[ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Translation Discussion

Another text translation update..
- Adapt to todays studio update patch. (New menus, items, animations..)
- New clothes and accessories from update patch.
- Add missing strings for char maker by DeUglyOne.

Important: You should remove the old text translation before copying the new, since some files have changed.
Unfortunately, the next update will probably also have some renames..

For the next update, I plan to merge dialogue translations from asdfqwertyasdf including the untranslated strings. (I was already about to merge it, until I found out the the studio has now the ability to play all spoken dialogues, showing all texts sorted by personality and category :-/ )

Edit: update:
- Merged dialogues from asdfqwertyasdf. (translated + untranslated strings)
- Converted all text files to utf8-bom with windows lineendings.


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Just a minor gripe, but does it really have to be 'Sideburns'? I know what sideburns are, and for what we're describing with all the longer styles, it makes zero sense.
Wouldn't 'Side Bangs' be more accurate?
Just a minor gripe, but does it really have to be 'Sideburns'? I know what sideburns are, and for what we're describing with all the longer styles, it makes zero sense.
Wouldn't 'Side Bangs' be more accurate?

I have not had a chance to notice this yet.. lol
Sideburns is too 70's for me, I'm gonna have to change that.
Just a minor gripe, but does it really have to be 'Sideburns'? I know what sideburns are, and for what we're describing with all the longer styles, it makes zero sense.
Wouldn't 'Side Bangs' be more accurate?
'Side Bangs' sounds fine to me. Will change it in the next update.
Just a minor gripe, but does it really have to be 'Sideburns'? I know what sideburns are, and for what we're describing with all the longer styles, it makes zero sense.
Wouldn't 'Side Bangs' be more accurate?

I have not had a chance to notice this yet.. lol
Sideburns is too 70's for me, I'm gonna have to change that.

'Side Bangs' sounds fine to me. Will change it in the next update.

I had used sideburns because the hair in front of the ears, to a native English speaking cosmetologist, are called sideburns. Don't like sideburns? Side hair has been used previously. Side bangs may translate from English to your native language(s) just fine but to a native English speaker it sounds totally ridiculous. I thought the point of this exercise was to translate the text into English. You may as well use Google translate and get it over with.

While I'm on a rant, let's talk about a couple more:

キスに弱い is being translated as "Bad Kisser". No. It translates to "weak to kiss" not "weak at kiss". This would be better translated as "Weakness to Kisses/Kissing" or "Vulnerable to Kisses" which would fall right in line with the "Sensitive Breasts/Crotch/Posterior" traits. The girl being a bad kisser would have absolutely no effect on her or the player.

寂しがり屋 is being translated as "Loner". Not only no, but Hell no. This is just the opposite of the correct "Lonely". To be more precise: "lonely person; someone who easily succumbs to loneliness".

There are many more, but that's more than enough for my 2 cents worth. This native English speaker will now back off, stay away and go do my own.
I had used sideburns because the hair in front of the ears, to a native English speaking cosmetologist, are called sideburns. Don't like sideburns? Side hair has been used previously. Side bangs may translate from English to your native language(s) just fine but to a native English speaker it sounds totally ridiculous. I thought the point of this exercise was to translate the text into English. You may as well use Google translate and get it over with.
The word "bangs" alone is rare enough... infact i dont think i have ever heard an english person say the word "bangs" in my life. But sideburns is useually a male things and its useuall hair that trails down the face, basically the join in facial hare and head hair. right?
"Side hair" works for me.

キスに弱い is being translated as "Bad Kisser". No. It translates to "weak to kiss" not "weak at kiss". This would be better translated as "Weakness to Kisses/Kissing" or "Vulnerable to Kisses" which would fall right in line with the "Sensitive Breasts/Crotch/Posterior" traits. The girl being a bad kisser would have absolutely no effect on her or the player.
Makes sense to me, lots more than "bad kisser".
Side note-rant: Honestly tho, do those traits even have an effect on the game? havent notice the difference so far.../rant

寂しがり屋 is being translated as "Loner". Not only no, but Hell no. This is just the opposite of the correct "Lonely". To be more precise: "lonely person; someone who easily succumbs to loneliness".
Again makes sense and i found matching text's online saying the same thing.
Basically "if left alone or ignored = super sad" right?

There are many more, but that's more than enough for my 2 cents worth. This native English speaker will now back off, stay away and go do my own.
What? why? Cmon man your like a god to me here, i cant do this shit. HAHAHA!
FWIW, I'm perfectly content with Side Hair, so why don't we just go back to that? Wasn't that what it always was, before? I don't recall sideburns typically growing into long strands, curls, etc. When I think sideburns, I think of men's hair.

@DeUglyOne - For the record, you're not the only "native English speaker" around here... Stop being an old fargin' grouch! ;)
Women with sideburns
I think "side hair" sounds nice. :XD:
There are many more, but that's more than enough for my 2 cents worth. This native English speaker will now back off, stay away and go do my own.
Dude you could have saved up to 50 cents. Because....

It's worth it :XD:

Thanks for grammar correction about the "Weak at..." and Weak to...." . I am using it wrong for some time (I think all the time). Enjoyed a bit of education here since English is not my first language, so please don't quit.
Well, pardon my French (and don't take this message too seriously), but...

I had used sideburns because the hair in front of the ears, to a native English speaking cosmetologist, are called sideburns. Don't like sideburns? Side hair has been used previously. Side bangs may translate from English to your native language(s) just fine but to a native English speaker it sounds totally ridiculous. I thought the point of this exercise was to translate the text into English. You may as well use Google translate and get it over with.

I'm not a native English speaker, nor a cosmetologist, but the word you are all looking for is sidelocks.

Sideburns are a manly thing : they are facial hair growing on the side of the face, along the cheeks. While sidelocks are "actual" hair, growing from the temple area, then falling down next to your ears.

Now, "bangs" refer to something totally different (and, by the way, people who speak proper English call it a "fringe", you American savages). This peculiar part of one's hair lies on the forehead, so, as DeUglyOne mentioned, talking about "side bangs" simply doesn't make any sense : it would basically means "the side front hair". Quite the contradiction, here.

With that being said, "side hair" could also be used. Nevertheless, I strongly advise against it : I know we're not translating this game for some British gentlemen that would be outraged at such a poor use of their language, but, to me, it still feels like a clunky substitute for the actual, proper term to designate such a part of an hairdo (sidelocks, that is).

キスに弱い is being translated as "Bad Kisser". No. It translates to "weak to kiss" not "weak at kiss". This would be better translated as "Weakness to Kisses/Kissing" or "Vulnerable to Kisses" which would fall right in line with the "Sensitive Breasts/Crotch/Posterior" traits. The girl being a bad kisser would have absolutely no effect on her or the player.

I already outlined the error in this post. This is a known mistranslation, and shall be corrected in the final version.

寂しがり屋 is being translated as "Loner". Not only no, but Hell no. This is just the opposite of the correct "Lonely". To be more precise: "lonely person; someone who easily succumbs to loneliness".

You're perfectly right. And I believe this one is also known. Or not ?

In top of that, in the "H attributes" department, we have that "反應好き" thing to properly translate. It means "love reactions" and it is used to create girls that take pleasure in "servicing" the protagonist. Which adjective could be used to label a girl that like to perform foreplay on her partner ?

There are many more, but that's more than enough for my 2 cents worth. This native English speaker will now back off, stay away and go do my own.

No, no, no, no. You're going to stay with us. And you're going to keep on grouching. Every team needs a grumpy elder, and now that you have taken the role, you cannot back out.
@Dr Yoshi - This is why I compromised and suggested Side Hair. Keep things simple for everyone, not just us "savages" over here. ;) (I certainly hope that was in jest, btw...)

It's all about compromise, more often than not, not what is completely accurate; otherwise, there are times you'll get either underused/unfamiliar or archaic English. I'm an English/grammar freak, but it's extremely important to take into the account that not everyone is going to be familiar with or understand certain words. No offense, but Side Locks sounds silly and far too old-fashioned.
@Dr Yoshi - This is why I compromised and suggested Side Hair. Keep things simple for everyone, not just us "savages" over here. ;) (I certainly hope that was in jest, btw...)

Indeed, my previous message wasn't meant to be taken at face value, and this is the reason why I prefixed it with that little "pardon my French (and don't take this message too seriously)" bit. It was jokingly pedantic on purpose.

It's all about compromise, more often than not, not what is completely accurate; otherwise, there are times you'll get either underused/unfamiliar or archaic English. I'm an English/grammar freak, but it's extremely important to take into the account that not everyone is going to be familiar with or understand certain words. No offense, but Side Locks sounds silly and far too old-fashioned.

It's a real shame that such a precise and elegant term as "sidelock" is falling out of fashion... A rich and explicit vocabulary is a key to proper communication, and the decline of the everyday lexicon —expunged from all those terms now deemed as "archaic"— is making it difficult to concisely convey information.

For example, this "side hair" alternative feels ambiguous to me : are we talking about the hair from the side of the head, behind the ear, from the temple, or about a hairdo that features strands swept on the side ? Talking about "locks of hair" simply lift any possible uncertainty.

Fortunately, the context in which we are using this term (the character maker) does provide the missing information, making it possible to use "side hair" without inviting too much doubt about its meaning. But in pure textual form (like in a book), it simply would have been way to equivocal and should be regarded as bad writing.

Anyway... This was the little rant of a grammar nazi. Now, let me bring back this important topic :

In top of that, in the "H attributes" department, we have that "反應好き" thing to properly translate. It means "love reactions" and it is used to create girls that take pleasure in "servicing" the protagonist. Which adjective could be used to label a girl that like to perform foreplay on her partner ?

Any suggestion on this one ?
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"sidelock" "side hair"

Mmm sidelocks

I must admit i like "sidelock" or "sidelocks" much better than "side hair"
But thats my opinion...

Any suggestion on this one ?
Loves reactions?
Someone who likes to see the reaction of someone in pleasure or likes giving other pleasure over themselves?
Hmm... an Altruist?

EDIT: Ah, heres another: Tender
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It's a real shame that such a precise and elegant term as "sidelock" is falling out of fashion... A rich and explicit vocabulary is a key to proper communication, and the decline of the everyday lexicon —expunged from all those terms now deemed as "archaic"— is making it difficult to concisely convey information.

For example, this "side hair" alternative feels ambiguous to me : are we talking about the hair from the side of the head, behind the ear, from the temple, or about a hairdo that features strands swept on the side ? Talking about "locks of hair" simply lift any possible uncertainty.

Fortunately, the context in which we are using this term (the character maker) does provide the missing information, making it possible to use "side hair" without inviting too much doubt about its meaning. But in pure textual form (like in a book), it simply would have been way to equivocal and should be regarded as bad writing.

Anyway... This was the little rant of a grammar nazi. Now, let me bring back this important topic :
Heh heh, it really all depends on where you're from, I suppose. While sidelock/locks sounds elegant, to you, to me it sounds like a made up, archaic term. The only situations I've ever heard locks associated with hair is by "a lock of hair" or, jokingly, "Goldilocks". To each his own. I've considered myself as a grammar nazi, over the years, but I have learned to curb that weakness for the sake of compromise. As much as I'd enjoy using elegant and exotic words/terms, I understand that not everyone necessarily enjoys that sort of thing. In all fairness, it is not terribly difficult to convey ones feelings or intent when communicating with others online. The issue is not in deciding what sounds good to you, or myself, but for everybody else.

All-in-all, nobody has ever had trouble in the past associating Side Hair with hair on the side of the head, so why change that, now? I'd say it's pretty much self-explanatory.

As for the "反應好き" = "Loves Reactions" suggestion, I can't contribute anything useful, as now we're dealing with a proper Japanese translation, and that is beyond me. Altruistic, as b00marrows suggested, makes a little sense. You could also simplify it to Unselfish, but honestly, neither of the words quite work for this particular situation... why is a unique one, at that. We could also consider Indulgent, I suppose. The key thing is that the girl enjoys pleasing the other person, and isn't just only generous or charitable. It's a tricky one, no doubt!
I had used sideburns because the hair in front of the ears, to a native English speaking cosmetologist, are called sideburns. Don't like sideburns? Side hair has been used previously. Side bangs may translate from English to your native language(s) just fine but to a native English speaker it sounds totally ridiculous. I thought the point of this exercise was to translate the text into English. You may as well use Google translate and get it over with.

Sorry man, My native language is asshole lol followed by American English, Mexican Spanish, Dirty South Ghetto, and Deep South Redneck if need be.

Btw I'm a bit less active than last year and I have not thanked you guys yet, so Thank you!
This translation is wrapping up a lot quicker than SBPR did, and DeUglyOne, you pulled those dialogues out of nowhere. I was having trouble dumping them all, but you made my work pointless. :)

FWIW, I'm perfectly content with Side Hair, so why don't we just go back to that? Wasn't that what it always was, before? I don't recall sideburns typically growing into long strands, curls, etc. When I think sideburns, I think of men's hair.

@DeUglyOne - For the record, you're not the only "native English speaker" around here... Stop being an old fargin' grouch! ;)

I dont know dude, my upper sideburns get pretty long when I get lazy or grow a beard. Right now they are about 4 inch strands. Looks funny with a ponytail so its about time to shave em.

The word "bangs" alone is rare enough... infact i dont think i have ever heard an english person say the word "bangs" in my life. But sideburns is useually a male things and its useuall hair that trails down the face, basically the join in facial hare and head hair. right?
"Side hair" works for me.

really? I hear women use the word bangs a lot, just not side bangs. Side bangs actually makes no sense to me, I have just seen it in a bunch of HF translations.

Women with sideburns
I think "side hair" sounds nice. :XD:

I have dated some mexican girls with sideburns almost that bad. I mean, they were cute girls, just a little hairy lol.

So everyone can change the translation to whatever they want, the main thing is that this translation blows google translate out of the water.

And again, Thank you to all of you guys grinding away at the translations. @DeUglyOne and Lewton, can't give rep again. Did I miss any other translators while I was giving rep?
I dont know dude, my upper sideburns get pretty long when I get lazy or grow a beard. Right now they are about 4 inch strands. Looks funny with a ponytail so its about time to shave em.

lol, learn to exercise a little restraint, man! Anyway, it's really all just nit-picking for the sake of nit-picking. Whatever is chosen, in the end, it's really not that tough to just edit it, myself, so I'll probably end up doing that. Plus, I felt the desire to debate with our humble Dr., you know? :smug:

In the end, no biggie, and certainly nothing to get flustered or angry about.
So... I've finally gotten my registration squared away, and would like to point out the following (thanks to B00marrows for conveying my previous message from another forum).

Several of the clothing items have "race" instead of "lace" when they're obviously lace. The "Race Through" set in the bra and panties sections are the ones I remember off the top of my head, but I think there are a few more entries that have it. Also, the Hawaiian floral necklaces are called "ray/rays" instead of the proper "lei/leis."

(EDIT: Wow, B00marrows, you're fast.)
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As for the "反應好き" = "Loves Reactions" suggestion, I can't contribute anything useful, as now we're dealing with a proper Japanese translation, and that is beyond me. Altruistic, as b00marrows suggested, makes a little sense. You could also simplify it to Unselfish, but honestly, neither of the words quite work for this particular situation... why is a unique one, at that. We could also consider Indulgent, I suppose. The key thing is that the girl enjoys pleasing the other person, and isn't just only generous or charitable. It's a tricky one, no doubt!


= A selfless woman. Can also imply one who prefers to give head rather than receive.
Images for the personalities as a stop-gap. No idea what fonts are being used so they don't match but it's still better than the kanji.

I looked at the .ini files to add them to the UITranslation, quickly gave up and added them straight into the Unity3D file for my use.

EDIT: Added a .rar file that contains my abdata\info\00.Unity3D file. All that's contained is the images for the personalities and a few tables for the personality types so it's small. The original backup is included.

Why not just call it what it is?

Loves Servicing

If you're Hell bent on a single word use Servicing or Services.

@Dr.Yoshi: How did you arrive at Fascinated? From RomajiDesu:

抱かれたいidakaretai is an inflection of 抱く with the following forms:
れる form.
Tai form: to express a wish/desire.


1. (v5k, vt) to embrace; to hold in the arms (e.g. a baby); to hug
• その子供は母親の腕の中に抱かれて安心した。
That child felt secure in his mother's arms.

2. to harbour (e.g. grudge) (harbor); to bear (e.g. a grudge); to entertain (e.g. suspicion)
3. (v5k) to have sex with; to make love to; to sleep with
4. to sit on eggs

I'm using Eroticism but perhaps Desire(s) would be better (a much nicer way of saying "wants to fuck" ;) ).

Unless, of course, you want to go with #4 and call it Nesting.


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@DUO - I agree with you 100% about the Fascinated "Sentiment". This sentiment is supposed to be associated with Desire Points, right? I don't think Eroticism makes sense, given that it's a noun, and all the others we've been using are adjectives (Pleased, Charmed, etc.) Why not just shorten it to Erotic? Here are some other synonyms we could use in its place that fit the bill:

- Yearning
- Lustful
- Passionate
- Amorous
- Stimulated
- Craving
- Aroused

FWIW, I like Aroused the most.
@DUO - I agree with you 100% about the Fascinated "Sentiment". This sentiment is supposed to be associated with Desire Points, right? I don't think Eroticism makes sense, given that it's a noun, and all the others we've been using are adjectives (Pleased, Charmed, etc.) Why not just shorten it to Erotic? Here are some other synonyms we could use in its place that fit the bill:

- Yearning
- Lustful
- Passionate
- Amorous
- Stimulated
- Craving
- Aroused

FWIW, I like Aroused the most.
I used Eroticism because, at the time, I was using Erotic for the Horny H-trait but that doesn't fit either.

You're right. I think Amorous (having or showing strong feelings of sexual attraction or love) (aroused is a verb :rolleyes:) would be a better match for the Sentiment and Lustful (having or showing strong feelings of sexual desire) would be a better match for the H-trait.

Horny just didn't fit for me. Men become horny, women become sexually aroused.... like the old Richard Pryor skit, "Women don't fart, they poot." :D
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@DeUglyOne - Eh... Arouse is a verb, aroused is an adjective... :rolleyes: Right back at ya, eh heh.

I haven't seen much of Pryor's stand-up (mostly only know him from Silver Streak, tbh), he's a bit too before my time.
Though... I can't use that argument, considering I was, and still am, big on the Three Stooges, ha ha.

Anyway, I'm fine with either Aroused or Amorous. Whatever the case, I'll use one or the other, privately.
And FWIW, I've known plenty of women who feel horny, lol.
Thank you all for the suggestions on the personality translations! Sorry that I did not reply earlier, but I was too busy with RL...

So, I gathered these changes from the discussion:
抱かれたい = Aroused (was Fascinated)
キスに弱い = Weakness to Kisses (was Bad Kisser)
反応好き = Loves Servicing (was Loves Reaction)
寂しがり屋 = Lonely (was Loner)
and the side hair thingy gets "Side Hair".

Did I miss anything? Other suggestions?
Thank you all for the suggestions on the personality translations! Sorry that I did not reply earlier, but I was too busy with RL...

So, I gathered these changes from the discussion:
抱かれたい = Aroused (was Fascinated)
キスに弱い = Weakness to Kisses (was Bad Kisser)
反応好き = Loves Servicing (was Loves Reaction)
寂しがり屋 = Lonely (was Loner)
and the side hair thingy gets "Side Hair".

Did I miss anything? Other suggestions?

You'll likely make more changes when you start doing the dialogue translations.
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nettomondo wrote on Lebedev's profile.
Hello, could you please reupload this game with new links?
Unfortunately the link is glitching on my end, but the game is Sakura Mau Otome no Rondo, all the links aside from the Rapidgator site are broken, and you cannot download them from Rapidgator without paying