Inyouchuu 淫妖蟲 / Aojiru fan thread!

If they actually want to go in that direction they sure need to build more upon the white brigade, although i strongly hope they keep doing both teams, I don't want to leave behing Mikoto Takeru and Sui T_T
The true endings for Mikoto and Takeru sure seemed to offer some closure, something like "they lived happily ever after", but I think that Sui's ending is the canonic one, since it leaves the story open and I think the white cat route is right after that. There is also Ai, which in Goku seemed to have a strong grudge against the Shiratori clan and I imagine that will be a central part of Inyouchuu 6 when we get it.
If they actually want to go in that direction they sure need to build more upon the white brigade, although i strongly hope they keep doing both teams, I don't want to leave behing Mikoto Takeru and Sui T_T
The true endings for Mikoto and Takeru sure seemed to offer some closure, something like "they lived happily ever after", but I think that Sui's ending is the canonic one, since it leaves the story open and I think the white cat route is right after that. There is also Ai, which in Goku seemed to have a strong grudge against the Shiratori clan and I imagine that will be a central part of Inyouchuu 6 when we get it.

I hope they don't end the black cat branch :( but if they doing that is there any chance Yamato and Rinko will stay ?

The hardest one must be the twins since the can't die and I dont know that they a part of black cat brigade or jus temporary join in.
I hope they don't end the black cat branch :( but if they doing that is there any chance Yamato and Rinko will stay ?

The hardest one must be the twins since the can't die and I dont know that they a part of black cat brigade or jus temporary join in.

Of course Yamato is staying, mostly so Sui can finally have a taste of his demon power. Rinko is there to still guide her, though I don't see Mikoto and Takeru being ditched easily because they are popular.
Find me some Inyouchuu cover art without Mikoto... I doubt you can haha. She is definitely the face of the series, even if Sui seems like she might be potentially more popular (that new dakimakura has been sold out forever).

But yeah I'm curious to see more of the White Cat Brigade. Also, Inyouchuu is no stranger to playing with completely separate paths or time travel. So although this could be a remake of 1, the White Cat Brigade events could take place somewhere else in the timeline entirely, maybe after Goku. Who knows. I want to see Kaori do more. I'm not that sold on Sora though. Outside of Kyoko, I'm not convinced they're a strong team, so I would like to see that.

I really want to see more Ai too though. Does Nightmare die or anything in that route of Goku? Nightmare double fucking Mikoto and Ai... now that's a dream scene.

If anything I think Goku maybe closed off the twins arc, but I am sure we will always see them around too. There's no denying Aojiru himself must love them with all their cameos and popularity.

It's a great time to be alive to talk so optimistically about more Inyouchuu, since I'm sure we can all see it coming and Tinker Bell always seems to be doing well.
I can't imagine how sad it was to be a fan of the series after etsu until kyou was announced D:
I'm pretty sure that Kyoko nuked Nightmare out of existence but I would need to check again (haven't played that ending in a bit). An interesting thing is that Nightmare was targetting the white brigade without even knowing who they really were, which probably means someone sent him there? It will be interesting to see if that's the case. As for the twins: now we know everything about their past, it seems a good moment to start a new story with them. Ai will definitely be targeting Mikoto and Takeru in the next game, maybe we'll see Hatsune back as well to deal with family matters?
I might be getting this wrong but I don't think they outright defeated nightmare in the White Brigade scenario and they left a few plot points still to be resolved with Ai which seemed to be clearly setting up for something later to be resolved. With Ai being a kinda of evil side counterpart to Mikoto i think that might have been a setup to replace her (in looks). The 5th game cleared up all the main line characters and then went into more depth with Sui and Rinko(pink hair loli) which had been building up since she first stepped into the fray with Sui have unparalleled powers. Not to say the old guard won't have cameos and extras in future games but i think rather then do a 6th game with a majority new cast they wanted to break them to the players in with the white brigade extra to familiarize players with them. Etsu did try do something different out of no where and it really flopped.

Out of the white cat brigade I really liked the dynamic with Rinko and Kyouko since you get a mom/daughter flex going on. Kyouko's was defo the girl that stood out to me and I would like to see more of. Sora stuff was alright and overall Kaori felt the weakest out of the bunch. Ai has potential but I still haven't been sold on her, but i do think having a girl on the evil side can make for a interesting dynamic going forward.
If they did do something with the the white cats in In'youchuu remake I do wonder what they will do, will they introduce a whole new demon lord or will they dive into a bit more of Ai's back story and connections?
Ai backstory would be cool. Maybe she was in the background with Nightmare during Inyouchuu 1's events.

As a fan since the beginning, at least during Etsu's era the OVA's were still around and a bit new. Then eventually Aojiru got out a few more hardcore games again like Mouryou no Nie, Kuraibito, and Kagome. It took me awhile to warm up to Mouryou's CG, it seemed "busier" with a lot of colors or something, but I like it a lot now... and in many ways it's probably a better sequel to Shoku than Etsu. The biggest issue to me with Etsu isn't maybe the weird story turns and leaving Sui behind, but it was just so damn tame content wise. It has some nice impreg, cool bug monster designs and scenes, but yeah... very tame compared to Shoku's CG, Kowaku, Hanamaru 2, and then Mouryou. I'm not sure why they tried taming down Inyouchuu. Well it backfired and they went full force in the other direction with Kyou and Goku again haha.

I think Rinko has made me like Sui more. I really like their pairing.
So I don't know if anyone confirmed this yet but there is two DL codes with the full package.
One is for th ewhite cat brigade the other is covering the twins. It is on package info page:
It will also come with Play DRM. Is that the soame stuff in the other games where you need them shitty cracks to open it or something new?
Would anyone buy theseZIPPO?

Looking back on Inyouchuu 1 it also doesn't have too much going on with it compared to Shoku/Kyou/Gaiden. That teacher only gets one scene? And it seems the pink hair girl isn't really in it that much and it is focused mor eon the two pink haired lolis, who scene are okay but nothing mind blowing?
I do think they have room to either add depth to some scenes or additional stuff since the first game overall looks light compared to Shoku and the later except maybe the scenes with Nightmare.

Etsu like does have the lame porn scenes and that cat girl isn't that interesting either. I agree the story is weak and weird Sui is missing and the rpelacement cast just isn't strong enough to hold it with the weird story and choice of sex scenes around it. I kind write Etsu off like it isn't part of the series... Mouryou no Nie is nice for the era. Would you say Arojiru had 3 stages of art improvement styles since he first started? With his vanilla games up to Shoku, then when he sort of hit another level stride around Mouryou no Nie maybe Hanarama!2, and then his recent style with the 4th Inyouchuu game till now?

All Rinko and Sui need is a scene together! Though I wouldn't mind one with Sui and Kyouko being a pair of breeding factories either.
But seeing how Ai seems to have a personal grudge against Mikoto's family(she said so herself after being freed of Nightmare's spell) I would expect them to clash somehow in the next game.

I agree on Etsu, the reason I don't like it as much is because it feels like they were holding back, many scenes felt like a rehash of shoku while not pushing the limits at the same time.

I also like Rinko ans Sui's friendship/"big sistser+little sister relashionship", it gives Sui something more as a character than just "I'm love with Yamato but I'm too shy to confess".

Speaking on Rinko, it felt like in Goku her scenes were more focused on gore and snuff than the usual impregnation and tentacles, I'm not sure I like that...

Moryou is pretty good, the thing holding it back, in my opinion, is that the bad endings feel too random and disjointed, usually made of just one scene. Take the anime for example, it managaed to make 2 good episodes from just the first monster, but that guy had pretty much 2-3 scenes in total. I feel they could have done more with the game.

but going back to Inyouchuu remake, I hope they add more scenes with the Momo trio, the other teacher and the futa nekomimi (if she's even in the game), last time they had very little or no scenes and some of them were even in the joke route and really short...
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Is weird but look like DMM game focus on all character on the first inyouchuu (They all got a ton of new card) instead of kyou+ character (May be they don't want to leak info from the main game ?)


So I don't know if anyone confirmed this yet but there is two DL codes with the full package.
One is for th ewhite cat brigade the other is covering the twins. It is on package info page:
It will also come with Play DRM. Is that the soame stuff in the other games where you need them shitty cracks to open it or something new?
Would anyone buy theseZIPPO?
Dang, well as long as both codes come with a physical copy, hopefully I'll be fine. I'm waiting for AmiAmi's listing to pop up.

Yeah I agree Aojiru's had probably 3-4 era's of his art evolving. There's actually a handful of games before Inyouchuu 1. But his signature faces have always been there, cute and very anime... but that's why I love it. His girls look so cute despite the content being really dark a lot of the time. I still love the Kowaku/Shoku/Hanamaru 2 era a lot, but I think I can admit the Kyou/Goku/Remake era has become his best, larger resolutions and the coloring has so much depth to it. It just amazes me how good he is compared to everything else out there, but I'm a fanboy... :D

For some contrast, here's one of the earliest tentacle scenes in the loli game he did before Inyouchuu and Hanamaru 1:


The start of something... XD

Moryou is pretty good, the thing holding it back, in my opinion, is that the bad endings feel too random and disjointed, usually made of just one scene. Take the anime for example, it managaed to make 2 good episodes from just the first monster, but that guy had pretty much 2-3 scenes in total. I feel they could have done more with the game.

but going back to Inyouchuu remake, I hope they add more scenes with the Momo trio, the other teacher and the futa nekomimi (if she's even in the game), last time they had very little or no scenes and some of them were even in the joke route and really short...
Yeah, it's a shame the Mouryou OVA only had that one imp monster and green ogres or whatever. The bug mummy is a very cool design with lots of possibilities and it's a shame they didn't even get to that, or some other routes with the other girls. I like it more than the Etsu OVA, but still could have been better.

And yes, I want to see those Momo's get stuffed! Hope their scenes are more extreme and we maybe get more.
All Rinko and Sui need is a scene together! Though I wouldn't mind one with Sui and Kyouko being a pair of breeding factories either.
Oh yes! I want a route where Rinko gets corrupted or something and traps Sui as well =P

Also, how did I miss those download codes D: let's hope echelon can get his hands on it
the Play DRM should be the same they use with their DMM versions, the first time you run the game on a new system it asks you to log in with your account and after that it just works normaly offline as well, I don't know what crack they use for it but so far the torrent versions come pre-patched.

edit: from that page it seems the full package also includes the original game

what's that old Aojiru game called?
A few pages back you said you had problems installing the first Inyouchuu game. So I had issues too on windows 7, that when it finished installing a error would pop up and then I couldn't run it. I also set the failed installed exe up to admin and windows XP compatibility but that didn't seems to help. To get around this I did a few things I disabled my virus scan, I opened up the disk folders and ran the setup with admin rights, and while on the install menu I ticked all the boxes. After all that the install went through with no error and I used the desktop shortcut and it worked.

The Inyouchuu card game is alright, hopefully you are in a clan and cleaning up on the weekly events.
I threw some of the emotes on the attachment I got when I played. Uploading them all seems limited.

Looking back it seems his art evolves every few years but that might also be due to how tech got better on PC ad the depth of coloring improved but from Okite no Shima in 2003 (That is the pic from Echelon V post). If you look at his games every 5 years you can see a clear difference. I'd run a timeline of each games art to compare but I can't be fucked to upload all those images.

I don't agree about with everyone out there his art being better then all, since if he made a vanilla/lighter games I would lose a lot of interest quick regardless of his art level and their is plenty of artists out there who bring it in spades. But I will say following several hardcore hentai creators over the years Tinkerbell has a whole keeps a really good pace to quality to its works and one of the few who 9/10 times you know what your getting and they rarely disappoint. Arojiru and the teams work ethic is something truly note worthy.

Yeah I'm not sure what they mean on the second either.
「新訳 淫妖蟲」
「淫妖蟲~凌蝕学園退魔録~」windows10対応DVD版 (The windows 10 Version of the old game?):eek:
I'm a little worried that you will only get one code from amiami or you might have to pick one of the 2 to DL, would be a shame.
Have to wait till the pre-order are up to see if the special box contains all these goodies.


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To my knowledge the only way to get that old version of Inyouchuu to work is to run it on windows xp or an emulator with it (compatibiliy mode doesn't cut it for some reason), otherwise you need to find a more updated version.

They mean the one included is an updated version updated to be compatible with windows 10, like the one i got from dmm, it also has anisotropic filtering so it scales better at higher resolutions. I don't know how amiami works but if you get the full pack it should include everything that is listed.

The evolution of digital art definitely had an impact but Aojiru also got much better himself, as you would expect from someone working as much as him over a decade.
Yeah I was just saying how i did get it to run on windows 7 is all. I'm aware another method would be virtual windows or getting the later release with support for windows 10.

Yeah I expect it to include the whole lot since it is listed under the 9,800 yen package and it also comes out a week earlier then the standard version?
Yeah overall all artist improved due to the computer tech getting better and becoming more digital artists, along with depth of colour. But you can clearly see Aojiru's design choice changes in his pictures and other differences over time. Did you notice in the Inyouchuu remake his trying to make the girls look younger with slight facial changes?

Some more of those inyouchuu emojis. I can only post ten at a time and still have another 20 or so to go.


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Yeah, Takeru's face looks a bit slimmer and Sui is a bit thinner, with smaller boobs and maybe shorter?(could be that oversized uniform)
Mikoto looks very much similar except a bit... softer somehow? it's hard to explain but i think it's mostly just the art style and not the character changing that much.

You can tell Aojiru's style changed even aside the colors, for example the linework got much more delicate and fluid while it used to be thick regular lines. You can also tell his anatomy has improved a lot as the shapes look much more natural and soft while they used to be rigid and static, maybe they were also influenced by manga style back then while now they go in a much more personal direction, he also got much bolder with his poses and attitudes(sometimes even a bit much =P), even outside of CGs you can confront the old and new Mikoto sprites to see how stiff the old one looks in comparison:
Not to mention how much more detail he puts in the facial expressions, I said some time ago how the old Mikoto's eyes looked "sleepy", while in the new versions you can tell she has a gentle look.

Btw i had misread your previous post, nice to know you got inyou working on 7, i wonder if it's the same for 10 (if i remember it used to right out say it's incompatible but i don't have that version anymore)

Those emojis are cute, i wonder if i could use them somehow =)
If I ever make an Inyouchuu forum I'm using all of those. XD

Aojiru is GOD Int, you must chant this. Don't you dare question his power level... :P

Yeah, Sui in particular looks younger in the remake. I don't mind though. It could be an instinctive choice of his considering they're turning the clock back a bit, though you have all corrected me that the whole Inyouchuu timeline actually doesn't cover a lot of ground and all the games take place pretty closely together.

One thing I forget is that Mikoto had long sleeves, along with the longer hair, a more hard pressed outfit and her blue shoes stood out more. Love the "upgrades" she got in Kyou/Goku with short sleeves and the frilly poofy mini skirt, but I guess her being covered more again will make it all the more exciting to see her naked afterwards.


(the Kyou/Goku portrait is stretched to match the size, so it looks a bit fuzzy and dark)

Prog: Int mentioned it earlier but here's the getchu page for Okite no Shima, wish he would go back to a pure loli game someday... but with Inyouchuu level content. :D
Probably would be niche' and not sell much though, so I assume that's why it seems to be their only full loli game.
Not to mention how much more detail he puts in the facial expressions, I said some time ago how the old Mikoto's eyes looked "sleepy", while in the new versions you can tell she has a gentle look.
I could honestly fap to Mikoto's happy face alone... in case you were all wondering. lol
Yeah, Takeru's face looks a bit slimmer and Sui is a bit thinner, with smaller boobs and maybe shorter?(could be that oversized uniform)
Mikoto looks very much similar except a bit... softer somehow? it's hard to explain but i think it's mostly just the art style and not the character changing that much.

You can tell Aojiru's style changed even aside the colors, for example the linework got much more delicate and fluid while it used to be thick regular lines. You can also tell his anatomy has improved a lot as the shapes look much more natural and soft while they used to be rigid and static, maybe they were also influenced by manga style back then while now they go in a much more personal direction, he also got much bolder with his poses and attitudes(sometimes even a bit much =P), even outside of CGs you can confront the old and new Mikoto sprites to see how stiff the old one looks in comparison:
Not to mention how much more detail he puts in the facial expressions, I said some time ago how the old Mikoto's eyes looked "sleepy", while in the new versions you can tell she has a gentle look.
Yeah you can see it thanks to ExhelonV post. Mikoto has the least change you can see her belly a little on the shirt gap but the thing that stands out most other then its a lighter tone of color (Might be the copy) Is that her clothes are more detailed and the shading tech is different in highlights to shade. Even between them you can see slight differences with the back hair to how the bow looks, and Mikoto face looks a bit more wider and glossy(but that could be due to the other image being up resized to match). It shows even compared to last year his evolving his style since he could do the bow and clothes the same but they have a slightly different look to how they are lined and defined.

Those emojis are cute, i wonder if i could use them somehow =)
Yeah would be nice if we can set up custom smileys.
Aojiru is GOD Int, you must chant this. Don't you dare question his power level... :P
I see, must be why they wouldn't let me in the "NIGHTMARE" cult.

I could honestly fap to Mikoto's happy face alone... in case you were all wondering. lol
I'd expect you to fap to the line work for his unpublished works if you got the chance. That includes just his tentacle designs ;)


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Wait, what are these emojis from again? I've seen them around a lot, are you manually cutting them out though? Think I've seen them in the Aojiru Works artbook.

Yeah the upscaled stretching of the Kyou/Goku design makes it look like a bad comparison in ways haha... maybe I should have shrunk down the Remake image. I can see what you mean with the clothes for sure though. The detail looks amazing for her Remake design. Kind of humorous her stance is actually basically the same, it's just a slightly different camera angle and she has less of a head tilt. Always so spunky and warm though, my kind of girl.

I love when her earrings stick out a little.

Only small downside to Inyouchuu 1 to me (besides being tamer) is that it has the MOST clothes sex haha. More scenes with ripped up clothes instead of just full nude like Aojiru's usual. Just my personal preference as always. I wonder if that'll change a little though. It seems random thesedays if Mikoto has her classic white stockings on in a scene or not. Sometimes she does, sometimes not. I've also noticed she sometimes doesn't have the ponytail in some Kyou/Goku scenes, but it's a bit hard to tell in the background.

The twins knee high stockings have also kind of sadly disappeared. They were on all over in Shoku, Kowaku, and Hanamaru 2. But eh... fully naked Aojiru girls, okay yeah I can't complain regardless. XD, just some funny details I've noticed.

I think we can all agree Takeru's changed the most from game to game.

What should we call Inyouchuu Remake anyways? Inyouchuu Remake? Inyouchuu R? lol
They were used in games but in the card game they are the emojis I used when in chat since I couldn't type Japanese they were useful to communicate simple things. Every month a event gifts you a new one so loads I have missed.

Yeah it is nice that evey game even using the same girls has a slightly different look if in only minor details. It helps to differentiate them with perhaps Goku and Gaiden being very similar and Inyouchuu and Shoku been fairly similar. Should really run a Inyouchuu test with guess the image from the game.

Yeah in Sui picture we have seen in inyouchuu R she an't got the tights anymore, though I kinda thought the effect of her tights filling with her bug babies looks hotter then with out them in someways. For me it really depends on how the clothes look, I don't really dig the ripped up uniform look but say they are wearing something more kinky that helps add some spice to a scene, like the fishnets from the AV scenes in Gaiden. Or the shirt expands and rips on the belly with bloating. Stuff like that i can dig.
The pony tail might be lost when she becomes degraded so much she can't be fucked to maintain it?

TBH I don't really pay attention to it before a scene with the sprite then during the CG and then after again with the sprite to notice.
Takeru line up of each game would show some wild differences. I think her best stuff was in Shoku but design wise her gaiden look was most appealing.

Yeah Inyouchuu R or Remake 1 since when Shoku comes we can go Shoku R or Shoku Remake for that. Better then Nintendo's naming convention that would be calling it "NEW" Inyouchuu.


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They were used in games but in the card game they are the emojis I used when in chat since I couldn't type Japanese they were useful to communicate simple things. Every month a event gifts you a new one so loads I have missed.

Yeah it is nice that evey game even using the same girls has a slightly different look if in only minor details. It helps to differentiate them with perhaps Goku and Gaiden being very similar and Inyouchuu and Shoku been fairly similar. Should really run a Inyouchuu test with guess the image from the game.

Yeah in Sui picture we have seen in inyouchuu R she an't got the tights anymore, though I kinda thought the effect of her tights filling with her bug babies looks hotter then with out them in someways. For me it really depends on how the clothes look, I don't really dig the ripped up uniform look but say they are wearing something more kinky that helps add some spice to a scene, like the fishnets from the AV scenes in Gaiden. Or the shirt expands and rips on the belly with bloating. Stuff like that i can dig.
The pony tail might be lost when she becomes degraded so much she can't be fucked to maintain it?

TBH I don't really pay attention to it before a scene with the sprite then during the CG and then after again with the sprite to notice.
Takeru line up of each game would show some wild differences. I think her best stuff was in Shoku but design wise her gaiden look was most appealing.

Yeah Inyouchuu R or Remake 1 since when Shoku comes we can go Shoku R or Shoku Remake for that. Better then Nintendo's naming convention that would be calling it "NEW" Inyouchuu.

What's your dmm game name ?
The japanese title 新訳 (shinyaku) is just litterally "remake", no strange mono-character allusions to other words like usual, so we probably just call it remake or shin or shinyaku, but i think remake is less confusing

I'd say the long sleeves are because this game is happening at the end of winter, while shoku is in summer and you can tell by their clothes, i totally don't remember when etsu happens and kyou is the summer after that, i think...

The pantyhose is one of my favorite parts of Sui, although in the old version of that scene it was kinda in the way, I prefer when it's ripped or half-lowered like in the new scene (you can kinda see it if you look)
weren't both av scenes in goku? I'd say the ponytail come off either when who's fucking her actually bother to undo it or when she's going through so much that the bow becomes undone, i like that it help her look more like something happened to her.
Takeru sure is the one that went through most shit in the canon storyline and she doesn't even get any immortality curse like the twin, so it doesn't surprise me she changes the most.
hey, i just noticed that Sui's belly also shows in the new sprite =P
maybe it's something Aojiru is starting to like? Or maybe just to show they are younger?


wtf did they do to Yoru? D:
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Ah good call on the seasons.

Yeah Sui looks the most different finally for a change, but damn is she still cute as a button. I missed the belly button too... well if that's a new thing for Aojiru I love it. I hope every single scene gets upgraded with pregnancy like Goku's level... hehe.

OMG, Rinko looks adorable. Where did you get that? I think knee highs would look better though.

The Yoru link doesn't seem to work though? EDIT: I copy and pasted it and he does look weird lol, looks older and bigger.

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