Oh yeah, my old laptop was getting to the point that running anything slightly heavy on it would start to burn it out. I had to throttle it a lot before it could handle some stuff, and even then it did so poorly by that point. Sold it to my little sister for cheap now though, since for what she uses it for it should be quite fine.
I have an old netbook that will have a BSOD every 1-1.5 hours if you are connected to the internet
Nice! That is impressive. Mine would just shut down from over-heating if I tried transcoding at full force or something. Now I leave travel computing to my tablet and real computing to my desktop (that I am currently on).
Hmm... my laptop is... fair new in that i bought it this year after my last died... but old in terms of models? xD
i dont have a home pc anymore myself >.> it got a virus and died and i got a laptop instead

love the laptop but i really wish i had a pc too so that i could have an easier time playing games on it >.>

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