[ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Translation Discussion

Thank you all for the suggestions on the personality translations! Sorry that I did not reply earlier, but I was too busy with RL...

So, I gathered these changes from the discussion:
抱かれたい = Aroused (was Fascinated)
キスに弱い = Weakness to Kisses (was Bad Kisser)
反応好き = Loves Servicing (was Loves Reaction)
寂しがり屋 = Lonely (was Loner)
and the side hair thingy gets "Side Hair".

Did I miss anything? Other suggestions?

Thanks, looks good! Btw, since we already have everything else set as "Sensitive to ...", shouldn't we just make that "Sensitive to Kisses"? I still have "Passive" as an H-Trait, too, but that's been changed to "Sensitive to Touch", right? Set like this, everyone should have a better understanding of what the H-Traits are for.

I'm a little fuzzy on what "Sensitive to Touch" and "Sensitive Pussy" correspond to. My apologies for that, as I'm sure it's already been discussed. So does "Sensitive to Touch" specifically relate to fingering the girl, etc., and "Sensitive Pussy" to all vaginal sex, or cunnilingus? I say this, as the wiki only gives us open for interpretation descriptions like "Crotch Used", which could mean just about anything.
Several of the clothing items in the bra and panties section say "race" instead of "lace." Also, the Welcome "Ray" (Hawaiian flower necklace thing) itmes should have "Lei" instead.
Yes, I saw your earlier post and fixed those already. Thanks for pointing it out.

The next thing I want to do is adapting the image buttons for personality and traits to the text translation and also adding some missing button translations. If I find the the time for it...

Anyway, here is a snapshot of my current Plugins folder. If anyone has a more recent image translation, please say so. I may well have missed some updates or fixes.

- merge Tsundere dialogue from Fireburn180.
- merge dialogues from asdfqwertyasdf.
- reorder dialogues by order shown in studio voices dialog and copy them to studio. (sharing the files without level context seemed to slow down the game.)
- spelling fixes for clothes and items found by Monkey Boy.
- better translations for personality.
- include the ui image translation by psymon2 et al into a single archive. (hopefully that makes it easier for people who had trouble installing the translation.)

- extract UITranslation.v0.16.0-HoneySelect.7z into your HS game folder. (If you haven't done so already.)
- extract HoneySelect-Translation.08-10-16.7z into your HS game folder. (note: if you already had an older translation installed, it might be best to delete the Plugins\UITranslation folder before extracting, so that obsolete translation files get removed.)

Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Alternate translation set

Man hongfire is getting really annoying. Anyway, here's my translation set. It's different from Lewton's (they can't be used together).


For my stats:

There are 25,928 uniquely translatable lines in the speeches and dialogs. At present I have translated 5,408 or 20.86% of it. For just the dialog alone, there's are 6,618 text that need to be translated and I have translated 4,657 or 70.37% of it.

As far as imagery are concerned they're translated based on psymon2's original set, but I changed the fonts and words to match my dialog translations.

As far as item/accessories and character maker translations they should be complete, at least I haven't seen anything pop up on my list when I traversed through the menus.

Detailed stats are in the mega folder under "Dialogs.htm"
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It pains me to say this, but as much as I'm grateful for the translations, it seems counter-productive to have different translations going on at the same time. Having to choose between translations, and not to mention the different choices made for personalities/traits, could be completely avoided if there was teamwork or cooperation involved.

Again, I'm not trying to make it seem like I'm ungrateful; that couldn't be further from the truth. I'd just like to see some kind of universal agreement on what we're all going to use, and personally, I'm content with the personalities/traits we compromised to make for Lewton's work.
It pains me to say this, but as much as I'm grateful for the translations, it seems counter-productive to have different translations going on at the same time. Having to choose between translations, and not to mention the different choices made for personalities/traits, could be completely avoided if there was teamwork or cooperation involved.

Again, I'm not trying to make it seem like I'm ungrateful; that couldn't be further from the truth. I'd just like to see some kind of universal agreement on what we're all going to use, and personally, I'm content with the personalities/traits we compromised to make for Lewton's work.

I 100% agree. This game is awesome and deserves a team dedicated to a good translation--I think the minor differences in translation can be solved democratically in a group setting.
Copied my HF post, as I am to lazy and sleepy to be original here:

Hi, it's been a while since my last update, but as always, RL got in the way.
I tried to collect all the updates since my last post but I might have missed some.
If you know about a missing update or find some regressions, then just say so, please.

From the changelog:
- merged dialogue translations from asdfqwertyasdf.
- updated Dialogue_c02 and Dialogue_c03 from misiek89.
- updated Dialogue_c03, Dialogue_c05 and Dialogue_Common from rss2xx.
- updated Dialogue_c00, Dialogue_c01 and Dialogue_c08 from tolborg1.
- updated audio subs c-1 and c00 from tolborg1.
- added untranslated audio subs from akyryz.
- cleanup of image translation config files (by Lewton)
- added Map translation from DillDoe.

A big thanks to all who contributed to the dialog translations!
You really did a great job!

(I still have some changes to bring the image translation for personalites in sync with the text translation, but it's not finished yet.
That's for the next update..)

And another update as promissed, hope it has no monster bugs in it..

I'm going to release an all-in-one patch including updates, DLCs, translations and uncensor very soon and I'm going to use this translation as a start.

Do you have a full list of all the authors ? Or should I simply credit all the people that are mentioned in the included changelog ?
I'm going to release an all-in-one patch including updates, DLCs, translations and uncensor very soon and I'm going to use this translation as a start.
oh, nice..

Do you have a full list of all the authors ? Or should I simply credit all the people that are mentioned in the included changelog ?
For the text translation, all authors should be mentioned in the ChangeLog but for the image translation i know only that psymon2 did a lot of the work and others like DillDoe made some additions to it. Unfortunately I do not know all the people who contributed to the image translation.. never figured that out.
The image translation for personality is very much appreciated, it was driving me bonkers trying to remember what each girls personality is, thank you.
Hi, I translated some lines awhile back and wow have you guys made a lot of progress! I looked through the cheerful dialogue and proofed the translations of about 40% over the last few hours. There were quite a few things that I felt needed reworking. Obviously mine will still have errors, but I think I got the meanings a lot closer to the original.
Some examples:
えっと・・はじめまして・・ = Umm … let's start … ---> Umm... nice to meet you
もし嫌じゃなかったら・・・また誘ってくれると嬉しいな。 = I'm so happy you invited me, hope it was okay with you too. ---> If you're not opposed to the idea... It'd make me really happy if you'd invite me out again.
私不器用だから、痛かったりしたらすぐいってくださいね。 = Because I'm awkward, please go slow or it will be painful. ---> I'm quite clumsy, so...if it hurts or something, please let me know, okay?
And so on...
I won't be offended if you choose not to use it though, I just do this for fun anyway. :)

Cheerful Dialogue <-- updated
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And another update as promissed, hope it has no monster bugs in it..

- updated Dialogue_c01 and Dialogue_c04 from misiek89.
- adapt image translation for personality and traits to text translation.

Happy Halloween..


Do u simply extract these files and let it add or overwrite any previous text translations? Did a fresh reinstall and was wondering if downloading this file is enough
Do u simply extract these files and let it add or overwrite any previous text translations? Did a fresh reinstall and was wondering if downloading this file is enough

For the translation itself, this file contains everything. You could remove the folder Plugins\UITranslations\ and extract the archive. (This way you won't have any obsolete files.)

And if you do a fresh install, you also need to copy the dlls for the translation loader from UITranslation.v0.16.0-HoneySelect.7z to the Honey_*_Data folders.
Hi, I translated some lines awhile back and wow have you guys made a lot of progress! I looked through the cheerful dialogue and proofed the translations of about 40% over the last few hours. There were quite a few things that I felt needed reworking. Obviously mine will still have errors, but I think I got the meanings a lot closer to the original.
I won't be offended if you choose not to use it though, I just do this for fun anyway. :)
Thanks a lot! Improvements to the translation are always welcome. :)
Tadah. Cheerful Dialogue 100% re-done! (Well 99% at least.)
I updated my previous post with the new version. The whole thing should be far more coherent and accurate to the original now.
P.S. There were a few lines that are still a bit incomprehensible, so I put a (?) next to the ones that I think should be looked at later on.
I guess I'll put the link here too so you don't have to go back a page. lol.

Cheerful Personality 99%

Bonus translation! Did the whole "Withdrawn" dialogue. Should make sense now :)
Withdrawn Personality 99.99%
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And another update..

06-11-2016, removed audio subs for which the games itself shows subs. (by Lewton)
06-11-2016, updated Dialogue_c00 and Dialogue_c03 from Zanti.
06-11-2016, updated audio sub c00 from misiek89.
03-11-2016, merged dialogue translations from asdfqwertyasdf.
03-11-2016, updated Dialogue_c06 and Dialogue_c07 from misiek89.
03-11-2016, updated Dialogue_c03 from rss2xx.

And some stats for the dialogue translation, if you're curious:
// filename / translated strings / total strings / percent translated
Dialogue_Common.16.txt: 120/121 (99%)
Dialogue_Choices.16.txt: 18/18 (100%)
Dialogue_c00.16.txt: 696/698 (99%)
Dialogue_c01.16.txt: 617/617 (100%)
Dialogue_c02.16.txt: 653/654 (99%)
Dialogue_c03.16.txt: 461/461 (100%)
Dialogue_c04.16.txt: 619/619 (100%)
Dialogue_c05.16.txt: 519/618 (83%)
Dialogue_c06.16.txt: 566/566 (100%)
Dialogue_c07.16.txt: 625/628 (99%)
Dialogue_c08.16.txt: 535/535 (100%)
Dialogue_c09.16.txt: 516/531 (97%)
Dialogue_Sitri.16.txt: 79/79 (100%)
Dialogue_Sitri.6.txt: 2/2 (100%)

I'm going to suggest a couple of changes (I know, kind of late in the game) due to the dialogues used.

First, the trait Passive. We had been using the translation of されるのに弱い as "to be weak". 弱い (yowai) translates as weak; frail; delicate; tender; unskilled. The dialogue suggests that we should be using "to be unskilled" instead.

I'm going to suggest: Inexperienced

Second, the personality of Diligent. This was a tough one and a compromise from the beginning. The use of "Dear Guest/Customer" and offering to be of service in the dialogue tends to make me lean toward asdfqwertyasdf's interpretation of Staff. It may not be even close to the original name/translation but is a much better fit.

I'm going to suggest: Service Staff or asdfqwertyasdf's shortened Staff

Last, for now, is a matter of consistency in the maker descriptions. "Sexy Onepiece" and "Adult Oncepiece" in swimsuits and "Monokini" in tans all refer to the same suit.

I'm leaning toward Monokini
I'm going to suggest a couple of changes (I know, kind of late in the game) due to the dialogues used.

First, the trait Passive. We had been using the translation of されるのに弱い as "to be weak". 弱い (yowai) translates as weak; frail; delicate; tender; unskilled. The dialogue suggests that we should be using "to be unskilled" instead.

I'm going to suggest: Inexperienced

Second, the personality of Diligent. This was a tough one and a compromise from the beginning. The use of "Dear Guest/Customer" and offering to be of service in the dialogue tends to make me lean toward asdfqwertyasdf's interpretation of Staff. It may not be even close to the original name/translation but is a much better fit.

I'm going to suggest: Service Staff or asdfqwertyasdf's shortened Staff

Last, for now, is a matter of consistency in the maker descriptions. "Sexy Onepiece" and "Adult Oncepiece" in swimsuits and "Monokini" in tans all refer to the same suit.

I'm leaning toward Monokini
The only one of these that might work is Inexperienced, but I'm content with Passive, honestly.

Service Staff & Staff, though? Those aren't even personalities, which is the whole principle of that category. Diligent is fine.

All-in-all, it just feels like nit-picking/personal taste, to this point. I'm still not crazy about the changes made to the body, face, and hair section of the maker, and have since just created and kept my own personal version so I don't have to bother anyone else with it; same goes with some of the Personality text. There's always going to be someone (including myself) who isn't completely satisfied, so it's probably just best to save/back-up your own version and be done with it.
First, the trait Passive. We had been using the translation of されるのに弱い as "to be weak". 弱い (yowai) translates as weak; frail; delicate; tender; unskilled. The dialogue suggests that we should be using "to be unskilled" instead.

You're right, this needs to be changed.

When I recommended to use "Passive", I didn't went through the game code yet, and didn't know what the traits were doing. So I went with a direct translation (see this post) :

So, in the end, "されるのに弱い" (sareruno ni yowai) is a bit difficult to grasp, since "されるの" (sareruno) is the nominalisation of the passive form of the verb "する" (suru), which mean "to do", "to make" or "to act" here. If we translate it literally, we would have something like "weak to being done". It would indicate that the girl cannot resist when being on the receiving end.

So, maybe "docile" or "passive" would make a good translation, here.

After digging the mechanics, I can confirm that this girl is actually "weak to being done" : in fact, she'll earn extra points if you perform any kind of foreplay or caress on her. Just like a girl that is "weak to kisses" will earn extra points if you kissed her during the encounter.

So, to stay consistent, I believe "Weak to caresses" should be more appropriate.

Second, the personality of Diligent. This was a tough one and a compromise from the beginning. The use of "Dear Guest/Customer" and offering to be of service in the dialogue tends to make me lean toward asdfqwertyasdf's interpretation of Staff. It may not be even close to the original name/translation but is a much better fit.

They didn't elaborate too much on it but... this place is a brothel. All the girls are part of the staff, actually.

Most of them are offering the "girlfriend experience" type of service, while the diligent one use proper etiquette when it comes to commerce and service, and thus address you like any Japanese employee would address a customer.

It says a lot about that girl personality : even though she works in a house that specialises into intimate experiences that mimic real relationships, she's so obsequious and conscientious about her duty that she can't help but treat you like a proper customer should be.

In this context, I believe that "Diligent" does a really good job at conveying her personality. While "Staff" is a little bit more explicit about her behaviour, it doesn't have the same nuance.
Second, the personality of Diligent. This was a tough one and a compromise from the beginning. The use of "Dear Guest/Customer" and offering to be of service in the dialogue tends to make me lean toward asdfqwertyasdf's interpretation of Staff. It may not be even close to the original name/translation but is a much better fit.

I'm going to suggest: Service Staff or asdfqwertyasdf's shortened Staff

They didn't elaborate too much on it but... this place is a brothel. All the girls are part of the staff, actually.

Most of them are offering the "girlfriend experience" type of service, while the diligent one use proper etiquette when it comes to commerce and service, and thus address you like any Japanese employee would address a customer.

It says a lot about that girl personality : even though she works in a house that specialises into intimate experiences that mimic real relationships, she's so obsequious and conscientious about her duty that she can't help but treat you like a proper customer should be.

In this context, I believe that "Diligent" does a really good job at conveying her personality. While "Staff" is a little bit more explicit about her behaviour, it doesn't have the same nuance.

Might I suggest that instead of "Diligent" or even "Staff" perhaps the term "Proper" would be more fitting. If someone is always well mannered and uses proper etiquette then in the West that person would be called "proper", as in the oft-used term "prim and proper".

Other terms that may better fit that I might suggest is;

In keeping with good taste and propriety; polite and restrained:
From the term "Decorum" - behaviour in keeping with good taste and propriety.
synonyms: proper, seemly, decent, becoming, befitting, tasteful, in good taste; tactful, correct, appropriate, suitable, fitting, fit; polite, well mannered, well behaved, genteel, refined, polished, well bred, dignified, respectable, courtly, civilized; formal, reserved, modest, demure, sedate, staid, gentlemanly, ladylike

Or even

polite, respectful, or considerate in manner.
synonyms: polite, well mannered, civil, respectful, deferential, well behaved, well bred; gentlemanly, chivalrous, gallant; ladylike, genteel; cultivated, gracious, obliging, kind, considerate, pleasant, cordial, genial, affable, thoughtful, urbane, well brought up, well spoken; formal, proper, polished, refined, decorous, courtly, civilized, tactful, discreet, diplomatic;

I feel those three terms align much better to her personality than "Diligent" or "Staff" does.
I like the implication of Diligent over Courteous. Courteous implies more passivity, IMO
Personally, I like Dr Yoshi's reasoning, but might I point you to the very AS-Wiki page here (H Attributes bonus section).

I think "Sensitive to touch/caresses" is rather self-explanatory and correct to what effect されるのに弱い trait have.

If anything, disparity between Wiki and most popular translation mod can bring a lot of confusion (because of "read it first senpai" as HF so loves to say in Discussion topics).
Personally, I like Dr Yoshi's reasoning, but might I point you to the very AS-Wiki page here (H Attributes bonus section).

I think "Sensitive to touch/caresses" is rather self-explanatory and correct to what effect されるのに弱い trait have.

If anything, disparity between Wiki and most popular translation mod can bring a lot of confusion (because of "read it first senpai" as HF so loves to say in Discussion topics).

what the hell is "Austere" lol

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nettomondo wrote on Lebedev's profile.
Hello, could you please reupload this game with new links?
Unfortunately the link is glitching on my end, but the game is Sakura Mau Otome no Rondo, all the links aside from the Rapidgator site are broken, and you cannot download them from Rapidgator without paying