KanColle Headquarter!

Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

I just attempted E-4 with Nagato, Hiei, Kaga, Akagi, Shigure and Shimakaze. BFHJ was a breeze until I ended up at L.

Maybe I should switch Hiei for Mutsu?
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

I just attempted E-4 with Nagato, Hiei, Kaga, Akagi, Shigure and Shimakaze. BFHJ was a breeze until I ended up at L.

Maybe I should switch Hiei for Mutsu?

Ehh, that's mean you don't have enough LOS. Hmm... what's about the equipment on your BB? Do you have a Saiun on your CV?
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

Ehh, that's mean you don't have enough LOS. Hmm... what's about the equipment on your BB? Do you have a Saiun on your CV?

Yes, I fixed that problem and just got my first attempt at the boss node. Didn't manage to get S though. This boss seems to have pretty tough armour.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

Yes, I fixed that problem and just got my first attempt at the boss node. Didn't manage to get S though. This boss seems to have pretty tough armour.

Ok waiting for good new from you.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

Ok waiting for good new from you.

This is looking encouraging; I have reduced the HP bar by just a little under 1/3. But I have yet to obtain a an S result from the battle. Hopefully I will be able to with support expedition once I reduce the HP bar down far enough. Fuel resource is still pretty tight due to having to repair ships though. Don't think I will be able to farm E-1 simultaneously.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

This is looking encouraging; I have reduced the HP bar by just a little under 1/3. But I have yet to obtain a an S result from the battle. Hopefully I will be able to with support expedition once I reduce the HP bar down far enough. Fuel resource is still pretty tight due to having to repair ships though. Don't think I will be able to farm E-1 simultaneously.

That's quick ^^. Just go exactly 6 runs. The 7th run will be the last and you will need support expedition for that run.
I think you should stop farming E-1 for a day to focus on E-4. If you have enough SS, you can go to 2-3 to farm fuel while waiting the main fleet being repaired.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage


I had two kinds of fleets make a sortie alternately for E-4 easy.
(For the repair and the rest. )
It's all right also in one fleet if you may use buckets.

4CA+2DD (route: B-D-G-I-K)
fleet B:
CLT+CL+4DD (route: E-H-I-K)
Support fleet (for Boss only): 2CVL+2DD

The A fleet can defeat a boss by S-victory.
The B fleet can beat a boss by A-victory.
Because this constitution doesn't use BB or CV, it uses only some resources.

Equipment fleet A/B
CA1 and CA2: 20.3cm(no.3) or 20.3cm*2, Type 3 Shell, Type13 Air RADAR
CA3 and CA4: 20.3cm*2, Type 0 Recon Seaplane, Type21 Air RADAR
(I have only two Type13 radars.)
CLT: 15.5cm Triple(Secondary)*2, Type A Ko-hyoteki
CL: 15.5cm Triple(Main), Type13 Air RADAR, Type 0 Recon Seaplane
DD: 10cm Twin High-angle, 12.7cm Twin Mount Type-B Kai 2, 61cm Quad O2 Torpedo, 61cm Quint O2 Torpedo, 12cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher, Type22 Surface RADAR (changes by type of the ship) (radar only as for the B fleet)
(I don't have Anti-Aircraft Fire Director)

Equipment support fleet
CVL: Suisei-12A or Suisei*3, Saiun
DD: 10cm Twin High-angle or 12.7cm Twin Gun*3

By this configuration, I was able to clear it by sorties seven times.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

I just attempted E-4 with Nagato, Hiei, Kaga, Akagi, Shigure and Shimakaze. BFHJ was a breeze until I ended up at L.

Maybe I should switch Hiei for Mutsu?

Provided you have enough LoS requirement. For Hard it was 47 ELoS.


I'll leave it here for you to see how you can calculate ELoS. Shouldn't be a problem if you have Akagi with a Saiun, the BB all with Recon, maybe one DD should switch to Radar + 2x Quad Oxy. If you have searchlight, stick that to a DD as well.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

Progress update:

I should be able to clear E-4 in time. Just got my first S thanks to Shimakaze's cut-in.


Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

Progress update:

I should be able to clear E-4 in time. Just got my first S thanks to Shimakaze's cut-in.



Congratz on getting Zuikaku xD
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

I-19 appeared successively three times... :(

E-1(easy): walk around in the park
E-2(hard): triathlon
E-3(medium): full marathon
E-4(easy): jogging
E-5(easy): half marathon


/me dug the pitfall in front of pichu.

[EDIT] /me met Zuikaku afterwards, too.
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

E-5 is gaying me hard...
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

I-19 appeared successively three times... :(

E-1(easy): walk around in the park
E-2(hard): triathlon
E-3(medium): full marathon
E-4(easy): jogging
E-5(easy): half marathon

/me dug the pitfall in front of pichu.

[EDIT] /me met Zuikaku afterwards, too.

Oho, so you want to play this game? Here's a hole for every ship you have that I don't but I want.

> Tanikaze :spiraldown:

> Akigumo :spiraldown::spiraldown:

> Asagumo :spiraldown::spiraldown::spiraldown:

> Tokitsukaze :spiraldown::spiraldown::spiraldown::spiraldown:


EDIT: I can't sink the boss; no cut-ins/DDs go red before entering night battle. Tried an aerial support expedition but that didn't really help much. What to do what to do fuel is low and time is tight

Should I try changing fleet composition?
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

EDIT: I can't sink the boss; no cut-ins/DDs go red before entering night battle. Tried an aerial support expedition but that didn't really help much. What to do what to do fuel is low and time is tight

Should I try changing fleet composition?

I do not have aerial cut-in equipment at all. But were able to sink E-4 boss on easy.
Try to get Air Superiority. And support shelling expidition is good too. With luck it can kill several enemy ships. The point is to focus your girls on the boss.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

I do not have aerial cut-in equipment at all. But were able to sink E-4 boss on easy.
Try to get Air Superiority. And support shelling expidition is good too. With luck it can kill several enemy ships. The point is to focus your girls on the boss.

Shelling would be red planes right
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

I used support with 2BB, 2CA and 2DD. Always sinks 2-4 enemies, but huge waste of fuel.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

EDIT: I can't sink the boss; no cut-ins/DDs go red before entering night battle. Tried an aerial support expedition but that didn't really help much. What to do what to do fuel is low and time is tight

Should I try changing fleet composition?

Depends what equipment you're running on your CV, if you're able to reach boss with the composition already then I would say stick to it, changing now won't guarantee you reaching boss node again, so you need to try all over again to see what send you to boss or not, it could also end up in a different route that you have trouble reaching boss with.

Shelling would be red planes right

Whether they do shelling/air support/torpedo support does not depend on the equipment you have. Torpedo is basically useless so no point considering it right now, Air support is basically if you have 2 DD 3+ CV(L) then it will do air support. Air support is great if you have a large amount of trash mob that needs taken out (generally one with low hp like DD and such) but they're generally ineffective against higher hp enemy as air support generally just doesn't focus on any target. Shelling just means anything that doesn't meet the Torpedo or Air Support Criteria will provide shelling support. Now that's when the red planes come in. Suiusei 12A x4 on a fully modernized Kaga will provide around 208 FP, and because Shelling support is pretty much purely dependent on FP, that's why people go red plane for support expedition (I don't even have a single 12A but I do however have a lot of other rare planes), however do note that blue also get scaled, I think only Green/Yellow doesn't actually do anything in terms of scaling with support expedition. However do note that Air Support is also effected by enemy AA stats, so in this case, your Air support is probably not doing much when it is being shot down by the enemy due to a decently high AA in E4.

If you do wish to read more in detail in regards to support expedition, here is the link: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Expedition

Yep, divebombers for CV. And no more than 2 CV in fleet.

Please note that both Blue and Red scales, however red scales 2.0 and blue scales 1.5, which is why people might not use Blue if they have 12A. However if you happen to have good 4/5 star blue, they also do the trick.

I used support with 2BB, 2CA and 2DD. Always sinks 2-4 enemies, but huge waste of fuel.

That's really lucky o.O You'll be surprised if you tried Hard Mode that your support expedition won't even sink anything at all. However if they do, and when they actually hit the right target then they're really useful. But I won't quote on "Always sink 2-4 enemies" as this is very misleading, as much as shelling support do generally hit at least something when they arrive, the chance of them hitting depends on your morale, heck I once send a full 2BB 2CV 2DD (that's one of the most used set up at the moment if you have good planes) support expedition fully sparkled and they didn't even manage to sink anything at E5 Final Boss node. (though it did decent damage, it is actually sinking ships that counts, because therefore you've more chance of your Kanmusus hitting the right target then.)
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

That's really lucky o.O You'll be surprised if you tried Hard Mode that your support expedition won't even sink anything at all. However if they do, and when they actually hit the right target then they're really useful. But I won't quote on "Always sink 2-4 enemies" as this is very misleading, as much as shelling support do generally hit at least something when they arrive, the chance of them hitting depends on your morale, heck I once send a full 2BB 2CV 2DD (that's one of the most used set up at the moment if you have good planes) support expedition fully sparkled and they didn't even manage to sink anything at E5 Final Boss node. (though it did decent damage, it is actually sinking ships that counts, because therefore you've more chance of your Kanmusus hitting the right target then.)
Well you did play on hard.
I always sparkled my ships since I couldnt afford too many sorties and I tried with the aerial support also, which was considerably less helpful in my case.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

EDIT: I can't sink the boss; no cut-ins/DDs go red before entering night battle. Tried an aerial support expedition but that didn't really help much. What to do what to do fuel is low and time is tight

Should I try changing fleet composition?

hmm... You should become slightly calm. When we don't understand the details of your fleet, none of us can do appropriate advice.

My jogging fleet for E-4(easy) lol

4CA+2DD (route: B-D-G-I-K)
Haguro 61: 20.3cm(no.3)+20.3cm+Type 3 Shell+Type 32 Surface RADAR
Ashigara 45: 20.3cm*2+Type 3 Shell+Type13 Air RADAR
Atago 30 or Myoukou 30: 20.3cm*2+12cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher+Type13 Air RADAR
Maya 29: 20.3cm*2+Type 0 Recon Seaplane+Type21 Air RADAR
Yukikaze 58 and Shimakaze 51: 61cm Quad O2 Torpedo+61cm Quint O2 Torpedo+10cm Twin High-angle

Support fleet (for Boss): 2CVL+2DD
Chitose 52 and Chiyoda 51: Suisei-12A or Suisei*3+Saiun
Shigure 63: 10cm Twin High-angle*2+Type 22 Surface RADAR
Yuudachi 60: 12.7cm Twin Mount Type-B Kai 2+10cm Twin High-angle+Type 22 Surface RADAR
[note] The flagship makes "kira"(sparkle) state by all means.

S-victory 90% or A-victory 10% for Boss
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

I tried using AB's 4CA 2DD fleet.

Maya 55: 20.3cm, Type 22 Air Radar, x2 61cm Quad O2 Torpedo
Furutaka 51: x2 20.3cm, Type 32 Surface Radar, 61cm Quad O2 Torpedo
Kako 51: 20.3cm, Type 22 Surface Radar, x2 61cm Quad O2 Torpedo
Tone 51: 20.3cm, Type 0 Recon Seaplane, x2 61cm Quad O2 Torpedo
Shimakaze 55: x2 61cm Quad O2 Torpedo, 61cm Quint O2 Torpedo
Shigure 51: x2 61cm Quad O2 Torpedo, 61cm Quint O2 Torpedo

I've tried this fleet twice already plus an aerial support expedition (2DD, 4CVL). In the end I manage to sink all ships but the boss (again). Could anyone recommend any changes to make? Perhaps I should try bringing in BBs for support expedition instead? Or can I only rely on luck for sufficient cut-ins?
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

I tried using AB's 4CA 2DD fleet.

Maya 55: 20.3cm, Type 22 Air Radar, x2 61cm Quad O2 Torpedo
Furutaka 51: x2 20.3cm, Type 32 Surface Radar, 61cm Quad O2 Torpedo
Kako 51: 20.3cm, Type 22 Surface Radar, x2 61cm Quad O2 Torpedo
Tone 51: 20.3cm, Type 0 Recon Seaplane, x2 61cm Quad O2 Torpedo
Shimakaze 55: x2 61cm Quad O2 Torpedo, 61cm Quint O2 Torpedo
Shigure 51: x2 61cm Quad O2 Torpedo, 61cm Quint O2 Torpedo

I've tried this fleet twice already plus an aerial support expedition (2DD, 4CVL). In the end I manage to sink all ships but the boss (again). Could anyone recommend any changes to make? Perhaps I should try bringing in BBs for support expedition instead? Or can I only rely on luck for sufficient cut-ins?

hmm... I have three questions.

1) Why do you use Aerial Support fleet?
As for the effect of the support fleet, Support Shelling is more effective.

2) Why do you give CA a torpedo?
As for the cruiser, the consecutive bombardment of the main Cannon is stronger than torpedo cut in. The torpedo cut in is a tactics of DD.

3) Furutaka and Kako are weak CA. You should switch to other ships if possible.

Because I have errand, I leave. good luck! :bye:
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

[MENTION=67840]pichu655889[/MENTION]; I agree with King that you shouldn't change your combination, but you changed and still meet boss. It's ok because to sink the boss, it's the matter of DD cut-in in night battle. A DD can do 200 damage to boss with a single cut-in in night. If you don't have night battle equipment, all depend on luck. As me now, i have 2 AP shell equipped on 2 BB for cut-in 150% but since i don't have night battle equipment, killing E-4 boss is still hard, about 2/6~7 runs (without support expedition).

My personal opinion: I don't think your 2nd combination ( with 4 CA + 2 DD ) has greater fire power than the 1st one. Nagato is very deadly even in day battle if you have AS, she easily do cut-in or DA.
If i recall correctly, you have a reppuu 601. Depending on your planes, getting air superiority is not that hard. For example if you have 3 shiden kai2 + reppuu 601, you can equip the reppuu in Kaga slot 46, 2 other in Kaga slot 20 and 12, the last one in Akagi slot 32. The total fighter power = 73+39+30+50 = 192 ---> getting air superiority. Air superiority also have chance to shot down the number of planes of the aircraft carrier hime which will decrease her damage ---> your ships have more chance to survival in day time shelling.
Your 2nd combination ignore aerial combat. It's great if you have anti air cut-in.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

Ok, Kancolle works at my home. This is good. But I already do not have time to finish E-5. Because I just scratched boss and lost 2 days when could not connect to Kancolle.

This is sad that I will not get Amagi. But I have a bunch of cute kanmusus that I need to level up. And craft equipment, and try LCS. So I will have a lot of fun to prepare fully for the next event :chuuni_notbad:
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

ok, sunk E-5 boss three times and got her to 56HP once. I don't have much time left. pre-boss node is super gay. :/

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