Inyouchuu 淫妖蟲 / Aojiru fan thread!

Just noticed today is the last day to reserve the collection for the B2 tapestry, hope I get it! Especially with Golden Week going on over there...

Getchu does have some nice samples of the cover image now. It looks better than I originally thought.

White Rabbit Express is another choice of purchasing items from Japan. I believe they do Pre-Orders as well.
White Rabbit Express is another choice of purchasing items from Japan. I believe they do Pre-Orders as well.
I love them! That's who I've been using since Inyouchuu Goku came out. I'm glad they don't care about adult stuff.

"Thanks for your new order! The tapestry was still available so we went ahead and ordered the item. We will let you know once it arrives with us later in the month."

Got it!

I used ShoppingMallJapan before this and still use them for some auctions, but it's not as user friendly and I did have to pay a small fee up front to open up an account and spending limit. WhiteRabbitExpress is amazing though and I always recommend them to others now. Their shipping speeds have been real fast too from my experience and I always only use the normal shipping options.
Whiterabbit huh? I was gonna buy some doujins this week so i was thinking about who to take, huh
you got a link to them?
mmmuch obliged~

Anyone got experiences with, the service Toranoana's official site plugs? I was thinking of using them since they seem to have an official partnership
That is because Japan is slowly, but steadily realizing money from overseas also matters, and seeing expanding the sale of their products even with a third party to overseas is helping them on the long run.

Now time to wait for when the Japanese start to listen to ideas from foreigners. It's a double edged sword, but certainly they can give a good use to it with the right moves and the right online users.
Tis. I really hope that time never comes. It'll just lead to more nonsense from the SJWs like that stink they made a few years back over the Rapelay game.

Considering how the industry is going, I feel like SJWs already influence it. I just hope Japanese Hentai studio will listen to the fans who wants more hardcore stuff as recent years I feel like many of them are very light hearted... Not much tentacles, revenge or serious plot, or reverse rape type of scenario. Mostly just "boy meet girl go"...
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If they listen to you, it's a plus, if not, well... -shrugs-

Prsonally, I have an idea for a story for an eroge, but I'd pitch the idea to another company. I haven't seen maany ccompanies targeting education moms, since hentai likes to shatter idealistc views... I mean, there's a reason why lolicon, in site of its purity it's a frequent target in H-Works.
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The thing about sjw pushes for change is that they never reflect in sales number, it has been true for games, movies and every other media they tried to infect. The mass of people crying out to make things politically correct are not the same ones who buy the products and I think hentai companies will see that if it ever comes to it. After all they never were "socially accepted" to begin with and the average size of eroge studios is very small (both in budget and staff numbers) so I'm sure they would immediately see where the money are and they don't need to justify their decision to some corporate manager board that thinks 200 people using a hashtag is the end of their brand.
So maybe it's a fool's hope but I don't think eroge are attackable by SJWs, or that they even have an interest in doing so.

btw alchemist, I think i've seen some doujins involving education mothers, usually with the shota they torment =P
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Playing the Yakuza series thesedays and watching some streamers who live stream in Japan, I think I'm optimistic about Japan's future in perversion. Talking about porn/sex over there seems like no big deal, even the women in some of these streams I watch don't hesitate or think it's weird. It's true financially the industry must be tougher thesedays and we don't get tentacle stuff as often... but I think Japan will always keep cooking up these crazy porns and whatnot forever. Bless them! As for SJW's I think they've been eating their own tail lately and will hopefully be something we all look back on in disgust and laugh at about the 2010's.
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The sjw thing is gushing over to japan because its declining in the west and japan tends to get western trends a few years later; but with the way the internet made communication more global, here's hoping that it wont hit as hard in japan because they can see how it turned out westward
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Yikes. I've always liked how anime fans seem to be one of the strongest forces against SJW. I always assumed it was because of Japan's social influences, so if SJW bleeds over there hopefully they realize its errors quickly.

I agree with BoD. Western influences is the last thing I want... almost put some companies like Capcom out of business last gen in gaming. Japan needs to stick to Japan! I think they're kicking ass again in gaming and hope that eroge stays strong.
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.....dumb question but what does "SWJ" mean? I get what the whole conversations is about but i just can't figure out what those letters mean xD
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.....dumb question but what does "SWJ" mean? I get what the whole conversations is about but i just can't figure out what those letters mean xD
social justice warrior

Edit. I feel that even recent God of War game was somewhat victim of SJW cancer. No sex minigames, no nudity and sexy female enemies/NPC. Kratos being more of a tragic hero seeking redemption than just some very angry, merciless dude. New GoW is pretty good single player game, but i personally liked old GoW games more :(
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Hmmm i dont think it was sjwness that caused the GoW guys to go into that direction and more a case of "artiste ego"
you know, as in they want to be seen as serious artists and think they cant have anything juvenile or too game-ish in it
Hence why Kratos cant jump anymore xD
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Hmmm i dont think it was sjwness that caused the GoW guys to go into that direction and more a case of "artiste ego"
you know, as in they want to be seen as serious artists and think they cant have anything juvenile or too game-ish in it
Hence why Kratos cant jump anymore xD
Yeah, partly it is because developers decided to change some stuff. But i think games like old GoW would attract a lot of more SJW criticism now, than back then when they were first released. And I'm sure developers were considering it too while making their decisions.

In GoW 3 if i remember right, you can "rescue" some poor topless girl just to use her as a lever (she dies horribly btw :rolleyes:). I don't think that anyone would dare to do something like that now, especially for mainstream big companies like Sony to publish it. Nowdays i feel that just a few nazi/racist/rape jokes can ruin someone life and career.
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I am not sure, i think the sex mini games were good to go, same wioth the skimpy outfits, because lets be honest that was just fanservice, and bad at that, like a too ecchi manga.......or rather most ecchi mangas.......
The thing about sjw pushes for change is that they never reflect in sales number, it has been true for games, movies and every other media they tried to infect. The mass of people crying out to make things politically correct are not the same ones who buy the products and I think hentai companies will see that if it ever comes to it. After all they never were "socially accepted" to begin with and the average size of eroge studios is very small (both in budget and staff numbers) so I'm sure they would immediately see where the money are and they don't need to justify their decision to some corporate manager board that thinks 200 people using a hashtag is the end of their brand.
So maybe it's a fool's hope but I don't think eroge are attackable by SJWs, or that they even have an interest in doing so.

btw alchemist, I think i've seen some doujins involving education mothers, usually with the shota they torment =P

Yeah, but my idea involves a third party. If you wish I can tell you in PM first.

PS: Pretty good doujin. A shame this is a rare fetish to explore.
In my opinion the new God of War is a "Father and Son Bonding Journey" theme game. Atreus is always with Kratos because Kratos wants to take care of Atreus and won't leave him alone. Therefore if the game adds in element where Kratos can "go in bed" with a women, I think it would defeat the purpose of having them bond or could be a bad influence on Atreus. I feel like the Valkyries or Athena has the most skimpy female clothing in the game but again I think the developer wants Atreus to grow up to be a good boy.

On a side note, having a journeying father go and "get behind the door" with a lady while his son is in close proximity or even tell him to watch or join is more suitable of a idea for hentai or eroge, no?
Stop using logic and common sense to defend new GoW. Old GoW was never about those things :) . It was just some very angry dude chopping of limbs of the gods, having sex with ladies and having epic battles with HUGE monsters with a lot of nasty gory moments.

If developers wanted to add sex scenes/nudity in new GoW they would. They could just separate Kratos from his son for some time. Or even in this game Kratos could easily bed Fraya while his son was sleeping. But no, new GoW is about healing some poor boars and begging (Kratos begging, WTF?:eek:) to heal his son.
Edit. Old Kratos would just fucked her ass until she submitted, or slowly cut her limbs off but never, never Beg :FeelsBadMan:

I do know that I'm like only 5% people who didn't like new GoW and all those changes that much. I just feel we already got a lot of GOTY serious games on PS like Last of Us, Uncharted, Horizon Zero Dawn, Heavy Rain, etc. Old God of War series was filled with a lot of crazy and absurd stuff, unlike all other games, and now its gone :(

Thanks god for Yakuza series with all those crazy stuff (while still retaining amazingly sad and serious main story tone), i hope those series and games from Japan in general would always stay that crazy and awesome :)
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i doubt Kratos cares about being a bad influence on BOY, lol

That being said new GoW Kratos is essentially a different character ("control your anger Boy") lol pot calling Kettle black much? Beside Boy is gonna be fucking horses and plugging Thor's butt while banging his wife in a few years so thats probly

Daddy Kratos didnt work out too well xD

Well the thing with new Kratos is that he evidently had a huge jump in character development but it doesnt feel natural cuz its all offscreen. Same with his care for his dead wife since it never shows how they were together when she was alive

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