The thing about sjw pushes for change is that they never reflect in sales number, it has been true for games, movies and every other media they tried to infect. The mass of people crying out to make things politically correct are not the same ones who buy the products and I think hentai companies will see that if it ever comes to it. After all they never were "socially accepted" to begin with and the average size of eroge studios is very small (both in budget and staff numbers) so I'm sure they would immediately see where the money are and they don't need to justify their decision to some corporate manager board that thinks 200 people using a hashtag is the end of their brand.
So maybe it's a fool's hope but I don't think eroge are attackable by SJWs, or that they even have an interest in doing so.
btw alchemist, I think i've seen some doujins involving education mothers, usually with the shota they torment =P