KanColle Headquarter!

Well, I just experience silly DMM region error. Changing API link through FireFox and I got slap with a region crap.
Instead of just log-in and start KC for my API. Now I have to go through the long way.

1) Go into DMM.com
2) Put in cookie
3) Go to KC page and click the big red button.
4) Login to account and get region error.
5) Refresh to start with flash browser flickering.
6) API get.

The flash is probably my PC or outdated flash on FireFox. Did they actually revamp the DMM site like King mentioned earlier?
Can anyone recommend me another way to extract API link for KC Viewer? I tried to extract API from KC3Kai and it crash the viewer.
There seems to be a massive cookie region not working for a lot of people today, a lot of error been reported over at the KanColle Wikia and it seems like DMM website is having some issue. Currently if you cannot access to the game using the region method then it is advised that you clear everything and re-enter cookie, then use the direct link to the game: http://www.dmm.com/netgame/social/-/gadgets/=/app_id=854854/

This works for me and I've cleared everything (flash, IE, heck I even set my time to Japan and it slap me with region error page), I really hope they fix this before the start of the event...
Glad to know it is not only me. I was worried about getting banned by trying all sorts of method (logging in and out, refresh spam and etc.) on DMM just for an API link.
She is the reason for a new API link. Best CV and awesome song, deserve a ring.
Mistress #4

My harem
Waifu : Bismarck
Head Mistress : Yamato
Mistress #2 : ???
Mistress #3 : ???
Mistress #4 : Kaga
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I have 5 Reppu and 6 Shiden K2, should I be attempting to craft more? I have a feeling like I should.
I have 5 Reppu and 6 Shiden K2, should I be attempting to craft more? I have a feeling like I should.

Unless they go ultra crazy, the most you will sortie in at a given time will be a max of 4 CV...so why would you need more unless they lock equipment?
See that P.S. :D
So it's going to be pretty hard eh.

I find it more resource exhausting than actually "hard" (thought I do have most of the ships and only 1 missing LSC ship...a lot of them are high level as well)...Hardest part is when easier branching rule use the ships I don't have high level of so I need to go quickly train them, and making use of what ships to reserve for later in the event when they introduced that locked ship mechanics.
It's the VITA version and we have no idea how it plays yet. It's probably a hint that it will have a pretty hard final boss. But still, who takes Gintama seriously? ;)
It's the VITA version and we have no idea how it plays yet. It's probably a hint that it will have a pretty hard final boss. But still, who takes Gintama seriously? ;)

KanColle Kai...is it linked to the original KanColle by any means? And I just learned no more wipes for WoWS...time to grind my NAGATO THEN ONWARD TO MY YAMATO....
What the f... they did a server wipe for WoW? :@ I want back my time spend. If I know there will be wipe I'll probably hold back.

Judging from the screenshots, KC Kai looks pretty inferior to KC. I'll be passing on that.
What the f... they did a server wipe for WoW? :@ I want back my time spend. If I know there will be wipe I'll probably hold back.

Judging from the screenshots, KC Kai looks pretty inferior to KC. I'll be passing on that.

No, I experienced the wipe from CBT to OBT, but there won't be anymore wipe (I thought there will be so I didn't work my way up to my Myoukou/Mogami/Yamato yet. But now I found out they're not going to wipe it, going to work on other ships as well, like American BB/CA, IJN CV and DD.
Unless they go ultra crazy, the most you will sortie in at a given time will be a max of 4 CV...so why would you need more unless they lock equipment?

I wasn't sure, and I wanted to try the hard difficulty this time.
I wasn't sure, and I wanted to try the hard difficulty this time.

Well combined fleet you sortie no more than 4 CV, without combined fleet you sortieing out more then 4 CV is very rare. You can craft up to 16 if you really want but that'll just make your CV nothing more than there to get Air Superiority because they won't be able to attack with all of them green planes.
Who translated that gintama episode? The translation was completely wrong.

Unless it is meant to be some bad idea of parodying the delayed release, in which case it is still a poor translation at best.

Anyway, vitaboats looks like it is aiming to be a somewhat different game from browsergeboats. I like the idea of putting in more management into it, though what will sell will probably not be any of those elements but the more standard vita games otaku pandering via fan service. Particularly judging from how people have been happily recreating boats in the new custom maid game lol.

For those who might be a bit more interested in what happened to the recent DMM website change. It is indeed correct that our recent "Wrong Region" slap was no coincident, DMM page actually now check IP address (but not the game itself) which is why we can still access it via direct link after the cookie method. API is currently not affected by this yet, but if they do IP check for the game then I believe the API links will also be affected from my understanding (so I guess we all revert to crappy free VPN for KanColle?)
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

KDKW knows of us non-JPN players existence while DMM doesn't give a sh*t even though we (those who spend $) supported them.
It would suck if KDKW follow what DMM is doing.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

Eh, the sky is falling. If they really wanted to block foreign players this is a pretty tame way of doing it.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

And yeah, before everything starts to go into sh*t zone. It's time to finally have fun with modding. There's so much I want to change. Especially the 2 Fuksou.

credit to HLK_kidd for render. Well made but sadly, no damage art. The name can be change as well but I rather not dive so deep.




Tip : Anyone prefering Ecchi KC should reverse damage and non-damage arts. :P Your girls in tip top shape when they are chuuha/taiha.
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

You are only changing localside cache for that no, nothing they can do to check it theoretically.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

[MENTION=29996]ecael[/MENTION]; That's good to know. Do you know any other place for them ready made renders? I'm sourcing baidu/weibo atm.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

No clue, I kind of know the process because it came up as a conversation topic once regarding the technicality and difficulty of it. Never considered to actually bother doing it.
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Reactions: FireShark
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

So extreme that even furnitures are mod-able. Why buy (req: fairy coins) when you can just cheat "mod" in the latest furnitures if this is possible?

Example of name changing I mention above.

For Abyssal girls lovers and want them in fleet. It's possible to mod their voice in as well. Stats are no go.

[MENTION=33830]moemoe-kyun[/MENTION]; This will interest you.


With all this, maybe now I can love Kongou back.
They sure can't wait.
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

Wait who's that next to Bisko and Yamato?
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

@Fire 7shi showed me smt like that before ^^. Btw i like Teruzuki fan's art.... if the real one is like that... (´ε` )♡

@Dream you will be fine with that many green aircrafts. Save your bauxite now is more prior.

Wait who's that next to Bisko and Yamato?

1 of hottest girl that everyone want in their fleet :D. I wondered at 1st too. :P
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

Uh, I felt me suddenly mentioned, I may wrong...:reallyconfused:

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Agent_Smith wrote on Nihonjaki90's profile.
thanks for your uploads
do you by any chance happen to have this?
[こどものこえ] 三姉妹の平凡な日常を淡々と描いてみました (みなみけ)

this is the only game i was never able to find free, online
Deladela2000 wrote on Otokonoko's profile.
Is it possible to re-upload this game?