[ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Translation Discussion

Sitri - Dialogues particular to her character DONE

Nice findings, DeUglyOne!

I've checked some lines and I'm almost sure that up to "navi_06" is already translated. It's about the tutorial and introduction parts.
From "navi_07" and forward I didn't see those translated yet, nor if is there anyone translating these in particular. I believe is about the before and after H-sessions

I tried to translate them, using a jap machine translation. Made much more sense than Google Translator. Needs proof reading though.

View attachment sitri h dialogue.txt

PS: Trying to contribute somehow and not being a lurker anymore. >_<

I made a new translation update with the changes I had pending since last week.
It may not contain all changes/updates which were posted recently since I was too busy with other things to keep track.
So, if you think that I missed something, just say so..

Edit: Add description from HF post.
Update for text translation:
- new item translations.
- fixes for studio.
- reworked maker with suggestions from DeUglyOne.
- changes to personality by suggestion from Dr.Yoshi
- added some dialog events from asdfqwertyasdf.

Edit2: reuploaded as 0.13 as 0.12 missed the clothes update.


  • Text-Translation-0.13.zip
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Just a handful of updates to copy and paste into CharMaker.20.txt:

// Additional
キャラクター画像を変更する = Change the Character Image
入った時の状態に戻す = Revert to the Original State
更新せず終了 = Exit Without Updating
撮影して更新 = Update the Image
本当に戻しますか? = Do you want to go back?
保存しないで終了 = Exit Without Saving
終了しない = Do Not Close
保存して終了 = Save and Exit
容姿と服読込み = Appearance and Clothes

How the hell do you get these options, i.e. in which menus/buttons are those?
I think I tried all buttons by now, but I can not find them..
How the hell do you get these options, i.e. in which menus/buttons are those?
I think I tried all buttons by now, but I can not find them..

Might be this. I stumbled on this the other day:

Start Game
See The Girls
Call A Girl
Click box under girl to go to character editor
Edit girl
Click Exit character editor

New Bitmap Image.jpg

EDIT: attachment
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Might be this. I stumbled on this the other day:

Start Game
See The Girls
Call A Girl
Click box under girl to go to character editor
Edit girl
Click Exit character editor
Ah, thanks! I missed that one.

Lewton firefox is telling me that your translation zip file is a virus o.O
Firefox blocks downloads from websites which are listed in a blacklist. And AS is on that list, for whatever reasons..
If you can't get the file from AS then try downloading it from HF.
Ah, thanks! I missed that one.
Yep, that was the one. I should have remarked it with // In-Room Edit or some such. You'll probably want to change the last one to Appearance/Clothes. It's used in place of the Load All (can't change name, personality or traits when they're in a room) and it's reducing it to a pretty small font otherwise.

... just updated them both for the interim

I just found another area in maker that needs work but it will probably take someone familiar with regex to do it. (Way out of my league)

The COPY button in Accessories lists a table of the accessories being used by prefixing the base area (head:, hand:, arm:, etc.) onto the accessory name.

To top that off, the accessory name has been truncated in the text list just as it is shown in the picture below. This probably means that all accessory names will have to be copied over and truncated to match the new length limit before being used in a translation table.

The only other way I can see to get around this is take every (truncated) accessory name and add every base area prefix to it to come up with a complete translation list.... urk!


  • Copy Accessory.jpg
    Copy Accessory.jpg
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Alternative Honey Select localization

Since HongFire is having some issues, I decided to just migrate the update notes for my Honey Select translation post here.
First of thanks to:

The effort of this post is not supposed to be a direct translation, but more of a localization so the words are not translated verbatim. Hopefully it would sound more natural. The localization is based on *my interpretations*, but feel free to change it on your other translations if it isn't to your liking. For example I used "Settings" rather than "Configuration"

So far some of what has been done are:
  • Sitri intro dialog is complete. There's 2 translations I didn't do because I couldn't find the context for the text.
  • Character maker translations (outfits, metrics, clothing, etc) complete as of 9/23
  • Gameplay texts (most images are still from the original translation)
  • H-Positions complete as of 9/23
  • Zeaska's "lower" collection
  • All clothing complete as of 9/23
  • Images are put in a PNG to save on space, plus Windows Explorer creates preview thumbnails for it unlike TGA. Some of the text is still from the initial translations, the ones I have localized are in Segoe UI Light which is my preference.
  • For some of the character voice settings, I put in are anime character images on the settings to represent the model I am using for the dialog.
  • Random dialog has been translated as I find them. But will likely do mass localizations with DeUglyOne's sets eventually.


The link points to a folder so just get the most recent one (it's usually the last one, if not sort by date first). I don't bother removing the older versions that often just in case I may need to revert back to them in the future. Though I have a personal git repo as a contingency too.

Some FYIs though:
  • This is primarily to improve *my* gameplay, if it benefits you then you're welcome. However...
  • Think of this a source for some translations, look for the posts that have more complete translations and managed by teams rather than a solo effort like mine, since...
  • I can stop doing this at anytime without notice. However, the contents are free for the taking and merging into others with or without attribution (it's not like I am putting my real name on this anyway).
  • Updates can happen at anytime without notice you just have to check the Mega link.
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Yep, that was the one. I should have remarked it with // In-Room Edit or some such. You'll probably want to change the last one to Appearance/Clothes. It's used in place of the Load All (can't change name, personality or traits when they're in a room) and it's reducing it to a pretty small font otherwise.
I will add it to the next update. But I thought about changing "Save and Exit" to something like "Save and return to game" or "Save and return to room". "Exit" sounds kinda like leaving the whole game.

I just found another area in maker that needs work but it will probably take someone familiar with regex to do it. (Way out of my league)

The COPY button in Accessories lists a table of the accessories being used by prefixing the base area (head:, hand:, arm:, etc.) onto the accessory name.

To top that off, the accessory name has been truncated in the text list just as it is shown in the picture below. This probably means that all accessory names will have to be copied over and truncated to match the new length limit before being used in a translation table.
I was aware of this, but unfortunately, it can not be handled by regular expressions.
The way RegEx work in the UITranslation loader only allow to translate a fixed part and take over other parts untranslated: With "R((\d\d) aaa)" = $1 xxx" "01 aaa" will become "01 xxx", i.e. "aaa" is translated and the digits are copied.
But it is not possible to translate a prefix and a postfix separately, i.e "aaa bbb" -> "xxx yyy" is not possible.
One could write a RegEx which only translates the accessory and either keep the kanji for head, hand and so on, or only show the accessory name.

Edit 1:
To deal with such forms, the UITranslation loader would need a change. Maybe something like:
"R((a|b|c):d = $T1:x" where "$T1" would mean the first match (a, b or c) translated.

Edit 2:
But even if we had that, the space in the panel would be to small for a readable translation, I guess.

The only other way I can see to get around this is take every (truncated) accessory name and add every base area prefix to it to come up with a complete translation list.... urk!
That is why I ignored the copy panel for now ;)
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For the copy panel I used this
なし:なし = None:None
R (首:(.*)) = Neck:$1
R (手:(.*)) = Hands:$1
R (背:(.*)) = Back:$1
R (頭:(.*)) = Head:$1
R (脚:(.*)) = Legs:$1
But that still leaves the accessory untranslated.
I'd say translating the accessory and removing the prefix is the better choice.

Edit2: e.g. for the first item:
"R (.:髪留め\(色変え可) = Barette"
results in "Barette" and
"R ((.):髪留め\(色変え可) = $1:Barette"
results in e.g. "頭:Barette". But there is no way to get "Head:Barette"..
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I will add it to the next update. But I thought about changing "Save and Exit" to something like "Save and return to game" or "Save and return to room". "Exit" sounds kinda like leaving the whole game.
How about "Save and continue"?

I hope its ok for me to talk her, the rules are a little ambiguous? idk...

So last night i was really interested in what a character was saying and decided to spend the morning trying to figure it out:
はあ、はあ、Ha Ha,
すごくドキドキしちゃった・・・Really got nervous ...
To but somehow happy if with you
It might get accustomed.
また明日も呼んでほしいな。Also I want you to call tomorrow.
Now this was done by using screenshots, image editing, an OCR and google translate.
Im a complete amature, i doubt the stuff i did above was accurate or even worth the time.

But if it is, maybe someone could point me in the right direction to maybe helping with the translation?
Im an illiterate perverted fuck who just REALLY wants to know what the fuck is being said to me, HAHAHA!
Re: Alternative Honey Select localization

Soooo how do I apply this translation? I'm honestly lost. I'd typically wait for the HF patch but it seems like that ain't happening too soon.
Re: Alternative Honey Select localization

Soooo how do I apply this translation? I'm honestly lost. I'd typically wait for the HF patch but it seems like that ain't happening too soon.
You need to download the latest versions of the UITranslation plugin, the image translation and the text translation. Then extract everything into the HS game folder with replacing existing files.

See foxxyswords post.
I finished and uploaded the Tsundere to my untranslated 100% files post and added a breakdown of the dialogue monobehavior files inside abdata\adv\00.unity3d.

I took a bit longer with this one because RL got in the way - Karma has been very good this last week so I'm good with it.

Any requests for a certain personality to do next or do I just work my way down the list?
I finished and uploaded the Tsundere to my untranslated 100% files post and added a breakdown of the dialogue monobehavior files inside abdata\adv\00.unity3d.

I took a bit longer with this one because RL got in the way - Karma has been very good this last week so I'm good with it.
Thanks, I will merge it into my next update.
Any requests for a certain personality to do next or do I just work my way down the list?
If no one else wants a specific one, I'd say its bets to go down the list in order. I might also extract some of the personalities, if RL allows it. If so, I would start at the end of the list so that we don't do the same work twice.
Ill take being ignored as a "No, go away".

But ill leave you with this:

imgr com/uDipOgd.png

2 issues here:
the personality is supposed to be "cheerfull" (thats is what is shown in character maker)
The h-trait says "sensitive", while in the character maker its "passive" - Im not sure what "passive" is suposed to describe nor do i think "sensative" works with anything passive?


  • passive.png
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Ill take being ignored as a "No, go away".
Hi b00marrows, I welcome everyone willing to help with the translation. It's just that google translations of dialogues are frowned upon by a lot of people around here. (My stance is that a google translation might help in translating, but the result almost always needs reworking.)

But ill leave you with this:

2 issues here:
the personality is supposed to be "cheerfull" (thats is what is shown in character maker)
The h-trait says "sensitive", while in the character maker its "passive" - Im not sure what "passive" is suposed to describe nor do i think "sensative" works with anything passive?
I can not see the image (some issue with attachments on AS?) but I assume you mean some of the button translations.

The problem is that the text translation of the personalities was recently changed and no one adapted the images yet.
Someone would have to redraw these images with the newer translation.
Hi b00marrows, I welcome everyone willing to help with the translation. It's just that google translations of dialogues are frowned upon by a lot of people around here. (My stance is that a google translation might help in translating, but the result almost always needs reworking.)
That is the conclusion i reached myself and why i backed away. What i described is what i am able to do, which is clearly unwanted.

I can not see the image (some issue with attachments on AS?) but I assume you mean some of the button translations.
Im puzzled as to how the site managed to lose my file, it was completely gone as if i never uploaded it or as if an admin deleted it.
I recovered and reuploaded it to that post and will upload it to an external site in just a second incase it fails again. -done.
Re: 100% Dialogues (untranslated!)

Sorry for the double-post but I want to keep this one separate to be able to add the others as I finish them.

These are the dialogue files pulled straight from abdata\adv\00.Unity3d. I've remarked the files with the MonoBehavior files and the header tags used to make it a bit easier for multiple people to split work on the same personality.

I have done 100% of the extracts, but it's done through a mix of perl scripts and SB3Util and posted it on my mega folder. Feel free to compare and take as you wish. https://mega.nz/#F!vxJSyL4L!FLdrwhm2Z5lNeQe03ODfsA
Re: 100% Dialogues (untranslated!)

I have done 100% of the extracts, but it's done through a mix of perl scripts and SB3Util and posted it on my mega folder. Feel free to compare and take as you wish. https://mega.nz/#F!vxJSyL4L!FLdrwhm2Z5lNeQe03ODfsA
Outstanding! I was hoping somebody would come up with a script to extract them. Boring and tedious are about the nicest words I can think of for doing them by hand and the number of man-hours would have been outrageous.

I'll go ahead and put a link to your post in mine and spend some time actually playing the game for a while.
I found the cap files in the image translation folders and made them transparent, but the watermark is still there. (Both studio and main game)
Is there something I need to change in the inis or something to make it work?
I found the cap files in the image translation folders and made them transparent, but the watermark is still there. (Both studio and main game)
Is there something I need to change in the inis or something to make it work?

Just delete it. I did just that and there had been no side effects so far.
(My stance is that a google translation might help in translating, but the result almost always needs reworking.)

I find the output of GT more comical than helpful, to me it's better than a bunch of squiggles though. If I find any usable stuff you want me to share? Though there's probably not much actually worth sharing.

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nettomondo wrote on Lebedev's profile.
Hello, could you please reupload this game with new links?
Unfortunately the link is glitching on my end, but the game is Sakura Mau Otome no Rondo, all the links aside from the Rapidgator site are broken, and you cannot download them from Rapidgator without paying