStudio\Text before copying the new translation.
(Otherwise you would get conflicts with the old renamed files still lying around.)
Wow! I actually go into HF with that link... at least to that thread (and it still popped up with an error). I haven't even been able to get a HF page to come up at all otherwise.

Any chance that Lewton (is he even here?) might start a translation thread here? With the state of HF there's going to be a great loss of work that could be happening otherwise. I spent a few hours yesterday going over the files with about 8 dictionary tabs open and many seem, at least to me, completely off-the-wall. I.E.: Sister-like. Literal translation is Gently, SBPR uses Gentle and 2 of the dictionaries used example translation sentences to call it Easygoing. Loner vs. the literal Lonely, etc.

I really don't want to clog up this thread with any more, but it's a shame that there can't be more input to help the translation along without a dedicated thread that can be accessed by everyone.
Re: [Mod Discussion] (Illusion) Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト)

Wow! I actually go into HF with that link... at least to that thread (and it still popped up with an error). I haven't even been able to get a HF page to come up at all otherwise.

Any chance that Lewton (is he even here?) might start a translation thread here? With the state of HF there's going to be a great loss of work that could be happening otherwise. I spent a few hours yesterday going over the files with about 8 dictionary tabs open and many seem, at least to me, completely off-the-wall. I.E.: Sister-like. Literal translation is Gently, SBPR uses Gentle and 2 of the dictionaries used example translation sentences to call it Easygoing. Loner vs. the literal Lonely, etc.

I really don't want to clog up this thread with any more, but it's a shame that there can't be more input to help the translation along without a dedicated thread that can be accessed by everyone.

Welcome DeUglyOne! Take a look at THIS thread. http://www.anime-sharing.com/forum/...translation-mod-questions-532592/#post2497952

Enimaroah wants a dedicated translator to start a thread up. That might be you! OR just continue the thread I linked above, whatever rocks your boat. If you do continue the thread linked, I'll delete any posts I've made there to lessen the clutter. :)

PS> Oh, and you might want to check out this thread: http://www.anime-sharing.com/forum/...クト-pre-release-discussion-500741/index44.html

Dr. Yoshi has been doing some work on the game, so you might talk to him.
Re: [Mod Discussion] (Illusion) Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト)

Any chance that Lewton (is he even here?) might start a translation thread here? With the state of HF there's going to be a great loss of work that could be happening otherwise. I spent a few hours yesterday going over the files with about 8 dictionary tabs open and many seem, at least to me, completely off-the-wall. I.E.: Sister-like. Literal translation is Gently, SBPR uses Gentle and 2 of the dictionaries used example translation sentences to call it Easygoing. Loner vs. the literal Lonely, etc.

I really don't want to clog up this thread with any more, but it's a shame that there can't be more input to help the translation along without a dedicated thread that can be accessed by everyone.

A dedicated translation thread on AS would be fine, especially as long as HF is in this messy state. I tried to collect the translation updates people posted, but that is really hard if you have to look through a thread on HF and a generic modding thread on AS.

Though, I think I'm not the right person for maintaining such a thread.

Welcome DeUglyOne! Take a look at THIS thread. http://www.anime-sharing.com/forum/...translation-mod-questions-532592/#post2497952

Enimaroah wants a dedicated translator to start a thread up. That might be you! OR just continue the thread I linked above, whatever rocks your boat. If you do continue the thread linked, I'll delete any posts I've made there to lessen the clutter. :)
Dr. Yoshi has been doing some work on the game, so you might talk to him.
Good call :)
Re: [Mod Discussion] (Illusion) Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト)

Welcome DeUglyOne! Take a look at THIS thread. http://www.anime-sharing.com/forum/...translation-mod-questions-532592/#post2497952

Enimaroah wants a dedicated translator to start a thread up. That might be you! OR just continue the thread I linked above, whatever rocks your boat. If you do continue the thread linked, I'll delete any posts I've made there to lessen the clutter. :)

PS> Oh, and you might want to check out this thread: http://www.anime-sharing.com/forum/...クト-pre-release-discussion-500741/index44.html

Dr. Yoshi has been doing some work on the game, so you might talk to him.
I wouldn't actually call myself a translator, especially dedicated, but just someone who knows how to access dictionary pages to compare single words and short descriptions and go, "this one calls it this, these call it that, in the context of an ero game it probably should be this."

I'd started to help with the SBPR but my calls on literal vs. proper translations rubbed egos the wrong way and it turned into a shouting match so I backed off. I'd really hate to step on other's toes by starting a thread myself when others have much more understanding of the language and have threads elsewhere, even though they can't be accessed.

On a personal note: I really should try and learn more Japanese other than ahayo, arigato, and moto :whistle:. I'm thinking really hard about spending just about every nickel I have and crossing off an item that's been on my bucket list for a long, long time: Springtime in Japan for the sakura.
Re: [Mod Discussion] (Illusion) Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト)

It's good to see more modders reaching out. Welcome back, friends.

Dr. Yoshi has been doing some work on the game, so you might talk to him.

Yep. If you need any proof-reading, you can ask me. I already spotted quite a few translations that would need to be slightly altered in order to be more comprehensible.

For example, here are a few changes that should be made. They are the translations that I'm currently using to write a new article for the wiki :

// Type
明るい = Cheerful
ツンデレ = Tsundere
おっとり = Gentle
無口 = Withdrawn
ヤンデレ = Yandere
大雑把 = Easygoing
生真面目 = Austere
ボーイッシュ = Boyish
元気 = Energetic
几帳面 = Diligent

// Mentality
楽しい = Pleased
好きかも = Affectionate
一目惚れ = Lovestruck
興味がある = Interested
魅力的 = Charmed
抱かれたい = Fascinated
話づらい = Awkward
苦手 = Averse
嫌い = Loathing
指示されたい = Cooperative
命令されたい = Obedient
逆らえない = Submissive

I'd started to help with the SBPR but my calls on literal vs. proper translations rubbed egos the wrong way and it turned into a shouting match so I backed off. I'd really hate to step on other's toes by starting a thread myself when others have much more understanding of the language and have threads elsewhere, even though they can't be accessed.

I'm all about using more liberal translations when you cannot properly convey the original intent with a literal translation, too. In fact, all the people that actually translate stuff are doing so, because it's often the only way to make things comprehensible.

In fact, this is what I did just above. It may not be perfectly literal but it makes sense and closely represents the original idea (like how "diligent" better express Sitri's personality than "methodical" or "strict", or how "awkward" fits the sentiment of someone who's "difficult to talk with").

Now, concerning the thread, I can open it if necessary. But the big issue is that the weekend is ending reeeeally soon, and next couple weeks are going to be way too intense for me to take time to properly maintain it. So, it's really going to be "minimum service only" until at least October 1st if I have to handle it.

I'm thinking really hard about spending just about every nickel I have and crossing off an item that's been on my bucket list for a long, long time: Springtime in Japan for the sakura.

And we'll meet every Tuesday night under the white arch in Yoyogi park. To get wasted on booze and end up with unknown girls in some cheap-ass karaoke around Dogenzaka.
Re: [Mod Discussion] (Illusion) Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト)

Now, concerning the thread, I can open it if necessary. But the big issue is that the weekend is ending reeeeally soon, and next couple weeks are going to be way too intense for me to take time to properly maintain it. So, it's really going to be "minimum service only" until at least October 1st if I have to handle it.

Yes, please open a thread. I guess there won't be much service needed for a while, but it would help to keep the translation discussions in one place.
Re: [Mod Discussion] (Illusion) Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト)

Yes, please open a thread. I guess there won't be much service needed for a while, but it would help to keep the translation discussions in one place.

Done. The thread is here : [ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Translation Discussion.

I wish we could split all the translation-related messages from this thread and merge them with the new one in order to make things a little bit more ordered and convenient. Sadly, doing so would change the new thread OP. Except if there are tools to change a message date on this board.
Hi, thanks for creating this thread.
To continue the discussion:

It's good to see more modders reaching out. Welcome back, friends.

Yep. If you need any proof-reading, you can ask me. I already spotted quite a few translations that would need to be slightly altered in order to be more comprehensible.

For example, here are a few changes that should be made. They are the translations that I'm currently using to write a new article for the wiki :

// Type
明るい = Cheerful
ツンデレ = Tsundere
おっとり = Gentle
無口 = Withdrawn
ヤンデレ = Yandere
大雑把 = Easygoing
生真面目 = Austere
ボーイッシュ = Boyish
元気 = Energetic
几帳面 = Diligent

// Mentality
楽しい = Pleased
好きかも = Affectionate
一目惚れ = Lovestruck
興味がある = Interested
魅力的 = Charmed
抱かれたい = Fascinated
話づらい = Awkward
苦手 = Averse
嫌い = Loathing
指示されたい = Cooperative
命令されたい = Obedient
逆らえない = Submissive

I'm all about using more liberal translations when you cannot properly convey the original intent with a literal translation, too. In fact, all the people that actually translate stuff are doing so, because it's often the only way to make things comprehensible.

In fact, this is what I did just above. It may not be perfectly literal but it makes sense and closely represents the original idea (like how "diligent" better express Sitri's personality than "methodical" or "strict", or how "awkward" fits the sentiment of someone who's "difficult to talk with").
I will use the proposed type and mentality translations at in the next upload of the text translation, if no one objects ;)

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nettomondo wrote on Lebedev's profile.
Hello, could you please reupload this game with new links?
Unfortunately the link is glitching on my end, but the game is Sakura Mau Otome no Rondo, all the links aside from the Rapidgator site are broken, and you cannot download them from Rapidgator without paying